1、Translation of Idiom1What is an idiom?An idiom is a fixed group of words or a single word, with brief form (succinct in form) and incisive meaning (profound in meaning) which is used widely in a certain cultural background by a nation.It is an expression, a word or phrase which carries a ficed meani
2、ng different from its literal meaning.2Idioms include:ProverbsSayingsSlangsColloquialismsQuotations (引语)Allusions (典故)Set phrases(固定搭配)Epigrams (警句)two-part allegorical sayings (歇后语)3Features of idioms:Vivid and metaphorical in languageConcise in form and rich in meaningCulture-bound: idiom translat
3、ion is actually cultural transfer Distinctly reflect the features of each language 4Principles and Techniques:Trying to retain the image(形象), meaning (喻义)and the figure of speech(修辞特色)Conforming to the idiomatic expression and reflect the features of national culture and peoples way of thinking. 5St
4、rategies:A. Literal translation 直译法Retaining the original images and metaphorical languageThe meaning as well as the style of the source language can be reproduced. Remaining the taste of the exotic atmosphere foreignization 6Golden age 黄金时代Hot dog 热狗Honeymoon 蜜月Forbidden fruit 禁果Kill two birds with
5、 one stone 一石二鸟He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林。 纸老虎 paper tiger求同存异 seek common grounds while reserving differences7Adam Lambert finally came out of the closet and admitted he was gay.亚当兰伯特终于出柜,承认自己的同性恋身份。His plan was to wash his ha
6、nds of the affairs in his company when he reached 50. 他的计划书,50岁以后就洗手不干,从此不管公司事务。8B. Literal translation with paraphrase or annotation 直译加注释It is better to render the literal meaning and bring out the explanation when the literal translation may result in pragmatic error and make it misunderstood by
7、the readers.9Every dog has its day. 狗有得意日,人有得意时People considered that what he had played on that occasion was no more than a Judas kiss. 人们认为他在那种场合所表演的不过是犹大之吻,居心险恶。若真也葬花,可谓东施效颦了。If so, shes Dongshi imitating Xishi.(Xishi was a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of Yue. Dongshi was an ugly girl who
8、 tried to imitate her way.)揠苗助长 try to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward spoil things by excessive enthusiasm. worth ones salt 称职, 有能力 Annotation: It was said that long time ago workers were paid salt instead of money. 10C. Free/ Meaning translation 意译法Using plain language to replace the o
9、riginal metaphorical language to achieve the functional equivalence.Suitable for translating idioms whose stories are too old to be attractive or a proper replaced phrase which can not be found in the target language. 11Have other fish to dry 有别的事要干 Hit the nail on the head 一语道破 a bed of roses 安乐窝as
10、 fair as Helen 绝代佳人 Helen of Troy 红颜祸水All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 有情人终成眷属。毛遂自荐 to volunteer ones service山盟海誓 to make a solemn pledge of love不管三七二十一 regardless of the consequences庆父不死,鲁难未已。There will always be trouble until the trouble-maker is removed.12今年高考他又名落孙山了。 This year he failed
11、again in the entrance examinations for college students. 这两个队旗鼓相当,比赛中比分交替上升。 The two teams are well-matched, and the score seesawed all the time.而且这些规则是不象现在那样朝三暮四的。 And these rules, unlike those we have today, do not change all the time. 方案一公布,大家就七嘴八舌地议论开了。 Publication of the draft plan touched off
12、a lively discussion, with everybody eager to put in a word.13D. Borrowing/replacement 借用法/套用法Using an existent idiom in the target language to replace the original one.Suitable for translating idioms whose metaphorical meaning can be conveyed in the target culture by other expressions.141) Similar i
13、n meaning and form as well as in image (完全对应) to fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼 to be on thin ice 如履薄冰 Walls have ears 隔墙有耳Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁 Facts speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩Haste makes waste/More haste, less speed 欲速则不达。Like father, like son. 有其父,必有其子。Great minds thinks alike. 英雄所见
14、略同。Misfortunes never come alone. 祸不单行。15I gave Billy a bite of candy and he wanted more and more, just like if you give him an inch, hell take a yard. 我给比利咬一口糖,他要了又要,真是得寸进尺。He drew a long face all day yesterday, and I have no idea what had happened to him.昨天他一整天都拉长了脸,我不知道他怎么了。162) Slightly different
15、 in form or in image, but similar in meaning 部分对应/间接对应A wolf in sheeps clothing 笑面虎as dumb as an oyster/as silent as the grave/as close as wax 守口如瓶like a peacock in the barnyard 鹤立鸡群, at the end of ones rope 山穷水尽to burn the midnight oil 开夜车Let the cat out of the bag 露出马脚17Let sleeping dogs lie.切莫打草惊
16、蛇。Better to be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion. 宁为鸡头不为凤尾。He is beating the dog before the lion.他这是在杀鸡儆猴。“Well,” the old man remarked consolingly, “every bullet has its billet.” 老人安慰道:“得了,生死有命呀。”18E. Flexibility /Adaptation变通翻译 or Abridgement 截译,缩略译法For phenomenon “tautology”(同义反复)in Chinese idioms-a rhetorical device which expresses the beauty of Chinese language19相辅相成 sup
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