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1、Social Relationships社会关系社会关系Unit 4 Cultural Values and Interpersonal RelationshipsThe first paragraph郭恒兰郭恒兰relationship by blood血缘关系血缘关系Professional relationship业缘关系业缘关系Social relations社会关系社会关系Geopolitical relations地缘关系地缘关系Political relations 政治关系政治关系西方强调个体西方强调个体意识和观念、意识和观念、注重个人观念注重个人观念。Differences

2、between Chinese and western social relations中国看重集体观中国看重集体观念,是一种念,是一种 个个人服从集体的观人服从集体的观念念西方社会关系西方社会关系 Westerners equality consciousness is stronger, no matter rich or poor, everyone will respect themselves and dont allow infringed upon their rights. At the sametime,everyone can fully respect others. I

3、n the United States, few people are proud of their eminent family background, also few people ashamed of his poor background, because they all know, as long as their efforts, they will be able to succeed. 西方人平等意识较强,无论贫富,人人都会尊重自己,不允西方人平等意识较强,无论贫富,人人都会尊重自己,不允许别人侵犯自己的权利。同时,人人都能充分地尊重他人。在许别人侵犯自己的权利。同时,人人

4、都能充分地尊重他人。在美国,很少人以自己显赫的家庭背景为荣,也很少人以自己贫美国,很少人以自己显赫的家庭背景为荣,也很少人以自己贫寒出身为耻,因他们都知道,只要自己努力,是一定能取得成寒出身为耻,因他们都知道,只要自己努力,是一定能取得成功的。功的。 The western social relations平等意识平等意识Equality Concept “只要努力,只要努力, 牛仔也能当总统。牛仔也能当总统。”(If working hard , even a cow boy can be president.) 美国平民总统美国平民总统林肯林肯The western social rela

5、tionsn 很少顾及人情、面子,很少顾及人情、面子,公公事公办,不讲情面。事公办,不讲情面。n 交易时以交易时以“公平交易公平交易”为准为准则,按法则办事,即使亲朋则,按法则办事,即使亲朋好友也要人事两清,公务处好友也要人事两清,公务处理上,不受感情影响以客观理上,不受感情影响以客观法则为准,对事不对人,公法则为准,对事不对人,公私分明,即使是亲人之间私分明,即使是亲人之间The Chinese social relations中国:中国: 孔子思想:孔子思想:“仁仁”和和“礼礼”。 五伦:五伦:“父子有亲,君臣有义父子有亲,君臣有义,夫妇有别,长幼有序,朋友,夫妇有别,长幼有序,朋友有信有

6、信”The Chinese social relationsn 中国重人情和面子,人际交往中国重人情和面子,人际交往讲究讲究“做人情做人情”、“送人情送人情”、“注重礼尚往来注重礼尚往来”、欠情还、欠情还情情”,提倡,提倡“滴水之恩,当涌滴水之恩,当涌泉相报泉相报”,“为朋友两肋插刀为朋友两肋插刀”n 人情,面子和命运是支配中国人情,面子和命运是支配中国人生活的三大女神人生活的三大女神林语堂林语堂Example of the family New words and phrases个性,个人个性,个人Individuality不平等,不公平不平等,不公平inequalityetiquette社

7、会交往社会交往Social interactionn. 礼节,礼仪;规矩礼节,礼仪;规矩从事,参与从事,参与 engage inAmerican Social Relationships 庞玉帛信号与信息处理The secont paragraph In American culture social conventions tend to be more informal and social reciprocities tend to be much less clearly defined 在美国文化中社会习俗往往更随意,而社会的互惠性更明确。 For example ,equality

8、 removes the need for elaborate forms of social address,since one of the functions of formality is to call attention to the participants respective status and ascriptions. 例如,由于礼节的功能之一就是唤起参与者尊重各自的社会地位和归属,所以通常社交致辞的形式都不会很复杂。 Americans usually tend to ignore these qualities of social intercourse,quickl

9、y achieve a first-name basis with others,and conduct both business and social intercourse with directness and informality. 美国人通常倾向于忽视社会交往的这些品质,跟别人在一起都是直呼起名,直接开展业务,他们的社会交往非常直接,很随意性。 Unlike members of other cultures such as the Thai,Americans prefer direct contact with others in either business or soc

10、ial affairs and hence seldom have need of a third person,an intermediary , as do the thai. 不像其他的文化习俗,例如泰国,美国人喜欢在商业或社会事务上与其他人直接接触,很少像泰国一样,需要第三人或者中间层。Social RelationshipsnThe third paragraphn王安腾王安腾TextDespite the emphasis on equality and informality, there is an element of depersonalization in relatio

11、nships between Americans. Americans have many friends, but these are often associated with a given situation or time. Furthermore, the word friend may serve to describe anyone from a passing acquaintance to a lifetime associate. American friendship differs from that found in many parts of the world,

12、 where an individual may have few friends but is likely to have a total, rather than a selective, commitment to them. Individuals may be disinclined to share a friend with other friends, since both the quality of friendship and the number of friends are considered limited and hence not to be squande

13、red.AnalysisnDespite the emphasis on equality and informality, there is an element of depersonalization in relationships between Americans.n尽管强调平等与随意,美国人之间的关系还是存在一种depersonalization的元素。AnalysisnAmericans have many friends, but these are often associated with a given situation or time.n美国人有很多朋友,但是这常常

14、是针对一个特定的场所和特定的时间。AnalysisnFurthermore, the word friend may serve to describe anyone from a passing acquaintance to a lifetime associate.n甚至,从一个路过的熟人,到一生的至交,都可以称作“朋友”。na passing acquaintance:点头之交,一面之交nlifetime associateAnalysisnAmerican friendship differs from that found in many parts of the world, w

15、here an individual may have few friends but is likely to have a total, rather than a selective, commitment to them.n美国人的友谊不同于世界上的其他地方,这些地方一个人可以几乎没有什么朋友,但是他们对朋友完全地,绝对地忠诚。n相反,美国人有很多朋友,对待朋友也没有那么忠诚。n只有永远的利益,没有永远的朋友AnalysisnIndividuals (in many parts of the world) may be disinclined to share a friend with other friends, since both the quality of friendship and the number of friends are considered limited and hence not to be squandered.n这些地方的人们可能不愿意和其他朋友分享一


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