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1、上课上课MUreading第一页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。 When people fall ill, what will they do ?第1页/共29页第二页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。第2页/共29页第三页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。have an injection第3页/共29页第四页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。have an intravenous drip 第4页/共29页第五页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。receive an operation. 第5页/共29页第六页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。treat第6页/共29页第七页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。ta

2、ke medicine第7页/共29页第八页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。aspirinpenicillin第8页/共29页第九页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。How can we understand medical terms?第9页/共29页第十页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。第10页/共29页第十一页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。Read the magazine article, answer the following questions.1. When was aspirin invented? 2. When did people find that drinking a sp

3、ecial kind of tea could reduce body pains and fever?3. What other things can aspirin help with besides reducing fever and pain?In 1897Nearly 3500 years ago第11页/共29页第十二页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。Read Para 3 and try to fill in the form below.Other effects of aspirin1. reduce fever2.help stop body pains3.reduce t

4、he risk of heart attacks4.prevent strokes5.reduce the risk of some cancers7.reduce blood sugar levels and help people with diabetes6.increasing the length of lives第12页/共29页第十三页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。Sold in shops in the form of tabletsProved that aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacksUsed to prevent

5、 strokesUsed to reduce blood sugar levelsDevelopment of aspirin:What happened in the following each yearAspirin was inventedThe first trials in powder form took placeReduce the risk of some cancers by 40%.第13页/共29页第十四页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。第14页/共29页第十五页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。Read the article, and answer the follow

6、ing questions.1. Where did Alexander Fleming find penicillin? 2. What illnesses did Fleming think the mould might be used to treat?In a mould that killed bacteria.It might be used to treat illnesses caused by bacteria.第15页/共29页第十六页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。Read the article, and answer the following questions.3

7、. What difficulties did Fleming have in developing penicillin as a drug?First, he was unable to find a procedure to make penicillin pure enough to work as a medicine. Second, it was difficult to produce penicillin in the ample quantities needed to be effective.第16页/共29页第十七页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。Judge wheth

8、er the following sentence is true or false and correct the sentence if it is false:第17页/共29页第十八页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。Judge whether the following is true or false and correct it if the sentence is false:1.Penicillin,this pain-killing medicine is considered by many to be one of the most important medicines

9、in contemporary society2.Alexander Fleming managed to make the medical pure to be a medicine.Fbacteria-killingwas unable toFHoward Florey and Ernst Chain第18页/共29页第十九页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。FT20thRead the article, and judge the following true or false:第19页/共29页第二十页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。Two life-saving medicinesaspi

10、rinpenicillinthe history of aspirinthe uses of aspirinthe history of penicillinthe uses of penicillinintroduction第20页/共29页第二十一页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。This article will _ on two drugs, which have_ _ to mankind. Aspirin was _ in 1897. Long ago, people _ on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leaves _ a sp

11、ecial chemical. The company began_the medicine in powder form and later aspirin became the _medicine in the world for pain _. Not only has aspirin _vital for reducing fever but it has the _to reduce the risk of heart attacks. In 1977 a study _ _ in the USA showed that focus proved beneficialinvented

12、chewed possessingdistributingbest-selling reliefprovedpotentialcarried out第21页/共29页第二十二页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。 it could prevent _.Penicillin has helped increase the standard of peoples health . One day , Fleming noted that a dish_ _he grew bacteria looked abnormal. It _ him to see the bacteria _the mould d

13、ead. He realized the mould might have an application in _illnesses _ by bacteria. He named the liquid made from the mould penicillin. But it was difficult to produce penicillin in the ample _ needed to be _.Howad Florey and Ernst Chain_to make and test the new drug. In 1945, They _ the Nobel Prize.s

14、trokesin whichasastonishedsurroundingtreatingcausedquantities effectivemanagedshared第22页/共29页第二十三页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。1. Any medicines has side effects2. It is vital that weshould keep healthy第23页/共29页第二十四页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。prove beneficial to mankinda tree bark containing salicylic acid be sold in the form

15、 of tabletsreduce the risk of some cancers by 40% help increase the length of peoples lives 第24页/共29页第二十五页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。分享诺贝尔化学奖try this mould out on another bacteriummanage to make and test the new drug in large quantitiesdue to the widespread use of penicillinThe government approval process was accelerated share the Nobel Prize in Medicine第25页/共29页第二十六页,编辑于星期一:九点 四十分。踪wasitthatAll the world are wondering what was it that contributed to the MH370 dis


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