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1、l The main defect in such saving schemes is that theres nothing in them for the kids. College is a thousand years away, and they probably think theyd just as soon stay home anyway. Indeed, the true purpose of such plans is usually not to promote saving but to prevent consumption. Appalled by what th

2、eir children spend on candy and video games( or rather, appalled by the degree to which their childrens overspending seems to mimic their own), parents devise ways to lock up their childrens resources. l 这类储蓄计划的主要缺陷在于,孩子本人一无所获。上大学还不知要过多少年,他们或许会想他们宁愿呆在家里。实际上,这类计划的真正目的通常不是促进储蓄而是限制消费。孩子们在糖果、电子游戏上的花费之大令

3、家长们十分震惊(或者更确切地说,孩子们的超支行为似乎是在竭力仿效父母,这令家长们十分震惊),于是家长便设法把孩子们的钱存起来不让用。 lWorse, a former opponent charged Lewis with steroid use. Lewis firmly denied the charges and countered by providing before a judge that the magazine that had published the stories did so without foundations to their claims. He also

4、participated in drug test after drug test to prove he was clean. An opponent of steroid use, Lewis was never linked to drug use by anything but rumor l 更糟糕的是, 刘易斯以前的一个对手指控他也服用了类固醇。 刘易斯对此坚决予以否认。并在法官面前证明杂志刊登这样的消息是毫无根据的行为, 以此作为反击。 他一次次的参加药检以证明自身的清白。刘易斯反对在比赛中服用类固醇。 除了在谣言中, 他从未和使用药物的丑闻联系在一起过。 考研精要语法点集锦考研

5、精要语法点集锦l表示否定、逆转、反对的缀词归纳表示否定、逆转、反对的缀词归纳ldis-加在名、形、副或动前表否定,不改变原词性。加在名、形、副或动前表否定,不改变原词性。disagree; disaster; disease; distrust; disorder; disregard(忽视忽视)in-; im-lin-, im加在名、形、副前。词尾是加在名、形、副前。词尾是-ant, -ent, -ate, -ite, -ible等的单词,多用等的单词,多用in-。im-为为in-的变体,加在的变体,加在“/b/, /m/, /p/”前;前;il-, ir-, ig也为也为in-的变体,分别

6、加的变体,分别加在辅音在辅音/l/, /r/, /n/前,便于发音前,便于发音 inadequate, inaccessible(难接近的难接近的,难达到难达到的的,难达成的难达成的 ), invalid, imbalance, immoral, immature, illegal, illiterate(文盲的文盲的), irregular, irresistible, ignoreun-lun-加在名、副、形或充当形容词加在名、副、形或充当形容词的分词前的分词前lun-加在名、动前构成动词时表加在名、动前构成动词时表”反动作反动作“,即撤消,即撤消/取消原来的动取消原来的动作和原来名词的功

7、能,词义应反过作和原来名词的功能,词义应反过来理解。来理解。unnatural, unlikely, unknown, unfold, unfasten(解解开开 ), untie, uncover(揭露揭露,脱帽脱帽 )non-lnon-加于名、形、副或作为形容加于名、形、副或作为形容词的分词前,其否定意义没有词的分词前,其否定意义没有in-强,不转向对立面。强,不转向对立面。 nonsense, nonprofit, nonconformist(不信奉英国国教的不信奉英国国教的 ), nonconductor(不传导体不传导体,绝缘体绝缘体 )mis-lmis-加在名、动前,也可加在动名加

8、在名、动前,也可加在动名词和用作形容词的分词前词和用作形容词的分词前lMisconception(误解误解,错误想法错误想法 ), misplace(错放错放(误给误给) ), mischief(伤伤害害,灾祸灾祸,恶作剧恶作剧 ), mistakede-lde-加在动、形前表进行相反的行加在动、形前表进行相反的行为或达到相反的效果为或达到相反的效果ldeform(使使.残缺残缺,使使.变形变形 ), decode(解码解码,译解译解), deforest(采伐森采伐森林林,清除树林清除树林 ), degenerate(退化退化,堕落堕落)anti-, ant-l加在名、形前,其词干往往是防加

9、在名、形前,其词干往往是防/抗的对象。抗的对象。ant-用于元音和辅音用于元音和辅音/h/前前lAntarctic(南极的南极的), antibody(抗体抗体 ), anticlimax(令人泄气的转变令人泄气的转变 ), anticolonial(反殖民主义的反殖民主义的 ), anti-Janpanesecounter-l加在名、动、形前加在名、动、形前Counterbalance(平衡平衡,平衡力平衡力;使平衡使平衡,抵销抵销 ), counterpart(相似之物相似之物(正副二正副二份中之一份中之一,对应物对应物) ), countermeasure(对策对策 ), counter

10、attack(反击反击,反攻反攻 ), counter-strike(回击回击 )mal-, male-l加在名、形、动前,表示加在名、形、动前,表示”不善、不善、恶、坏、失恶、坏、失“等否定含义,其反义等否定含义,其反义前缀为前缀为bene-lmaltreat, malfunction(故障故障), malpractice(失职失职,行为不当行为不当 ), malnutrition(营养不良营养不良 )-lesslvalueless, helpless, tireless, homelesslanti - against 反对反对 anticlockwise, anti-sunburn la

11、uto- self 自己的自己的 antobiography, automobile lco- with 共同、一起共同、一起 cooperate, coordinate lcontra- against 反,防止反,防止 contradict, contravene lde- remove 除去,脱离除去,脱离 deregulate, deselect ldis- not 中断、消除中断、消除 disappear, disconnect lil- not 否定,相反否定,相反 illegal, illogical linter- between 相互,在相互,在之间之间 internatio

12、nal, interchange lmis- badly / wrongly 错,误错,误 misinform, misbehave, misunderstand lmulti- many 许多许多 multinational, multilingual lnon- opposite 不,非,无不,非,无 non-profit, non-finite lout- more than 超过超过 outperform, outdo lover- too much 过多,过剩过多,过剩 oversleep, overwork lpost- after 在在之后之后 postpone, postnat

13、al lpre- before 在在之前之前 predict, precook lre- again 再,重再,重 rewrite, relive lsub- under 在在的下面的下面 submarine, subliminal (下意识的下意识的 )lsuper- higher / improved 超,过于超,过于 supermarket, superhuman ltrans- across 横越,变化横越,变化 transatlantic, transplant luni- one 单一单一 uniform, unilateral (单方面单方面,单边的单边的,片片面的面的 )lun

14、der- not enough 过少,不足过少,不足 underpaid, underfed不充分供料不充分供料(供料不足供料不足,下给下给,下部进料下部进料) l后缀后缀含义含义例词例词l-ess表示阴性表示阴性l-er/-ist/-or表示职业表示职业l-ese表示国籍表示国籍l-al表示行为表示行为l-ance/-ence表示行为状态表示行为状态l-ation表示行为状态表示行为状态l-dom表示状态领域表示状态领域l-hood表示身份性质表示身份性质l-ity/-ness/-th 表示性质状态表示性质状态l-ment/-ion/-urel表示行为结果表示行为结果l-ship表示身份状态

15、表示身份状态l后缀后缀含义含义l-able/-ible可可的,能的,能的的l-al属于属于的,具有的,具有特点的特点的l-ed具有具有特点的特点的l-ful具有具有/ 充满充满的的l-ing具有具有特点的特点的/表动作的结果表动作的结果l-ish有有属性的属性的l-ive有有的倾向的的倾向的l-less没有没有的的l-like像像的的l-y充满充满的的l-en使使/变得变得l-ize使使l-ly在在状态中状态中l-ward(s)朝朝方向方向l考点一:考点一: 原级比较一般用原级比较一般用 as as ; not so as ; the same as ;l特殊结构特殊结构 A is to B

16、what / as X is to Y ; lA+倍数或几分之几倍数或几分之几 as + adj. / adv. + as +B.lThe work is not as difficult as you think.lAir is to us as water is to fish. 我们与空气我们与空气的关系就像鱼和水的关系。的关系就像鱼和水的关系。lThis book is twice as thick as that one.比较级的考点归纳比较级的考点归纳l考点二:比较级常用结构考点二:比较级常用结构 A 比较级比较级 than + Bl特殊结构:特殊结构:the more the m

17、ore (越(越越越);); more and more (越来越)(越来越)lThis question is less difficult than that that question. (比较对象为彼此独立的人或(比较对象为彼此独立的人或事物)事物)lIron is more useful than any other metal. (比较对象具有所属关系,(比较对象具有所属关系, 含有最高级含义)含有最高级含义)lThe city is becoming more and more beautiful.l考点三:以拉丁文考点三:以拉丁文-ior结尾的含有比较意义的结尾的含有比较意义的

18、形容词后接形容词后接to 而不是而不是than. 这些词是:这些词是:lsuperior, inferior , senior , junior , major , minor, anterior, prior(在(在之前)之前) ,lposterior (在(在之后)之后)lHe is three years senior to me.lThis type of computer is superior to that type.l考点四:最高级用于三者以上的事物之间的考点四:最高级用于三者以上的事物之间的比较,所以比较的范围自然是少不了。一般比较,所以比较的范围自然是少不了。一般表示地方用

19、介词表示地方用介词in; 表示所属关系和人物比表示所属关系和人物比较用介词较用介词 of. ( 即即the +最高级最高级in /of )lThe Yangtze River is the longest river in China, but it is the third longest river in the world.lThe youngest member of the family is most successful.lOf all forms of energy, electricity is most widely used.l考点五:在考点五:在 more than 结

20、构中,结构中, than 有时有时可看作关系代词,相当于可看作关系代词,相当于than whatlThere ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than exists in the public mind today. (Than = than what)l人们不应该像今天这样担心害怕患上癌症。人们不应该像今天这样担心害怕患上癌症。lThere are more wonders in heaven and earth than are dreamt of. ( than=than what)l天

21、地间的奇迹比人们所梦想的要多得多。天地间的奇迹比人们所梦想的要多得多。lThe medicine is more effective than is expected.l考点六:英语中有一小部分表示绝对意义的形容考点六:英语中有一小部分表示绝对意义的形容词没有比较级和最高级。如:词没有比较级和最高级。如:ldead, deaf, empty, total, whole, perfect, complete, right, wrong, equal, daily, false, finallabsolute, alone, round, pregnant, square, supreme, un

22、ique, straight, eternal(永久的永久的,永恒的永恒的 ), unanimous(全体一致全体一致的的,一致同意的一致同意的 )l考点七:几组由考点七:几组由 “more than ;more than” 和和“no / not 比较级比较级” 等构成的惯用句式及其等构成的惯用句式及其含义。含义。lmore than 其含义为:其含义为: “不仅是,不仅是, 非常,非常, 十分十分”等,等, 用法和意义较多。用法和意义较多。lmore than 其含义可以是:其含义可以是: “与其说与其说不如不如说,说, 不是不是而是而是”lWhat we are doing today

23、is more than donating some money.l今天我们所做的不只是捐一些钱。今天我们所做的不只是捐一些钱。 Their action was more than justified. 他们的行动是完全有理由的。他们的行动是完全有理由的。lHe is more brave than wise. 他有勇无谋。他有勇无谋。lThe book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammer.l这本书看起来与其说是一本语法书,不如说是一本这本书看起来与其说是一本语法书,不如说是一本词典。词典。lno more than 强调少,意为强调少,

24、意为“只有,不过,仅仅只有,不过,仅仅”lnot more than 客观叙述,意为客观叙述,意为“不超过不超过”lHe has no more than five dollars on him.l他身上仅有他身上仅有5美元。(强调少)美元。(强调少)lHe has not more than five dollars on him.l他身上带的钱不超过仅有他身上带的钱不超过仅有5美元。(强调数额少于美元。(强调数额少于5美元)美元)lno more than含有消极否定的意思,可译为含有消极否定的意思,可译为“A与与B都不都不,不,不 也不也不”lnot more than 含有积极、肯定的

25、意思,表示程含有积极、肯定的意思,表示程度上的差异。度上的差异。lHe is no more diligent than you.l他不勤奋,你也不勤奋。(两人都不勤奋)他不勤奋,你也不勤奋。(两人都不勤奋)lHe is not more diligent than you.l他没有像你那样勤奋。(两人都勤奋,但你更勤奋)他没有像你那样勤奋。(两人都勤奋,但你更勤奋)lno less than = as much as 意为:意为:“竟有竟有之多,之多,多达多达”强调多强调多lnot less than 意为意为“不少于,至少不少于,至少”,可观地描述,可观地描述lno less than 前

26、后均为肯定,含有惊奇的感情色前后均为肯定,含有惊奇的感情色彩。可译为:彩。可译为:“是是是,是, 正是,正是, 和和 一样,一样, 多达,多达,应有应有之多之多”lHis son has read no less than 50 English books.l他的儿子竟然读了他的儿子竟然读了50本英文书。(强调多)本英文书。(强调多)lHis son has read not less than 50 English books.l他的儿子读了不少于他的儿子读了不少于50本英文书。(不强调多或少)本英文书。(不强调多或少)lThe middle-aged man was no less a p

27、erson than the new minister.l这位中年人正是新来的部长。这位中年人正是新来的部长。lHer voice is no less sweet than it used to be.l她的歌声和以前一样甜美。她的歌声和以前一样甜美。非谓语动词非谓语动词l非谓语动词是指分词(包括现在分词和过去分非谓语动词是指分词(包括现在分词和过去分词)、不定式、动名词等三种形式,词)、不定式、动名词等三种形式,即:即: doing , done , to do , doing 。l 现在分词现在分词 doing : 有有being done(被动式)(被动式) ; having done

28、 (完成式)(完成式); having been done (完成被动式)(完成被动式) 不定式不定式 to do : 有有to be done (被动式)(被动式); to have done (完成式)(完成式); to be doing(进行(进行式)式) 动名词动名词 doing : 有有having done(完成式)(完成式); being done(被动式)(被动式) ; 非谓语动词的特点 l三种非谓语动词都具有动词的特征,虽然它们三种非谓语动词都具有动词的特征,虽然它们没有人称和数的变化,但是它们都能带自己的没有人称和数的变化,但是它们都能带自己的状语或有时跟宾语。它们都有各自

29、的特征:分状语或有时跟宾语。它们都有各自的特征:分词具有形容词和副词的特征;动名词具有名词词具有形容词和副词的特征;动名词具有名词的特征;不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特的特征;不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征。具体来讲:分词在句子中可以做定语、表征。具体来讲:分词在句子中可以做定语、表语、状语或补足语等;动名词在句子中可以做语、状语或补足语等;动名词在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语等;不定式在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语等;不定式在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语、补足语或状语。主语、宾语、表语、补足语或状语。 一、一、 动词不定式动词不定式 l1To learn a foreign langu

30、age is difficult. 2 His wish is to be a driver. 3Tom wanted to have a cup of beer. 4The teacher told us to do morning exercises. 5I have nothing to say. 6They went to see their aunt. 7Its easy to see their aunt. 8I dont know what to do next. 9I heard them make a noise. 掌握动词不定式应注意的几个问题 l1 “to” 是不定式符号

31、还是介词,下列短是不定式符号还是介词,下列短语中的语中的to 都是介词。都是介词。 object to, close to, come to, lead to, refer to, equal to, familiar to, point to , thanks to , devote to, next to, belong to , be used to, look forward to l2 带带to 还是不带还是不带to I have no choice but to give in. I cannot do anything but give in. I saw him enter t

32、he classroom . ( 但是:但是: He was seen to enter the classroom .) l3 动词不定式逻辑主语是由动词不定式逻辑主语是由for 作为标记作为标记的。但是有时用的。但是有时用of . Its necessary for you to study hard . Its foolish of him to do it . 与与of 连用的形容词有:连用的形容词有: good, kind , nice , wise ,clever , foolish , right , wrong , careful , careless , polite , p

33、ossible l4后接不定式作宾语的动词有:后接不定式作宾语的动词有: want , hope , wish , like , begin , try , need , forget , agree , know , promise , teach , refuse , help , arrange , dare , decide , determine , fail , manage , offer , prepare , continue , ask , mean , choose , expect etc 需要宾语补足语的动词不能用动词不定式直接需要宾语补足语的动词不能用动词不定式直接

34、做介词的宾语,而要用做介词的宾语,而要用it做形式宾语。例如:做形式宾语。例如:通常不说通常不说We think to obey the laws is important . 而说而说We think it important to obey the laws . l5不定式的省略。下列短语中,如果意义明不定式的省略。下列短语中,如果意义明确,常常省略到确,常常省略到to 。 want to , wish to ,hope to , like to , hate to , plan to , try to , love to , have to , ought to , need to ,

35、used to , be able to l6不定式作定语,应注意两种关系:不定式作定语,应注意两种关系: 1)动宾关系:)动宾关系: He has a lot of meeting to attend. Please lend me something to write with. He is looking for a room to live He is looking for a room to live in. He has no money and no place to live (in). I think the best way to travel (by) is on fo

36、ot. There is no time to think (about). 2)主谓关系:)主谓关系: She is always the last (person) to speak at the meeting. -Im going to the post office, for I have a letter to post. ( 逻辑主语是逻辑主语是I ) -Thank you. But I have no letters to be posted now. ( 逻辑主语不是逻辑主语不是I )l7不定式作状语,可以有以下几种意义:不定式作状语,可以有以下几种意义: 1) 原因原因 H

37、e is lucky to get here on time . 这种结构中常用的形容词有:这种结构中常用的形容词有: happy, glad , delighted , pleased , sorry , eager , anxious . lucky , fortunate , proud , angry surprised , frightened , disappointed , ready , clever , foolish , worthy 2) 目的目的 He came to help me with my maths . 3) 结果结果 I hurried to get th

38、ere only to find him out . The book is too hard for the boy to read . He is old enough to go to school . l8 . 不定式作补足语不定式作补足语 I saw him play in the street just now . 能跟不带能跟不带to 的不定式作补足语的动词有:的不定式作补足语的动词有: see , feel , hear , listen to , look at , watch , let , have make, observe, notice 注注: 当这些词为被动式时,

39、不定式要带当这些词为被动式时,不定式要带to , 如:如: He was seen to play in the street just now. 二动名词二动名词 lLearning English is very difficult . 学英语非常困难。学英语非常困难。 His job is driving a bus . 他的工作是开车。他的工作是开车。 I enjoy dancing . 我喜欢跳舞。我喜欢跳舞。 I have got used to living in the country . 我已经习惯了住农村。我已经习惯了住农村。 Take some sleeping tabl

40、ets , and you will soon fall asleep . 吃点安眠药,你很快就会入睡。吃点安眠药,你很快就会入睡。 l注意以下几种结构:注意以下几种结构: 1Theres no telling what will happen. =Its impossible to tell what will happen. = No one can tell what will happen. 2Its no use talking with him. Its no good speaking to them like that. 3Theres some difficulty ( in

41、 ) doing 在此句型中在此句型中,difficulty 可以由以下单词替换可以由以下单词替换: trouble , problem , fun , pleasure , a good time , a hard time l注意以下几个问题:注意以下几个问题: 1下列动词后跟不定式与跟动名词作宾语意义有区下列动词后跟不定式与跟动名词作宾语意义有区别,别, forget to do 忘记要做某事忘记要做某事 forget doing 忘记做了某事忘记做了某事 remember to do 记住要做某事记住要做某事 remember doing 记着做了某事记着做了某事mean to do

42、有意要做某事有意要做某事 mean doing 意味着做了某事意味着做了某事 regret to do 对要做的事表示后悔对要做的事表示后悔 regret doing 对做过去的事后悔对做过去的事后悔 lcant help to do不能帮助做某事不能帮助做某事 cant help doing 情不自禁做某事情不自禁做某事 try to do 尽力去做某事尽力去做某事 try doing 试着做某事试着做某事 learn to do 学着去做某事学着去做某事 learn doing 学会做某事学会做某事stop to do 停下来去做(另一件事)停下来去做(另一件事) stop doing 停

43、止做某事停止做某事 go on to do 接着做(另外一件事)接着做(另外一件事) go on doing 继续做某事继续做某事 used to do 过去做某事过去做某事 be used to doing 习惯做某事习惯做某事 l2动名词作定语与现在分词作定语意义有区别动名词作定语与现在分词作定语意义有区别 动名词作定语表达动名词作定语表达 n+ for doing 的含义的含义 - 现在分词作定语表达现在分词作定语表达 n + which (who) be doing的含义的含义 如:如:a sleeping car = a car for sleeping a running hors

44、e = a horse which is running 前者是动名词前者是动名词 , 后者是现在分词后者是现在分词 又如:又如: drinking water, walking stick(手杖手杖 ), running water(自来水自来水 ), sleeping boy 3 动名词的逻辑主语:动名词的逻辑主语: 动名词的逻辑主语为代词或名词的所有格形式。动名词的逻辑主语为代词或名词的所有格形式。 例如:例如:His coming made us very happy . 4动名词的语态和时态动名词的语态和时态 5 动名词主动形式表被动的情况:动名词主动形式表被动的情况: need d

45、oing , want doing , require doing 例如:例如: This room needs painting. 这个房间这个房间需要粉刷。需要粉刷。 l6只能跟动名词作宾语的动词:只能跟动名词作宾语的动词:l admit , avoid , advise , consider , delay , deny , enjoy , escape , excuse , fancy(想像力想像力,幻想幻想,喜好喜好 ) , finish , complete , forbid , imagine , mind , miss , permit . practise , require

46、 , suggest , risk , keep, take to(喜爱喜爱(开始开始,从事从事,养成养成,养成养成,走向走向,容易学会容易学会) , look forward to , get down to (开始开始,着手着手), feel like , cant help , cant stand , be used to ,insist on , succeed in , set about, give up , include 三 分词 1 The story is interesting . Im interested in it . 这个故事有兴趣,我对这个故事感兴趣。这个故事

47、有兴趣,我对这个故事感兴趣。 2 . This is a moving film . 这是一部动人的电影。这是一部动人的电影。 3. The secretary worked late into the night , preparing a long speech for the president . 秘书工作到深夜,为主席准备一篇长篇演讲稿。秘书工作到深夜,为主席准备一篇长篇演讲稿。4. Given more time , Ill do it well . 如果给我多一点时间,我会做的更好。如果给我多一点时间,我会做的更好。 When he passed the back of the

48、street , he saw the thief stealing some money from the bank . 当他后街时,看到小偷正从银行偷钱当他后街时,看到小偷正从银行偷钱。 l应注意的几个问题:应注意的几个问题:l1现在分词与过去分词的区别现在分词与过去分词的区别Do you know the woman talking to Tom ? = Do you know the woman who is talking to Tom ? The soldier wounded in the war has become a doctor. = The soldier who wa

49、s wounded in the war has become a doctor. China is a developing country and America is a developed country. l2分词作表语分词作表语 The news sounds encouraging . They got very excited . 1)现在分词与过去分词作表语的区别:)现在分词与过去分词作表语的区别: The news is interesting . He is interested in the news . doing 作表语,主语与表语是主谓关系作表语,主语与表语是主谓

50、关系 ;done 作表语,主语作表语,主语与表语是动宾关系。与表语是动宾关系。 2)表语与被动式的区别:)表语与被动式的区别: The blackboard was broken by Xiao Ming .(强调动作)(强调动作) The blackboard is broken . Youd better have it repaired.(强调状态)(强调状态) 3)常作表语的过去分词:)常作表语的过去分词: amused , injured , covered , known , dressed , lost , broken , gone , delighted, excited ,

51、 pleased , satisfied , married , worried , surprised , interested , burnt , shut , crowded , wounded , drank , done l3现在分词、动名词现在分词、动名词 现在进行时的区别现在进行时的区别 The situation in our country is encouraging . (表表语语) The situation in our country is encouraging the people . ( 现在进行时现在进行时) My job is looking after

52、the little baby . (动名词动名词) 能回答能回答how-question 的是现在分词,的是现在分词,l能回答能回答what-question 的动名词,的动名词,l既不能回答既不能回答how-question 也不能回答也不能回答what-question 的是现在进行时。的是现在进行时。 例如:例如: -How is the situation in our country ?l -It is encouraging . -What is your job ? l -My job is looking after the little baby . l4注意的四种结构:注

53、意的四种结构: have something to do 有某事要做有某事要做 have something done 使某事被做使某事被做 have somebody do something 使某人做使某人做某事某事 have something doing 让某事一直做着让某事一直做着 l5 需要跟反身代词作宾语的动词:需要跟反身代词作宾语的动词: seat , prepare , hide , dress 如:如:I seated myself on the chair . I was seated on the chair . l6分词做状语与不定式的区别:分词做状语与不定式的区别:

54、 分词做状语表示时间、原因、让步、分词做状语表示时间、原因、让步、 条件、方条件、方式、伴随等;而不定式表示目的和结果。式、伴随等;而不定式表示目的和结果。 Having finished the homework, I went home. ( 时间)时间) Being a Party member , I should work hard . (原因)(原因) Given more time ,I can do my work better . ( 条件条件 ) He ran out of the classroom ,shouting at the boy. ( 伴随)伴随) To ge

55、t more knowledge , we must work harder and harder . ( 目的目的 ) He is old enough to join the army . ( 结果)结果)l7分词、动名词和不定式作定语的区别分词、动名词和不定式作定语的区别 a running horse 现在分词现在分词 = a horse that is running a fallen leaf 过去分词过去分词 = a leaf that has already fallen a walking stick 动名词动名词 = a stick for walking somethin

56、g to do 不定式不定式 = something that I should do l8不定式被动式、分词的被动式和过去分词不定式被动式、分词的被动式和过去分词的区别:的区别: I have a problem to be discussed at the meeting . ( 将来将来) The building being built on the river is the Science Museum . (正在进行)(正在进行) The building completed three years ago is now in bad conditions . ( 过去)过去) l

57、9分词做状语需要注意的一个问题:分词做状语需要注意的一个问题: 分词与句子主语的逻辑关系分词与句子主语的逻辑关系 Seeing from the hill , the city looks beautiful .( 错误错误 ) Seen from the hill , the city looks beautiful . ( 正确)正确) Seeing 与与the city 不是主谓关系;不是主谓关系;seen 与与city 是动宾关系是动宾关系 代词及其指代一致代词及其指代一致一代词的指代一代词的指代 1that的指代作用的指代作用 that指代不可数名词和单数可数名词(如是复数,用指代不

58、可数名词和单数可数名词(如是复数,用those),后面通常跟有修饰语,如出现在比较结构),后面通常跟有修饰语,如出现在比较结构中的中的that of。如。如 Conversation calls for a willingness to alternate the role of speaker with that of listener, and it calls for occasional “digestive pauses” by both. 这里这里that指代前面的指代前面的the role。 No bread eaten by men is so sweet as that ea

59、rned by his own labor. l2one的指代作用的指代作用 one指代带不定冠词的单数可数名词,复数为指代带不定冠词的单数可数名词,复数为ones。the one指代带定冠词的单数可数名词。如:指代带定冠词的单数可数名词。如: A good writer is_who can express the commonplace in an uncommon way. A that Bhe Cone Dthis 答案为答案为C 3do的替代作用。的替代作用。 do代替动词,注意数和时态的变化。如:代替动词,注意数和时态的变化。如: For him to be re-elected,

60、 what is essential is not that his policy works , but that the public believe that it does. 二代词指代一致问题二代词指代一致问题 代词指代一致是指指代的名词在性、数、格上是否一致,代词指代一致是指指代的名词在性、数、格上是否一致,或者所照应的名词词组在某些方面保持一致。或者所照应的名词词组在某些方面保持一致。 Each cigarette a person smokes does some harm, and eventually he may get a serious disease form it


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