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1、第一章1. International Law(国际法): A body of rules & norms that regulate the activities carried on outsides the legal boundaries of states.调整跨国商事的法律规范总称。2. Comity(礼让):It is the practice between states of treating each other with goodwill and civility.v国家间以诚相待,礼貌往来的惯例或礼节3. Territorial jurisdiction(属地管

2、辖):If a business incorporated in a different state operates a manufacturing facility in your state and violates the law of your state, your state will have the well-recognized power under customary international law to hear and decide a case against the foreign defendant.如果一个国家在他国注册,在你国运营一家制造工厂,同时违反

3、了你国的法律,4. Nationality jurisdiction(属人管辖):If a company does certain acts in foreign states, it may still be held accountable in its courts .5. Objective territorial jurisdiction(目的地管辖):If foreign companies act in ways that directly affect a state other than their own, they may be held accountable by

4、the other state.对该国产生影响。v 本法院职能为依据国际法审理向其提交的争端,应当适用以下渊源:1. Treaties and Conventions, 2. international customs and usages, 3. national business laws.6. Treaties(条约): They are legally binding agreements between two or more states.7. Conventions(公约):They are legally binding agreements between states sp

5、onsored by international organizations.8. Custom law(习惯法):Some rules have been around for such a long time or are so generally accepted. 9. A customary practice (习惯法):has become customary law, two elements must be establishedone behavioral and one psychological.10. The behavioral element requires co

6、nsistent and recurring action(or lack of action if the custom is one of noninvolvement) by states.国家间持续的,反复的作为或不作为。11. The psychological element in showing that a customary practice has become law is the requirement that states observing the custom must regard it as binding.当事国认为其为一项必须的法律。12. Genera

7、l principle consist of the Anglo-American common law system and the Romano-Germanic civil law system.一般原则 Jus Cogens强制法13. Self-excuting treaty is one that contains a provision stating that the treaty will apply to the parties without their having to adopt any domestic enabling legislation.自动生效条约14.

8、 Constitutional treaties are made according to the Constitutions provisions and are self-excuting and effective domestically. 宪法15. Excutive agreements made solely by the president and have effect domestically.To obtain effect,implementing legislation must be adopted.As to external matters,both of t

9、hese have same effect.行政条约16. States are political entities that have a territory,a population,a government capable of entering into international relations,and a government capable of controlling its territory and people.国家是一政治实体,拥有领土,人民和政府,其能对外交往,对内统治其领土及居民。17. Independent states are free from the

10、 political control of other states and free to enter into agreements with other international persons.独立18. Dependent states have formally surrendered some aspects of their political and governmental functions to another state.非独立19. Inchoate states lack some attribute required to be treated as full

11、y independent state; most commonly they lack territory or population.正在形成的国家20. Recognition comes out by a unilateral declaration,and it can be either explicit or implicit.Once given,it implies that the recognize state or government is entitled to the rights and privileges granted by international l

12、aws.承认是一个单方声明,21. Declaration doctrine holds that the legal existence of a government happens automatically by operation of law whenever a government is capable of controlling a territory and its people.宣告说,能统治领土和居民则是一个正式存在的国家22. Constitutive doctrine states that a government does not truly come int

13、o existence until such time as it is recognized by other states and participates in the international arena.构成说,除非他国承认23. Territory sovereignty is the right to exercise the functions of a state within a territory. 领土主权 先占 征服/持续占有 转让 24. Dispositive treaties are the treaties concerned with rights ove

14、r territory.25. Merger rule presumes that when two states merge to form a new state, the preexisting treaties remain in force in the territories where they previously applied.合并原则 在原来领土上持续有效26. Moving boundaries rule holds that the treaties of the absorbing state displace the treaties of the recedin

15、g state in the territory where sovereignty has changed. 条约移动界域原则 新国合约取代原国合约27. Clean slate doctrine is that the ex-colony starts with no obligation to succeed to the treaties of its former colonial power.白板原则 殖民地回归 原合约一律无效 28. Succession of states is that when two states come into existence followin

16、g disintegration of a predecessor,both are bound by the predecessors treaties to the extent that they are applicable within each of their territories.承继原则 国家分裂 基础原国法律 2)国家获得领土主权的方式(简答题)² By the occupation of land not claimed by another Sovereign.² By the voluntary transfer of territory fro

17、m one sovereign to another.² By the conquest and continued occupation of the territory of another sovereign。4) 财产继承及国籍保留² The national of a territory that is acquired by a successor state will keep the nationality of the predecessor state unless a different result is agreed to in a treaty

18、of cession or by municipal legislation.除非条例另有规定,国民保留原籍² Public property 公共财产1 Public property located within a territory becomes the property of the successor state. 在领土内的公众财产归承继者所有。2 While located in a third state belongs to whichever government the third party recognizes. 位于其它国的公共财产由财产所在国对承继者

19、是否承认而定。If a third party recognizes both states, the property will generally belongs to whichever state is actual possession.同时认可,则由实际拥有者国籍决定。 29. Intergovenmental organizations(IGOs)政府间组织 are permanent organization set up by two or more states to carry on activities of common interest.30. UN隶属联合国的组织

20、: The General Assembly大会The Security Council 安全理事会The Secretariat 秘书处The International Court of Justice 国际法院The Trusteeship Council 托管理事会The United Nations Economic and Social Council 联合国经济与社会理事会31. General assembly 联合国大会is a quasi-legislative body made up of representatives of all member states.唯一立

21、法机构31. The Security council.安全理事会 is made up of representatives of 15 member states, 5 of which are permanent member states.It is responsible for maintaining international peace and security,and it is the only United Nations Organ with the authority to use armed force32. 欧盟的主要机构包括:欧盟委员会 欧盟理事会 欧洲议会 欧

22、洲法院33. 欧盟委员会会:European Commission:the European Commission is the EUs executive branch,but also has some legislative function .立法功能34. 欧盟理事会:Council of the European Union:the Council of the European Union is the main decision-making body of the EU.In exercises codecision with the European Parliament

23、on a wide array of community issues.决策机构35. 欧洲议会:European Parliament:the European Parliament has 786 members elected every five years by universal suffrage. 36. 欧洲法院:European Court of justice:the court of Justice is composed of 27 Judges and 8 advocates-general.37. multinational enterprise跨国企业: are

24、businesses operating branches, subsidiaries, or joint ventures in two or more countries.38. state responsibility国家责任: allow a state to seek compensation from other states for injuries done to its nationals. 因外国人对本国人造成的伤害而承担的责任40. what is the purpose of Free Trade Area (FTA)?FTAs are set up to elimin

25、ate trade barriers between member states without establishing a common external tariff. 消除贸易壁垒而非建立共同壁垒。包括:Romano-Germanic civil law(大陆法系); Anglo-American common law(英美法系); Islamic law(伊斯兰法系)第四章1.社团Company:An association of persons or organized for the purpose of carrying on a commercial, industrial

26、or similar enterprise. 为从事商业、工业或类似事业而聚集的人或资本形成的组织2.合伙Partnership:A company of two or more persons who co-own and manage a business and who are each liable to the full extent of their personal assets for its debts. 两个以上的合伙人共同所有,共同经营的组织。每一个合伙人以自己的个人资产为合伙债务承担全部责任3.狮子条款Leonine Clause A clause of a civil

27、 law partnership agreement that exclude a particular partner from sharing in the losses of the company.大陆法合伙协议中允许某些合伙人不承担合伙企业损失的条款4.有限合伙Limited partnership A partnership consisting of one or more general partners who manage the business and are each liable to the full extent of their personal assets

28、 for its debts and one or more limited partners whose liability is limited to the funds they invest.由一个以上的一般合伙人和一个以上的有限合伙人组成的合伙企业。一般合伙人管理企业并以其个人资产对企业债务承担责任,有限合伙人只以其投入企业的资产为限对企业债务承担责任5.大陆法系中的隐名合伙Civil law silent partnership A partnership in which the participation of one or more persons as partners i

29、s not disclosed to the public. These partners are called silent partners and have limited personal liability.一种合伙企业,其中一个或多个合伙人的合伙人身份是保密的。这种合伙人被称为隐名合伙人,对企业只承担有限责任6.普通法系中的隐名合伙Common law secret partnership A partnership in which the participation of one or more persons as partners is not disclosed to t

30、he public. All of the partners have unlimited personal liability.一种合伙企业,其中一个或多个合伙人的合伙人身份是保密的。所有合伙人对企业均承担无限责任7.大陆法系中的公司Civil law corporation A separate juridical entity owned by shareholders who may have limited, unlimited, or no liability.股东所拥有的独立法人组织,股东的责任形式包括有限责任、无限责任或无责任8.普通法系中的公司Common law corpo

31、ration A company of capital whose owners have limited personal liability.所有人承担有限责任的企业9.大陆法系中的有限责任公司Civil law limited liability company A corporation owned by members that does not issue negotiable share certificates and is subject to minimal public disclosure laws.由其成员拥有,不发行可转让股份证书的公司,公司有义务向公众进行最低披露

32、10.普通法系中的有限责任公司Common law limited liability company An unincorporated association that is treated as a partnership for tax purposes and provides limited liability for its owners.在税法上被视为合伙,其出资人对企业债务承担有限责任的非法人组织11.股份有限合伙Partnership limited by shares A business form consisting of one or more general pa

33、rtners with unlimited liability and limited participation by investors in the form of shares.一种企业,由一个或多个承担无限责任的一般合伙人以及以股份形式出资的有限责任出资人组成12.合股公司Joint stock company An unincorporated association of persons whose ownership interests are represented by transferable shares. The shareholders have unlimited

34、 personal liability.一种非法人企业,所有者的权益以可转让股份的形式体现,股份持有人承担无限个人责任13.股份公司Stock corporation/上市公司Public corporation A corporation that can raise money in the public marketplace through the sale of freely transferable shares. Its financial statement have to be disclosed to the public.可以通过公开市场发行可自由转让股份以募集资金的公司

35、,公司的财务报表必须向公众披露14.私人公司Private corporation A corporation that may not ask the public to subscribe to its shares, bonds, or other securities. Its financial statements don't have to be disclosed to the public.不可以向公众发行股票、债券或其他证券的公司,公司的财务报表不必向公众披露 15.公司章程Articles of incorporation The primary rules go

36、verning the management of a corporation.有关公司管理的基本规章制度16. 额面股Par shares Shares that have a specified face value. 规定了特定面额的股票17.优先股Preferred stock Stock that entitles owners to a guaranteed dividend, a priority at the time of liquidation, or some other preference over ordinary shareholders.一种股份,其股东具有经过

37、担保的取得公司红利的权利,在公司清算时优先分配剩余财产的权利以及其他优于普通股股东的权利18.股东Shareholder An individual or institution that legally owns a share of stock in a corporation.合法持有公司股份的个人或组织19.红利Dividend The profits distributed to a corporation's shareholders according to the shares they own. 向公司股东按其拥有股份数分配的公司收益20.商业信托Business t

38、rust A business arrangement in which the owners of a property, known as beneficiaries, transfer legal title to that property to a trustee who then manages it for them. The trustee has unlimited personal liability while the beneficiaries have limited liability. 一种商业安排,财产的所有人被称为受益人,受益人将财产的法律上的所有权转让给受托

39、人,受托人代受益人管理财产。受托人承担无限个人责任,受益人承担有限责任21.无限责任公司Unlimited liability corporation A corporation whose members are liable if its assets are insufficient to cover its debts.在公司资不抵债时,成员应对公司债务承担责任的公司22.无责任公司No liability corporation A corporation whose shareholders are not obligated to pay any call for contrib

40、utions made by the firm or to pay any of the firm's debts, but will not receive any dividends if a call is due and unpaid. 一种公司类型,公司发出出资请求时,其股东可以不出资,股东也没有义务为公司偿还其债务,但是一旦出资请求通知的期限届满而不认缴,就不得获得分红23.非跨国型企业Nonmultinational enterprise A firm organized in one country that contracts with an independent

41、foreign firm to carry out sales or purchasing abroad.建立于某一国家,与设在外国的与其相互独立的企业订立合同,从事境外采购或销售的公司24.以一国为基础的跨国企业National multinational enterprise A firm established in one country that operate in other countries through branches and subsidiaries.建立于某一国家,通过在其他国家设立分公司和子公司展开跨国经营的公司25.国际型跨国企业International mu

42、ltinational enterprise A kind of multinational enterprise that operate in different countries through subsidiaries with two or more parent companies located in different states.26.母公司Parent company 作为跨国企业的总部,拥有并控制企业附属机构的公司Company that acts as the head office for a multinational enterprise and that o

43、wns and controls the enterprise's subordinate entities.由来自不同国家的两个以上的母公司组成,通过子公司从事跨国经营的企业27.分公司Branch Unit or part of the parent company. It is not separately incorporated.母公司的内部单位或组成部分,不是独立法人28.代理人Agent An independent person or company with authority to act on behalf of the enterprise.经企业授权,代表企业

44、行事的独立自然人或组织。29.代表处Representative office An enterprise's contact point where interested parties can obtain information about the company.企业设立的联络点,对公司业务有兴趣的其他企业可以从中获取信息30.子公司Subsidiary A separately incorporated company owned by a parent or a parent's holding company. 由母公司或母公司的控股公司拥有的独立公司31.控股公

45、司Holding company Company owned by parent or parents to supervise and coordinate the operations of subsidiary companies. 一个或多个母公司拥有,监督并协调子公司运营的公司32.合营企业Joint venture An association of persons or companies collaborating in a business venture for more than a transitory time period.两个以上的个人或企业为了长期合作而设立的联

46、合组织33.经济合作与发展组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development An international economic organizational of 34 market economies, founded in 1961. It's goal is to stimulate economic progress and world trade.由34个市场经济国家组成的政府间国际经济组织,成立于1961年,旨在促进全球经济增长,推动世界贸易发展34.反海外腐败法Foreign Corrupt Practices

47、 Act:A law enacted by United States Congress in 1977 that prohibits American companies from foreign government officials.35.谢尔曼反垄断法Sherman Antitrust Act A law enacted by United States Congress in 1890 that prohibit certain anticompetitive business activities.美国国会于1890年制定的一项调整不正当竞争行为的法律36.横向价格固定Horiz

48、ontal price fixing Competitors at the same level expressly or impliedly agreeing to charge the same price for competing products.同一水平的竞争者明示或者默示地同意对于竞争产品制定相同的价格37.纵向价格固定Vertical price fixing Sellers at the same level selling goods to a buyer at a different level on the condition that the latter will

49、not resell below an agreed-upon price.同一水平的销售者以购买者不得低于议定价转售为条件,将产品出售给不同层次的购买者38.水平市场划分Horizontal market division Competitors agreeing not to sell in each other's territories.竞争者互相达成一致,只在自己的领域内销售产品39.克莱顿法Clayton Act An American law enacted in 1914 to as a supplement to the Sherman Antitrust Act b

50、y expanding its enforcement provisions and defining certain specific acts that constitute unfair business competition.美国于1914年制定的一项法律,是对谢尔曼法的补充,扩展了谢尔曼法关于强制执行的规定,确定了构成不公平的商业竞争的特定的几种具体行为40.三倍赔偿金Treble damages A term in some statues that permits a court to triple the amount of the actual damages to be

51、awarded to a plaintiff, generally in order to punish the losing party for willful conduct.一些成文法中使用的术语,根据该术语,法院可将判决赔偿给原告的实际损害赔偿金乘以三倍,其目的是惩罚败诉方的违法行为41.长臂法案Long-arm statues Statues that define certain specific conduct of a foreigner that enable a state to exercise jurisdiction over him. 规定了外国人实施了哪些行为则可

52、以受到某一州管辖的法律,根据美国宪法的程序正义原则,除非被告与法院有最低程度接触,否则法院不得行使管辖权。42. 效果原则effect test 如果外国企业的行为对美国商业造成影响,且影响不是微小的。43. 合理管辖原则 jurisdicational of reason 是否影响了美国的对外活动,行为和性质是否违反了谢尔曼法案。根据公平礼让的原则是否应该行使域外管辖权。42.阻却法Blocking statues The statues enacted by foreign states, with the purpose of curtailing the extraterritoria

53、l application of American antitrust laws.外国为了限制美国反垄断法的域外效力所制定的法律43.禁诉令Anti-Suit Injunctions Injunctions handed down by foreign courts, with the purpose of forbidding one of their nationals from initiating an antitrust suit in the United States against another of their nationals. 外国法院发出的,禁止本国国民在美国对其他

54、本国国民提起反垄断诉讼的禁令44.产品责任Product liability theories(英美国家均采纳,欧盟主要采用严格责任理论) The liability assumed by manufacturers for the injuries their defective products cause.产品制造者对于其缺陷产品造成的伤害承担的责任45. 违约理论Breach of the contract46.过失理论negligence46.严格责任理论Strict liability The liability assumed by defendants (被告)for acts

55、 that are unreasonably dangerous no matter their intentions may have been or whether or not they exercised reasonable care.被告对其实施的具有不合理危险的行为承担的责任,无论其主观上是否存在过错,也不论其是否尽到合理的注意义务47.不择手段的做法Sharp practices 翻译:Dishonest business dealings meant to obtain a benefit for an individual or firm regardless of the

56、 means used. They include such conduct as Misrepresentation and bribery.个人或企业为了获得利益而实施的违反诚信原则、不顾方式与后果的商业手段。主要包括不正当陈述和贿赂48.揭开公司面纱Pierce the company veil Courts' ignoring the corporate structure and exposing the shareholders to personal liability.法院否定公司的法人结构,要求其股东承担个人责任二、简答题。填空题1.做国际贸易的几种方式(1)进行进出

57、口贸易Exporting and importing(2)设立分公司和子公司Establishing branches and subsidiaries(3)知识产权许可Licensing intellectual property (4)特许经营Franchising2.商业组织的形式(1)个人独资企业Sole proprietorship(2)合伙企业Partnership(3)合营企业Joint venture(4)公司Incorporated company(5)社团Association(6)商业信托Business trust(7)特许经营Franchise3.公司在大陆法系中和英

58、美法系中的分类(1)大陆法系股份公司Stock corporations 有限责任公司Limited liability companies(2)英美法系上市公司Public corporations 私人公司Private corporations 有限责任公司Limited liability companies4.成立一家公司的步骤(1)Drafting Articles of Incorporation起草公司章程(2)Finding subscribers to purchase shares寻找认购人购买股份(3)Holding an organizational meeting召开设组织会议(4)Appointing or electing an initial board of directors指定或选举出公司的初始股东(5)Registered with the designated public offices向指定的政府机构办理公司章程注册5.公司章程必须包


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