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1、123 Universe is a unity that formed by space ,time, material and energy.It is a space-time continuum system .4The origin of the universe There is many theory about the origin of the universe.The big bang theory is one of the most influential theory 5The shape of the universe remains unknown ,but hum

2、ans have all kinds of imagination .A small cell A programIt is invisible 6The age of universeThe universe is about 13.7 billion years olds.7The solar systemThe distance between the earth and the sun is 1.5108Km8The Milky Way(银河银河)9The Milky Way Formed by one hundred and twenty billion stars and a la

3、rge number of clusters, nebula, and various types of interstellar gas and interstellar dust. 由一百二十亿的恒星和大量的集群,星云,以及各种类型由一百二十亿的恒星和大量的集群,星云,以及各种类型的星际气体和星际尘埃。的星际气体和星际尘埃。 The scope of the Milky Way galaxy is about 在银河系的范围是约在银河系的范围是约 1.0105l.y.(光年光年)10Look from the flank of the Milky Way, it is like a fla

4、t plate .从侧面看银河,它就像一个平板。从侧面看银河,它就像一个平板。 11The Black Hole 黑洞黑洞 12Black hole is a strong gravitational pull object in which even light cannot escape from it.黑洞是一个强大的,即使光也无法逃脱它的引力对象。黑洞是一个强大的,即使光也无法逃脱它的引力对象。 How a star become a black hole?13A black hole capture the stars.黑洞捕获的星星。黑洞捕获的星星。 14Wormhole虫洞虫洞

5、15Wormhole is the narrow tunnel that connect the two different time and space.虫洞是连接两个不同的时间和空间狭窄的隧道。虫洞是连接两个不同的时间和空间狭窄的隧道。 It is put forward by Einstein and Nathan Rosen .它是由爱因斯坦和罗森提出。它是由爱因斯坦和罗森提出。 It can help you return to former or go to future.它可以帮助你恢复前或到未来。它可以帮助你恢复前或到未来。 “Negative quality” (负质量负质量

6、)16Series of strange objects 奇怪的物体系列奇怪的物体系列 17Black widow nebula黑寡妇星云黑寡妇星云 18Sauron magical eye索隆神奇的眼睛索隆神奇的眼睛 19Hell planet地狱星球地狱星球 20Zombie(僵尸僵尸) stars 21Orions bat猎户座的蝙蝠猎户座的蝙蝠 22Small ghost nebula 小幽灵星云小幽灵星云 2324252627282930313233M16: Eaggle Nebula 鷹狀星雲鷹狀星雲 34M57: Ring Nebula 指環星雲指環星雲 35NGC 2237: Rosette Nebula 玫瑰星雲玫瑰星雲36Proto star 原恒星原恒


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