(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 SBII Units 1-2 同步活页作业(详细解析)_第1页
(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 SBII Units 1-2 同步活页作业(详细解析)_第2页
(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 SBII Units 1-2 同步活页作业(详细解析)_第3页
(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 SBII Units 1-2 同步活页作业(详细解析)_第4页
(湖北专版)《龙门亮剑》2011高三英语一轮 SBII Units 1-2 同步活页作业(详细解析)_第5页
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1、(本栏目内容,在学生用书中以活页形式分册装订!).多项填空1All the money he had had been_,so he had to make his living by begging.Aused up Brun outCstayed out Dgiven out【解析】use up用完,耗尽,是及物动词词组。【答案】A2The teaching building will be_by the government and by public collection.Acompleted BdesignedCformed Dfinanced【解析】finance (出钱)资助,符

2、合题意。【答案】D3Sometimes you just have to live with disagreement and learn to make_.Ajudgments BeffortsCdecisions Dcompromises 【解析】人有时会遇到不同意见,要学会妥协。【答案】D4It_unusual courage and determination to make the break with his family.Atook BneededCspent Dshared【解析】It takes.to do.是固定句式,意为“做某事需要”。【答案】A5There is ver

3、y little_in trying to persuade him.He never follows othersadvice.Ause BpointCmeaning Dwork【解析】句意为:你想说服他是毫无意义的,他从不听从别人的建议。There is little point in doing sth.做某事毫无意义。【答案】B6We had a good many anxious moments,but everything_all right in the end.Aturned down Bturned upCturned out Dturned into【解析】turn dow

4、n调小,拒绝;turn up露面,调大;turn into变成;turn out all rightturn out (to be) all right意为“结果不错”。【答案】C7When the thief_to enter the room,a cough frightened him away.Asought BriskedCought Dimagined【解析】动词risk,imagine后面接动名词,ought to do sth.表示应该做某事,seek to do sth.表示企图做某事。【答案】A8Most people would agree that nuclear sc

5、ience should be developed to benefit the human beings_harm them.Amore than Brather thanCother than Dbetter than【解析】考查词组辨析。句意为:大部分人都会同意核能科学应该被用来让人类受益,而不是伤害他们。根据句意可知用“而不是”。more than表示“不仅仅”;other than表示“除之外”,均与所给语境不符。【答案】B9The rescue team spared no_in search of the missing climbers from the great unive

6、rsity,but ended in vain.Apain BforceCefforts Dlabour【解析】本题考查动宾搭配,“不遗余力做某事”,spare no effort(s) to do/in doing sth.。spare no pains,“不遗余力”,pains为复数形式。【答案】C10Jane loves her boyfriend Peter very much.Yes,she would_him a good wife.Amake BsendCget Dmarry【解析】make him a good wife 成为他的好妻子。【答案】A.完成句子11The mana

7、ger promised to _(让我了解)of how our business was going on.(keep)【答案】keep me informed12Her husband is_(烟瘾很大) that he cant give it up.(addict)【答案】so addicted to smoking13The weather turned out to be fine,which _(出乎意料)(more)【答案】was more than expected14We would rather lose our lives_(不屈服) to the enemy.(gi

8、ve)【答案】than give in15It was the first time that he _(写一部小说),so he was very devoted.(work)【答案】had worked on a novel16I have never seen him;nor_(我收到他的来信)(hear)【答案】have I heard from him17_(由于缺钱),we cant put the program into practice.(owe) 【答案】Owing to (a) lack of money18Can the water be taken back agai

9、n,_(一旦泼出去了)(once)【答案】Once (it is) poured out19These days,petrol _(贵两倍) as it was two years ago.(twice)【答案】is twice as expensive 20Over a third of the population in the city is estimated_(已获得) the free health service.(access)【答案】to have (had) access to.完形填空The Creightons were very proud of their son,

10、Frank.After his graduation from university,Frank was drafted into the army and soon after that,he received his call to go to the_21_.At first the parents heard from him every week and were_22_for his well­being but then a telegram came,saying,“We regret to inform you that your son has been_23_f

11、or three weeks and may have been killed in_24_.”The parents were shocked and grieved (伤心的)They felt very_25_without Frank.About three weeks later,_26_,the phone rang.A voice on the other_27_said,“Mother,its Frank.They_28_me,and Im going to be all right.Im in the United States and Im coming home soon

12、.”Mrs Creighton was overjoyed,_29_tears running down her cheeks,“Oh,thats just wonderful,Frank!”There was_30_for a moment,and then Frank said,“Mother,I want to ask you something important to me.While Ive been in the _31_,Ive made some real_32_friends.There is one fellow I would like to bring home to

13、 meet you and Dad.And I would like to know if it would be all right if he could stay with us.He has_33_else to go.”His mother assured him it would be all right.Then Frank said,“You see,he was_34_in battle.His face is all disfigured.He lost his_35_,and his right hand is missing.So you see,he feels_36

14、_about how others will_37_him.Franks mother stopped to think a minute.Then she said,“Sure Frank you bring him homefor a_38_,thats it.About him staying with us permanently (永久地),well,well have to think about that.”Frank said,“Okay,Mother,”and hung up.A week went by without any_39_from Frank,and then

15、a telegram arrived,“We regret to inform you that your son has_40_his life.We would like you to come and identify the body.”“Why had he done this?” When they walked into the room to identify the body of their son,they found a young man with a disfigured face,one leg missing,and his right hand gone.21

16、A.camp BfrontCairport Dscene【解析】依据上文Frank was drafted into the army 及后文的严重受伤可知,Frank 是去了前线。其他答案都不合理。【答案】B22A.pitiful BpainfulChopeful Dthankful【解析】依据下文的his well­being 及上文提及的Frank参军去了前线可知,儿子去了前线并一直安然无恙,作为父母,得到这个消息,一定是很欣慰的。再者thankful也常与for搭配。【答案】D23A.wounded BgoneCmissing Ddead【解析】依据下文的may have b

17、een killed 可以排除B、D两项。而A项不符合逻辑。所以只可能是失踪了。【答案】C24A.action BcrashCbomb Dcrime【解析】作为战士,当然是去战场执行任务,所以可能是在行动中死去了。下文没有提及车辆的碰撞、飞机的坠毁,也没有提及炸弹,更不可能是犯罪,故答案只可能是A。【答案】A25A.crazy BscaredClonely Dpanic【解析】自己引以为豪的孩子失踪了,可能阵亡了,克莱顿夫妇二人一定会觉得伤心、孤独。不可能是疯狂、害怕及恐慌,所以A、B、D三项不符合常理。【答案】C26A.otherwise BhoweverCbesides Dtherefor

18、e【解析】夫妇二人失望了,后来三周过去了,他们的儿子又打来电话,这里有转折的意味。【答案】B27A.hand BsideCend Dpart【解析】打电话的时候,两人分别是在电话线的两端,而不是在两边,因为距离依下文来看明显很远。该题考生容易受汉语式思维的影响而错选B。【答案】C28A.found BattackedCdiscovered Dcaught【解析】上文提及了电报传来消息说儿子失踪了,可能是阵亡了,所以Frank打电话告诉父母的应该是(有人)找到了他。故该处用found,表找到之意。【答案】A29A.in BbyCfor Dwith【解析】依据下文的tears running do

19、wn her cheeks可知,该处只能用with,构成with的复合结构,表伴随。【答案】D30A.a noise BlaughterCa whisper Dsilence【解析】上文提及双方打电话,而下文又有then Frank said,由此可知,这期间Frank应该是在犹豫是否提出下面的要求,所以这里是沉默。其他答案不符合语境。【答案】D31A.war BarmyCcountry Dbattle【解析】依据上文,Frank是上完大学去参军了,交朋友依据逻辑不可能是在战场或战斗中,由此可以排除A、C、D三项。【答案】B32A.dear BcloseCnew Dold【解析】依据语境,这里

20、讲的自然是非常亲密的朋友。【答案】B33A.everywhere BanywhereCnowhere Dsomewhere【解析】朋友与自己的关系非常密切,当然应该是无处可去才会求助自己。这里Frank想告诉父母自己的要求不寻常,希望能得到父母的同意。【答案】C34A.injured BhurtCkilled Ddestroyed【解析】依据空后两句话以及文章最后一句的with a disfigured face,one leg missing,and his right hand gone可知,是在战斗中受了严重的伤。injured常表身体受伤,而hurt常表精神、情感受伤。C、D项不符合语

21、境。【答案】A35A.hand BfootCarm Dleg【解析】依文章最后一段的暗示with a disfigured face,one leg missing,and his right hand gone 可以得出答案为D。【答案】D36A.uneasy BupsetCeager Dcurious【解析】这里讲Frank的战友对于别人是否能接受他感到很不安,因为自己面目全非。B项有迷惑性,但A项才是最适合该语境的。【答案】A37A.accept BjudgeCunderstand Drecognize【解析】一个面目全非的伤员,理应是担心别人是否会接受自己。B、C、D三项不符合语境。【

22、答案】A38A.stop BstayCcall Dvisit【解析】依据下文可知,该处Frank的母亲只是同意让儿子的战友来看看,而非长久居住,可以排除A、B、C三项。【答案】D39A.word BsoundCinformation Dsign【解析】依据下文可知,一周过去了,没有关于Frank的任何消息。word这里表消息。【答案】A40A.sacrificed BtakenCkilled Dlost【解析】依据下文的his life可知,这里表达Frank自杀了之意。如果是himself而不是his life的话,答案就应该是killed。【答案】B.阅读理解The English lan

23、guage,like football and other sports,began in England and has spread to every corner of the globe.Today more than a billion people speak English.It is becoming the worlds language:the language of the Internet,of business,of international flightthe pathway of global communication and global access to

24、 knowledge.And it has become the vehicle for hundreds of millions of people of all countries to connect with each other,in countless ways.Indeed,English is much more than a language:it is a bridge across borders and cultures,a source of unity in a rapidly changing world.English does not make us all

25、the samenor should it,for we honor who we distinctly are.But it makes it possible for us to speak to each other,to better understand each other.And so it is a powerful force not just for economics,business and trade,but for mutual respect and progress.For Britain,this is not a matter of narrow natio

26、nal pride.It is in part an accident of historya wave of knowledge and commerce,which gathered even greater global force in the post­war era (时代),that gave the world the English language.English is our heritage,but it is also becoming the common future of human commerce and communication.This is

27、 a great opportunity for Britainand a measure of the greatness that lies not in empires territory but through a language that has the power to bring this world of over 200 countries and billions of people closer together,with the versatility to evolve and adapt.We will take up with vigor the bold ta

28、sk of making our language the worlds common language of choice.The language that helps the world talk,laugh and communicate together.But there are millions of people in every continent who are still denied this chance to learn Englishprevented from enjoying many of the benefits of the Internet,comme

29、rce and culture.But no onehowever poor,however distantshould be denied the opportunity that the English language provides.【语篇解读】这是一篇议论文。本文主要论述了英语的作用。41In the opinion of the writer,English plays a role of_.Amaking all people around the world the sameBmaking people move across borders freelyCuniting t

30、he world people into a countryDpromoting mutual understanding and respect【解析】细节判断题。根据第二段中的“.to better understand each other.”和最后一句话可知,英语起着促进人们互相理解和互相尊重的作用。【答案】D42Which word can express the writers opinion on how English has become a language of the world?ANatural. BAccidental.CGradual. DInevitable.【

31、解析】细节判断题。根据第三段第二句话“It is in part an accident of historya wave of knowledge and commerce.”中的“an accident of history”可知,作者认为推动英语发展成为世界性语言的部分原因是历史的偶然性。【答案】B43How should the British treat the power of English?AThey should make full use of it.BThey should be proud of it.CThey should take it for granted.DThey should share it with other people.【解析】


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