2014高考英语二轮复习核心考点 专题2 阅读理解——决定成败(165张)(2013高考)_第1页
2014高考英语二轮复习核心考点 专题2 阅读理解——决定成败(165张)(2013高考)_第2页
2014高考英语二轮复习核心考点 专题2 阅读理解——决定成败(165张)(2013高考)_第3页
2014高考英语二轮复习核心考点 专题2 阅读理解——决定成败(165张)(2013高考)_第4页
2014高考英语二轮复习核心考点 专题2 阅读理解——决定成败(165张)(2013高考)_第5页
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1、专题二阅读理解决定成败【考前思索】 我在遇到生词和难句时,还能够保持原有的阅读心态吗?我是不是很难把握住所读文章的主旨大意?答题时,我是否能在文章中找到答题依据?阅读中我是否通过对自己提问来检查对文章的理解程度?我做阅读理解题,正确率一般能到达80%吗?考试时,阅读理解题我往往都是哪些题型错?【考向聚焦】 要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能:理解主旨和要义;理解文中具体信息;根据上下文推断生词的词义;作出判断和推理;理解文章的根本结构;理解作者的意图、观点和态度。一、选题特征分析近几年的高考阅读试题,可以看出高考选题具有以

2、下四个特征:1时代新颖性每年的高考试卷中都有一定的文章,讲某一领域的新知识或介绍一些新观念、新方法或新事物,如:浙江卷介绍具有触摸屏导购装置的超市购物车。【考法说明】2人文实用性每年的高考试卷中都有一定的新闻和广告方面的应用文,注重人文与学生生活、社会生活的结合,尽可能表达语言的实用性与工具性。如:全国卷的(英国)路透社对于美加边界居民跨国界做礼拜的报道。3体裁多样性高考阅读的体裁包括人物传记、表达文、说明文、应用文和议论文。如:江苏卷的A篇是人物传记,介绍英国作家Jane Austen;B篇是应用文,书店导购;C篇是表达文,讲述the Sahara Festival庆祝活动相关内容;D篇是说



5、形式一般是:主旨概括 1The main idea of the passage(text) is .2The text (passage)is mainly about .3What does the passage mainly discuss (deal with)?4Which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea?5The main point of the passage is .6The best headline for this newspaper article would be .7Which of

6、 the following is the best title to be given to the article?8What is the topic of the text?9The main purpose of the story is to tell us .10The conclusion we can get from the story is .大家只要记住,看到问题中使用mainly,main,title,headline,topic,conclusion等词时,就得仔细领会文章的主旨大意了。(2021新课标全国)Honey from the African forest

7、 is not only a kind of natural sugar,it is also delicious.Most people,and many animals,like eating it.However,the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees nest and take the honey from it.Often,these nests are high up in trees,and it is difficult to find them.In parts of Africa,thou

8、gh,people and animals looking for honey have a strange and unexpected helpera little bird called a honey guide.The honey guide does not actually like honey,but it does like the wax in the beehives(蜂房)The little bird cannot reach this wax,which is deep inside the bees nest.So,when it finds a suitable

9、 nest,it looks for someone to help it.The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people.Once it has their attention,it flies through the forest,waiting from time to time for the curious animal or person as it leads them to the nest.When they finally arri

10、ve at the nest,the follower reaches in to get at the delicious honey as the bird patiently waits and watches.Some of the honey,and the wax,always falls to the ground,and this is when the honey guide takes its share.Scientists do not know why the honey guide likes eating the wax,but it is very determ

11、ined in its efforts to get it.The birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long distance away.They will quickly arrive whenever a beekeeper is taking honey from his beehives,and will even enter churches when beeswax candles are being lit.【语篇解读】 非洲森林中香甜的蜂蜜让人类和动物垂涎欲滴,但是要找到隐藏在高树上的蜂巢却并非易事。幸运的是,一种对蜂蜡情有独

12、钟的奇怪的小鸟可以主动提供帮助,顺便分一杯羹。1Why is it difficult to find a wild bees nest?AIts small in size. BIts hidden in trees.CIts covered with wax. DIts hard to recognize.解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Often,these nests are high up in trees,and it is difficult to find them.可判断出,之所以难以发现蜂巢是因为它隐藏在高高的树上。答案B2What do the words “the fo

13、llower in Paragraph 2 refer to?AA bee. BA bird.CA honey seeker. DA beekeeper.解析词义猜测题。结合上文中的“.both passing animals and people.以及“.the curious animal or person.可推知,the follower指的是“寻找蜂蜜者。答案C3The honey guide is special in the way .Ait gets its food Bit goes to churchCit sings in the forest Dit reaches i

14、nto bees nests解析推理判断题。这种鸟是借助他人之手最终获得自己想要的食物的,这正是它的特殊之处。答案A4What can be the best title for the text?AWild Bees BWax and HoneyCBeekeeping in Africa DHoneyLovers Helper解析主旨大意题。第一段最后一句点明了本文的中心话题,下文都围绕这种小鸟展开表达,所以D项最能概括文章大意。答案D第二节总分值技巧文章(或段落)的构成有其内在的规律性,其中心思想往往是通过主题句来表达的。因此考生对以下四种结构应首先有所了解,然后通过一系列有意识的训练进而

15、掌握它们。1主题句在篇(段)首的结构这种结构通常用演绎法撰写,遵循从一般到个别(特殊)的步骤,即先概述,然后用细节加以说明。Jane Clark,fairhaired,blueeyed and tough as steel,has just won the most difficult race in the world.In seventeen days she drove a dog team and sledge(雪橇)across 1,050 miles of the Arctic Circle and through some of the most difficult land i

16、n the world.In bitter(刺骨的) winds and snowstorms she drove her dogs along the Arctic track, in temperatures that reached 38.When Jane was asked how shefelt about being the first woman ever to win the race she said,“I still cant believe it.She then went over to inspect her thirteen wildeyed dogs.David

17、 Wilson,who came second,said,“It sure hurts when a young woman is ahead of you.But it doesnt hurt for long.She was a good winner.Which of the following best gives the main idea of this newspaper article?AWoman wins the worlds toughest race!BWoman fights bitter winds and snowstorms!CWoman wins a sled

18、ge race in the world!DWoman drives a dog team across the Arctic!解析这篇文章的首句就是主题句,其后的句子或是具体说明“世界上最困难的比赛,或是从侧面说明赢得这场比赛的不容易。本篇的终结句进一步照应了主题句。所以答案是A。答案A2主题句在末尾的结构尾句是主题句的结构通常是用归纳法撰写的,其步骤是先表述细节或交代论据,最后做出概括性的结论,以总结性的句子收尾。这种写作方法的特点是从个别到一般,由特殊性到共性。On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing hi

19、s violin.Everyone was astonished to see him.There was just one problem.Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates.He rolled on and on.Suddenly,he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall.Down fell the mirror,breaking to pieces.Nobody forgot Merlins grand entrance for a long time!What is

20、the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?AThe roller skates needed further improvement.BThe party guests took Merlin for a fool.CMerlin succeeded beyond expectation.DMerlin got himself into trouble.解析这段文字从Merlin入场的细节表达,最后一句做了归纳总结:“很长一段时间大家都没有忘记Merlin不同凡响的入场。可见Merlin取得了意想不到的成

21、功。答案为C。答案C3主题句在中间的结构有些主题句既不在篇(段)首,也不在篇(段)尾,而是处于篇章(或段落)的中间。这样的结构往往先以一句或几句为主题句的出现作铺垫,或是交代细节或论据。在主题句出场后,仍有适当数量的句子陈述细节或继续给予例证。这类结构包括三个层次:引题主题思想解释或继续给予例证。从它的写作程序来看,也可分为三部曲:归纳结论演绎,即给出一两个例证之后,做出概括性的总结,然后再给予例证来证实其论点。请看下例:When you throw a ball up into the air as fast as you can,the ball reaches a point where

22、 it seems to pause for a moment,and then it comes down.When a bullet(子弹)is shot straight up,it will travel much faster and higher than a ball,but it,too,will come down.Whatever goes up must come down.We have always thought this to be true.An airplane may climb to a height of seventeen miles and then

23、 travel far and long.Yet it does not stay up forever.Finally,like everything else,the plane must come down.本段文字中用下划线的这句话就是主题句。其行文顺序和写作程序与上述的模式完全吻合。4没有主题句的结构没有主题句的篇章(或段落),并不是没有主题思想,它们的主题思想不是由具体的某句话表示的,而是在文中含蓄地存在着,需要读者自己归纳总结。这种结构通常是表达一件事的开展过程,或是陈述一系列同等重要的细节或事实。Shu Pulong has helped at least 1,000 peop

24、le bitten(咬)by snakes.“It was seeing people with snake bites(伤口)that led me to this career,he said.In 1963,after his army service,Shu entered a medical school and later became a doctor of Chinese medicine.As part of his studies he had to work in the mountains.There he often heard of people who had t

25、heir arms and legs cut off after a snake bite in order to save their lives. “I was greatly upset by the story of an old farmer I met.It was a very hot afternoon.The old man was pulling grass in his fields when he felt a pain in his left hand.He at once realized he had been bitten by a poisonous snak

26、e.In no time he wrapped a cloth tightly around his arm to stop the poison spreading to his heart.Rushing home he shouted,Bring me the knife Minutes later the man lost his arm forever.“The sad story touched me so much that I decided to devote myself to helping people bitten by snakes.Shu said.The bes

27、t headline(标题)for this newspaper article is .AAstonishing Medicine BFarmer Loses ArmCDangerous Bites DSnake Doctor解析文章陈述了一系列同等重要的细节,都是围绕“一位治疗毒蛇咬伤的医生展开的。所以标题为D。答案DIn short,正确理解文章或段落的主题思想是阅读的首要目的。因此,提高识别文章结构并准确找出主题句的能力和准确归纳总结出无主题句文章的主题思想的能力,是提高阅读理解能力的重要环节。而从无主题句的文章中总结出主题思想的能力尤其是考试的重点,也是我们平常阅读训练时难度较大的一

28、项,这就需要我们在阅读任何文章时都要下意识地归纳总结其主旨大意。A(2021全国卷)I suddenly heard an elephant crying as though frightened.Looking down,I immediately recognized that something was wrong,and ran down to the edge of the near bank.There I saw Ma Shwe with her threemonthold calf struggling in the fastrising water,and it was a

29、lifeanddeath struggle.Her calf was floating and screaming with fear.Ma Shwe was as near to the far bank as she could get,holding her whole body against the rushing water,and keeping the calf pressed against her huge body.Every now and then the rushing water would sweep the calf away.Just at this mom

30、ent,she fell back into the river.If she were carried down,it would be certain death.I knew,as well as she did,that there was one spot(地点)where she could get up the bank,but it was on the other side from where she had put her calf.While I was wondering what I could do next,I heard the sound of a moth

31、ers love.Ma Shwe had crossed the river and got up the bank and was making her way back as fast as she could,roaring(吼叫)all the time,but to her calf it was music.1What can be the best title for the text?AA Mothers Love BA Brave ActCA Deadly River DA Matter of Life and Death解析标题应该具有概括性。文章先向读者展示了一幅惊心动魄

32、的画面,然后用险象环生的故事情节紧紧扣住读者的心弦,最后十分自然而又含蓄地点明了文章的主旨,即伟大的母爱可以克服任何困难。由此可见无论是湍急的河流,还是奇迹的发生,最终都是为刻画大象的母爱作铺垫的,所以A项为标题。答案ABA chemical important of brain development may play a role in explaining why some people are genetically(由基因决定地)likely to suffer from anxiety and could lead to new treatments,U.S.researchers

33、 said.They said highly anxious rats which were kept had very low levels of a brain chemical called fibroblast growth factor 2 or FGF2,compared with rats that were more relaxed.But when they improved the anxious rats living conditionsgiving them new toys to explore and a bigger cage to live inlevels

34、of this brain chemical increased and they became less anxious. “The levels of this brain chemical increased in response to the experiences that the rats were exposed to.It also decreased their anxietyJavier Perez of the University of Michigan said in a telephone interview.“It made them behave the sa

35、me way as the rats that were relaxed,he said.In a former study of people who were severely depressed before they died,the team found the gene that makes FGF2 was producing very low levels of the growth factor,which is known primarily for organizing the brain during development and repairing it after

36、 injury.Perez thinks the brain chemical may be a marker for genetic vulnerability(脆弱性)to anxiety and depression.But it can also respond to changes in the environment in a positive way,possibly by preserving new brain cells.While both the calm and anxious rats produced the same number of new brain ce

37、lls,these cells were less likely to survive in the highanxiety rats,the team found.Giving the rats better living conditions or injecting them with FGF2 helped improve cell survival.“This discovery may pave the way for new,more specific treatments for anxiety that will not be based on sedation(药物镇静),

38、but will instead fight the real cause of the disease,Dr.Pier Vincenzo Piazza from France said in a statement.2Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?AAnxious rats and relaxed ratsBAnxietya serious mental diseaseCScientific research into the brain is importantDBrain c

39、hemical may play key role in anxiety解析主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了科学家发现大脑里有一种化学物质对人类的焦虑有很大的影响,此发现对医生找到更好治疗焦虑症的方法很有帮助。故D项作标题符合文章主旨。答案D要恰当地选好标题,还需要了解标题的写作格式。一般来说,标题的写作方式是:以话题为核心,将控制性概念的词按一定的语法浓缩为概括主题句句意或中心思想的词组。比方某一文章的中心句子为:Coffee is a universal beverage that is served in different ways around the world.话题:Coffee控制性

40、概念:is a universal beverage that is served in different ways around the world标题:Coffee Around the World注意,做此类题时,要防止以下三种错误:1.概括不够(多表现为局部替代整体,从而导致范围太小);2.过度概括(多表现为人为扩大范围);3.以事实、细节替代抽象的大意。第一节考向揭密只有准确理解全部细节,才能深刻而又全面地领悟主题思想。因为段落中的细节都是用来说明主旨大意的,辅助论据支撑或阐述主题思想。因此,属于细节类的理解题既可检测阅读者对主旨大意理解的深度,又可测定他们对每个细节准确领会的广度

41、。在阅读考核中,查找主要事实或特定细节常见的题型是:细节理解 1Which of the following statements is (not) true (or correct)?2Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?3All of the following are true except .4The author (or the passage) states that .5According to the passage,when.?总之,细节理解题的六大类型是:1直接信息题在原文中可直接找到答案。常用who,wh


43、最后,仔细推敲,锁定答案。当然,针对某一具体的文章,还可以有各种各样,形形色色的设问方式。对于细节题,也可以说对于任何阅读理解题,考生必须根据文章提供的信息进行答题,而不能根据自己的主观判断或者一般常识来答题。(2021全国)Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,a distance of about eighty miles.It was late.Several times I got stuck behind a slowmoving truck on a narrow road with a solid white

44、line on my left,and I became increasingly impatient.At one point along an open road,I came to a crossing with a traffic light.I was alone on the road by now,but as I drove near the light,it turned red and I made a stop.I looked left,right and behind me.Nothing.Not a car,no suggestion of car lamps,bu

45、t there I sat,waiting for the light to change,the only human being for at least a mile in any direction.I started wondering why I refused to run the light.I was not afraid of being caught,because there was clearly no policeman around,and there certainly would have been no danger in going through it.

46、Much later that night,the question of why Id stopped for that light came back to me.I think I stopped because its part of a contract(契约)we all have with each other.Its not only the law,but its an agreement we have,and we trust each other to honor it:we dont go through red lights.Trust is our first i

47、nclination(倾向)Doubting others does not seem to be natural to us.The whole construction of our society depends on mutual(相互)trust,not distrust.We do what we say well do;we show up when we say well show up;and we pay when we say well pay.We trust each other in these matters,and were angry or disappoin

48、ted with the person or organization that breaks the trust we have in them.I was so proud of myself for stopping for the red light that night.【语篇解读】 本文为记叙文,题材属于人物故事类。作者在没有警察且没有其他车辆的情况下仍然遵守交通规那么,因为这个社会需要彼此的信任。1Why did the author get impatient while driving?AHe was lonely on the road.BHe was slowed dow

49、n by a truck.CHe got tired of driving too long.DHe came across too many traffic lights.解析细节理解题。根据第一段“Several times I got stuck behind.and I became increasingly impatient.可知,自己有点儿不耐烦了,这是因为被大卡车阻挡了好几次。答案B2What was the authors immediate action when the traffic light turned red?AStopping still.BDriving t

50、hrough it.CLooking around for other cars.DChecking out for traffic police.解析细节理解题。根据第二段“it turned red and I made a stop可知,红灯亮时,“我选择了立即停车。答案A3The event made the author strongly believe that .Atraffic rules may be unnecessaryBdoubting others is human natureCpatience is important to driversDa society n

51、eeds mutual trust解析推理判断题。阿最后一段是作者通过这次事件悟出的道理,即社会需要彼此间的信任。尤其是通过倒数第二段的“The whole construction of our society depends on mutual(相互)trust,not distrust.可以得知答案。答案D4Why was the author proud of himself?AHe kept his promise.BHe held back his anger.CHe followed his inclination.DHe made a right decision.解析推理判断


53、义的重要事实,这是文章的根本构架。细节是构成主要事实的局部因素或充实事实的例子,数据等细枝末节。一篇文章一般都包括这些要素。所以阅读理解考核中要求寻找的主要事实和特定细节都可以在文章中找到。但是,要注意的是出题者不会很明白很直接地提问,而是很注意提问的技术性或艺术性。也就是说,他提问都是要设障碍的,要罩上一层迷雾的,使得你弄不清问题指的是哪一件事,哪一个细节,造成你寻找的困难,这就要求你仔细琢磨了。归纳起来,提问技巧一般有隐含提问法、真伪证实法、间接提问法三种。这一讲里我们先来看看前两种提问技巧。1隐含提问法出题者使用同义词语、参照词、代词等,使考生对阅读内容和问题产生模糊感。例如:The b

54、asketball team never lacked vociferous(大叫大喊的)young supporters,but they rarely responded to this show of enthusiasm.Who seldom reacted to that enthusiastic show?AThe young people.BThe players.CSome people.DA lot of people.因为the basketball team和players;seldom reacted和rarely responded是两对同义关系的词语,而“they又

55、与basketball team有参照关系,所以答案应该是B。2真伪证实法出题者要求考生确立文章中的事实,不让其问题直接与文章中的事实对号入座,而是提出似是而非,或完全错误的事实让考生去判断。对于这类题目,考生不要根据自己读文章的最初印象马上加以判断,而必须找到与问题相应的文章局部,找出正确肯定的事实,才可以据此判定否认的或错误的答案选择。例如:One word that sums up(概括)our age better than any otherwhether “our ageis“the technological ageof western countries or the “mod

56、ernizing ageof Chinais the word CHANGE.But has change not always been present?True,but never before at such a breakneck speed.Today it is more than just change.It is unprecedented change.In such a world,reading provides the best tool we have for keeping up and for avoiding future shock in a world co

57、ntinually being remade.Which of the following is NOT true?AWestern countries and China are being remade.BReading will help understand our age.CThe present age and future world are continually changing.DReading is the best tool provided by our age.选择题中,A、B、C三项均与文意吻合一致。D项是一个似是而非的选择答案。文中的Reading provid

58、es the best tool for us(阅读对我们来说,是最好的工具)和选项中D.Reading is the best tool provided by our age.(阅读是我们时代提供的最好工具),意思不符,所以答案是D。3迂回提问法这又是一种设障提问技巧。问题不直接提出,而是绕着弯子提出。比方,涉及时间、距离及数据等时,你必须经过复杂的测算才能确定答案,有时,选择答案给你的数据与文章中的数据不符,只是一个近似数值,(其它选择答案完全不沾边,完全错误),或者,提问者只给你一局部事实,让读者续出相应的事实使某事实更完整正确(这又叫做省略提问法)。Too much TVwatchi

59、ng can harm childrens ability to learn and even reduce their chances of getting a college degree,new studies suggest in the latest effort to examine the effects of television on children.One of the studies looked at nearly 400 northern California thirdgraders.Those with TVs in their bedrooms scored

60、about eight points lower on math and language arts tests than children without bedroom TVs.A second study,looking at nearly 1,000 grownups in New Zealand,found lower education levels among 26yearolds who had watched lots of TV during childhood.But the results dont prove that TV is the cause and dont


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