1、英语应用文英语应用文招聘与应聘招聘与应聘recruitment and employment招聘招聘应聘应聘第一段第一段第二段第二段第三段第三段说明招聘职位;说明招聘职位;介绍工作内容介绍工作内容说明来信目的;说明来信目的;表达应聘意图表达应聘意图说明招聘要求说明招聘要求介绍个人情况:毕业于介绍个人情况:毕业于何处,有何技能等何处,有何技能等表达招聘意愿;表达招聘意愿;明确应聘地点与时间明确应聘地点与时间表达应聘意愿与感谢表达应聘意愿与感谢1. 招聘广告的写作属于应用文招聘广告的写作属于应用文, 写作时往往使写作时往往使用用被动语态和第三人称被动语态和第三人称使文章显得客观、公平。使文章显得客
2、观、公平。2. 考生在写应聘信的时候要注意写作语气考生在写应聘信的时候要注意写作语气, 不不能口气狂妄能口气狂妄, 但要有自信。但要有自信。3. 无论招聘广告还是应聘信无论招聘广告还是应聘信, 都涉及到对应聘都涉及到对应聘者的要求者的要求, 因此考生要多掌握表示技能技巧的因此考生要多掌握表示技能技巧的短语句子短语句子,写作过程中才能显示出语言的多样写作过程中才能显示出语言的多样性性, 避免过分单调。避免过分单调。1. 应聘者:应聘者:_申请、应聘:申请、应聘: _能力:能力: _要求:要求: _毕业于:毕业于: _奉献于:奉献于:_词句累积词句累积applicantapply for/appl
3、y to doabilityrequire/requirementgraduate fromdevoteto7. 出生于出生于:_8. 身体健康身体健康:_9. 符合你的能力要求符合你的能力要求 :_10. 熟悉熟悉/擅长擅长/精通精通:_11. 与与交流交流:_be born on/inbe in good healthmeet your ability requirementsbe familiar with/be good at/be skillful at/have a good command ofcommunicate with12. 热心和耐心的热心和耐心的:_13. 在我的空余
4、时间在我的空余时间:_14. 交际能力交际能力:_15. 团队精神团队精神:_warm-hearted and patientin my spare timeability of communicationteamwork spiritThe Students Union is looking for 学生会正在寻找学生会正在寻找2. The main responsibilities/tasks of the applicant include .应聘者的主要职应聘者的主要职责责/任务包括任务包括3. The applicants are supposed to/ are expected
5、to /are required to申请者应申请者应该具备该具备常用句型:招聘常用句型:招聘4. Dont hesitate any more; its now or never. 不要再犹豫了不要再犹豫了; 机不可失机不可失, 时不再来。时不再来。5. If you are interested, please call Li Hua at 130 xxx for an interview before 如果感兴趣,请在如果感兴趣,请在前致电李华,电话:前致电李华,电话:130 xxx6. Payment for the service will be discussed during t
6、he interview. 薪酬面议。薪酬面议。An English Announcer WantedOur Students Union is looking for an English announcer for our Voice of Campus. 广播员的职责主要包括两方面。广播员的职责主要包括两方面。_一是你要选择一些适合学生阅读的文章,一是你要选择一些适合学生阅读的文章,另外你要利用课下时间广播。另外你要利用课下时间广播。_The main responsibilities/tasks of the announcer include two parts.One is to
7、choose proper English articles from newspaper , the other is to announce them to the students after class.申请者须要符合以下要求:首先,申请者须要符合以下要求:首先,申请者应该口语申请者应该口语要好。要好。_The applicants need to meet the following requirements: Firstly, the applicants are expected to be good at spoken English.The applicants need t
8、o meet the following requirements: Firstly, the applicants are expected to have a good command of spoken English. 另外,申请者必须要对电脑熟练,还要乐于服务师另外,申请者必须要对电脑熟练,还要乐于服务师生。生。_如果你感兴趣,请在下周五前联系学生会。如果你感兴趣,请在下周五前联系学生会。_If you are interested, please get in touch with the SN before next Friday. In addition, the applic
9、ants should be not only skillful at the computer, but also willing to serve teachers and students. Our Students Union is looking for an English announcer for our Voice of Campus. The main responsibilities of the announcer include two parts. One is to choose proper English articles from newspaper , t
10、he other is to announce them to the students after class. The applicants need to meet the following requirements: Firstly, the applicants are expected to be good at spoken English. In addition, the applicants should be not only skillful at the computer, but also willing to serve teachers and student
11、s. If you are interested, please get in touch with the SN before next Friday. 1.I am writing to apply for.我写信来申请我写信来申请2. I graduated from我毕业于我毕业于3. I am good at/ am skillful at我擅长我擅长.4. I am willing to be a volunteer.我愿意成为一名自愿者。我愿意成为一名自愿者。5. I believe that I meet your ability requirements.我相信我符合你的能力
12、要求。我相信我符合你的能力要求。常用句型:应聘常用句型:应聘6.I trust that I am capable of doing the work well.我相信我能干好这份工作。我相信我能干好这份工作。7. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.我期待不久收到你的来信。我期待不久收到你的来信。8. My resume is attached.我的简历在附件里。我的简历在附件里。9. I would appreciate it if you could give me an interview. 若你能给我一个面试机会
13、,我将不胜若你能给我一个面试机会,我将不胜感激。感激。假如你是李华假如你是李华, 你看到了你看到了“第第26届世界大学生运动会届世界大学生运动会(Universiade)”组委会招聘志愿者组委会招聘志愿者(volunteer)的广告的广告,请根请根据下列内容用英语写一篇自荐信。据下列内容用英语写一篇自荐信。写作内容写作内容表达写信意图表达写信意图说明应征条件(性格、能力等)说明应征条件(性格、能力等)Dear Sir, Im glad to see your advertisement._Many thanks, and Im looking forward to your early rep
14、ly.Yours,Lu HuaDear Sir, Im glad to see your advertisement .我写信来申请成为我写信来申请成为“第第26届世界大学生运动会届世界大学生运动会”的的自愿者。自愿者。_我出生于我出生于1998年年3月月28日,身体健康。日,身体健康。_I am writing to apply to be a volunteer for the 26th Universiade. I was born on March 28th, 1998, and I am in good health.我认为我符合你的能力要求。我认为我符合你的能力要求。我的性格开朗,
15、与同学们友好相处。我的性格开朗,与同学们友好相处。另外我不仅精通英语,还对电脑操作很熟练。另外我不仅精通英语,还对电脑操作很熟练。I think I meet your ability requirementsAs an outgoing girl, I get along well with my classmates. Besides, I not only have a good command of English, but also am skillful at computer.最重要的是,我有很强的交际能力和团队精神。最重要的是,我有很强的交际能力和团队精神。_我相信我能干好这份
16、工作我相信我能干好这份工作。_Many thanks, and Im looking forward to your early reply. Yours,Lu Hua Above all, I have strong ability of communication and teamwork spirits. I trust that I am capable of doing the work well.Dear Sir, Im glad to see your advertisement. I am writing to apply to be a volunteer for the 26th Universiade. I was born on March 28th, 1998, and I am in good health. I think I meet your ability requirements. As an outgoing girl, I get along well with my classmates. Besides, I not
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