【三维设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 18 new zealand课件 新人教版必修1_第1页
【三维设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 18 new zealand课件 新人教版必修1_第2页
【三维设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 18 new zealand课件 新人教版必修1_第3页
【三维设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 18 new zealand课件 新人教版必修1_第4页
【三维设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习 (单词冲关 短语冲关 句型冲关)unit 18 new zealand课件 新人教版必修1_第5页
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1、1If everyone is willing to protect and contribute to the environment,what a beautiful and lovely world it will be.2Just as the old saying goes,diligence leads to success while laziness results in failure.3I prefer to work in the countryside where I believe we can have as bright a future as we have i

2、n the city.1.如果每个人都乐于为环保做出奉献,那将是一个多么美丽可爱的世界。2正如谚语所说,勤奋使人成功而懒惰导致失败。3我更喜欢在乡下工作,我相信在那里可以有和在城市一样光明的未来。4我认为,游戏在儿童教育中起重要作用。5有几种原因能够说明图中所反映出的现象。2 n. 海岸1 adj.中央的;中心的centralcoastharbour3 n. 海港.高频单词必记 一、考纲词汇识记4 n. 热;热度;压力vt.& vi. 加热5 n. 外表;外表6 adv. 大体上;主要地7 n. 航行;(尤指)航海;航天8 adj. 令人惊奇的;使人吃惊的9 n. 会议;讨论会heatsurf

3、acemainlyvoyagesurprisingconference10 vt.使定居;解决;使平静vi.安家;安居;停留 n移民者;定居者 n定居;殖民;安身settlesettlersettlement12 n亲属;亲戚;关系;联系 (同义词)13 adj.农业的;农艺的 n农业relationrelationshipagriculturalagriculture11 n秘书;书记;文书 n秘密secretarysecret14 n输出;出口(商品)vt.输出 (反义词) 输入;进口exportimport二、高频词汇活用(一)一言辨异15When I returned home,I f

4、ound my little son sitting on the floor _ by all kinds of toys.Id like to bring up my son in healthy _,so I have made up my mind to move to a town whose water comes from the _ hills.(surround)答案: surrounded;surroundings;surrounding(二)用possess及其派生词的适当形式填空16(1)Any creature who _one of these rings has

5、great power.(2)Technical progress would put our firm in _ of the home market.(3)Having been cheated by that company,he lost all his _.答案: (1)possesses(2)possession(3)possessions1 占有;占领take possession of2 组成;构成3 由构成4 驾船航行;进行帆船运动5 与有关6 有的人口make upbe made up ofgo sailingin relation tohave a population

6、of.重点短语必背7 被标记be marked with8 开始干;求助于;转向9 大多数turn tothe majority of.10 保持自己的生活方式keep ones way of life.经典句型必会1New Zealand has a mild sea climate,while the north is subtropical.新西兰属于温和的海洋性气候,北部是亚热带气候。解读:while表比照转折,意为“而,却仿写:在一些地方,妇女去挣钱,而男人却在家做事、带孩子。In some places women are expected to earn money_men wo

7、rk at home and raise their children.答案:while2New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.新西兰葡萄酒质量上乘,行销全世界。解读:本句使用了“be of (adj.)抽象名词句型仿写:你会觉得这本书在学英语中作用很大。You will find this book _ in learning English.答案:of great use3It is about the same size as the Philippines.面积跟菲律宾差不多。解读:the

8、same.as与一样仿写:她几周前犯的错误这次又犯了。She has made _ she made several weeks ago.答案:the same mistake as4New Zealand is an important agricultural country,with cattle farming on the North Island,while the hilly South Island has more sheep farms.新西兰是一个重要的农业国家,北岛上养牛,而多山的南岛那么有较多的绵羊农场。解读:本句使用了“with名词介词短语结构仿写:小女孩来到一条小

9、溪边,小溪的两岸长着红花绿草。The little girl came to a stream,_ red flowers and green grass _.答案:with;on both sides1surround vt.包围;围绕 教材P38原句New Zealand is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the north and east,and the Tasman Sea to the south and west.新西兰的北方和东方被太平洋环绕,南方和西方被塔斯曼海环绕。He lives in a village with green t

10、rees surrounding it.他住在一个绿树合抱的村子里。(1)be surrounded with/by.被环绕/包围(2)surrounding adj. 周围的 in a surrounding area 在周围地区(3)surroundings n(pl.) 环境A couple of miles past Grantchester in the south Cambridgeshire countryside, the pool is surrounded by beautiful circular paths around the fields.(2021湖南高考阅读B)

11、经过剑桥郡南面的格兰切斯特几英里,这个水池被田地周围美丽的圆形小径环绕着。Several children from the surrounding villages were finally admitted to the school.来自于附近村庄的几个孩子最后被录取到这所学校。The beneficial where the children grow up will have a positive influence on their future.有益的成长环境对孩子的未来有积极的作用。surroundings2settle vt.使定居;解决;使平静vi.安家;定居;停留教材P3

12、9原句They brought dogs,rats and plants with them and settled mainly on the North Island where the weather was warmer.他们带来了狗、老鼠和植物,主要在气候温暖的北岛上定居下来。I try to settle these excited children,but in vain.我试着让这些兴奋的孩子们安静下来,但根本就没有用。settle a problem/quarrel/matter解决一个问题/解决一场纠纷/处理一个事件settle down安静;平静;坐下来settle (d

13、own) in some place 定居在某地;习惯在某地的生活settle down to (do) sth.安心做某事You ought to settle your affairs before you go into hospital for operation.在你住院接受手术之前应该把事情料理妥当。The children had before the teacher started his lesson.孩子们安静下来,老师开始上课。Many foreigners have settled in China in recent years.很多外国人现在已经在中国定居了。set

14、tled down3possession n拥有;占有;财产(常用复数)教材P39原句More than 120 years later,Captain James Cook took possession of the islands in 1769 and from that time British people started to settle in New Zealand.120多年后,詹姆士库克船长在1769年占领了这些岛屿,从那时起,英国人就开始在新西兰定居。They lost their home and all their possessions in the storm.

15、他们在暴风雨中失去了家和所有财产。(1)be in possession of sth.拥有某物(主语是人)be in the possession of sb.(be in sb.s possession) 为某人所有(主语为物)come into the possession of sb. 落入某人手中win possession of 赢得have/take possession of 拥有;占有(2)possess vt. 拥有;占有Foreign visitors are required to be in possession of a passport.外国游客必须持有护照。Th

16、e rare stamp is now an unknown collector.那张稀有的邮票现在为一位不知名的收藏家所有。We dont the house till next month.要到下个月我们才能拥有这座房子。in the possession oftake possession of.单词拼写1The coastal areas have mild winters,but by contrast the _ (中心) plains become extremely cold.答案: central2The house was _ (围绕) by high walls,whic

17、h looked like a prison.答案: surrounded3Beneath her selfconfident _ (外表),shes quite unsure of herself.4Its said that the ship called Titanic sank on her first _ (航行)5The people had to gather up their few _ (财产) and escaped abroad.答案: possessions答案: voyage答案: surface6Did you know that Jack ended up mar

18、rying his _ (秘书)?答案: secretary7The gross national production increased 7 _ (百分比) last year.答案: percent8The country is heavily dependent on its exports of _ (农业的) products.答案: agricultural.单项填空1(2021西安质检)Does the young man standing at the gate _ the car?No. The car is _ his father.Ain possession of;

19、in the possession ofBhave possession of; take possession ofChave possession of; in the possession ofDin the possession of; take possession of解析:句意:“站在大门口的那个年轻人拥有这辆车吗?“不是。这辆车是他父亲的。have /take/ in possession of“拥有,占有;第一个空处应用动词短语;in the possession of“被占有。答案:C2(2021河南三市调研)On getting off the plane,the pop

20、 singer found himself _ by his fans.AsurroundingBsurroundedCto be surrounded Dhaving surrounded解析:考查find sb.done sth.结构。句意:一下飞机,这位流行歌手就发现他被他的歌迷包围了。答案:B3Why not go to visit our grandparents at home on National Day? We will have three days off then. _, but dont forget to buy them some gifts. AThat dep

21、ends BThats settledCIts really something DThats the point 解析:结合选项和答句的but dont forget to buy them some gifts可知B项符合句意。Thats settled. “就这么定了。That depends.“看情况而定。Its really something. “那真是了不起的事。Thats the point.“这正是重点。答案:B1make up组成;构成;编造;布置;和解;补上(功课等)教材P38原句It is made up of two large islands:North Islan

22、d and South Island.新西兰是由两大岛屿组成的:北岛和南岛。Peasants make up the majority of the population of our country.我们国家农民占人口的大局部。Dont make up an excuse.You are to blame for the car crash.不要编造什么借口。你必须为这个撞车事故负责。They have quarreled seriously three times but each time they and become best friends again.她们之间发生过三次大的争吵,

23、但每次都重归于好。have made upbe made up of由组成make use of 利用make out 理解,弄清;识别make up for 弥补,使平衡be made of/from 由制成make into 将制成(变成)make it 成功,及时到达It was quite hard to what they contained.很难弄清里面都装着什么东西。The flight leaves in twenty minuteswell never make it.再过20分钟飞机就要起飞了,我们无论如何也赶不上了。make out2turn to开始干;求助于;转向教材

24、P42原句Some farmers have turned to keeping deer,and there are now about 4,500 deer farms in the country.有些农民已转向养鹿,现在全国大约有四千五百个鹿场。(1)turn to sb.for help/advice/information/comfort向某人求助/求教/征求信息/寻找抚慰 turn to doing sth.转入做某事(2)turn on/off 翻开/关掉turn up 调大(音量等);露面;到达turn down 调小(音量等);拒绝o 变成;把翻译成turn

25、 in 上交turn out 结果是;证明是turn over 翻转;反复考虑;翻页;翻阅;交给,移交(与to连用)The injured driver could do nothing but turn to the police for help.受伤的司机除了向警察求助外,别无方法。After working as a clerk for 5 years in the government,he a taxi.在政府部门当了5年职员后,他转而去开出租车了。His application to go abroad was .他出国的申请被拒绝了。It turned out that the

26、 plan was quite a failure.结果这个方案非常失败。turned to drivingturned down(2021湖北高考)Im so glad youve come here to _ this matter in person.Alead to Bsee toCturn to Drefer to解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:很快乐你能来亲自负责这起事件。B项意为“负责,符合句意。A项意为“导致;C项意为“向求助;D项意为“参考。答案:B1From now on,anyone shouldnt _ the matter again.答案: refer to.选词填空

27、make up,refer to,turn to,in relation to,settle down,go against2Many questions were asked,particularly _ the cost of the new buildings.答案: in relation to3It _ the old mans wishes to live with his children;but hes too old to take care of himself.4I have to _ all the work I missed while I was ill.答案: g

28、oes against答案: make up5I cant tell my parents about it,but I dont know who to _.答案: turn to6We dont know what has happened until the noise and excitement have _.答案: settled down.单项填空1(2021襄樊高模)Twenty people were expected,but only ten _.Aturned round Bturned upCturned out Dturned to解析:考查动词短语。句意:期望来二十

29、人,但只有十人来了。turn round“转过头来;turn up“出现,露面;turn out“最终是;结果是;turn to“向某人求助。答案:B2The secretary has a lot of things to _ in the office since she has been away for quite a few days. Atake up Bmake upCwork out Dcarry out解析:句意:秘书要把办公室留下的许多事补回来,因为她已外出好多天了。make up“弥补,符合语境。take up“占据;work out“算出;carry out“执行。答案

30、:B1New Zealand has a mild sea climate,while the north is subtropical.新西兰属于温和的海洋性气候,北部是亚热带气候。(1)while用作连词,意为“然而,另一方面,表示一种强烈的比照关系。I like tea while my brother likes coffee.我喜欢茶而我弟弟那么喜欢咖啡。(2)while引导时间状语从句,意为“当时,“在期间,句中通常用be动词或延续性动词。While Mary was writing a letter,the children were playing outside.玛丽写信时,孩子们在外面玩。(3)while引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管,虽然,常位于句首。While he is likable,he can be extremely difficult to work with.虽然他很可爱,但是与他一起工作却很难。 most of us have met him,we are not too familiar with him.尽管我们多数人见到过他,但是我们不太了解他。While(2021四川高考)At school, some students are active _ some are shy,


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