【三维设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 20 humour课件 新人教版必修1_第1页
【三维设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 20 humour课件 新人教版必修1_第2页
【三维设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 20 humour课件 新人教版必修1_第3页
【三维设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 20 humour课件 新人教版必修1_第4页
【三维设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 20 humour课件 新人教版必修1_第5页
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1、1What is known to us all is that scientific advancement makes it possible for society to develop constantly.2In a word,a proper way can help us avoid making stupid mistakes and work out things better.3As for me, Im firmly convinced that the number of foreign tourists should be limited, for the follo

2、wing reasons: .4Faced with difficulties,they never give up but try their best to find a way out.5The number of people affected by secondhand smoke adds up to about 540 million,which is really surprising and certainly draws a great deal of public concern as well.1众所周知,科学的开展使得社会不断进步成为可能。2总而言之,一个恰当的方法可

3、以帮助我们防止犯愚蠢的错误,从而更好地解决问题。3就我而言,我坚决地认为国外旅游者的数量应得到限制,理由如下:4面对困难,他们从不放弃,而是努力寻找出路。5受二手烟影响的人数多达约5.4亿。这一调查结果是非常令人震惊的,当然引起了人们的广泛关注。2 adv. 实际上;事实上1 n笑;笑声laughteractuallyappreciate3 vt. 赏识;鉴赏;感谢.高频单词必记 一、考纲词汇识记4 vt.想要;打算;意指 n目的;意图5 adj.确定的;无疑的;某(种) adv.确定;当然6 vt.使发笑;使愉快 adj.愉快的7 n传统 adj.传统的8 vi.拍手喝彩;称赞;赞同 n喝彩

4、;称赞9 adj. 流利的;流畅的 n流利;流畅intendcertainamusetraditionapplaudfluent10 vi.存在;生存 n存在existexistenceintentioncertainlyamusedtraditionalapplausefluence12 vi.& vt.运转;操作 n操作13 adv.幸运地 (反义词)不幸地operateoperationfortunatelyunfortunately11 vi. 经历或遭受;忍受 n苦难suffersuffering14 n寂静;沉默;静默 adj.沉默的silencesilent二、高频词汇活用(一)

5、一言辨异15Judging from his _ expression,he didnt understand the _ problem referring to teenagers mental health.(confuse)答案: confused;confusing(二)用direct及其派生词的适当形式填空16(1)_ the teacher came in,everyone was quiet and pretended to be studying hard.(2)The film was _ by the wellknown Chinese _,Zhang Yimou.(3)

6、Youd better read the _ carefully before you take the medicine.答案: (1)Directly(2)directed;director(3)directions1 取笑,嘲笑make fun of2 回溯至3 利用某事物(某人)4 (与某人)关系好5 把看作6 把(车)开走;赶走;击退date backmake use ofbe on good terms (with sb)look on.asdrive off.重点短语必背7 记住have.in mind8 和一样9 打扮in common withdress up10 撞倒kno

7、ck off.经典句型必会1What do you think is the most important thing in your job?你认为在你的工作中什么是最重要的?解读:do you think 作插入语仿写:你认为父亲会给我们买什么礼物?_our father will buy for us?答案:What do you think2What comedians have in common with the players in a comedy is their way of playing with words.喜剧演员和喜剧中演员的共同之处是他们都使用俏皮话。解读:wh

8、at引导主语从句,并在从句中作宾语仿写:使学校骄傲的是90%的学生被重点大学录取。_ was that more than 90% students had been admitted to key universities.答案:What made the school proud3Typical for China is the crosstalk show,where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play.中国典型的是相声表演,两个滑稽演员通过(诙谐的)语言游戏逗乐观众。解读:表语提前的倒装句仿写:我们靠天吃

9、饭的日子一去不复返了。_ the days when we had to be at the mercy of the weather.答案:Gone are4I remember that the last time we met I did most of the talking.我记得我们上次见面的时候我说得比较多。解读:the last time在此引导时间状语从句仿写:上一次我看到他的时候,他正在操场上打篮球。_,he was playing basketball on the playground.答案:The last time I saw him1intend vt.打算;方案

10、;意指高考例句The book: Happy: And Other Bad Thoughts is intended for parents with young children.(2021辽宁高考阅读A)这本书?生活中的欣喜与失落?是为有小孩子的父母们准备的。I intend Tom to go to the concert with me.我打算让汤姆跟我一块去听音乐会。I will make an apology to you if I hurt you.To be honest,I didnt intend to hurt anyone.如果我伤害了你,我向你抱歉;但说实话,我没想伤

11、害任何人。The programme children turned out to be welcomed by people of different ages.为孩子准备的节目结果被证明各个年龄段的人都欢送。I intend that John should go and help them with their work.我的意思是要约翰去帮助他们工作。I to give you a hand,but I was busy then.我本来打算帮助你的,但我当时很忙。intended forhad intended2certain adj.肯定的;无疑的;某(种)教材P52原句Funny

12、 plays often have characters that are stereotypes of nationalities or people doing certain jobs.滑稽戏里常常有某个民族或某个行业的典型人物形象。be certain/sure of/about sth.对有把握,确信be certain/sure to do sth. 必然/一定做某事be certain/sure that/whclause 确信make certain/sure of/that. 确保/弄清楚It is certain that. 是肯定的for certain/sure 确实,

13、肯定,无疑Mr.Jackson is certain of his success.杰克逊先生确信自己会成功。We there is a regular bus service along the route.我们不确定沿这条线路是否有公交班车。It is certain to be healthy and safe for peoples health.它肯定是健康而平安的。are not certain whethercertain,sure(1)certain和sure两个词都可表示“确信,肯定,对有把握之意,其后接of/about短语、不定式和从句时,用法相同;make certain

14、与make sure意义相同,均表示“确保,弄清楚。(2)当主语为人时,表语用certain或sure皆可;但如果用it作形式主语时,表语只能用certain。自填助记用certain,sure填空I am not whether Ive met him before.It is that more people will be aware of the importance of protecting the environment.certain/surecertain3appreciate vt.赏识;鉴赏;感谢教材P53原句To appreciate the jokes of cros

15、stalk artists,listeners have to know very well what the comedians are talking about.为了欣赏相声艺术家的笑话,听众必须很熟悉喜剧演员的说话内容。We appreciate your efforts for the development of the company.我们感谢你对公司开展所做的努力。(1)appreciate ones friendship珍视某人的友谊appreciate (doing) sth. 欣赏/感谢(做)某事I would appreciate it if. 如果,我将不胜感谢。(2

16、)appreciation n. 欣赏,鉴别,感谢 in appreciation of 因赏识而, 因感谢而 express/show ones appreciation表示感谢I appreciate your giving me so much help.谢谢你给予我那么多帮助。 you could offer me a hand.如果你肯帮助的话,我将不胜感谢。Id like to express my appreciation for all your help.我想对你给予的所有帮助表示感谢。I would appreciate it if4operate vt.&vi.操作,运转

17、;经营,管理,做手术朗文P1373Doctors had to operate on his spine.医生不得不给他做脊椎手术。The machine operates night and day.这台机器日夜运转。All the Disney parks are operated by the same company.所有的迪斯尼公园由同一公司管理。(1)operate(work/control) a machine 操作机器operate(manage/run) a factory 管理工厂operate on sb. 给某人动手术(2) operation n手术;有效,使用中;企

18、业,公司perform an operation on sb. 给某人做手术have an operation 接受手术come/go into operation/effect开始实施;运转起来Having seen the Xray,the doctor decided to .看过X光片后,医生决定为病人做手术。The new rules come into operation from next month.新规定从下月起实施。operate on the patient5suffer v经历;遭受;忍受He looked very pale and seemed to have su

19、ffered a great deal.他看起来脸色苍白,好似很痛苦。suffer pain/punishment/hunger/loss/defeat遭受痛苦/受到惩罚/挨饿/遭受损失/遭受失败suffer for sth.因某事而受苦,遭受之苦suffer from cold and hunger/the loss of memory受饥寒交迫之苦/患健忘症The African famine made millions of the local people suffer hunger.非洲的饥荒让数以百万计的当地人饱尝饥饿之苦。Born in 1907 in a village nea

20、r Mexico City , Kahlo polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. (2021安徽高考阅读C)卡罗1907年出生在墨西哥城附近的一个村庄,在7岁的时候不幸患上了小儿麻痹症。The people in the flooded area are suffering from cold and hunger.发生洪水地区的人们正忍饥挨冻。 suffered from6confuse vt.使迷惑;打乱;混淆教材P56原句Some Asian students get confused and think that the teacher is perhaps

21、 not a very good teacher.一些亚洲学生感到困惑,认为这个老师或许不是个好老师。They asked so many questions that they confused me.他们问了许许多多的问题,把我弄糊涂了。The audience whether the meeting is over and when they can get up and leave. (2021陕西高考任务型阅读)听众们常常不清楚是否会议结束了,何时他们可以起身并离开。is often left confused about(1)confuse.and/with. 把和混淆(2)con

22、fusion n. 混乱;迷惑 confused adj. 困惑的,烦恼的(以人作主语) confusing adj.令人费解的;使人困惑的(以物作主语)I often confuse the boy with his twin brother.They are so much alike.我经常把这个男孩跟他的双胞胎兄弟搞混。他们长得太像了。There was a look on his face when he met with the problem.当他遇到这个使人困惑的难题时,他脸上露出了困惑的表情。confusedconfusing.单词拼写1It is important to

23、have a sense of _ (幽默) when teaching students.答案: humour2It is _ (典型的) of the young generation to be crazy about new things such as the Internet,cellphones.答案: typical3I have _(感谢) having the chance to share my thoughts with many friends.4.All applicants will be considered regardless of age,sex, rel

24、igion or _(国籍)5They remained a nice _ (一对) in spite of 20 years of marriage.答案: couple答案: nationality答案: appreciated6He speaks Mandarin with a strong Henan _ (口音)答案: accent7He was loudly _ (鼓掌欢送) when the expert turned up at the conference.答案: applauded8Man cannot _ (生存) without air and water.答案: ex

25、ist.单项填空1(2021安徽名校模拟)I really appreciate _ to drive me home, but Im afraid that I have to finish my work first now.Ayou to offerBit you offerCyour offering Dthis you are offering解析:句意:我真的很感谢你主动提出开车送我回家,但是我恐怕现在得先完成工作。appreciate ones doing sth. “欣赏/感谢某人做某事。答案:C2(2021东北四市联考)If you just want to find _ k

26、ey word in a text quickly, you dont have to understand the meaning of _ text.Asome; a Bcertain; theCa certain; the Dparticular; the解析:some单数可数名词或a certain/particular单数可数名词都可以表示“某个, 后面text为第二次出现,表示特指。答案:C3(2021石家庄二模)What do you think of her speech last night?Just so so.She gave us too much informatio

27、n,so that everyone got _.Aconfused Bto confuseCconfusing Dto be confused解析:考查非谓语动词。get confused为被动语态结构,get 相当于助动词be。答案:A4The river _ such heavy pollution already; it may now be too late to clean it up.Ahas suffered Bhas happenedChas offered Dhas filled解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:这条河已遭受严重污染。现在要将它清理干净可能已太晚了。suffer

28、“遭受;happen“发生;offer“提供;fill“充满。答案:A5My father _ my brother for driving but he wanted to pick _ the knowledge of the computer during his spare time.Aadvised; up Bpersuaded; outCintended; up Dmanaged; out解析:句意:父亲打算让哥哥学驾驶,但是他想在业余时间学点电脑知识。intend sb. for doing sth.“打算让某人做某事;pick up“学习,均为固定搭配。答案:C6The doc

29、tor said that the patient had _ at once.Ato operate Bto be operatedCoperated Dto be operated on解析:operate在此意为“开刀,做手术,常和on连用;再者病人需要被做手术,所以用不定式的被动形式。答案:D1date back回溯至教材P53原句Dating back to the Qin Dynasty (221207 BC),the traditional crosstalk shows,or xiangsheng shows,have made people all over China ro

30、ar with laughter for centuries.传统的相声表演可以追溯到秦朝(公元前221207年),已使全中国人笑了千百年了。(1)date back todate from回溯至(某时期)(2)out of date 过时的,过期的 up to date最新(uptodate adj.最新式的)(3)set/fix/make a date 约好时间 set/fix/make a date for sth. 约定的日期 go on a date 去约会The old custom dates back to/dates from the Han Dynasty.这一古老的传统要

31、追溯到汉代。My interest in stampcollecting dates from my school days.我集邮的兴趣始于我的学生时代。Have you the wedding?婚礼的日子定下来了吗?set a date for提醒date back to/date from表示“追溯到,始于之意,在句中充当谓语动词时,常用一般现在时,不用于被动语态。2look on.as把看作教材P56原句I decided to look on the whole matter as a great joke!我决定将整件事看作一个很大的笑话!The students all look

32、 on/upon her as their good friend as well as their good teacher.学生们都把她看作良师益友。Chairman Mao is regarded as one of the greatest leaders in China.毛主席被认为是中国最伟大的领袖之一。Did you his statement true?你认为他说的是实话吗?acceptas.完成句子1We _ (把他看作是) a good monitor,so wed like to vote for him.答案: look on him as2The house _ (

33、追溯到) 1842 was destroyed by the big fire last night.答案: dating back to3Our money is running out.We should _ (削减) expenses4Our water supply _(已切断) because they are repairing one of the main pipes.答案: cut down答案: has been cut off5I feel rather sad because _ (我常被取笑) in public.答案: I am often made fun of.

34、单项填空1(2021葫芦岛模拟)They are close friends and their friendship _ college days.Adates back to Bdated backCdated to Ddates back from解析:句意:他们是亲密的朋友,他们的友谊可以追溯到大学时代。date back to/date from“追溯到,常用于一般现在时,没有进行时,也没有被动形式。答案:A2They have _ the enemys major force.Agot off Bput offCleft off Ddriven off解析:句意:他们已经击退了敌军

35、主力。drive off“击退,赶走,把(车)开走,符合句意。答案:D 3_the old couple as his own parents,the young man did all he could to make sure they lived a happy life.ALooking on BLooking afterCLooking up DLooking forward解析:look on .as .“把看作。looking on the old couple as his own parents意为“把这对老夫妇看作他自己的父母。答案:A1What do you think is


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