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1、1数据纵览 考情分析2 数据链接 真题试做a3 数据透视 知识清单第11课时八年级(下)Units 12 目录4 数据共享 考点聚焦第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考情分析返回主目录20122021年河北中考命题对应单元话题分析 题型 年份 完形填空阅读理解任务型阅读词语运用书面表达2022预测根据近年河北中考真题卷分析,本课时中的两个话题“健康”与“慈善”是河北中考命题的热点。预计健康话题在听力对话或书面表达中会有所体现;而“慈善与助人”可能会出现在任务型阅读与词语运用中202020212019 数据总览 考情分析1 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考情分析返回主目录 题型年

2、份 完形填空阅读理解任务型阅读词语运用书面表达2018志愿者活动(对应话题:做志愿者热心助人(对应话题:助人)20172016食品安全(对应话题:健康)2015 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考情分析返回主目录 题型年份 完形填空阅读理解任务型阅读词语运用书面表达2014助人从小事做起(对应话题:助人)20122013第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12真题试做返回主目录一、单项选择1. (2021张家口一模)Believe in yourself and you are sure to make a _. A. messB. faceC. mistakeD. differenc

3、e2. (2021石家庄一模) Jack doesnt want to give up smoking though I have persuaded him many times. He wont know the _ of health until he loses it. A. decision B. importance C. purpose D. promise 数据连接 真题试做2 DB第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12真题试做返回主目录3. The girl is old enough to look after _. A. myselfB. herself C. hims

4、elfD. yourself4. (2021承德平泉一模)What a _ boy! He worked out such a difficult math problem. A. strongB. kind C. lazy D. cleverBD第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12真题试做返回主目录5. (2021 保定竞秀区一模)Mike has lots of _ in dealing with these problems. Go and ask him for help. A. courageB. trouble C. confidence D. experience6. (20

5、21唐山路南区一模)The old man _ most his money to poor students. A. gave upB. gave away C. gave backD. gave inBD第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12真题试做返回主目录7. (2021石家庄新华区一模)Our hometown _ a lot, and it is becoming more beautiful now. A. will changeB. changed C. was changingD. has changed8. (2021河北九地市联考一模)By the end of 202

6、5, garbage-sorting systems (垃圾分类系统) will be _ in Dongying. A. set upB. given up C. shut offD. brought outAD第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12真题试做返回主目录9. (2021石家庄模拟)Billy really _ his father. They both have blonde hair and blue eyes. A. feels likeB. looks after C. takes afterD. cares about10. (2021石家庄28中一模)Could y

7、ou tell me _? A. whats wrongB. how did he get there C. what is thisD. what wrong isCA第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12真题试做返回主目录 二、词语运用11. (2021河北九地市联考一模)After the exam, we would enjoy _ (we) winter holidays. 12. (2021承德平泉一模)Friendship and _ (kind) go hand in hand. 13. (2021邯郸育华中学一模)One day, Henry went to see the

8、 doctor because he had a terrible _ (stomach). 14. (2021秦皇岛海港区一模)He decided to give up_ (smoke). ourkindnessstomachache smoking第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12真题试做返回主目录 15. (2021河北省名校联考二模)The old man had difficulty _ (hear) things.三、连词成句16. (2021河北九地市联考一模)please, me, water, a glass of, pass _. Please pass me a

9、glass of waterhearing第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12真题试做返回主目录 17. (2021河北模拟统考)with, the, what, matter, is, you _?18. (2021河北模拟统考)we, hands, carefully, should, our, wash _. We should wash our hands carefullyWhat is the matter with you第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12真题试做返回主目录19. (2021石家庄四区联考)are, so, you, today, why, excite

10、d _? 20. (2021石家庄28中一模)you, get to, do, how, the, station, to, know _? Do you know how to get to the stationWhy are you so excited today第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录核心词汇英汉互译1. _ n. 问题;事情 2. stomach n. _ 3. _ n. & v. 咳嗽 4. _ n. 牙痛 5. passenger n. _ 6. trouble n. _ 7. _ v. 呼吸 8. _ n. & v. 危险;风险;冒险 9.

11、accident n. _ 10. _ n. 情况;状况 11. importance n. _ 12. _ n. 决定13. _ n. & v. 限制;管理 14. sign n. _ 15. cheer v. _ 16. _n. 志愿者 数据透视 知识清单 3 matter toothache cough 重要性breathe (交通)事故;意外遭遇 volunteer欢呼;喝彩胃;腹部 乘客;旅客 问题;苦恼 标志;信号 risk situation decision control 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录核心词汇英汉互译17. _ n. 通知v. 注

12、意到 18. lonely adj. _ 19. _ pron. 几个;一些 20. _ n. 感觉;感触 21. raise v._ 22. bored adj. _ 23. _ v. 想象;设想 24. _ n. 困难;难题 25. _ v. 拿;扛;提 26. train v. _ 27. kindness n. _ 28. clever adj. _ 29. _ v. 理解;领会 30. _ n. & v. 变化;改变 孤独的;寂寞的notice several 无聊的 feeling imagine carryunderstand difficulty募集;征集聪明的change训练

13、 仁慈;善良第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录核心词汇词汇拓展1. stomach(n.) _ (n.)肚子痛;胃痛 2. foot(n.) _ (pl.)脚;足 3. lie(v.) _ (过去式)_ (过去分词)躺 4. tooth(n.) _ (n.)牙痛 5. head(n.)_ (n.)头痛 6. hurt(v.) _ (过去式/过去分词)(使)疼痛;受伤 7. hit(v.) _ (过去式/过去分词) _ (现在分词)(用手或 器具)击;打 8. she(pron.) _ (反身代词)她自己 stomachache feet lay toothache he

14、adachehurthitlainhittingherself 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录核心词汇词汇拓展9. we(pron.) _ (反身代词)我们自己 10. breath(n.) _ (v.)呼吸 11. climb(v.) _ (n.) 登山者;攀登者 12. knife(n.) _ (pl.)刀 13. mean(v.) _ (n.)意义 _(adj.)有意义的 14. important(adj.) _ (n.)重要性;重要 15. decide(v.) _ (n.)决定 16. feel(v.) _ (过去式/过去分词)感受;觉得 _ (n.)感

15、 觉;感触 ourselves breathe climber meaning meaningfulimportanceknivesdecisionfeltfeeling第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录核心词汇词汇拓展17. satisfy(v.) _ (n.)满足;满意 _ (adj.)满意的;满 足的;欣慰的 _ (adj.)令人满意的;够好的;可以的 18. own(v.) _ (n.)物主;主人 19. able(adj.) _ (n.)能力;才能 _ (adj.)丧失能力的; 有残疾的 20. imagine(v.) _ (n.)想象力;想象 21. dif

16、ficult(adj.) _ (n.)困难 22. train(v.) _ (n.)训练;培训 _ (n.)教练员 23. kind(adj.) _ (n.)仁慈;善良 24. understand(v.) _ (过去式/过去分词)理解;领会 satisfaction satisfied satisfactory ability disabledimaginationownerdifficultytrainingtrainer kindnessunderstood第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录高频短语1. 感冒 _ 2. 胃痛 _ 3. 躺下 _ 4. 量体温 _

17、5. 发烧 _ 6. 休息 _7. 下车 _ 8. 使惊讶;出乎意_ 9. 立即;马上 _ 10. 陷入;参与 _ 11. 习惯于 _ 12. 冒险 _ 13. 用尽;耗尽_ 14. 切除 _15. 离开;从出来 _ 16. 掌管;管理 _17. 放弃 _ 18. 打扫(或清除)干净 _ have a cold have a stomachachelie down take ones temperaturehave a fevertake breaks/take a break /have a restget off get into right away to ones surprise b

18、e/get used torun out (of)cut off take risks/take a risk get out of be in control of give up clean up第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录高频短语19. 变得高兴;振奋起来 _20. 分发;散发 _ 21. 想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等) _ 22. 推迟 _ 23. 分发 _ 24. 打电话给(某人);征召 _ 25. 曾经;过去 _ 26. 照顾;非常喜欢 _27. 参加选拔;试用 _ 28. 修理;装饰 _ 29. 赠送;捐赠 _ 30. (外貌或行为)像 _ 31.

19、 建立 _32. 影响;有作用 _33. 筹钱 _ 34. 自愿去做某事 _ cheer upgive outcome up withcall up put off hardly ever care for used totry out give away fix uptake afterraise money set upmake a differencevolunteer to do第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录重点句型1. Whats the _? I _ _ _. 怎么了?我肚子疼。2. It doesnt_ _ you _ _ _. 你看起来不像是发烧了。

20、3. I think you should _ _and rest. 我认为你应该躺下来休息。 4. If your head and neck still _ tomorrow, then _ _ _ _ _. 如果明天你的头和脖子仍然疼的话,就去看医生吧。 matter sound like have fever a lie downhurt have a stomachache gotoseedoctor a 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录重点句型5. A woman _ _ him was _ _ _. 他旁边的女子正在大声呼救。6. He _ _ and

21、asked the woman what _. 他下车询问那个女人发生了什么。7. He _ most or all of the _ to _ _ and _ _ the next bus. 他期望大部分或全部乘客能下车等下一辆公交车。8. But _ _ _, they all agreed _ _ with him. 但是令他惊讶的是,他们都同意和他一起去。 passengers next shouting foroffhelpgotexpectedhappenedto get offwaitfortohissurprisetogo第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目

22、录重点句型9. It is sad that many people dont want to_ _because they dont want _ _. 许多人不想帮助别人是因为他们不想惹上任何麻烦,这是让人心寒的。10. Aron Ralston is an American man_ _ _ _ mountain climbing. 阿伦罗尔斯顿是一名对登山感兴趣的美国人。11. _ a mountain climber, he_ _ _ _ _. 作为一名登山者,他习惯于冒险。 help any whoinisinterested Asothers istroubleusedtotak

23、erisks第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录重点句型12. But when his water _ _, he knew that he would have to do something to_ _ _ _. 但是当他的水用完的时候,他知道他将不得不做些事情来挽救他自己的生命。13. So he used his knife to _ _ half his right arm. 所以他用刀子切断了他的半条右手臂。14. I hope _ _ outside. 我希望能出去工作。15. You could help to _ _the city parks. 你可

24、以帮助打扫城市公园。 save cuthislifeown offran tooutwork cleanup第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录重点句型16. We cant _ _ _a plan. 我们不能推迟制订计划。17. In this book, Aron tells of the _ _ _good_, and of being _ _ _ones life. 在这本书里,阿伦讲述了做出好的决定以及掌控自己生命的重要性。18. The girl could visit the _ kids in the hospital to_ them _. 那个女孩可以

25、去医院看望生病的孩子,使他们振作起来。19. The boy could _ _ food at the food bank. 那个男孩可以在食物赈济处发放食物。 making inimportancedecisionsofcontrolput of offsick cheermakingupgiveout第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录重点句型20. We could each _ _10 students and ask them _ _. 我们可以每个人给10个同学打电话,让他们来。21. They_ me stories _ the past and how

26、things _ _ _. 他们告诉我关于过去的故事以及事物过去是怎样的。22. I get _ _ _ _of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of _ on their owners faces. 当我看到动物们(病情)渐好,看到它们主人脸上高兴的表情时,我得到一种强 烈的满足感。 come abouta told to usedcall to upbe suchstrong joy feeling第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录重点句型23. I _ _ my mother.

27、 我长得像我妈妈。24. Im sure you know that the group was_ _to help _ people _ me. 我确定你知道这个团体是为帮助像我一样的残疾人而设立的。25. Lucy_ _ _ _to my life. 露西对我的生活产生了很大的影响。 up makessetlikedisabled aafter big takedifference 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12知识清单返回主目录语法1. 情态动词should、shouldnt、could的用法2. 反身代词3. 不定式的用法4. 动词短语话题Unit 1 Health and

28、first aid(健康与急救)Unit 2 Volunteering and charity(志愿服务与慈善)第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录数据共享 考点聚焦考点 辨析rise与raise形容词考点 辨析alone与lonely考点 辨析run out与run out of考点 lie的用法考点 mean的用法考点 imagine的用法考点 Whats the matter with . ?二三四七六五一第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录辨析rise与raise形容词 考点一【学法方法点拨】 数据共享 考点聚焦 4 单词用法例句r

29、ise不及物动词,无被动语态,指事物本身可以升高。其常见含义有“上升;增加;起床;反抗;复活”,rise作为动词使用时,其典型主语为price、sun、temperature、cost、tension、employment等The sun rose at 6:10 this morning. 今天早上太阳在六点十分升起。第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录单词用法例句 rise by意为“上升了”;rise to 意为“上升到”The river has risen by one meter after the heavy rain. 大雨过后河水涨了1米。Th

30、e price of the eggs has risen to 10 yuan a kilo. 鸡蛋的价格已经涨到了每千克十元。raise及物动词,可用于被动语态,意为“上升,举起”,指人为地让物体升高He raised his hand and asked the teacher a question. 他举起手向老师提了一个问题。第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录单词用法例句意为“筹集” They raise money for homeless people. 他们为无家可归的人筹钱。意为“饲养”My grandma raises several he

31、ns. 我奶奶饲养着几只母鸡。 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录【考点考法强化】1. (原创)Tony _ his hand to answer the teachers question. A. roseB. raisedC. riseD. raise2. (原创)The next thing he saw was smoke _ from behind the house. A. riseB. roseC. risingD. risenBC第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录3. (原创)The teacher told

32、us that the sun _ in the east. A. risesB. riseC. roseD. rising4. (原创)“ Early to bed and early to _.” is a good habit. It helps us keep healthy. A. raise B. riseC. praiseD. provide5. (原创)The organization _ money for the poor children. A. roseB. riseC. raiseD. raisesABD第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子

33、目录6. (原创)They want to hold a concert to _ money to help children in the mountain. A. riseB. raiseC. roseD. raised7. (原创)The price of pork _ a lot recently. A. riseB. roseC. risingD. has risenBD第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录辨析alone与lonely考点二【学法方法点拨】单词用法例句alone作形容词,意为“单独的”,只作表语,不能作定语,侧重说明独自一人,没有感情

34、色彩Youre not alone. Ill be with you all the time. 你不是独自一人。我会一直陪着你。作副词,意为“单独地;独自地”, leave sb. alone意为“把某人单独留下”I finished the work alone. 我独自完成了这项工作。第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录短语用法例句lonely意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,有感情色彩,可作表语Everyone should eat healthily to have a strong body. 每个人都应该吃得健康,这样才能拥有强壮的身体。作

35、定语时,意为“荒凉的;偏僻的”,多修饰表示地点的名词There is a lonely village among the mountains. 在群山之间有一个偏僻的村庄。第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录【考点考法强化】1. (原创) I prefer to stay _ rather than join them. A. lonelyB. aloneC. loneD. out2. (原创) What do you think of the fresh student,Wang Ming in our class? He always does every

36、thing _. So I guess he must feel very _. A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonelyC. alone; lonelyD. lonely; aloneBC第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录3. (2021河北九地市联考一模)A person will never feel _ if he likes reading, even though he lives _. A. alone; lonelB. lonely; alone C. lonely; lonelyD. alone; alone4. (原

37、创)He has _ few friends that he often feels _ . A. such; lonelyB. such; alone C. so; lonelyD. so; aloneCB第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录辨析run out与run out of 考点三短语用法例句runout意为“用尽”,主语一般是物,相当于be used upThe energy from the sun will never run out. 太阳能是用之不竭的。runoutof是及物词组,意为“用尽”,主语一般是人,相当于use upWe ran o

38、ut of coal, so we had to burn wood. 我们用光了煤,所以我们必须烧柴。【学法方法点拨】第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录【考点考法强化】1. (原创)The food and water will _ in two days. A. put outB. sell out C. send outD. run out2. (原创) Im sure Bill will _ money in three months. I cant agree more. A. run outB. run out of C. be run out o

39、f D. runDB第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录3. (原创) Have we _ water? Yes, our water _. Wed better get some. A. run out of; run out B. run out of; has run out C. run out; has run out D. run out; ran outB 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录lie的用法 考点四 【学法方法点拨】lie用作动词,意为“躺;撒谎”,具体用法如下:1. 作“说谎”讲时,其动词变化形式为:

40、lieliedliedlying。He lied about his age to join the army. 他为了参军谎报了年龄。2. 作“躺”讲时,其动词变化形式为:lielaylainlying。She was tired and lay down on her bed. 她累了,躺在了床上。lie用作名词时,意为“谎言”。Thats just a white lie. 那只是一个善意的谎言。 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录【拓展】lay意为“安放,下(蛋)”,其过去式和过去分词都是laid。He quickly laid out her fav

41、orite food. 他迅速地摆放出她最爱的食物。The hen is laying an egg. 母鸡在下蛋。 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录【考点考法强化】1. (2021邯郸复兴区一模) On my way to school I saw a dog _ on the road. Maybe a car hit it. What a poor thing. A. lieB. liesC. layD. lying2. (原创)The hen has _ more than 100 eggs so far. A. layB. lainC. laidD

42、. layingCD 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录3. (原创)I told a _ this morning, but I regret doing that now. A. lieB. layC. lainD. lying4. (原创)David said he had never been there, but he _. A. layB. lieC. has liedD. was lying5. (原创)To avoid being punished,the boy told a _ to his parents. A. lieB. jokeC.

43、 storyD. poemADA 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录6. (2021 保定莲池区二模)Julia helped her mother _ the knives and forks at the table before dinner. A. go outB. give outC. put upD. lay outD第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录mean的用法考点五【学法方法点拨】mean可用作动词和形容词,具体用法如下:1. mean作动词时,意为“意思是”。What does this word mean

44、? 这个单词的意思是什么?mean to do意为“打算或想做某事”。I didnt mean to hurt you. 我不是有意伤害你的。mean doing意为“意味着做某事”。第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录Missing the train means waiting for another hour. 错过这趟列车意味着要再等一个小时。2. mean 还可作形容词,意为“吝啬的;自私的”。This is a mean man. 这是一个吝啬的男人。【拓展】meaning是mean的名词形式,意为“意思;意义”。Whats the meaning

45、of the sentence?=What does this sentence mean?这句话是什么意思?第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录【考点考法强化】1. (原创) Sorry, Cindy. I didnt mean _ you, but actually I did. Forget it, but dont do that again. A. hurt B. hurting C. to hurtD. to hurtingC 第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录2. (2021河北省中考模拟经典一) What doe

46、s he _ by saying that to me? I think he is angry with you. A. explainB. realize C. meanD. imagine3. (原创) I didnt mean _ her. But talking like that means _ her. A. to hurt; hurtingB. hurting; to hurt C. to hurt; to hurtD. hurting; hurtingCA第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录imagine的用法 考点六【学法方法点拨】imagi

47、ne用作动词,意为“想象;想到”,其具体用法如下:1. imagine 后接名词或代词作宾语Can you imagine life without electricity?你能想象没有电的生活吗?2. imagine 后接动名词(短语)作宾语Imagine being twenty years younger, what would you do?想象你再年轻二十岁,你会做什么?第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录 3. imagine+sb. (+to be)+形容词Just imagine yourself (to be) rich and famous.

48、 想象一下你富有且有名的情形。4. imagine + 宾语从句You cant imagine how I miss my hometown. 你无法想象我有多么想念我的故乡。第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录【拓展】imagine的名词形式为imaginationAs a great artist, he has rich imagination. 作为一个伟大的艺术家,他有丰富的想象力。第11课时 八年级(下)Units 12考点聚焦返回主目录返回子目录【考点考法强化】1. (2021 保定第十三中学一模)You cant _ how excited we were when Miss Black agreed to take a trip with us. A. imagineB. expectC. chooseD. notice2. (原创)Can you imagine _ a scientist? A. beB. to beC. areD. beingDA第11课时 八年级(下)Units 1


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