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1、总 论Medical ImagingDiagnostic ImageologyInterventional RadiologyDiagnostic RadiologyUltrasonographyNuclear ImagingDiagnosisTherapyScintigraphy 学习医学影像学的注意点 了解不同成像技术的基本原理及其图像特点 掌握图像的观察与分析方法,了解正常影像学表现和常见病的异常表现及其病理基础 掌握不同成像手段在不同疾病诊断中的作用与限度 影像学检查价值很大,但有限度,需结合临床资料Diagnostic Imaging Methods Diagnostic imagi

2、ng is a dynamic specialty that has undergone rapid change with continuing advancements in technology. Not only has the number of imaging methods increased but each one continues to undergo improvement and refinement of its use in medical diagnosis.第一章 X线成像Radiography第一节 普通X线成像一 、 X线成像基本原理与设备 X线的产生,X

3、线是真空管内高速行进的电子流轰击钨靶时产生的The x-ray beam is produced by bombarding a tungsten target with an electron beam within an x-ray tube.X线的特性 穿透性:与管电压和物体的密度与厚度相关 荧光效应:透视的基础 感光效应:摄影的基础 电离效应:放射治疗的基础、X线防护X线成像基本原理As x-ray pass through the human body they are attenuated by interaction with body tissues(absorption an

4、d scatter), resulting in an image pattern recognizable as human anatomy. 基本条件 X线具有穿透性 存在密度(density)与厚度(thick or thin)的差异 显像过程2021/5/7119、 人的价值,在招收诱惑的一瞬间被决定。2022-5-282022-5-28Saturday, May 28, 202210、低头要有勇气,抬头要有低气。2022-5-282022-5-282022-5-285/28/2022 7:39:55 PM11、人总是珍惜为得到。2022-5-282022-5-282022-5-28M

5、ay-2228-May-2212、人乱于心,不宽余请。2022-5-282022-5-282022-5-28Saturday, May 28, 202213、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。2022-5-282022-5-282022-5-282022-5-285/28/202214、抱最大的希望,作最大的努力。2022年5月28日星期六2022-5-282022-5-282022-5-2815、一个人炫耀什么,说明他内心缺少什么。2022年5月2022-5-282022-5-282022-5-285/28/202216、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2022-5-282022-5-28May

6、28, 202217、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2022-5-282022-5-282022-5-282022-5-28二、 X线图像特点 X线图像不同灰度的影像反映了人体解剖结构和病理状态的不同密度和厚度 X线图像是重叠的,有一定程度的放大,并可产生伪影三、 X线检查技术Radiographic Techniques自然对比(natural contrast) 人工对比(artificial contrast)三、 X线检查技术Radiographic Techniques 普通检查 透视(Fluoroscopy)、摄片(Plain film) 特殊检查 体层摄影(convent

7、ional tomography)、软线摄影(soft beam radiography) 造影检查 contrast administration examination三、 X线检查技术Radiographic Techniques 造影检查 对比剂(contrast medium) 高密度对比剂:钡剂(barium)、碘剂(iodine)等 低密度对比剂:气体(gas agents) 造影方式 直接引入:口服、灌注、穿刺注入 间接引入:经静脉注入对比剂,生理性排泄 检查前准备及造影反应的处理三、 X线检查技术Radiographic Techniques X线检查方法的选择原则(prin

8、ciple)四、X线诊断的临床应用 成像清晰、经济、简便 胸部、骨骼、胃肠道首选五、X线检查中的防护 技术方面技术方面:屏蔽防护、距离防护 患者方面患者方面:照射次数、范围、条件,遮盖 工作人员方面工作人员方面:自我防护,定期体检第二节 数字化X线成像 数字化X线成像(digital radiology) 1. CR(影像板,imaging plate IP) 2. DF (影像增强电视系统,IITV) 3. DR(平板探测器,flat panel detectors)Principle of CRPrinciple of DR感光度与解析度不能很好兼顾可以同时做到高感光度和高解析度第二节 数

9、字化X线成像 DR的临床应用 图像软件:图像软件:Inverse Topography (组织平衡软件组织平衡软件)Soft tissue + Bone detail at the same time一次曝光可通过窗宽,窗位的调整获得从软组织到骨骼不同的影像,甚至可以清楚到头发。第三节 数字减影血管造影(Digital Subtraction Angiography, DSA)DSA成像基本原理 血管造影时,由于血管与骨骼和软组织影像重叠,致使血管显影不请。将X线图像数字化,用1帧血管内不含对比剂的图像作为蒙片,和1帧含对比剂的图像相减,使图片中代表骨骼和软组织的数字相抵消,只剩有对比剂的血管

10、显影清晰。有助于诊断和做各种介入手术Principle of DSA Imaging A method for showing contrast-filled vessels without any interfering background. “Mask” image, just before the contrast medium is injected, onto which the images with contrast medium were overlaid to coincide, producing a subtraction image only displaying t

11、he contrast-filled vessels.DSA检查技术和临床应用DSA techniques and clinical applications 动脉(percutaneous arterial)DSA 静脉(percutaneous venous)DSA 旋转(rotate)DSA,3D立体实时成像第二章 计算机体层成像(Computed Tomography)Introduction Since its introduction in the 1970s, CT has been shown to have wide applications within all the r

12、adiological subspecialities. It has become a primary imaging technique in the clinic.第一节 CT成像基本原理与设备 基本原理 用X线束对人体检查部位一定厚度的层面进行扫描,由探测器接受衰减的X线,并由光电转换器变为电信号,再由模数转换器变为数字进行计算机处理,获得该层面的每个体素的X线衰减系数,再由数模转换器把每个体素的数字转换成不等灰阶度的像数,按矩阵排列,构成CT图像What is CT CT images a section or slice of the patient Two-dimensional

13、 image of the slice Reconstructed image(array of quantized gray scale values or pixels) Pixel values(CT number)are related to the linear attenuation of the corresponding volume element of the slice(voxel)CT设备设备( Equipment) 普通CT Conventional CT 螺旋CT Spiral (helical) CT 多层螺旋CT Multislice CT (MSCT) 双源多

14、层螺旋CT Dual Source CT (DSCT) 电子束CT Electron beam CT (EBCT) 平板CT Flat panel CT 世界第一台双世界第一台双源源 CTSOMATOM Definition 球管球管球管球管探测器探测器探测器探测器多层螺旋CT的趋势 “多排和多层多排和多层” 1998年,8排或16排或32排探测器,实现4 4层层扫描扫描, 2002年,24排探测器,实现1616层扫描;层扫描; 2004年,32或64排探测器,实现6464层扫描层扫描; 2005年,128层扫描,双球管 2006年,256层扫描, 2007年,320层扫描 200?年,平板探

15、测器,1024X7681024X768扫描扫描 CT球管的趋势:球管的趋势: 0.75MHU1.0MHU1.5MHU2.0MHU3.0MHU-3.5MHU4.0MHU5.3MHU6.3MHU7.5MHU. 2003年SIEMENS 0MHU球管 Clinical Benefits of Multislice CTShorter Scan Time0.33sLarger VolumeClinicalApplicationIsotropic Resolution0.4mm第二节 CT图像特点 数字图像(digital imaging) 矩阵(matrix) 像素与体素(pixel and voxe

16、l) CT值(CT pixel numbers) 窗宽、窗位(window width and centre) 空气 -1000H 鼻窦、气脑、乳突气房 -600H 肺 -500H 脂肪 -100H 脑脊液 135H 脑白质 325H 脑灰质 375H 血液 1080H 新鲜血肿 100H 软组织 50150H 钙化灶 介于软组织与骨之间 骨 +1000H Air -1000H Sinus、mastoid cell -600H Lung -500H Fat -100H CSF 135H White matter 325H Gray matter 375H Blood 1080H Fresh h

17、ematoma 100H Soft tissue 50150H Calcified lesion Between soft tissue and bone Bone +1000H CT value图像质量的进展.二二 维维 横横 断断 面面 到到 三三 维维 图图 像像 重重 建建第三节 CT检查技术CT Techniques 平扫(plain scanning) 对比增强扫描(contrast enhancement) 造影扫描(other contrast methods) HRCT (high resolution computed tomography)第三节 CT检查技术CT Tec

18、hniques重建技术(Reconstruction Techniques) 表面遮盖法重建(Surface Shaded Display, SSD) 最大密度投影(Maximum Intensity Projection, MIP) 容积再现(Volume Rendering, VR) 多层面重建(Multiplanar Reconstruction, MPR) 曲面多层重建(Curved Multiplanar Reconstruction, CMPR) 仿真内窥镜技术(Virtual Endoscopy, VE)HeadlinestenosisCourtesy of University

19、 of Erlangen, Department of Radiology and Institute of Medical Physics SOMATOM Sensation 646 sec for 350 mm64 x 0.6mm (2x32)Resolution 0.4 mmRotation 0.37 sec120 kV / 150 mAs缺乏造影剂?缺乏造影剂?扫描比造影剂扫描比造影剂跑得快!跑得快!HeadlineEmotion 16 6.5 for 235.5mm16 x 1.2 mmPich 1.3Rotation 0.6 sec130 kV90 effective mAsCou

20、rtesy of Jiangsu Prov People Hospital / NanJin, ChinaHeadlineCourtesy of Jiangsu Prov People Hospital / NanJin, ChinaEmotion 16 6.5 for 235.5mm16 x 1.2 mmPich 1.3Rotation 0.6 sec130 kV90 effective mAsHeadlineCourtesy of Jiangsu Prov People Hospital / NanJin, ChinaEmotion 16 10s for 258mm16 x 1.2 mmP

21、ich 1.2Rotation 1.0 sec130 kV90 effective mAsHeadlineCourtesy of Jiangsu Prov People Hospital / NanJin, ChinaEmotion 16 10s for 258mm16 x 1.2 mmPich 1.2Rotation 1.0 sec130 kV90 effective mAs肺动静脉瘘(两侧)肺动静脉瘘(两侧)曲面重建Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels(bilateral)Aneurysm and Dissection第三节 CT检查技术CT

22、 Techniques功能(function)及其他检查 灌注成像 Perfusion 骨密度测定 Quantitative CT (QCT) 冠状动脉造影 CT coronary artery angiography 骨密度分析区骨密度分析区(五点修饰轮廓)(五点修饰轮廓)模板的水样部分模板的水样部分模板的骨样部分模板的骨样部分 男 性, 56 岁, 症 状 后150 min 常 规 CT Time to Peak CBF 随 访 颅 内 动 脉 栓 塞 随 访 CT 显 示 液 化 灶embolism of intracranial arteries, follow-up CT image

23、 shows the infarctionmale, 56, 150min after the onset左冠状动脉钙化狭窄左冠状动脉钙化狭窄CT coronary artery VE扫描层厚、空间分辨率和冠脉成像SOMATOM Sensation CardiacCardiac MorphologyAdditional Clinical Information received from ECG-gated scan Calcified ThrombusAortic ValveECG-Gated Scan16-Slice Cardiac Function Analysis syngo Argu

24、s, CT 4D and LV-FunctionCourtesy of Grosshadern ClinicC EFC EDVC ESVC MassC Wall ThickeningC MovieCompatible to MRI and CT DataMCBLCA小分支的动脉瘤第四节 CT诊断的临床应用 优点: 断层图像 密度分辨率高 可反映造影剂在不同时相的变化,大大扩展了临床检查范围 缺点: 较昂贵 X线损伤第四节 CT诊断的临床应用 中枢神经系统 头颈部 胸部 心脏与血管 腹部 盆腔 骨骼系统第三章 超声成像(ultrasonography,USG)第四章 磁共振成像(Magnetic

25、 Resonance Imaging , MRI) Imaging method using a strong magnetic field and gradient field to localize burst of radiofrequency signals coming from a system of spins consisting of reorienting hydrogen (H) nuclei(protons) after they have been disturbed by radiofrequency pulses.磁共振成像是利用体内氢原子核在强磁场内发生磁矩,用

26、射频发生共振提供能量,改变磁矩;停止射频,恢复磁矩,释放能量,产生信号,经计算机处理,形成MR图像。 成 像 基 本 原 理 纵向磁化(longitudinal magnetization) 纵向磁化减小与横向(transverse)磁化 驰豫与弛豫时间(relaxation time) 驰豫时间与MRI成像 脉冲序列(pulse sequence)与加权像(weighted imaging, WI) T1加权像(T1WI): 短TE, 短TR T2加权像(T2WI): 长TE, 长TR MRI 设 备(MRI Equipment) Low field MR, open system MRRe

27、cent progress in MRI unit Polarization of magnetic field Special MR Unit Faster and stronger magnetic resonance gradients RF coil RF CoilsAdvanced Imaging Techniques Whole body MR screening It is an ideal modality for the purposes of healthcare screening that has both high sensitivity and specificit

28、y with out radiation hazard. The true benefit of whole body MR imaging is in the variety of disease found. Its value is in its reliability and accuracyPatient with PlasmocytomaTSE T1+2w, PAT 2Schlemmer, Claussen et al.University Tuebingen (Germany)Neuro-Ocular Plane ImagingImage courtesy of Dr Scara

29、bino, Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, Italy.3T Imaging Resembles SpecimenMRI 图 像 特 点MRI characteristics 多方位成像 流动效应 对比增强MRI 图 像 特 点MRI characteristics 多参数成像 流动效应 对比增强MRI 图 像 特 点MRI characteristics 多参数成像 多方位成像 对比增强3D ToFTR/ TE 35 /3.6 ms, 192x512,SL 0.8 mm,108 partitionsTA: 6:44 minHigh-Resolution ToF

30、 at 3TMRI 图 像 特 点MRI characteristics 多参数成像 多方位成像 流动效应MRI增强扫描的适应症 application of MRI enhancement 肿瘤的鉴别与定性(tumor) 血脑屏障是否破坏(blood-brain barrier) 提高病变的发现率(more sensitive)MRI造影剂(contrast medium)主要分为两类: 顺磁性物质(Gd-DTPA) paramagnetic contrast medium 超顺磁性物质(AMI-25,菲力磁) superparamagnetic contrast medium转移瘤T1C+

31、,T2肝Ca(CT,T1,T2FS,T1C+) M R I 检 查 技 术 MRI Techniques 脉冲序列(pulse sequence) SE序列,梯度回波(gradient echo)序列,回波平面成像(echo-planar image,EPI) 脂肪抑制(fat suppression) MRC (Cinema) MRI对比增强(contrast enhancement) MRA(MR血管造影) MRI水成像(MRCP, MRU, MRM) 功能性MRI成像(fMRI) MRS DWIMRI检查应注意的问题 禁忌证(contraindication): 起搏器(pacemake

32、r) 动脉瘤金属夹(aneurysm clips) 眼球金属异物(intraocular metallic foreign bodies) 危重患者(serious patient) 相对禁忌证:人工关节、体内金属异物、高热患者、早期妊娠等 检查前注意事项Advantage and Disadvantage of MRI Advantage: Multiple tomographical image More information from imaging High soft tissue resolution Contrast enhancement have wide applicati

33、ons Disadvantage: Expensive Complication More contraindication第四节 MRI诊断的临床应用 中枢神经系统 头颈部 循环系统 肌骨系统 盆腔 胸部 腹部 分子影像学Molecular imaging Though evolving continuously, the field of molecular imaging is expected to bring radiology into the forefront of disease diagnosis and therapy design through advances in

34、 three modalities: radionuclide, MR, and optical imaging. Molecular imaging PET/SPECT CT perfusion MRI (micro MR, MRS, DWI) Optical imagingMolecular imaging: clinical impact Every disease has a molecular basis early detection In situ characterization Most novel therapies intervenes at a specific molecular level Therapeutic efficacy Objective


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