1、暗礁 前情提要Previously on Reef Break.我听说你现在替州长解决麻烦事了I hear youre some kind of fixer for the Governor now.就跟你以前为我做事一样Doing for him like you used to do for me.我刚刚看到道格奥凯西了I just saw Doug OCasey.你还喜欢他是吧Youve still got a thing for him, dont you?这才是我记得的凯特 骨子里就有偷窃基因Theres the Cat I remember, larceny in her vein
2、s.黄金之路跨信仰圣会The Golden Road InterFaith Congregation.我不觉得教堂是个骗局I dont think the church is a scam.我们被劫持了 我需要你 赶快We have a hijacking. I need you. Now.每次你输了 就有一个人质可以获得自由Every time you lose, a hostage goes free.成交Deal.你觉得我还爱着凯特吗You think Im still in love with Cat?是的Yes, I do.还是有感情的There is still something
3、 there.又是她Its her again.我全心全意关注你You have my full attention.我能看出来I can tell.你不能再贩毒了You gotta stop dealing drugs.我老爸以前是岸边黑帮成员My dad was Shorepound Gang.我也是Its who I am.你现在就单纯的很蠢Who you are right now is just dumb.你知道我永不消逝* You know Ill never die我们活在千里之外* We live a million miles从天而降* Running from the sk
4、y来寻找你* I come for you我天啊Oh, my.佩特拉Petra?我天啊Oh, my God.佩特拉Petra.佩特拉 我是凯特 赶紧给我回电话Petra, its Cat. I need you to call me, okay?赶紧的Right away.我很担心你Im worried about you.赶紧赶紧赶紧Come on, come on, come on.现在大家都不接电话了吗Doesnt anyone answer their phone anymore?杰克 我是凯特Jake, its Cat.我觉得佩特拉出事了I think somethings happ
5、ened to Petra.不好的事Something bad.赶紧给我回电话 赶紧的You need to call me back, okay? Call me back.杰克Jake?嘿 小野猫Doug: Hey, Kitty Cat.道格Doug.想我了吗Miss me?你干了什么What have you done?佩特拉来找我了你知道吗You know, Petra came here to see me.你听我说You listen to me.如果你敢动她一根毫毛 我就弄死你If you touch a hair on her head, I will kill you.听懂了
6、吗You understand?你脾气不小啊 小野猫Oh, better watch that temper, Cat.你是想让佩特拉死吗Unless you want Petra dead.不然你就得来找我一下You have to come pay me a visit.已经太久没见了Its been too long.我们需要面对面待会We need a little face time together.就今天Today.我会去的Ill be there.她信了吗She go for it?我了解凯特I know Cat.她来了Shes on her way.很好Good.虽然我也很喜
7、欢交新朋友Cause as much as I enjoy making new friends,但这里的住宿条件和食品质量the accommodation and the food here还有待提升啊leaves a lot to be desired.早上好Good morning.- 怀亚特 - 嘿-Hey, Wyatt. -Hey.来啊 我给你买早饭Come on, Ill buy you breakfast.不用 我已经点完了No, I already ordered.我知道监狱旁边有个很好的小餐厅I know a great diner just up by the priso
8、n.走吧Come on.我怎么感觉我没搞明白咋回事呢Why do I feel like Im coming in halfway through a movie?凯特打电话了 她很担心佩特拉Cat called. Shes concerned about Petra.还有啊 飞机上的那些雇佣兵And also, those mercenaries from the airplane?在拍道格奥凯西的马屁Theyre cozying up to Doug OCasey.你觉得要去找道格一下嘛You think Doug needs a visit?是的Yeah, I do.走吧 你开车Come
9、 on, youre driving.那女孩来了The girl came through.你看Check it out.可以射30码远Its good for 30 yards.就一次机会Only one shot.会实现的Well make it count.这次你得付全款This time, we get paid in full.你真是让人哭笑不得啊 凯特Youre a sight for sore eyes, Cat.谢谢呢Oh, well, thank you.让你看着顺眼It was definitely a priority for me,可是我的首要任务呢looking go
10、od for you.其实吧 我着急忙慌赶过来In fact, I got the Prison Special Makeover从你手中救出佩特拉之前at the salon by the bus stop before还在车站旁边的监狱特别改造沙龙里面做了造型呢I raced my ass over here to save Petra from you.你不需要怎么帮忙就会很好看啊You never needed much help looking good.你也不需要怎么帮忙就能搞乱别人的生活啊And you never needed any help messing up peopl
11、es lives.她在哪里Where is she?这还挺甜蜜的对吧Well, this is kind of sweet, isnt it?爸爸妈妈为了孩子吵架Mom and Dad arguing over the kid.不如我们把她禁足了吧 让她反省一下Maybe we should ground her, give her a time out.我以为你的监狱幻想You know, I thought your prison fantasies还能让你would be a lot racier稍微正常点呢than a Leave It to Beaver scenario.我才在暖身
12、而已Im just warming up.有犯人跑了Guard: Theres been a breach!怎么回事What is going on?!你不是说想见佩特拉吗You said you wanted to see Petra.他让你干什么 你就干Whatever he tells you to do, you do it.走了Come on.上次你跟我打起来 你就被关监狱了Last time you tussled with me, you ended up in here.这次是为了救我们出去Yeah, this time, its getting us out.现在我们之间没有
13、阻碍了Nothing between us now.你是想越狱吗Thats what this was about? A jail break?准备好迎接你这辈子最刺激的一次吧Get ready for the adrenaline rush of your life.趴下 赶快Get on the ground! Down!不许动Freeze!趴下Get down!趴下Down on the ground!不许动Stay where you are.所有人都趴下All right, everybody down!坐好别动Stay in your seats!你还记得威胁老婆孩子那一套吗You
14、 remember how we play the Wife and Kids angle?不许动Do not move!- 如果我不干呢 - 那佩特拉就要死What if I dont? Then Petra dies.那如果我帮你呢And if I help you?那她就能回去在夕阳下冲浪了Then shes surfing before the sun even sets.打开大门Open the gate.不行 只有典狱长可以I cant. Only the warden can.打开 不然就傻了你的老婆和孩子Open the gate, or well kill your wife
15、 and your kids.我知道你住在哪We know where you live.红树林1127号1127 Mangrove.我知道你老婆叫什么We know the name of your wife,我也知道你孩子叫什么and we know the name of your kids.艾丽西亚 里维 还有塔米Alycia, Levi, Tammy.现在你们外就有一个人We have a man outside your door right now.我不相信I dont believe you.你想试试吗Want to take that chance?咱俩得有一个人按下按钮I
16、push a button or you do.赶紧出去 打开大门Get out of that damn booth. Open that gate.把枪举在他头顶 让监控都照到Take the gun and put it to his head for all the cameras to see.什么What?让大家知道 雌雄大盗Show the world that Bonnie and Clyde又回归了are back together again.你真混蛋Youre a bastard.赶紧的 快走Go! Now, go, go!你把枪给她了 你疯了吗You gave her
17、the gun? What? Are you crazy?一会就知道了Well find out.我们合作愉快We make a great team.一直都是我和你的 凯特It was always gonna be me and you, Cat.你个变态Youre a psychopath.快走Go! Move!把枪放下Drop the guns!赶快Now!把钥匙扔给我Toss me those keys!如果你跟着我们 这个警卫就要死If you follow us, the guard is dead.听懂了吗Do you understand?快走 快走Go, go, go, g
18、o!我不知道现在是什么情况I dont know whats going on,但手套箱里有备用钥匙but I got spare keys in the glove compartment.走啊Come on.先别动Stand down!我们先别轻举妄动 凯特有主意We hold back. Cats in play.即便她有办法 我们不在她旁边怎么帮她Even if she is, how do we help if were not there?会想到办法的We find a way.在一名女性平民帮助四名罪犯An island-wide manhunt has been launche
19、d after从一座130历史的重刑监狱中越狱之后a female civilian helped break four maximum-security prisoners全岛已开始发起大规模搜索out of the 130-year-old prison.本来只需要这一下We could have gotten OCasey off the Reef就可以让奥凯西离开暗礁的with one stroke of the pen.只要一个电话One damn phone call.结果 我听了你的Instead, I listened to you.我相信我们都没有预料到I believe,
20、sir, we were both dubious -凯特钱伯斯刚把我们当傻子耍了Cat Chambers just played us for fools,现在她帮助岛上最危险的罪犯and now shes helped the most dangerous criminals出逃了on the island escape.我觉得不会的I dont believe that.你不相信你亲眼所见吗You dont believe your own eyes?她最开始跑监狱里干嘛去了Why was she there in the first place?她没有什么理由She has no co
21、nceivable reason想让那些人逍遥法外的for wanting those men at large.之前道格奥凯西想杀她的Doug OCasey tried to kill her once before.你不觉得如果我站在这里说出这句话And you dont think Id look like a damn fool就会跟傻子一样吗if I stood up there and said that?感觉就是现实 副州长Perception is reality, Lieutenant Governor.我希望他们都被找到并绳之以法I want them all found
22、and brought to justice,包括她including her.如果暗礁警局没有在24小时内找到他们If RPD doesnt have them in 24 hours,我就要出动国民警卫队了Im calling out the National Guard.这是近年来对暗礁公共安全This is the greatest threat to the public safety的最大威胁of the Reef in recent history.我们将动用暗礁警局的所有资源Were going to deploy every resource at the RPDs disp
23、osal.5 10 195, 10, 19.空中小组待命Air unit standing by.这是我们目前正在寻找的These are the four individuals that we are四个人currently searching for.他们持有武器 很危险They are considered to be armed and dangerous.道格奥凯西 因诈骗和谋杀未遂Doug OCasey, currently serving 12 to 18 years在暗礁监狱服刑at the Reef Island Correctional12至18年for racketee
24、ring and attempted murder.凯特钱伯斯 岸边财团前成员Cat Chambers, former member of the Shorepound Syndicate.被起诉过 但从未被定罪好吗Accused, never convicted.詹姆斯罗杰斯和韦斯利泰勒James Rogers and Wesley Taylor,也被叫做平克和谢尔A.K.A. Pink and Cher.他们都是退役军人 受过专业训练的杀手They are ex-military and trained professional killers抓捕过程要非常谨慎and should be
25、approached with extreme caution.你知道我们俩You know this isnt gonna end well都不会有好下场 对吧for either of us, right?别担心 我有办法Dont worry. I have a plan.你总是这么善解人意You always do.我负责这项任务I personally will assume的战术指挥tactical command of this mission,埃利斯中士负责and Sergeant Ellis will supervise地面部署deployment on the ground.
26、我们把暗礁分成了屏幕上的这七个区域We have divided the Reef into these seven blocs你们的战术表会告诉你们被分到哪个区on the grid, and your Tac sheets will assign you to a bloc.祝大家好运 都小心点Good luck, everyone, and be careful.这不是我所期望的Thats not what I expected to see.凯特拿着枪Cat holding the gun.什么 你觉得凯特打电话告诉我监狱的事What, you think Cat called me
27、about the prison只是为了让我们看她把道格救出来吗just so we could watch her break Doug out?那里肯定发生了什么事Something happened behind those walls.她不得不深思熟虑She had to think on her feet.无线电呼叫所有小组Radio call, all units.我是科尔 收到This is Cole, copy.发现可疑车辆 黑色逃逸卡车Possible I.D. on black truck escaped vehicle,维斯塔街2700号拐角处corner lot, 27
28、00 block of Vista Street.收到 正在赶往途中Copy that. On our way.别开枪Dont shoot!不要害怕 我们是暗礁警方Its okay. Were RPD.- 你有没有受伤 - 我没事- Are you hurt? - Im fine.我的家人My family -我们派人去你家了We sent a car to your place.他们没事Theyre fine.他们有没有告诉你Did they give you any idea他们要去哪里where they might be headed?道格安排的 此时他们正在Dougs resourc
29、es, theyre gonna be halfway穿越太平洋了across the Pacific by now.我有点怀疑I doubt it.你为什么这么肯定What makes you so sure?个人直觉Its personal.这是什么地方What is this place?老旧牛油果农场Old avocado farm.还有谁知道这里Anyone else know about it?没人知道 安心住这儿Nobody above ground. Make yourselves at home.快来Come on.我很需要你陪我I need you with me now.
30、雌雄大盗邦妮和克莱德Bonnie and Clyde.你有注意 邦妮的名字排在克莱德前面吧You ever notice how her name comes first?你要我做的我都做了Ive done everything youve asked.佩特拉在哪里Wheres Petra?跟我来Follow me.卧室里有新装备Theres fresh gear in the bedrooms.她在哪儿Where is she?- 在哪儿 - 凯特吗- Where is - Cat?佩特拉 我的天呐Petra, my God.你还好吗Are you okay?当然Of course I am
31、.这是我的地盘 我属于这里This is where I belong.我天啊Oh, my God.你玩我You played me.还有你And you.你和他一起干事吗Youre working with him?我告诉过你我是谁了I told you who I am.但是你不听But you didnt listen to me.你知道你是什么吗 一个愚蠢的少年You know what you are? A dumb teenager.这才是你Thats what you are.叫她离开Tell her to leave.让她滚 你想让我陪你多久Make her leave, an
32、d I will stay with you我就陪多久 好吗as long as you want, okay?我哪儿都不去Im not going anywhere.你不知道你做了什么You dont know what youve done!一个快乐的大家庭One big, happy family.所有小组手动报告你们的位置All units are to manually report your location.所有小组手动报告你们的位置All units are to manually report your location.局长Chief.越狱发生前 为什么你和杰克艾略特How
33、 is that you and Jake Elliot just happened刚好就在监狱里to be at the prison right before the breakout occurred?杰克得到消息 奥凯西Jake got a tip that there was trouble brewing和劫机者将会发生冲突with OCasey and the airplane hijackers.我们到那儿太晚了 什么也做不了We got there too late to do anything.如果能有射击角度 我早就开枪了If Id had a clean shot, I
34、 wouldve taken it.我信你I believe you.事实上 你和杰克是我现在As a matter of fact, you and Jake are最得力的干将my most valuable pieces of manpower right now.没人比你更了解凯特钱伯斯Nobody knows Cat Chambers better than you do.凯特应该不会参与其中Cat wouldnt have had any part in this.不主动Not voluntarily.你是以专业的角度来说的吗Are you speaking professiona
35、lly?就像局长说的Like the Chief said,没有人比我更了解凯特了nobody knows Cat like I do.我希望你能给你的警徽带来荣誉I expect you to honor your shield报答我对你的信任and reward my faith in you.会的 局长Yes, Chief.把她带安全回来Help bring her back safely,她就有机会上法庭了and shell have her day in court.不饿吗Not hungry?- 不饿 - 随便你- No. - Suit yourself.还不错Its not ba
36、d.平克先生厨艺还不赖Mr. Pink knows his way around a kitchen.今天暴力越狱事件中的囚犯.inmates in todays violent prison break.我问你个问题Let me ask you something.你已经出狱了Youre already out of jail.你不需要这些笨蛋了You dont need these bozos here anymore.那他们为什么还在这里So why are they still here?他们也许对某些生意有用They might be useful for some.business
37、.生意Business.你在计划什么Youre planning a score.道格 你怎么不早说呢Well, why didnt you say so, Doug?这改变了一切呀That changes everything.让他们退出 把我拉进去Cut them out. Deal me in.你是在下命令吗You giving the orders now?不 这是很简单的数学问题No, its just basic math.如果你把他们踢出去 那么就只有我们两个人If you cut them out, we only have to split the pot分蛋糕了betwee
38、n the two of us.我们双赢We both win.推销你自己吗Dealing yourself in?这才是我的凯特Thats my Cat.你说你想像以前一样You said you wanted it to be like old times.我只是给你想要的Im just giving you what you want.这是越狱前90分钟This is 90 minutes before the breakout.我就知道I knew it.我就知道佩特拉会找到道格的I knew Petra would find her way to Doug.我只是没想到他会这么快就给
39、她洗脑I just didnt realize how quickly hed brainwash her.谢谢 TJThanks, TJ.你觉得他们还在暗礁吗You think theyre still on the Reef?是的I do.你知道的 在那个年代 岸边帮在整个岛上You know, back in the day, the Shorepound used to keep有很多可以避难的地方a lot of bolt-holes all across the island.你还记得它们的位置吗Do you remember their locations?是的 我知道Yeah,
40、 I do.所以他们不会这这些地方Which is why they wont be at any of them.好的 那么有两种选择 海滩上或者山里All right, so two choices then - beach or mountain.我不知道I dont know.但是佩特拉But Petra might.不 你真的认为他会相信No, do you really think hes gonna trust her她说的那些吗with that kind of information?凯特 道格 两个不能在公共场合露面的雇佣兵吗Cat, Doug, two mercenari
41、es who cant show their face in public?那个16岁的女孩 她能16-year-old girl, she can.食品杂货 生活用品 这就是他需要她做的Groceries, supplies - thats what hes gonna use her for.我会在电台上发表公告Ill put a description out on the radio.我需要你帮我们备货I need you to stock us up.如果你两小时内还没回来If youre not back in two hours,我们就认为你被抓了 我们暴露了we assume
42、youre grabbed and were blown.如果你怀疑你被跟踪了 你就一直跑You even suspect you get made, you keep going.- 明白了吗 - 明白- You understand? - Got it.他说访客和囚犯He says that both visitors and inmates都受到暴力威胁 那位女性市民were threatened with violence while the female civilian,现在已确认身份 是凯特钱伯斯now identified as Cat Chambers.帮助囚犯逃跑.allo
43、wing the prisoners to escape.有人看见一辆黑色货车离开A black van was seen leaving.通缉照片就选了我这张啊Thats the mug shot they chose to use of me?就不能用房间里Couldnt they have used the one where光线更好的那张吗the lighting was better in the booking room?你知道我在想什么吗You know what I was thinking?如果我们有一副扑克牌 将会很有趣吧Wouldnt it be fun if we ha
44、d a deck of playing cards?好吧 我不觉得Well, I dont.为什么 你有别的想法吗Why, you have something else in mind?不No.我只是不想跟你玩I just dont want to play with you.- 为什么 - 你作弊- Why? - You cheat.我想你是怕我吧I think youre scared of me.- 我不怕你 - 你怕的Im not scared of you. Yeah, you are.不怕 我知道你是怎么给人洗脑的No, I know how you play with peop
45、les minds.是啊Oh, yeah.道格在监狱里呆了太久 都不认识你的真面目了Dougs been inside for too long to know who you really are.那我的真面目是什么呢And whos that?你是个同谋的贱人Youre a conniving bitch.虽然你在这待的这么愉快And as entertaining as it is to keep you here,我们可受够你了were done with you.你已经完成了你的使命Youve served your purpose,不管道格是怎么想的regardless of wh
46、at Doug thinks.好吧 你知道吗Okay, fine, you know what?我先走了 你们可以Ill just leave, and you guys给道格解释一下 我为何can explain to Doug why Im -你走不了You aint leaving.别碰我Get your hands off me.我们就这么坐以待毙 任她再次欺诈我们吗Were gonna sit around, let her fleece us again, huh?让她离开 说了别碰我Get her out of here. I said let me go!堵住她的嘴Gag he
47、r.搞什么啊 道格What the hell, Doug?你也对这位女士有意见吗You got a problem with the lady, too?你无情的打死了他You shot him in cold blood.如果我说是意外呢What if I told you it was an accident?还有 我似乎让你更富有了呢Besides, looks like I made you a whole lot richer.放松And relax.她的钱从我这出Her money comes out of my half.这么说这一切你都研究明白了是吗So you had thi
48、s all figured out, yeah?我是说了什么好笑的话吗I say something funny to you?是啊Oh, yeah.她把咱俩都耍了 兄弟Shes fooled us both, man.各单位注意Attention all units.山区路4100街 有枪声Code 3 to the 4100 block of Mountain Road, shots fired.重复 各单位注意 有枪声Repeat, Code 3, all units.这可糟了 加快速度That aint good. Light her up.是啊 岸边帮型男奥凯西让她的前女友Yeah,
49、 Shorepound hottie OCasey got his ex-girlfriend帮他越狱 他们此刻正在逃跑to break him out of prison, and now theyre on the run.太浪漫了Its so romantic.是啊 就像邦妮和克莱德一样Yeah, like Bonnie and Clyde.我爱真实犯罪故事I love true crime.其他逃犯正等待接受the other inmates, who were awaiting trial恐怖主义罪名审判on terrorism charges.你想一起做个播客吗Do you wan
50、t to make a podcast together?嘿Hey!请不要卷入本案中Do not, under any circumstances, approach请不要接近任何逃犯 他们可能any of the escapees, as they are considered持有武器很危险armed and dangerous.嗨Hi我想报告一下 我看到了I-I-I want to report a sighting越狱逃犯from the prison break.是的Yeah.凯特钱伯斯Cat Chambers.她好像在玩躲猫猫Think shes out there playing
51、hide and seek.会像狗一样回家吗Gonna run home like a puppy?我从没养过狗I never had a puppy.肯定是因此而成了罪犯Must be why you became a criminal.不 我就是为犯罪而生No, I was born this way.我按自己的规则生活The rules I live by are my own.谢尔先生就是这样Mr. Cher was like that.自有活法Lived by his own code.你要发表长篇大论吗Are you gonna make a speech about him?有问
52、题吗Is this gonna be a problem?你可以拿上10万 走人You can take 100K right now, walk away.此生金盆洗手Turn your back on the score of a lifetime.报仇Payback?还是走人Or payday?你决定You decide.很安静Its quiet.还有多久支援能到How long before backup arrives?不 我不想等No, I dont want to wait.我去后方Ill take the back.是近来was the recent臭名昭著的犯罪团伙notor
53、ious criminal organization.这是钱伯斯That is until Chambers testimony对她前搭档的证词against her ex-partner.道格 你们都哪去了Doug, where did you guys all -佩特拉Petra?还有谁在这Who else is here?好像我会告诉你似的Like I would tell you.他们在哪 凯特在哪Where are they? Wheres Cat?这不是闹着玩的 这里的人性命堪忧This isnt a game. There are lives at stake here.包括你
54、这不再是小孩子的游戏了Yours included. This aint a kids game anymore.这是同谋和教唆重刑逃犯This is aiding and abetting hard-core fugitives,知道吗 把她拷上and - You know what? Just cuff her.剩下的交给支援部队Lets let the backup do the sweep.你们两个废物自从凯特回到暗礁You two losers have been sniffing around Cat你们就四处找她since she came back to the Reef.如今
55、她选择了道格Now she chose Doug.是你选择了道格You chose Doug.这个决定会害了你的That decisions gonna haunt you.你们要找凯特钱伯斯吗 我看见她了Hi. Youre looking for Cat Chambers? I saw her.我来到这 她 进来我带你们看She came in here, she - Come on, Ill show you.20分队 报告位置Unit 20, whats your location?我们正往北去Were headed northbound.1033 所有单位1033, all units
56、.有目击称嫌犯道格奥凯西在坎宁路Reported sighting of suspect Doug OCasey at Canning Road,尼米兹海湾市中心downtown Nimitz Bay.重复 各单位注意 前往尼米兹海湾市中心Repeat, all available units, respond to Canning Road,坎宁路待命downtown Nimitz Bay.收到Copy.立即派出特别小组12Sending special unit 12 now.- 不要接近 - 我是波特- Do not approach - - This is Porter.我们离的很近
57、马上赶到Were nearby the address. On our way.我需要你帮忙I need your help.好的Okay.梅芙 你真是救星Maeve, you are a life saver.我们现在能走了吗Now can we get the hell out of here?好的宝贝Yes, doll.检查所有区域内Just checking all quadrants for any sign有没有警察的迹象of that pesky police dragnet.祝你愉快Have a nice day.快走快走Lets go, go, go, go, go.听我说O
58、kay, listen to me.明确的说一句 我是被陷害了For the record, I was set up.明确的说一句 我也没问啊For the record, I didnt ask.我带了些给你路上穿的换洗衣物Oh, uh, I picked up a change of clothes for you on the way.在包里Its in the bag there.带干扰器了吗Did bring the signal jammer?带了 你有30秒Yes. Youve got 30 seconds.凯特Cat?你怎么知道是我How did you know it wa
59、s me?不然还能是谁Who else would it be?你今早玩失踪让我很困惑Your little disappearing act this morning has me mystified.听我说 杰克 我时间不多Listen to me, Jake, I dont have much time.道格要来找你了Doug is coming for you因为他觉得你把我从他那偷走了because he thinks you stole me from him.时间到了Times up.别相信你听到的Dont believe everything you hear.答应我 立刻Pr
60、omise me. Now!凯特Cat?欢迎Welcome.到这就交给我吧Ill take it from here.快速播报 她有辐射哦News flash, shes radioactive.我说过这里是给那些无家可归的人准备的I told you this place is a home for those who have no home.嘿Hey. Hm?要点酒吧喝酒我请Drinks at the Point Bar on me如果我能毫发未损度过这事if I make it through this in one piece.你在学习Youre learning.谢谢 梅芙Than
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