1、本片由作者成长的诺丁汉郡矿区发生的两起杀人案改编为剧情需要 人物和情节进行了艺术创造你们要下定决心And you've got to make up your mind!你们要屈辱地接受呢Are you going to accept it down on your knees?还是挺起胸膛去抗争Or are you going to stand and fight,去反抗关闭和屠♥杀♥你们行业的行径呢and oppose the closure and the butchery of your industry?我们绝不会被打败We'
2、;ll never be defeated !我们是矿工 团结起来 绝不被打败We're miners! United ! We'll never be defeated !大家都从昨晚的电视里看到了这些画面You saw the scenes which went on in television last night.我必须告诉大家 我们所面对的I must tell you that what we've got是企图以暴民的骚乱代替法制is an attempt to substitute the rule of the mob for the rule of
3、law.机密警棍打到我的脑后 将头骨打裂A baton blow to the back of the head, fracturing me skull,我的头后警棍还打了我的后背 双腿和脚踝and baton blows across me back, me legs and me ankles.我的脑后.-是谁打的 -警♥察♥啊 警♥察♥打的- Done by whom? - The police. By the police.过来看看他们在干什么Get in here and see what th
4、ey're doing.尽管发生了罢♥工♥ 诺丁汉郡In spite of the ongoing strike, 10 of the 12支持矿工24小时总罢♥工♥矿工必胜保守党停止袭击12家煤矿中有10家违抗了工会的安排collieries in Nottinghamshire ave defied te union仍在正常运营and are operating normally.你们为什么不支持罢♥工♥呢Why aren't you in f
5、avour of the strike?全国矿工工会警戒线全国矿工工会纠察员因为我负担不起罢♥工♥ 负担不起Cos I can't afford to strike. I just can't afford to strike.我们不会忘记工贼诺丁汉郡那些想去Those men in Nottinghamshire who want上班的人们每天都可能面对to go to work could be subjected to daily insults and reproaches罢♥工♥的
6、矿工要求开除工贼罢♥工♥者的骚扰和责难by those men who are out on strike.一些当地矿工走过时As some of the local miners walked in,他们会被they were followed by隐藏在舍伍德森林过夜的groups of flying pickets who'd spent the night成群纠察队员尾随hidden in Sherwood Forest.很多纠察队员非常凶A lot of pickets are very aggressive,辱骂我们并对我们扔石头
7、calling us names and throwing stones at us.我们不会被约克郡的纠察队吓倒We won't be bullied by pickets from Yorkshire.但我警告你们But I warn you如果到本次争端解决时that if at the conclusion of this dispute你们仍在穿越我们的警戒线you are still crossing our picket lines,那你们终身都将被印上工贼的污点you will be stained till the end of time as a scab!工贼 工
8、贼 工贼Scab! Scab! Scab!如果你出身并且居住在一个矿村When you live in a village and come from a village失 魂 舍 伍 德第一集煤矿发生的事what's connected to a mine,社区发生的事与所有人息息相关what happens in t'community happens to everybody.你好Oh, hello.你好 抱歉Hiya. Sorry.我不知道你是否在家I didn't know if you were in or not,所以我准备投递给你so I was jus
9、t going to post it,不过.给你吧but.here.莎拉·文森特阿什菲尔德的新委员你登记做选民了吗Are you registered to vote?你登记当疯子了吗Are you registered insane?-保守党委员 -对 为什么不行- A Tory councillor? - Yeah, why not?现在阿什菲尔德有保守党♥国♥会议员了We have a Tory MP in Ashfield now.工党不行了 你没听说吗The red wall fell. Didn't you hear?工
10、党不能再理所当然地获得工人阶级的选票了Labour can't take working class votes for granted any more.那个时代早就过去了Those days are long dead.行了吧你You're all right, me duck.我还是递给你一份I'll post this anyway.到时候你可以在社交媒体上关注我You can follow me on social media, as and when.尼尔 什么事Neel? What is it?你出去发单子去了 莎拉You're out blood
11、y flyering, Sarah.才没有 我正要去美发呢I'm not! I'm on my way to the hairdresser's.别挑事Stop having a go.丹尼女友同父异母的姐姐卡特里娜说Yeah, well, our Danny's Gemma's stepsister, Katrina, said你去敲她家的门了 所以.you knocked on her door, so.好吧 我去美发的路上All right, I 'm doing a couple of roads顺手发两条街on the way to t
12、he hairdresser's.你真觉得今天适合干这个吗Do you really think this is the day for it?情况如何 还好吗How's it looking? OK?别去发单子了好吗 今天不行Look, stop flyering, will you? Not today.好吧 我们回头见OK. OK. I 'll see you in a bit.诺亚Noah!是特雷弗·弗朗西斯Hey, look! It's Trevor Francis.-谁 -你说是谁- Who? - Who?!第一位百万镑球星啊First m
13、illion-pound player.诺丁汉森林队的中锋Notts Forest centre forward.入选英格兰国家队52次 竟然问是谁52-caps-for-England who!行了Now, then.你们必须要非常灵活 对吧See, you've got to be light on your feet, lads, right?但还要非常有力量But wi' power behind you! Wahey!就像穆♥罕♥默♥德♥·阿里Like Muhammad
14、Ali.如蝴蝶般轻盈.Float like a butterfly.像蜜蜂般狠毒.sting like a bee!那是谁Who's that?回家去找你妈妈吧Go on inside for your mamma.-为什么 -回去就是了- Why? - Go on. Just do it.-就踢到这吧 孩子们 -回头见- Right, that's it, lads. - See you in a bit.回见See you.我得快点Right, I 've got to dash.等等伊恩 你穿了制♥服♥Hold on.
15、Ian, you're wearing your uniform.那婚礼呢What about the wedding?我的确问了 可他们说为了拍照我得穿这个Yeah, I did ask, but they said I had to wear it for the photos,我还得向警长敬礼you know. And I 've got to salute the Sheriff.那我带着你的西服吧OK, well, I'll take your suit with me, then,开始前你在那把衣服换上and you get changed there be
16、fore it starts.但你不能迟到But you cannot be late.-嗯 我得走了 -那来吧- No. I 've got to go. - Go on, then.给我敬个给警长的礼Show me your salute for the Sheriff.我以为敬礼是那样的呢I thought that was a salute.不是 那是美国人的方式No. That's American.英式 美式 英式 美式British, American, British, American.回头见See you later.伊恩Ian.别迟到Don't b
17、e late.遵命 长官Yes, ma'am.你们就把盘子收拾干净会死人吗Would it kill any one on you to clear away your plate just once?辛迪 把电视关了Cindy, turn the telly off!我复习时总是开着电视 妈妈允许的I always have it on when I 'm revising. Mum lets me.好吧 我给她发个信息可以吧Fine. I'll WhatsApp her, shall I?天啊 这会让我看着太蠢吗Oh, God. Does this make me
18、look like a twat?这样好点吗Is that better?你出去时我能找个朋友过来吗 帮我复习Can I have a friend round while you're out, help me revise?朋友 什么朋友 叫什么A friend? What friend? And what name?这样我好做背景调查 品行证明什么的So I can do background checks, character references.反正不行 你要看着你弟弟And, anyway, no - you're looking after your littl
19、e brother.-他的新睡觉时间是几点 -11点- What time's his new bedtime? - 11:00.胡说 是9点Is it bollocks! 9:00.诺亚·杰克逊 看着.看着我Noah Jackson, look at. Look at me.你在家几点上♥床♥睡觉What time do you go to bed at home?-9点 -好孩子- 9:00. - Good boy.反正我们那时候也回来了 他不会想待太久的No. Anyway, we'll be back by then
20、. He won't want to stay late.爸爸妈妈去哪儿了Where have Mum and Dad even gone?我说了 今天是他们的结婚纪念日 辛迪关掉I told you, it's their wedding anniversary. Cindy, off!别叫我辛迪 我讨厌这么叫我Don't call me Cindy! I hate it.我女儿为什么要Oh, why did my daughter给她孩子起这么嬉皮士的名字呢have to give her kids such bloody hippy names?-什么 -没事-
21、What? - Nothing !结婚纪念日大家都做些什么Wat do you do on an anniversary?大家会去个鸟不拉屎的地方You go to a nasty hotel in住个破酒店 然后悲哀地做♥爱♥the middle of nowhere and you have sad sex.辛德瑞拉·杰克逊Cinderella Jackson!怎么了 本来就是这样啊What? It's true.他们去吃顿大餐 谈起结婚以来They go and have nice meals, and talk about
22、all the nice memories所有的幸福回忆 包括生下they have of being married to one another, including giving birth两个可爱的孩子 他们总是会收拾好to two wonderful children, who are always good at clearing away他们的盘子并洗干净锅their plates and washing up the pots.你不是有洗碗机吗Don't you have a dishwasher?是的 我有 在这里Yes, I do. Here it is.这就是我的
23、洗碗机 很棒对吗Here's me dishwasher. Isn't it fancy?她什么都能做 顶嘴 抱怨 哼唧.It can do everything, backchat, snarl, moan.发牢骚.grumble.有人敲门Somebody's at the door.有人敲门There's somebody at the door!有人敲.There's somebody at the.!你们都不知道我在说什么对吗You don't know what I 'm talking about, do you?是罗德和艾穆
24、的桥段 戈登·贝内特It's Rod 'n' Emu. Gordon Bennett.有人敲门There's somebody at the door!有人敲门There's somebody at the.-怎么了 -抱歉 但是他又那么做了- All right? - Sorry, but he's doing it again.-谁又做什么了 -你知道的- Who's doing what again? - You know what.他在这里焚烧垃圾He's burning rubbish here,而他明明是有私
25、家菜地的when he's got a perfectly good allotment.焚烧的烟都被风吹到我们家了The wind's blowing it right into our house.这让弗雷德很不舒服It makes Fred struggle.他也管不了风往哪吹 对吧 他又不是上帝He can't control the direction of the wind, can he? He's not God.如果这让弗雷德如此烦心If it bothers Fred so much,他怎么不自己过来说why doesn't he c
26、ome and have a quiet word?要是他问了I 'm sure Gary would stop你知道他不会这么做You know he's not going to do that.他为什么要过来Why should he?加里就会停 而不是if he asked him. Not send his little-派小帮手来帮他唱黑脸 -行吧 随你便- helper to do his dirty work for him. - OK. Ta anyway.好 再见Yeah, OK. Bye.烟真的很大 加里There is quite a lot of sm
27、oke, Gary.这是火It's a fire.当然会有烟什么的Where there's smoke, and all that.邻居过来抱怨了Neighbours have complained.我猜猜Let me guess.什么也别说Oh, don't.别说 我从来不戴帽子Don't. I never wear hats.我自己都觉得很刻意 我还是摘掉吧I feel dead self-conscious. I might just take it off.你看起来.Oh, you look.你看起来很棒You look fantastic.来吧 该出
28、发了Come on. It's time.她怎么说What'd she say?她说 你要是有问题She said, if you've got a problem,就自己过去说you need to go round there yourself.混♥蛋♥Arsehole.弗雷德 她是我姐姐Fred, that's my sister.我说的是他I 'm talking about im.虽然她也是混♥蛋♥Altough she's an arsehole
29、an' all.斯科特Scott!他出门了He's just gone out.又去打猎Hunting again.虽然我从不知道他打到过什么Tough, what he hunts I haven't a clue.从来没见他拿回过任何东西Never seems to come back wi' owt.我们要聊聊下周 他没准备好We need to talk about next week. He's not ready.有什么可准备的What's to get ready?那个傻瓜要被送走了Daft a'p'ort'
30、s getting sent down.不就这样吗That's all there is to it.这可真方便 爸爸Oh, aye, that's dead subtle, that, Dad.在饭桌上弄吗Kitchen table?-罗南去哪了 -出去了- Where's our Ronan? - Out.否则还有谁会做 你会吗Who else is going to do it? Are you doing it?我想也不会Don't appear so.别喝太多Don't get tanked up.今晚的婚礼我这边有五个预约I 've
31、got about five bookings for this reception tonight.我就收到一个I 'm only having one.-怎么样 -什么怎么样- Well? - Well, what?不许用"什么怎么样"对付我Don't "Well, what?" Me.你有消息吗 是他吗You had words? Is it him?对 去他的 大兵游戏Right, fuck this. Game of soldiers.-你要想办点什么事. -得了 爸爸- You want something doing. -
32、Oh, give over, Dad.我知道了 好吧I got it, all right?斯派罗出租车Sparrow Cabs.对 也是费舍尔家婚礼那边对吗Er, yeah, is that for the Fisher wedding?我一直以来坚决支持本市的执法机关Supporting law enforcement in this city is a passion of mine.原因不仅是我市Not just because I'm relieved不需要再由诺丁汉警长来负责执法it no longer falls to the Sheriff of Nottingam t
33、o uphold the law,同时也因为维护我们社区的和平but because keeping peace for our community需要雷切行动这样的成功行动requires the success of operations like Reacher.借此机会 我们将颁发一项特别嘉奖And with that, we have a special commendation来表彰东米德兰for Detective Chief Superintendent诺丁汉郡警♥察♥局特别行动小组的侦探高级警司of the East Midland
34、s Special Operations Unit,伊恩·圣克莱尔Ian SAINT Clair!圣克莱尔 叫你呢 伙计SAINT Clair! That's you, mate.谢谢 谢谢Er, thank you. Thank you.并无悖逆之意 警长阁下I don't mean to contradict you, Madam Sheriff,但我名字更低调的正确读法是"辛克莱尔"but it's pronounced the more humble Sinclair, you know.我妈常说 这名字很挂羊头卖&hear
35、ts;♥狗肉As my mother used to say, it's a mutton name in lamb dressing.但是顺便说一下Which didn't stop me having ten bells o' shite我在学校也没因此少挨揍 不过.knocked out of me at school, by the way, but.确实 我是这项行动的负责人Anyway. Yes, I was head of this operation,但成功归功于我的团队but the success was down to my
36、team.是他们不辞辛苦的把犯罪分子一一缉拿They worked tirelessly to get these criminals off our streets.我们都知道警方的工作.Now, we all know that policing.需要公众的协作.requires the cooperation of the public.我们需要他们的.他们的信任 支持We need their. their faith, support.而我们发现目前在这些方面And we find ourselves not in a particularly good place我们并不占优势in
37、 that regard at the moment.有人会说这事出有因And some might say with good reason.我们的传统是警♥察♥执法需要认可The tradition is that we police by consent,如果我们失去了公众的认可 那么.and if we lose the consent of the people, well.我们还有很长的路要走 才能赢回.Now, we have a long way to go to earn back.哪怕仅仅是一部分信任.some of that t
38、rust.非常感谢Thank you very much.我的天.Oh, my God.!我的天Oh, my God.该死Shit.-抱歉我踩了. -不能走前门吗 安迪- Sorry. I tapped on. - If you'd come round the front, Andy?-你该从前门过来 按门铃 -对不起- If you'd just come round the front and ring the bell. - Sorry.这.This.这不是我们定的那身西装This isn't the suit we ordered.-对. -我们提供了你的尺寸
39、- Yeah. - We sent off your measurements.对 那套不太合身Yeah, that didn't really fit.抱歉 有些地方有点紧 就是.Sorry. Felt a bit tight around the, erm.那是定制西装It's a fitted suit.就应该那样 量身定制That's how it's meant to feel. It feels fitted.对 但我就.穿这身更舒服Yeah, well, I just. I just feel better in this.不过就是套西装 对吗An
40、d a suit's a suit, right?也没人会看我And nobody will be looking at me.如果他们看我 就有问题了 对吧And if they are, that's a problem, eh?你好Hello.你还记得尼尔的爸爸吗 安迪 他住隔壁You remember Neel's dad, Andy? Lives next door.是的 你好Yeah. Hi.你好All right.你看起来.You look, uh.真的 莎拉You do, Sarah.-你看起来. -你准备好了吗- You look. - Are you
41、 ready?-是的 对 -好 我们走吧- Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. Shall we?-帮忙锁好门 安迪 -好的 知道了- Just lock the door for us, Andy, will you? - Right, yeah.小心脚下Oh, watch your step.-我知道 -我都说了- Yes, I know. - I told you. I literally said-早点到 -我知道 别担心 别担心 没事- get here early. - I know. Don't worry, don't worry. It's all
42、 right.我在婚宴那边换衣服 没问题的Look, I 'll change at the reception. It'll be fine.-仪式很棒 -谢谢你- That was a lovely service. - Oh, thank you.恭喜Cheers.我们一会见We'll see you there.厚颜无♥耻♥Shameless.!极度厚颜无♥耻♥Absolutely shameless.大家好 我是安迪·费舍尔All right? I 'm
43、Andy Fisher.我知道很多来宾认识我I know a lot of you know me,还有很多莎拉那边的来宾不认识我and a lot of you don't from Sarah's side,但我很期待未来能but I look greatly forward to getting to认识你们know you all at some point.我知道这有点令人难过I know it's ever so sad, of course,是我站在这里that I happen to be standing here today, of course.但
44、我很感动 尼尔和莎拉能邀请我来But I 'm also very touched that Neel and Sarah have asked me,代替莎拉的父亲 因为他.in the absence of Sarah's father, who, as you know.-是个工贼 -今天不能来这和我们一起- Was a scab. . - can't be with us no more, so.谢谢你 莎拉 能让我来领你走红毯Thank you, Sarah, for asking me to give you away today.我深感荣幸I 'm
45、 very honoured.你们过几周就会去约克郡谷地了You're off to the Yorkshire Dales in a couple of weeks在你的after your, er, like.这些选举之后 那是个好地方.these elections. It's a good choice.因为塞特尔-卡莱尔铁路线Cos the Settle and Carlisle railway line,就是我给你们买♥♥了票的那条which I got you tickets on,是全世界最古老最美丽的铁路线之一is
46、one of the oldest and most beautiful in all the world.真的It is, honestly.由六千多名劳工在19世纪40年代修成Built in the 1840s by over 6,000 navvies,他们中的很多人因此失去生命many of whom lost their lives.各种难以想象的严酷条件Some of the most harshest conditions imaginable,有狂风cos you had your.有骤雨 还有暴雪.the wind and your rain and your snow.除
47、此之外And, erm.天花是最大的杀手Well, smallpox was the biggest killer.但我觉得它是对美好婚姻But it stands, I think, as a good metaphor for绝好的比喻 以我和我的亡妻what a good marriage is, based on my own very happy life尼尔的妈妈特鲁迪 快乐的生活来看with my late wife and Neel's mum, Trudy.依地势的要求The terrain required山坡上往往需要炸出隧♥道&he
48、arts;tunnels to be blasted into the mountainsides,山谷间通常需要以高架桥连接and viaducts to cross gaping valleys,就像壮丽的布尔德高架桥like beautiful Ribblehead Viaduct -你们就算没去过which I'm sure you've all seen pictures of,肯定也看到过照片even if you haven't been.当然还有布莱阿沼泽隧♥道♥的大斜坡And then there's
49、 the incline at Blea Moor.整整100度的倾斜角100 gradient,当地人都叫它"漫长旅程"which the locals refer to as "The long drag."在任何婚姻中Which certain parts in the journey都会有这样的时期of a marriage can feel like, eh?但我们坚持向前走But we.we keep going.坚持弥合差距Bridging the gaps.努力跨过艰难险阻Pushing through the obstacles, an
50、d.到达婚姻的彼岸.get out the other side.敬尼尔和莎拉To Neel and Sarah.敬尼尔和莎拉Neel and Sara!讲得真棒Amazing.你少来Oh, fuck off.谁啊Who's that?没谁No-one.快进来Come in, quick.很高兴见到你们Nice to see you, an' all.你好诺亚Hello, Noah. All right?-妈妈说. -妈妈不理解- Mamma said. - Mamma doesn't understand.我们得一块儿复习We have to be together
51、to revise.对 我们要配对复习生物Yeah. Biology. Have to do it in pairs.闭嘴Shut up.妈妈也不让你玩游戏 不是吗Look, she didn't want you playing that either, did she?但只要你不告密 我会守口如瓶But I won't tell her if you don't tell her.-好吗 -好吧- Right? - Right.来吧Come on.不错啊 整栋房♥子都是你们的Nice. to have the house all to your
52、selves.我们上楼吗Shall we, uh, go upstairs?这是我外公外婆的家 所以你不能待太久It's my nan and grandad's, so we can't be long.你♥爸♥妈以为你在哪里Where does your mum and dad think you are?滑冰Ice skating.对噢 托维尔All right, fucking Torvill.笨蛋 那个女孩儿才叫托维尔Torvill was the girl, you dick.不要No.这东西真棒I could g
53、et a taste for this stuff.这就是为什么我们不参加这种活动See, this is why we don't come to these things.如果眼神能杀人 我们已经被杀无数回了If looks could kill, we'd have a dozen or more knives in us back.我们必须来 他是我的上司We had to come, didn't we? He's my boss.胡说 没人敢使唤朱莉·杰克逊Gi' o'er! No-one bosses Julie Jack
54、son.别担心Don't worry.我也像你一样I had what you might call a difficult encounter对公众演讲有障碍with public speaking today.从来不像你想象的那样糟糕Never goes as bad as you think.我不觉得我的演讲很糟糕I didn't think it had gone badly.好的Oh, right. Well.那挺好 不是吗.that's good, then, innit?一品脱爱尔轻啤酒和一杯金汤力 谢谢Pint of mixed and a gin an
55、d tonic, please, duck.-你在排队吗 -没有 你继续- Oh, were you.? - No, no, you. You go.一切都好吗 加里How's it going, Gary?我是伊恩·辛克莱尔It's, er, Ian St Clair.我知道 一切挺好的 谢谢I know. It's going OK, ta.好得不能再好了Fine and dandy.玛吉指玛格丽特·撒切尔夫人你应该叫你的儿媳玛吉Hey, you should call your daughter-in-law Maggie,对吧 朋友shoul
56、dn't you, pal?好吧我懂了 因为她是.O, right, I get it, yea. Cos she's.-她是个保守党 -不是- She's a Conservative. - No!因为她今天晚上会和工人上♥床♥Cos tonight she'll be screwing a working man.他们保守党不就干这些吗It's what they do, in't it, Tories?搞乱大家的生活Fuck people.虽然这么说 传统上Saying that, histori
57、cally,这里的好多人对这种生活毫无怨言around here there's a lot that's happy just to take it.有些人就会坑自己Some people fuck themselves up.-你说谁呢 -你好- Oh, hello. What's that, pal? - All right?-我叫安迪 -我叫迪诺- Andy. - Deano.我说有些人就会坑自己 对吧I said, some people fuck themselves up, don't they?不知道究竟是为了面子还是真的愚蠢Act against their own best interest out of p
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