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1、 the Swiss Confederation (瑞士联邦)(瑞士联邦) size:41,285 sq km : population: 7.9 million national flag: national emblem: capital:Berne 1 history3 politics5 culture 2 geography 4 economy 1 HistoryAround 1000 AD. in the Roman era,it is a part of the Holy Roman Empire 1291 .8 .1 The precursor of modern Switze

2、rland established a protective alliance , forming a loose confederation of states(the beginning of switzerlnd) .in 1648, European countries recognized Switzerlands independence from the Holy Roman Empire and its neutrality . In 1815, in the Congress of Vienna fully re-established Swiss independence

3、and the European powers agreed to permanently Swiss neutrality .since then ,Switzerland was always neutral during the international wars even in the two world wars.So far it is not a member of European Union . in 1848 ,Switzerland was founded as a federal state. On 2002 Sep20 ,switzerland jioned in

4、the United Nations 十一世纪十一世纪起为起为神圣罗马帝国神圣罗马帝国一部分。一部分。 1291 年年8月月 1日,日, 几个州签约为永远联邦几个州签约为永远联邦,是瑞士建国是瑞士建国的开始。的开始。1648年瑞士联邦宣布独立。年瑞士联邦宣布独立。1815年年在在维也纳会议维也纳会议上,瑞士被定为上,瑞士被定为永久中立国永久中立国,此后,此后 在历次国际战争和两次世界大战中都保持中立。在历次国际战争和两次世界大战中都保持中立。 1848年年,联邦政府成立,联邦政府成立2002年年9月月10日日加入加入联合国联合国。2 GeographySwitzerland ,official

5、ly the Swiss Confederation , is a federal republic consisting of 26 cantons. It is situated in Western Europe and is a landlocked country whose territory is geographically divided between the Alps, the Central Plateau and Jura . Alps is Europes highest and largest mountain range,and there are severa

6、l more than a few kilometers mountains in Switzerland, which are covered ice and snow all year round , and which makes swiss a famous tourist resort in the world . It is bordered by Germany to the north, France to the west, Italy to the south, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. The populatio

7、n of Swiss mostly concentrates in Zurich and Geneva. It is hereby known as the “ world garden , kingdom of watch, cradle of tourism ”. 瑞士瑞士 是一个位于欧洲西部的联邦制国家,全名是一个位于欧洲西部的联邦制国家,全名瑞瑞士邦联士邦联,处于阿尔卑斯地带,为一内陆国家,处于阿尔卑斯地带,为一内陆国家. 瑞瑞士与士与德国德国、法国法国、意大利意大利、奥地利奥地利、列支敦士登列支敦士登五国交邻,领土多是五国交邻,领土多是高山高山 高原高原 及及湖泊湖泊, 阿尔阿尔卑斯

8、山卑斯山是是欧洲欧洲最高最大的山脉,瑞士境内独有多最高最大的山脉,瑞士境内独有多座数千米的山峰,和终年不化的冰雪,使他成为座数千米的山峰,和终年不化的冰雪,使他成为世界著名的旅游观光胜地,瑞士人口主要集中在世界著名的旅游观光胜地,瑞士人口主要集中在苏黎世和日内瓦两个城市苏黎世和日内瓦两个城市 。瑞士。瑞士有有“世界花园世界花园”、“钟表王国钟表王国”、“旅游业的摇篮旅游业的摇篮”等美称等美称。Its territory is geographically divided between the Alps, the Central Plateau and Jura . Almost the wh

9、ole swiss lies in the Alps ,so almost 70 percent of the country is covered by mountains.整个国家的领土被整个国家的领土被侏罗纪,高原侏罗纪,高原,阿尔卑斯山脉阿尔卑斯山脉三种地形地理分割。三种地形地理分割。国境几乎都在国境几乎都在阿尔卑斯山脉阿尔卑斯山脉之中之中,所所以以整个国土几乎70%被大山覆盖。Zurich is Switzerlands largest cityECONOMY Titlis mountain(铁力士山) has the worlds first rotating cable car

10、,can carry 80 passengers and rotate 360 degrees .Summit of Matterhorn 马特峰 Daybreak of Matterhorn 007 film On.Her.Majestys.Secret.Service was shot hereschilthorn 雪朗峰St. Moritz was mentioned in James Bond film Goldfinger as a skiing resort. Also mentioned in James Bond film For Your Eyes Only. and On

11、Her Majestys Secret Service St. Moritz 圣莫里茨圣莫里茨Sankt Moritz 圣莫里茨圣莫里茨St. Moritz is a resort town in Switzerland ,which lies in the Eastern Alps,St. Moritz has been the host city for the 1928 and 1948 Winter Olympics. It also hosted the 1934, 1974 and 2003 Alpine Skiing World Championships. Sankt Mori

12、tz lake Sankt MoritzIn 1815, in the Congress of Vienna ,European countries agreed to permanently Swiss neutralityneutrality2011年的瑞士联邦委员与秘书长 Federal council members and Secretary-general of swizerland in 2011 拥有发达的旅拥有发达的旅游业、金融业与游业、金融业与银行业银行业;而化学工业、制药和精;而化学工业、制药和精密工业方面也有杰出表现。密工业方面也有杰出表现。BankingBank of

13、 International Settlements in Basel 巴塞尔的国际清算银行JurassicPatek Philippe百达翡丽 VACHELON CONSTANTIN 江诗丹顿ROLEX劳力士PIAGET伯爵罗杰罗杰费德勒费德勒 瑞士男子职业网球网球运动员,拥有ATP(国际职业网球联合会)排名历史上单打世界排名第一连续周数最长的纪录(237周,20042008年间),史上最伟大的选手之一 Roger Federer is a Swiss professional tennis player who held the ATP(Association of Tennis Prof

14、essionals )no. 1 position for a record 237 consecutive weeks, Federer has won a mens record 16 Grand Slam singles titles . One of the greatest tennis player The army knife was invented in 1884, the name derived from the use of Swiss soldiers. In daily life, we can use it for multipurpose such as tra

15、vel, hiking, fishing, car and bicycle repair, also using for diving and model aircraft. The market price ranger from 100 to 2000 yuan.Nescafe belongs to Nestl group in switzerlandThe flag of Switzerland consists of a red square with a white cross in the centre . White symbolizes peace, justice and a

16、 bright, red symbolizes the peoples victory, happiness and enthusiasm; the entire pictorial of the flag symbolizes the unity of the nation. In 1889 . the original red rectangle flag was changed into a square one, which symbolizes diplomatic policy of impartiality and neutrality of switzerland. 白色象征和

17、平、公正和光明,红色象征着人民的胜利、幸福和热情;国旗白色象征和平、公正和光明,红色象征着人民的胜利、幸福和热情;国旗的整组图案象征国家的统一。这面国旗在的整组图案象征国家的统一。这面国旗在1889曾作过修改,把原来的红曾作过修改,把原来的红地白十字横长方形改为正方形,象征国家在外交上采取的公正和中立的政地白十字横长方形改为正方形,象征国家在外交上采取的公正和中立的政策。策。 Switzerland has four official languages. 瑞士有四种官方语言。TitleGerman德语 French法语法语Italian意意大利语大利语Romansh拉丁罗曼语拉丁罗曼语761

18、 to statistics, Switzerland is the country with the highest consumption of chocolate.Fondue is a Swiss and French dish of melted cheese served in a communal pot over a spirit lamp , sometimes put some wine in the pot. there are side servings of kirsch, raw garlic, pickled gherkins, onions and olives etc. people dip long-stemmed forks wi


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