1、课例1 读写结合、系统提升高三英语话题作文教案-山东省沂南第一中学 李振永 邮箱: HYPERLINK mailto: 内容简析话题作文是近几年来高考经常采用的一种命题形式。近些年来,各地的高考试题命题牵涉了众多的与中学生学习和生活相关的话题,有时甚至还不乏社会热点话题,如网络的利与弊;中学生使用手机的利与弊;环境保护与经济发展的矛盾及关系;中小学生素质教育;07年山东卷的免费师范生的话题等等都是社会热点话题。因此,教会高三学生如何进行话题作文的写作,探究话题作文的某些可以掌控的规律等都是必须的。目标定位本节课为写作课的教学,但尽管是写作课的教学,由于写作的主题是话题作文,鉴于话题作文的某些特
2、殊性,如要求学生提炼针对某个话题的不同观点,要求学生能对不同的观点进行理性并且客观的分析,进而发表自己的见解 诸如此类特点都要求老师不能对写作的内容和素材直接呈现,而是采用和阅读相结合的方法,让学生通过阅读筛选信息,提炼观点,进而就某一相关话题提出自己的观点。然后逐步突进,系统提升学生的写作能力。(一)知识目标1、初步掌握某些用于表达观点的英语句型,并能恰当使用。2、了解英语话题作文的写法,学会对某一相关话题进行审题。(二)技能目标 1、能通过对某一相关话题的描述的阅读,提炼有用的信息和相关的观点。2、能在阅读的基础上理清话题作文所需要展示的话题、观点、及对各种观点的分析并进而提出自己的观点。
3、3、能最终掌握话题作文的审题要点及写作步骤。(三)策略目标1、让学生运用原有的阅读策略把握相关话题并进行阅读技能的迁移,即由阅读技能迁移到写作技能。2、能让学生通过讨论探究学会英语话题作文的审题。3、通过相互的交流,相互学习,最终深化对话题作文的写作过程的理解及相关句型的知识储备。(四)情感态度目标通过学生的合作与探究写作培养学生的探究精神和合作意识。方法选择阅读与写作结合性教学的方法即先对学生进行与写作话题相关的阅读理解的训练, 让学生通过阅读获得与该话题或写作任务相关的信息,并将其作为写作的基础,在阅读理解的基础上,马上进行同步的写作教学。这既体现了写作教学中的渐进性原则也达到了阅读教学与
4、写作教学的联动,促进学生英语综合能力的提高。教学流程Before-writing环节一:Useful sentence patternsActivity: Practise the relative useful sentence drillsThe teacher asks the students to discuss in groups and fimd out “which sentences drills can we use to express our opinions” , then summarize the students ansers and get the stude
5、nts to make sentences following them.The useful drills:1) People have a discussion about2) People who are in favor of it think For one thing For another3) However, others put forward a totally different view about They consider it4) In my opinion, it is better than5) I prefer traveling by train rath
6、er than by plane.6) The advantage of is that and the disadvantage of is that【设计意图】话题作文肯定要就某一话题表达自己的观点,因此,在写作前,让学生进行相关句型的探讨、学习和积累实际上是在为写作做准备。这个活动调动个体学生已有的知识储备,同时鼓励学生利用资源策略进行信息搜寻,活动全组参与,也培养了学生的合作意识。环节二:Sample learningActivity: The students learn from a writing sample and conclude some writing methodsT
7、he teacher first presents a writing sample then let the students study the sample cooperatively, encouraging them to find out some regular patterns of a topic-related composition.一、典例学习(07山东)阅读下面的文字,用英语写一篇120-150词的短文。 今年,教育部直属师范大学将招收一批免费师范生,学生毕业后须回生源所在省份的中小学任教十年以上。你愿意成为一名免费师范生吗?请陈述理由。 Suggested answ
8、ers: The Education Department of China has announced that some normal universities will accept a group of free teacher majors this year. The free teacher majors must return to their hometown to work in the primary and middle schools for over 10 years after graduation from the universities. In our cl
9、ass, nearly all the top students from families now wish to become teacher majors. I myself wish to go to a normal university, not just because of the education free of charge, but also due to my interest in teaching. Ive decided to work harder at my lessons in order to make greater contributions to
10、the education cause of our country in the future. In my opinion, the education free of charge will attract more talented students to normal universities. That, undoubtedly will result in a better future of Chinas education. I think its the best choice to have a free teacher education.Please read the
11、 sample above, discuss in groups and answer this question:What does a topic-related composition contain? (You may answer in Chinese.)1.2.3.【设计意图】英语写作教学应该是一种渐进性的教学。一个负责任的老师不能够直接把写作任务布置给学生然后就让学生动笔,应该在布置写作任务前,让学生弄明白该怎么写,对话题作文先要有个初步的认识,然后学生才会去写。而典例学习显然就是这样的一个步骤。While-writing环节三:Reading taskActivity: Rea
12、ding the following topic passage and obtain useful informationThe students read the topic passage taken from 21st century, discuss in groups and then find out the useful information.The government of Dongguan city, Guangdong Province announced last week that the city will ban pig farming within the
13、city starting in 2009. Pig farms have become a major source of pollution in the city, according to Dongguan officials. They claim that the pig farming industry is relatively small and the ban wouldnt impact too many people. News of this decision quickly gave rise to criticism and debate in the natio
14、nal media. Many argued that the governments reason is not valid. After all, in heavily industrialized Guangdong, farming pollution is far smaller an environmental problem than industrial pollution. The real reason behind the governments decision, some critics claim, is to use the land for more profi
15、table industrial projects which produce more pollution. Others agree with the government that pig farms are not the most efficient use of land in Dongguan. They say that small, badly managed pig farms do produce lots of pollution. Read the passage above, and answer the following questions.(to save t
16、ime, you may just underline the answers in the passage above)1. Why will the government of Dongguan ban pig farming?2. Some people criticize the governments decision, why (or what are their reasons)?a.b.3. Some people agree with the governments decision, why (or what are their reasons)?a.b.【设计意图】阅读能
18、内化的话,写作者是不可能写出内容详实感人、意义连贯、结构完整、既符合英语语言规范、又符合英、美文化习俗的地道的英语作文的。在写作的第一阶段,也就是所谓的采集阶段,写作者的主要采集手段就是阅读。另外,即便是写作者在写作中所使用的各种表达技巧,也受到了阅读活动的极大影响。可以说,写作的过程是一个从感性到理性飞跃的过程,在这个飞跃过程中,阅读是它最有力的支撑点。缺少了阅读活动,写作活动便无法展开。环节四:Presenting writng task and analysing (引出写作任务并审题)Activity: presenting the writing task and analyse h
19、ow to write with the studentsThe teacher presents the writing task and then get the students to analyse how to write the composition. Encourage them to discuss in groups and voice their opinions bravely.写作任务 What is your opinion? Do you think the Dongguan government is right to ban pig farming?Pleas
20、e write a composition within 120-150 words according to the passage above. 审题,三定一列: 体裁:议论文(话题作文) 人称:_ 时态: _内容要点:a. What is the topic?_b. What is my opinion?_c. The reasons I will give to support my opinion._【设计意图】因为该写作任务的提出是紧接在阅读任务完成之后做出的,所以在让学生明确写作任务之后应该渗透以下活动:1)在阅读材料中寻找与写作任务相关的信息;2)以小组讨论的形式交流有关信息及
21、各自的观点和看法,进一步明确写作的任务要求。而审题构思是写作的准备阶段。在构思过程中我们要要做到:1).明确写作任务的主旨及要求;2).依据任务要求理出写作要点;3).列提纲使所要写的内容条理化;4).根据要点及提纲酝酿、选取书面素材;5).打腹稿展开构思。而为了培养学生的审题意识,我们将一般写作的审题概括为三定一列,即定体裁、定人称、定时态、列内容要点。这个阶段的各种活动要用英语进行思维,学生应分析写作任务,理出要点、提纲,并围绕主题和要点用英语写出关键词及短语,为下一步起草作好准备环节五:WritingActivity:The students write the composition
22、The students begin to write the composition according the information they got from the reading passage and what the teacher analyses with the students. During this process, the students can walk around in the classroom and give some necessary help or guidance to some students.【设计意图】在经过典例学习、阅读相关话题和审
23、题之后,学生对如何写一篇话题作文已经胸有成竹,并且通过阅读和讨论对于如何拓展该话题和发表自己的观点也已经非常透彻明白。所以该步骤学生要做的就是把他们心中的想法、观点及对文章的组织、结构、语言材料等写出来。Post-writing环节六:Students self-assessmentActivity: The teacher first check their compositions personally and in pairsThe teacher presents some standard for correcting. The students first check by the
24、mselves then check in pairs.【设计意图】在学生完成自己的习作之后,我们肯定要让学生首先自我评判一下自己的习作。因此,自查修改是一个再加工的过程。由于文章是学生自己的作品,如果教师不进行思路引导,很难保证学生自查的质量。因此,一定要让学生掌握一份自查的思路清单,熟悉查错的路径。一般情况下,可从以下六个方面去进行查错修改工作:1.所写文章的主旨大意是什么,是否切题;2.要点是否写全,有无遗漏;3.有无开头、结尾,条理是否清晰,布局是否合理,内容是否连贯;4.有无主谓一致、人称一致、时态、语态、冠词、名词单复数等方面的错误;5.有无句型、习语、固定搭配等方面的错误;6.有
26、的方式,效果往往比教师讲解更好。更为重要的是,只有通过学生自身的体验和感知,所学到的知识才能最终内化并提升为能力。教师在这一阶段的作用则是组织并安排好双人活动或小组活动。环节七:Teachers assessment in class and after classActivity: Teacher assesses one or two compositions in classAfter presenting the sample composition, the teacher collects one or two typical compositions, and then enjo
27、y them with all the class on the screen. During this process, the teacher encourages the students to vocice their opinions to make some alteration to improve the writing. And the teacher collets all the compositons to prepare for assessment next class.【设计意图】在学生自评和互评之后,教师应该给学生展示范文。再让学生欣赏和学习了范文之后。教师应该
28、找一或两篇学生习作与全体学生共同修改润色。在这一过程中除了继续依据上述的“查改六路径”审阅之外,还应考虑以下体现较高写作能力的五个方面:1.主题是否鲜明、突出;2.词语使用是否得当,能否使用更贴切、更高级的词汇;3.句子的长度或结构是否需要增减或改动,能否使用更复杂的语言结构;4.是否有效使用了语言间的连接成分,过渡是否自然,结构是否清晰;5.语言是否地道、得体。当然做完这些还不够,教师应该在课下继续批阅学生的习作,以便于在下一节课进行作文讲评。环节八:AssignmentsRecite the sample compositon.【设计意图】通过学生的具体实践后,绝大多数同学应该都掌握了话题
29、作文的写法。在此基础上让学生背诵范文。可以加深学生对于话题作文的结构、语言等的深入把握。并适时将范文与自己的习作相对比,在对比中反思自己的不足之处,借鉴范文中的优秀之处,可以对自己的习作作进一步的改进和完善。高三英语试卷讲评导案 高三英语组 李振永I. 书面表达1. Please read and enjoy these beautiful sentences written by ourselves.a. The more we learn, the more we have in store for our future. - by Liu Tongchun.b. But once see
30、ing the computer machine, he will be crazy about it all at once. - by Liu Shengchuanc. When I invited him to attend a lecture, he refused me saying that he had no mood. - by Sun Jianjund. We should hold fast to our dreams while young rather than lose our goals. - by Sun Jianjune. But as soon as he a
31、pproaches the computer games, he will lose himself in it in no time. - by Gongxuef. Only study can really bring us interest and happiness as students. - by Cui Yixiug. Whats surprising is that he should tell us it isnt interesting at all when we ask him to play football after class. - by Yang Yekaih
32、. Not only does it do harm to our health, but also it takes up too much time for our homework. - by the teacheri. Theyre wasting the money their parents earned hard. They are ruining their life. They are working up a hopeless future. - by the teacher2Please read the directions again. Discuss in pair
33、s and answer: (请再读一遍写作要求,相互讨论并回答)体裁:_ 人称:_时态:_ 内容要点:1) _ 2) _3. 典型错句:1). When we asked he to listen to a lecture, he said he had no mood.2). Study hard is our duty.3). We must can control ourselves.4). I suggested him to play football.II. 阅读表达考情统计题号23正答率较低极低A. 整体性理解1. What is happiness according to
34、the passage?a. _b. _请据此解释第2题。B. 连贯性理解2. What does the underlined “it” in these sentences refer to?It is most decidedly(certainly) not. Pleasure is an end in itself; it is something that is hunted for. _; it is not obvious, but mysterious.请据此解释第3题。III. 完形填空考情统计题号及答案2B6B7B10C11A13C14B16B19A正答率%44.229.
35、529.544.24139.347.539.331.1误选项DCADDAAAD BA整体性理解贯穿本文的两条主线1. How did the writers attitude toward Michael change?a. When I was told his name, _.b. At last, I told Michael _.2. How did Michael change?a. Before practising football, he had never _ sports and was the _ jokes.b. While practicing, he fell re
36、peatedly, but each time _.c. After hard practice for weeks, Michael could run the mile _, and the team _ than the victory they had.B. 连贯性理解请解释说明第14题如何应用连贯性理解来选择答案。(14)“Michael,” I said, “Why dont you just _ the mile?” he said in tears that he wanted to run with the others.C. 语言知识查词典,掌握以下短语的意义和用法。(6)
37、 talk sb. out of sth./doing sth. _(7) set ones heart on _(10) make it _(11) let alone; let down _(13) keep an eye on; fix ones eyes on _(16) pick oneself up _D. 偶尔语法现象1说一说,以下两个句子错在哪里,如何改正,并据此解释第2题。a. Im worried about that he could return safely.b. We cant depend on that he could help us.2. 读下面两个句子,体
38、会while和yet的区别,并据此解释第19题。a. That region has plenty of natural resources while this one has none.b. The car was old, yet it was in excellent condition.While表_ yet 表_IV 阅读理解考情统计题号及答案5 D10 A正答率59.01%55.73%误选项BBPassage AFurther Understanding1. Translate Para4 into Chinese. (把第四段话翻译成汉语) Anyone who thinks
39、we have outgrown (to change sth. or desert sth. as we grow) our old fears and fascination for the unknown need only visit a bookstore or tune in to cable television (看看有线电视). Many of these popular books and programs deal with angels, ghosts, lost civilizations, UFOs, doomsday comets and other mysteries._2. Analyze the following sentence and tell us
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