2022届高考英语二轮复习:作文 如何介绍一位诗人学案(含答案)_第1页
2022届高考英语二轮复习:作文 如何介绍一位诗人学案(含答案)_第2页
2022届高考英语二轮复习:作文 如何介绍一位诗人学案(含答案)_第3页
2022届高考英语二轮复习:作文 如何介绍一位诗人学案(含答案)_第4页




1、如何介绍一位诗人写作任务假定你是李华,某英文杂志的“Famous Poets in China”专栏正在面向中学生征文。请根据表格所给信息提示写一篇短文,介绍中国著名诗人杜甫并投稿。基本信息杜甫生于 712 年,卒于 770 年,被尊称为“诗圣”(the Sage of Poetry)。作品特点及代表作1. 杜甫一生写下了 1,500 多首诗,这些诗充满了热爱祖国、热爱人民的情感,深刻地反映了当时的社会面貌,被后人公认为“诗史”(history of poetry);2. 代表作有春望(Spring View)和登高(On the Height)等,作品集为杜工部集(The Collectio

2、n of Du Gongbu)。评价中国文学史上伟大的现实主义诗人,为中国文学做出了巨大的贡献。注意:1. 词数 100 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_写作指导一、审题定调本写作任务要求介绍一位诗人,属于记叙文的范畴。介绍诗人主要从其身份、生卒年份、生平经历、成就和贡献等方面展开。在写作时,人称应以第三人称为主;描述诗人生平时,时态以一般过去时为主。二、谋篇布局针对本篇写作任务,我们可以列出以下提纲:第一部分:介绍诗人的基本信息(包括诗人的生卒年份、身份等);第二部分:具体介绍诗人(包括其经典作品、作品特色及主要贡献等);第三部分:总结全文(对诗人进行简要评价)。三、组织语言第

3、一部分:介绍诗人的基本信息(包括诗人的生卒年份、身份等)。普通 ., who was known as ., was a famous Chinese poet of the . Dynasty.表达 He was born in . and died in .高级 Born in . and passing away in .,表达 ., who was honoured as ., was a well-known Chinese poet of the . Dynasty.第二部分:具体介绍诗人(包括其经典作品、作品特色及主要贡献等)。 He wrote more than . poem

4、s in his lifetime and the poems were full of love for thecountry and people.普通 His poems deeply reflected the social situation of that time and were believed to表达 be . His outstanding works, including . and ., are still popular now. Most of the poemsare included in .高级 During his lifetime, he create

5、d more than . poems, which were filled with passion表达 for his motherland and people. Profoundly reflecting the social situation of that time, his poems were regarded as . Among many marvelous (了不起的) works, . and . are the most representative(有代表性的) ones, which, together with other poems, were collec

6、ted in .第三部分:总结全文(对诗人进行简要评价)。普通 . is regarded as one of the greatest realistic poets in the history of Chinese literature.表达 We will remember him forever.高级 Considered as one of the greatest realistic poets in the history of Chinese literature, .表达 will undoubtedly live on in peoples minds and heart

7、s forever.【范文展示】普通范文Du Fu, who was known as “the Sage of Poetry”, was a famous Chinese poet of the TangDynasty. He was born in 712 and died in 770.He wrote more than 1,500 poems in his lifetime and the poems were full of love for thecountry and people. His poems deeply reflected the social situation

8、 of that time and were believedto be “history of poetry” by later generations. His outstanding works, including Spring View andOn the Height, are still popular now. Most of the poems are included in The Collection of DuGongbu.Du Fu is regarded as one of the greatest realistic poets in the history of

9、 Chinese literature. Wewill remember him forever.高级范文Born in 712 and passing away in 770, Du Fu, who was honoured as “the Sage of Poetry”,was a well-known Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty.During his lifetime, he created more than 1,500 poems, which were filled with passion for hismotherland and peop

10、le. Profoundly reflecting the social situation of that time, his poems wereregarded as “history of poetry” by later generations. Among many marvelous works, SpringView and On the Height are the most representative ones, which, together with other poems, werecollected in The Collection of Du Gongbu.C

11、onsidered as one of the greatest realistic poets in the history of Chinese literature, Du Fuwill undoubtedly live on in peoples minds and hearts forever.【实战演练】假定你是李华,你校英文报的“Famous Poets”栏目正在向全校学生征集稿件。请你写一篇短文介绍一位你最喜欢的诗人并投稿。注意:词数 100 左右。_答案One possible version:Born in 1084 and passing away in 1155, Li

12、 Qingzhao was one of the greatest female poets inthe Song Dynasty.She had so good a command of poetry, painting, and music that she was known as “the mostaccomplished woman in history” by later generations. Her works were fresh, with sincere feelings,and showed different characteristics of life changes in the Southern Song Dynasty. Therepresentative works of Li Qing


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