1、HyperView IntroductionPost Processing for Finite Element AnalysisTrainers NameMonth XX, 20131Training ComputersPlease log in for desktops & laptops withuser: trainXXpassword: trainXXExample Files and Working DirectoryModel-filesch1filenameModel-filesch2filenameShortcut to HyperView and Examples file
2、s should be on the desktop. If not use 2HyperView Introduction AgendaHyperWorks Desktop EnvironmentAnimation and View ControlsStress/Strain AnalysisPlotting BasicsModal AnalysisPost Processing Crash Analysis ResultsPublishing Results and Advanced Topics3Agenda Part 1HyperWorks Desktop EnvironmentEle
3、ments of the Graphics InterfacePage and Window ControlsSession BrowserHyperWorks Desktop FilesQuestions & AnswersAnimation and View ControlsLoading Model FilesUsing the Animation ControlsControlling the Model ViewApplying Entity AttributesMasking ElementsCreating and Using SetsQuestions & Answers4Ag
4、enda Part 2Stress/Strain AnalysisContour PlotsTensor PlotsQuerying ResultsCreating AnnotationsCreating MeasuresUser Defined SystemsResults MathDerived Load CasesQuestions & AnswersPlotting BasicsHyperGraph 2D IntroductionPlotting XY DataEvaluating Curve Data and Curve ReferencingCurve Display Attrib
5、utesCurve FilteringQuestions & Answers5Agenda Part 3Modal AnalysisViewing Deformed ShapesContour Plots of Complex ResultsCreating Measure of Contour vs. AngleCreating Complex PlotsStrain Energy Summation using Result MathNVH Post Processing UtilitiesQuestions & Answers6Agenda Part 4Post Processing C
6、rash Analysis ResultsMeasures Distance Between and PositionSection CutsVector PlotsTrackingTracingExploded ViewsSynchronizing DataVideo/Image OverlayExport Deformed ShapeCrash Tools for PlottingCollision DetectionQuestions & AnswersPublishing Results and Advanced TopicsResult PresentationHyperView P
7、layerHvTransReport TemplatesQuestions & Answers7HyperView 12.0 IntroductionPost Processing for Finite Element AnalysisHyperWorks Desktop EnvironmentTrainers NameMonth XX, 20138Chapter 1: HyperWorks Desktop EnvironmentHyperWorks Desktop EnvironmentGetting StartedElements of the Graphics InterfacePage
8、 and Window ControlsSession BrowserHyperWorks Desktop FilesQuestions & Answers9HyperWorks Desktop ApplicationsBest In Class integrated user environment for Modeling and VisualizationMulti Discipline, Robust Post-Processor, Generate/Publish Report Universally Compatible with CAD, CAE Systems and Solv
9、ersAn Easy, Powerful and Customizable toolConsists of the following applications:HyperMeshHyperViewHyperGraph 2DHyperGraph 3DMotionViewMediaViewTextView10HyperWorks Desktop IntroductionGetting Started - Running HyperWorks DesktopWINDOWSFrom the Start Menu, select All Programs Altair HyperWorks (vers
10、ion).Select the the application shortcut to run HyperGraph - Starts HyperWorks Desktop with the HyperGraph 2D client loaded.HyperMesh Desktop - Starts HyperWorks Desktop HyperMesh - Starts HyperMesh standalone.HyperView - Starts HyperWorks Desktop with the HyperView client loaded.MotionView - Starts
11、 HyperWorks Desktop with the MotionView client loaded.UNIX and LINUX:Launch the system terminal and cd to the directory from which the HyperWorks Desktop application should be run. At the prompt, enter the full path of the HyperWorks Desktop application start script. hg - Starts HyperWorks Desktop w
12、ith the HyperGraph 2D client loaded.hm - Starts HyperMesh standalone.hmdesktop - Starts HyperWorks Desktop with the HyperMesh client loaded.hv - Starts HyperWorks Desktop with the HyperView client loaded.hw - Starts HyperWorks Desktop with the default client loaded.mview - Starts HyperWorks Desktop
13、with the MotionView client loaded.11HyperMesh Desktop IntroductionGetting Started - The Start-In DirectoryThe “Start-In Directory” or “Working Directory” is the location from which the HyperWorks Desktop application is launched. This directory (current working directory“) defines where certain setti
14、ngs and configuration files are written by default; file browser will also use this directory as its default location for browsing for files.This directory can be changed, thereby changing the location where these files are written to or read from. This has the benefit of allowing different settings
15、 to be stored in different directories to give control over the HyperWorks Desktop environment for different projects or use cases.Changing the Start-in Directory On Windows, can be changed by editing the Start in field on the application executable or its shortcut.On Linux, the start-in directory i
16、s defined by the directory from which the user runs the application startup script.12HyperMesh Desktop IntroductionGetting Started - Online HelpHyperWorks Desktop offers comprehensive documentation in the online help. The Help can be accessed through the menu bar or the use of the “h” , keyboard (he
17、lp documentation is “intelligent”, opening in the section representing the panel that the user is actively in)Help also contains detailed tutorials on many advanced functions.13Graphical User Interface14Page and Window ControlsToolbar Page ControlsAdd/Delete pages, navigation, layout, synchronizatio
18、n15Previous PageNext PageAdd PageDelete PagePage LayoutExpand/Reduce WindowSwap WindowsSynchronize WindowsPage and Window ControlsToolbar Page EditCopy/Paste/Overlay windows and pages16Cut WindowCopy Page/WindowPaste Page/WindowOverlay Page/WindowSession BrowserSession browserView Browsers HyperWork
19、s Session browser Displays current session in hierarchical viewContext menu available upon right clickAllows user to:Create/Delete pagesChange window layoutChange clientTurn on/off page titlesSelect pages for publishing17Session Browser18Session FilesA text file that contains a structured list of st
20、atementsThe statements include instructions for page layout and window contentSession files have the mvw default extension.To Save a Session File:File Save As SessionSave Session in the Standard ToolbarTo Open a Session FileFile Open SessionOpen Session in the Standard ToolbarHyperWorks Desktop File
21、s Application/Model FilesEach application can load and save its own set of filesApplication specific files are accessed in the Applications user interfaces provided in the panel area of the HyperWorks DesktopAn example with HyperView:File Open ModelorOpen Model in the Standard Toolbar loads the foll
22、owing panel:19HyperWorks Desktop Files Application/Model FilesEach application can load and save its own set of filesApplication specific files are accessed in the Applications user interfaces provided in the panel area of the HyperWorks DesktopAn example with HyperGraph:File Open PlotorOpen Plot in
23、 the Standard Toolbar loads the following panel:20HyperWorks Desktop FilesPreference FilesFile Load Preference FileScript file that is read each time a HyperWorks Desktop application is startedSpecifies default user settings Window type, printer, page layout, autosave interval, etcA standard prefere
24、nce file exists in the installation directory and is read every time HyperWorks Desktop is startedOn Windows: named preferences.mvw, On UNIX: named .preferences.mvw. Your own preference files can be created and registered under the File menuTo Load a Preference File:21Demo22Work Along DemonstrationH
25、yperView GUI(Demo-Model-Files01-truck01) 23Do-it-yourselfExercise 1a (Manual Page 10): Learning to Use the HyperWorks Desktop InterfaceFile Name and Location: Model-filesch11a-truckObjectives:Open the session file Model-filesch11a-trucktruck.mvwAdd pages and navigate between them using the Page cont
26、rolsUse the Session Browser to add, rename and navigate between pages.Use Page Layout to create a four window layoutChange the applications in windows 2-4 on page 2Use Swap Windows to change the order of windows on page 1Expand window 3 to the graphics areaSave the session to a session fileClear the
27、 data from the sessionOpen the session file practice.mvwChapter 1: Questions & Answers241) Which of the following applications is not included in HyperWorks Desktop? HyperView HyperGraph 2D & 3D MediaView HyperCrash2) Which of the following are Session Browser Operations? Windows in a page layout Cl
28、ient switch Reorder pages All of the aboveHyperView 12.0 IntroductionPost Processing for Finite Element AnalysisAnimation and View ControlsTrainers NameMonth XX, 201325Chapter 2: Animation and View Controls26Animation and View ControlsLoading Model FilesUsing the Animation ControlsControlling the Mo
29、del ViewApplying Entity AttributesMasking ElementsCreating and Using SetsQuestions & AnswersLoading Model FilesLoad Model PanelFile Open ModelOpen Model icon in the Standard toolbarAllows for loading Model and Result file, or just Model, or just Result fileMany different files are supported:27Update
30、 solver format info, waiting for PMs Loading Model FilesLoad Model panel OptionsResult math templateSelect a template to be loaded into the Derived Result panelAvailable options: Standard, Advanced, NVH, Composite or NoneReader OptionsDifferent options can be specified for the different results read
31、ers 28Loading Model FilesLoad Model panel OptionsOverlayAllows you to load multiple models and their results into a single window. You can then set the active model in the window from the Results Browser. 29Loading Model FilesLoad Model panel OptionsOverlay (continue )Files View in Results BrowserTh
32、is adds the Files listing to the top of the Results Browser. The right click functionality of the Results Browser is also available in the Files listing. This means that you can also right click on a file and select Make Current to determine the active model.30Animation ControlsTools to control the
33、animation of the model as well as the current load case Animation toolbar:Animation Mode31Current time step (top slider)Animation rate (bottom slider)Animation ControlsSelecting a LoadcasesResults Browser:Select the current Loadcase and the current Time/Angle/Step Load Case View Hierarchical listing
34、 of all available load cases and simulations 32Set the current LoadcaseSet the current Time/Angle/StepControlling the Model ViewStandard Views ToolbarAvailable in HyperMesh, HyperView, and HyperGraph3D 33Controlling the Model View3D View Controls ToolbarAvailable in HyperMesh, HyperView, and HyperGr
35、aph3D 34Controlling the Model View2D View Controls ToolbarAvailable in HyperGraph 2D and MediaView 35Demo36Work Along DemonstrationModel View and Animation(Demo-Model-Files01-truck01)(Demo-Model-Files02-car_282) 37Do-it-yourselfExercise 2a (Manual Page 23): Load, Animate and Review a ModelFile Name
36、and Location: Model-filesch22a-bumperObjectives:Load the solver input and result files, bumper_deck.key and d3plotAnimate the modelAnimate from time 0.00 to 0.04Choose a specific time step using the Result BrowserUse the view controlsUse the mouse controlsChange the Window Layout and load filesChang
37、e the view in multiple windows simultaneously using Synchronized View.Applying Entity Attributes Entity Attributes PanelEntity Attributes PanelTurn on and off model parts (components, coordinate systems, and sets), and change their visual properties, such as shading, color, and mesh lines Entity Lis
38、t TreeDisplays a model in a tree-like structure that helps you locate specific entities to which you can apply display attributes 38Applying Entity Attributes Entity Attributes PanelEntity Attributes PanelTurn on and off model parts (components, coordinate systems, and sets), and change their visual
39、 properties, such as shading, color, and mesh lines Entity DisplayEntity IDsMeshlines/Shaded Mode/etcColorTools to alter model display39Applying Entity Attributes Results BrowserModel ViewStandard view mode for Results BrowserTree-like display of all entities within the model (assemblies, components
40、/parts, systems, entity sets/groups, and streamline components) Also displays tracking systems, measures, notes, section cuts, available load cases and simulations, derived load cases, plot styles, results, and views Right click functionality - Show/Hide, Isolate/Isolate Only, etc.40Applying Entity
41、Attributes Results BrowserModel ViewGlobal Display Control Tools and Action ModelsChange the Color and Shading Method of Components:41Applying Entity Attributes Results BrowserComponent ViewLists only components in a flat list, or if assemblies are present, within their assemblies With Assemblies Wi
42、thout Assemblies42Masking ElementsDisplay toolbarContains tools for maskingMask panel Mask elements, components, and systems to reduce the number of entities displayed on the screen Easier to pick the necessary elements or visualize important areas of a model When a component is completely masked, t
43、he display status updates in the Results Browser or Entity Attributes panel43Creating and Using SetsSet panel to create and review Sets:using Model Create SetsRight click in Results Browser Graphics Area Create SetCreate as many sets (groups) as you want, same entity can exist in multiple sets 44Cre
44、ating and Using SetsSet panelSet ListAdd/Delete setsActivating the check box next to the set will display it in the graphics area Set type is also shown in this listing Sort the items in the Sets list by clicking on the Sets or Type headings 45Creating and Using SetsSet panelSelection: Select entiti
45、es (Components, Elements, Nodes)Each set is assigned a ColorEntity IDs can be displayedDraw style available depending on selectionDraw size can be specifiedNumber of entities field46Creating and Using SetsSet panelImportImport HyperView group definition files, Animator3 session files, LSPost group f
46、iles, or Patran session files In order to import an Animator3, Patran session, or LSPost group file, you must first load a modelSelect file type from the Select format dropdown 47Creating and Using SetsSet panelExportExport HyperView, Patran, Nastran, and Radioss(Bulk)/OptistructHyperView group defi
47、nition files can be editedContents of a saved set file can be added, removed, or modified using the session file 48Demo49Work Along DemonstrationApply Entity AttributesEntity Attributes panelResults BrowserMasking EntitiesCreating and Using Sets(Demo-Model-Files01-truck01)(Demo-Model-Files02-car_282
48、) 50Do-it-yourselfExercise 2b (Manual Page 37): Applying Entity Attributes, Masking, and Creating GroupsFile Name and Location: Model-filesch22b-truckObjectives:Turning components on and off from the Results BrowserIsolating components using the Results BrowserChanging the display style and attribut
49、es from the Results BrowserMasking and Unmasking elements using the graphics areaMasking elements using the entity input collectorCreate and export a set (group) of componentsImport a created setViewing the components in a set (group) from the Results BrowserChapter 2: Questions & Answers511) What a
50、re the operations you cannot perform from the Entity Attribute Panel? Change the colour of the part Update Mesh Style Mask elements Apply Material Shade2) Where is the section cut icon located? Report Toolbar Capture Toolbar Display Toolbar Visualization Toolbar3) How can you create set? Graphics Co
51、ntext Menu Result Browser Display Toolbar Menu bar Model All of the aboveHyperView 12.0 IntroductionPost Processing for Finite Element AnalysisStress/Strain AnalysisTrainers NameMonth XX, 201352Chapter 3: Stress/Strain Analysis53Stress/Strain AnalysisContour PlotsTensor PlotsQuerying ResultsCreating
52、 AnnotationsCreating MeasuresUser Defined SystemsResults MathDerived Load CasesQuestions & AnswersContour PlotsTwo different ways to create Contour Plots1) Contour panel:Contour icon on the Results toolbarselect Results Plot Contour from the menu bar54Contour Plots1) Contour PanelResult type: select
53、 the result type and component to be contoured. Tensors (t), vectors (v), and scalar (s)Layers (if applicable): display a contour for a specified element layer Use corner data (if applicable): when selected, HyperView displays color bands by interpolating available corner results within each element
54、. This allows for a discontinuity of the result distribution across element boundaries to be seen. This option is only active when corner data is available in the results file 55Contour Plots1) Contour Panel56Selection: pick entities in graphics area or using the Elements, Components, or Assemblies
55、input collector. If no selection is made, the contour will be applied to the displayed entitiesResolved in: select the result coordinate system to be used to contour the results. Global - transforms to the global systemElemental - transforms results to the element coordinate system Analysis - displa
56、ys the vector and tensor results as they are output from the solverUser - available when the results file contains a user-defined coordinate system Use tracking system - If you activate this option, the results will be transformed and resolved in the activated tracking system Contour Plots1) Contour
57、 Panel57Averaging method Nodal averaging of elemental results Contour Plots1) Contour Panel58Averaging method (None, Simple, Advanced, Difference)None no averaging doneSimple - tensor and vector components are extracted and the invariants are computed prior to averaging Advanced - tensor (or vector)
58、 results are transformed into a consistent system and then each component is averaged separately to obtain an average tensor (or vector) Difference - difference between the maximum and minimum corner results at a nodeContour Plots1) Contour Panel59Averaging method Variation (optional): used to contr
59、ol the nodal averaging calculationOff - the average results are calculated for all nodesOn - the average results are calculated for only some nodes, depending on the variation (%) you have defined Contour Plots1) Contour Panel60Envelope trace plot option allows you to trace the results from envelope
60、 subcases or simulations Contour Plots1) Contour Panel61Display options: change the appearance of the contour colors. Discrete color - Produces discrete color bands on the contour plots with distinct boundaries between the contour levels Contour Plots1) Contour Panel62Display options: change the app
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