1、新版大副英语考证练习新版大副英语考证练习一一 English Exercises for chief officers 潘盛洪编潘盛洪编1. 航海仪器1. ECDIS operates _.A. electronicallyB. automaticallyC. hydraulicallyD. globally全球地 ECDIS:electronic chart display and information system2. As compared with与比较 paper charts, the navigational workload can be considerably相当大地 r
2、educed by using _.A. ECDISB. AISC. LRITD. VDRAIS:automatic identification systemLRIT:long range identification and tracking system VDR:voyage data recorder3. All the following equipment is used to identify识别 the position of the vessel in distress except _.A. AISB. LRITC. VDRD. GPSGPS: global positio
3、ning system4. Every _ shall be fitted with配备 an automatic identification识别 system.A. cargo vesselB. passenger shipC. tugD. launch游艇 SOLAS公约规定:所有从事国际航行的300总吨和以上船舶、非从事国际航行的500总吨和以上的货船、所有客船都应配备自动识别系统。5. This Circular通告 gives guidance指导 on the design设计 of ship security alert system provided to comply wi
4、th遵守 the _ regulation.A. ISMB. STCWC. COLREGD. SOLASSSAS是国际船舶和港口设施保安规则中设施,属于2002年SOLAS公约修正案。COLREG: collision regulation 6. Which of the following statements is right?A. SSAS should be to达到 an internationally agreed 协议standardB. SSAS shall conform to符合 any particular format 格式 for all shipsC. SSAS g
5、enerates发出 any audio or visual声光 alarms so as to以便于 alert others on board to take measures采取措施D. The operation of the ship security alert system should not impair妨碍 the functionality工作 of the GMDSS installation ISPS规则规定:一旦船舶受到海盗或恐怖分子攻击,船舶应启动SSAS向船旗国政府和船东报警,但不能在船内发出声光警报。SSAS报警程序应符合本船主管机构的要求,最好应由本船的特色
6、而不要求所有船舶的一致性。7. Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail _.A. in dense fog 浓雾 B. in boisterous狂暴的 weather C. in the open sea 公海 D. in rivers 8. Apparent wind speed视风速blowing across刮过 a vessel under tow拖带下 can be measured by a(n)_. A. barometer气压表 B. wind vane 风向标 C. anemometer风速仪D. ther
7、mometer温度计真风是空气相对于地面的水平运动。由船舶自身运动产生的风叫船风。船风的风向与船舶的真航向一致。在航行中的船由驾驶员所观测到的风,不是真风,而是真风与船风的合成风,称为视风。风标测视风方向。风速仪测视风速度视风真风船风9. My radar is not working. I require shorebased radar assistance. Is shorebased radar assistance _? A. used B. available 存在并可使用 C. in use D. can be used 10. Radar makes the most accu
8、rate精确的 determination判断 of the _. A. direction of a target 物标 B. distance to a target C. size of a target D. shape of a target 航海雷达主要作用是测量物标距离和分辨率。根据雷达工作原理:为了测定目标的距离,雷达准确测量从电磁波发射时刻到接收到回波时刻的延迟时间,这个延迟时间是电磁波从发射机到目标,再由目标返回雷达接收机的传播时间。11. Before switching on gyro-compass, you should make sure that the pow
9、er supply on board is _ A. high or low B. AC or DC C. strong or weak D. on or off 一般情况下,电力是稳定的,所以要检查的是交流电还是直流电。12. A wind vane风向标on a moving vessel shows _ A. dead reckoning航迹推算 wind direction B. true wind direction C. apparent wind视风direction D. estimated wind direction 真风是空气相对于地面的水平运动。由船舶自身运动产生的风叫
10、船风。船风的风向与船舶的真航向一致。在航行中的船由驾驶员所观测到的风,不是真风,而是真风与船风的合成风,称为视风。13. Barometer readings in weather reports are given in terms of有关 pressure at _ A. sea level海平面 B. China Sea C. the weather station气象站 D. the broadcasting station广播站 这是海上气象报告,所以气象报告中的气压或等压线是指海平面气压。气压随着高度的增加而迅速递减。14. There is something wrong wi
11、th our radar. All kinds of objects cant be clearly within the definite range _ A. shown B. expressed 表达 C. appeared D. displayed 显示注意:选项作为谓语动词使用。15. VHF Radio is one of the very important navigational instruments on board, _messages can be sent A. by which B. through which C. by that D. through that
12、 这是非限定性定语从句,用逗号隔开,先行代词用which。16. Vessels in port may use _ for receiving typhoon warnings during the typhoon season. A. their transmitters B. their receivers C. their radars D. their lorans劳兰一般来说,NAVTEX 站广播MSI信息(包括航行警告)给远洋船舶,如果是仅限于港区范围内的航行警告,只通过VHF进行发送。发送频道由港口当局指定。在海上VHF Ch 6用于船对船安全通信。 17. No damage
13、 of any kind _ aids to navigation or navigation facilities. A. should be done to B. should not be done to C. must be done with D. must not be done with注意习惯用法:damage to sth18. Deviation自差of the magnetic compass can be obtained得到 by means of _ A. taking bearings of the sun B. comparison比较with the gyro
14、-compass C. reciprocal bearings反方位角D. A+B+C 罗经差的测定有下列几种方法:利用陆标测定罗经差;观测天体求罗经差;通过比对电罗经测得罗经差。反方位角定义:反方位角为原方位角加(减)180 度所得之水平夹角。19. A Doppler log多普勒计程仪in the volume reverberation mode体积混响/水声模式indicates _ A. speed being made good B. speed through the water C. the set of the current D. the depth of the wat
15、er 多普勒计程仪是根据多普勒效应进行测速和累计航程的水声导航设备。在船舶航行时,在船底安装的收发兼用的换能器向海底发射超声波脉冲,然后海底反射该声波被换能器接收,由于船舶在移动,所以发射频率与反射频率不同,计程仪利用频率差测算航速和航程。多普勒计程仪采用体积混响模式是相对于水的速度。多普勒计程仪采用水底回声模式是相对于地面的速度。20. A radar display in which North is always at the top of the screen is a(n) _ A. unstabilized不稳定display B. stabilized display C. co
16、mposition合成display D. relative display 雷达显示方式根据图像的指向方式,又可分为船首向上相对方位、船首向上真方位、真北向上和航向向上。船首向上显示:船首在风浪中偏荡时,目标回波左右摇晃,回波模糊;真北向上显示:船首在风浪中偏荡时,船首线随船首转动,目标回波保持稳定清晰。21. The principal purpose of adjustment of the magnetic compass is to eliminate消除 _as far as possible. A. variation磁差 B. compass error C. deviatio
17、n自差 D. earths magnetic force磁引力 磁差是自然现象,无法通过人工消除。22. Radar is not only to obtain _ but also to measure their distance away from you. A. brightness亮度 of objects B. color of targets C. shape of targets D. bearing of objects 雷达的主要功能:测量与物标之间距离,测出与物标之间的方位角。23. Compass deviation is caused by _ A. magnetis
18、m磁力from the earths magnetic field 磁场 B. misalignment失中 of the compass C. magnetism within the vessel D. a dirty compass housing罗经自差是由于钢铁船体和船舶金属设备仪器产生的磁场造成。24. Error may be introduced into引入 a magnetic compass by _ A. making a structural change to the vessel B. a short circuit短路 near the compass C. b
19、elt buckles带扣D. All of the above 这是指磁罗经的自差,是由船舶的钢结构、船舶设备等引起。25. Combustible gas indicators measure the presence存在 of combustible gas as a percentage百分比 of the _ A. flash point闪点 B. upper explosive limit C. lower explosive limit爆炸下限D. fire point燃点 爆炸上限:空气中可燃气体过多,而氧气过少,不会爆炸。爆炸下限:空气中可燃气体过少,而氧气过多,不会爆炸。2
20、6. _ should be used during the poor visibility if the radars screen屏幕shows heavy严重的 sea returns海浪回波. A. Gain Control 增益控制 B. Brilliant亮度 Control C. Anti-clutter Sea Control海浪抑制D. Sweep Intercept 扫描截取海浪抑制器是通过降低雷达接收器的灵敏度从而减少或消除因海浪的作用产生的回波。27. The correct method of switching off a marine radar is to tu
21、rn power switch to _ position first, then to _ position. A. off / standby B. standby / off C. standby / close D. close / standby为了保护雷达显示器强光灯,关闭雷达电源前,用风扇冷却灯泡,然后再关闭电源。28. Compass error is equal to the _ A. Deviation自差 minus减去 variation磁差 B. variation plus加 compass course C. combined组合 variation and de
22、viation D. difference between true and magnetic heading艏向 罗经差是罗经磁差与罗经自差之和。29. If _ is shut down for an extended较长的 time optimum最佳的position fixing will take花费 up to 2 hours after power is reapplied重新开启. A. radar B. DF C. Satellite Navigator卫星导航仪D. Automatic Omega Navigator 卫星导航仪就是“全球卫星导航系统”。主要采用最新GPS
23、技术在导航通讯领域的最新应用系统。它可以跟踪锁住4颗以上的卫星,这时,接收机可按卫星的星座分布分成若干组,每组4颗,然后通过算法挑选出误差最小的一组用作定位,从而提高精度。启动GPS后,要跟踪锁定卫星并得出最佳船位,需要一定时间。30. An anemometer风速计on a moving vessel measures _ A. apparent wind speed only B. true wind speed and true wind direction C. true wind speed only D. apparent wind speed and true wind dir
24、ection风标测视风方向,风速仪测视风速度。参见第78题 31. It may be found that in certain circumstances Radar Beacon can cause unwanted interference particularly _ A. at close range B. at end on situation C. at head on situation对遇局面D. at crossing situation交叉相遇局面雷达应答信标( Racon)发射的信号很强,为了避免发射的编码信号遮蔽其他雷达回波,通常以预定的周期开启和关闭。在近距离,经
25、常会观测到Racon的间接假回波。 Racon设计有旁瓣抑制,但也有时候能够观测到Racon的旁瓣干扰。32. AREAS WHICH CANNOT BE SCANNED扫描BY THE RADAR OF THE VESSEL BECAUSE THEY ARE SHIELDED遮蔽BY PARTS OF ITS SUPERSTRUCTURE建筑物, MASTS, ETC means _ A. Blind sectors扇型盲区B. Sheltered area C. Unseen area D. Unscanable Area 33. A combustible gas indicator m
26、eter is calibrated被校正 to read the percentage百分比 of _ A. vapor to oxygen气体与氧气之比 B. the flammable limit concentration浓度C. the autoignition自燃 concentration. D. the lower explosive limit爆炸下限 concentration爆炸上限:空气中可燃气体过多,而氧气过少,不会爆炸。爆炸下限:空气中可燃气体过少,而氧气过多,不会爆炸。在船员进入舱室内进行工作前,我们需要在舱内测可燃气体浓度是否引起爆炸,所以所测的是爆炸下限的浓度
27、,如果超过这个浓度,则表明这个舱室是不安全的。 34. The common way to obtain your ships position is _ A. keeping a close watch and lookout B. taking a radar range and bearing C. observing观察 a radar target and listening to signals D. keeping a well clear caution 船舶定位方法主要分两大类:航迹推算和观测定位。观测定位又分:陆标定位、天文定位和电子定位三类。利用雷达观测陆标从而确定船舶位
28、置是近海域航行船舶常用的定位方法。35. All VHF marine band频段 radios operate in the simplex mode单工模式, which means that _ A. only one person may talk at a time B. only two persons may talk at the same time C. the radio only transmits D. the radio only receives 单工是指通信双方在一条线路上交替进行收、发,可用一个或两个频率。发时不收,收时不发。双工是指通信双方在一条线路上同时进
29、行收、发,必须用两个频率。36. A FICTIVE LINE虚拟线 DISPLAYED ON THE RADAR SCREEN SEPARATING THE FAIRWAY FOR INBOUND AND OUTBOUND VESSELS SO THAT THEY CAN SAFELY PASS EACH OTHER defines _ A. Separated line B. Divided line C. Reference line 参照线 D. Segregated line 37. Gyrocompass repeaters 电罗经复示器 reproduce 复制 the indi
30、cations of the master gyrocompass 主罗经. They are _ A. accurate准确 only in the Polar regions两极区 域 B. accurate electronic servomechanisms伺服机构 C. hand operated D. accurate only if the vessel is underway 伺服机构(servomechanism)系指经由闭回路控制方式达到一个机械系统位置、速度、或加速度控制的系统。38. Which information must automatic identifica
31、tion systems (AlS) automatically provide to appropriately equipped相应配备设备的 shore stations, vessels and aircraft? _ A. Vessels type B. Vessels course C. Navigational status状态 D. All of the above 船舶自动识别系统由岸基(基站)设施和船载设备共同组成,是一种新型的集网络技术、现代通讯技术、计算机技术、电子信息显示技术为一体的数字助航系统和设备。船舶自动识别系统配合全球定位系统(GPS)将船位、船速、改变航向率
32、及航向等船舶动态结合船名、呼号、吃水及危险货物等船舶静态资料由甚高频(VHF)频道向附近水域船舶及岸台广播,使邻近船舶及岸台能及时掌握附近海面所有船舶之动静态资讯,得以立刻互相通话协调,采取必要避让行动,对船舶安全有很大帮助。39. It may be found that, in certain某种 circumstances情况, radar beacon emissions发射 can cause _with the normal radar display, particularly at close range. A. unwanted不需要 interference干扰 B. un
33、expected不期望 figures数字 C. abnormal data D. unwanted information 雷达应答信标( Racon)发射的信号很强,为了避免发射的编码信号遮蔽其他雷达回波,通常以预定的周期开启和关闭。在近距离,经常会观测到Racon的间接假回波。 Racon设计有旁瓣抑制,但也有时候能够观测到Racon的旁瓣干扰。参见第1010题40. You are using a radar in which your own ship is shown at the center, and the heading flash船首线雷达标志always points
34、to 00. If bearings are measured in relation to相对与the flash, what type of bearings are produced? _ A. Relative B. True C. Compass D. Magnetic 船用雷达雷达的显示方式按代表本船的扫描中心在 屏上的运动形式可分为两种:相对运动显示方 式和真运动显示方式。相对运动显示方 式: 扫描中心代表本船位置在屏上不动,船首线代表 本船船首方向,显示周围运动物标相对于本船的 运动状态,固定物标则与本船等速反向运动。41. If a magnetic compass is n
35、ot affected by any magnetic field other than除了之外 the Earths, which statement is TRUE? _ A. Compass error and variation are equal B. Compass north will be true north. C. Variation will equal deviation D. There will be no compass error 磁差和自差的代数和就是磁罗经的误差,也是真北与罗经北之间的夹角。42. In order to insure确信 that a RA
36、CON signal is displayed on the radar, you should _ A. increase the brilliance亮度 of the PPI scope显 示器 B. turn off the interference controls on the radar C. use the maximum available range setting设定 D. increase the radar signal output雷达应答信标( Racon)发射的信号很强,为了避免发射的编码信号遮蔽其他雷达回波,通常以预定的周期开启和关闭。在近距离,经常会观测到R
37、acon的间接假回波。 Racon设计有旁瓣抑制,但也有时候能够观测到Racon的旁瓣干扰。 43. If the compass heading and the magnetic heading are the same then _ A. the deviation has been offset抵消 by the variation B. there is something wrong with the compass C. the compass is being influenced by nearby metals D. there is no deviation on that
38、 heading 磁艏向是带有磁差的艏向,罗经艏向通常带有自差,如果与磁艏向相同,则表明罗经已没有自差。44. You have another ship overtaking you close aboard to starboard. You have 3 radar targets bearing 0900 relative at ranges of 0.5 mile, 1 mile, and 1.5 miles. In this case, the unwanted echoes are called _ A. multiple echoes多重回波B. spoking辐波/频闪效应C
39、. indirect echoes间接回波D. side-lobe echoes旁瓣回波船用导航雷达中的多重回波现象不正常。多重回波会产生干扰现象,造成回波信号的混沌。本题考词汇: multiple echoes45. A radar contact雷达捕捉/雷达物标will remain stationary静止 on a relative motion radar display only when it is_ A. on the same course as your vessel B. in the same speed as your vessel C. on the same c
40、ourse and speed as your vessel D. on a reciprocal相反的 course at the same speed as your vessel 46. Coral atolls珊瑚环礁, or a chain of islands岛链 at right angles to与成直角 the radar beam波束, may show as a long line rather than而不是as individual targets due to _ A. the effects of beam width波宽 B. limitations on ra
41、nge resolution距离分辨能力C. the pulse length脉冲长度 of the radar D. the multiple多个-target resolution factor 在天线方向图上,两个半功率点方向的夹角,称为波束宽度。波束宽度与分辨率成反比,即波束宽度越小,定向角度的分辨率越高,探测精度越高。47. Your radar is set on a true motion display真运动显示模式. Which of the following will NOT appear to move across the PPl scope? _ A. Echoes
42、回波 from a buoy B. Own ships marker标志 C. Echo from a ship on the same course at the same speed D. Echo from a ship on a reciprocal course at the same speed 真北向上真运动显示真运动显示方式:扫描中心在屏上按计程仪或模拟计程仪送 来的速度沿着船首线方向(航向)移动。扫描中心的正上方代表真北,船首线指航 向(一般应看罗经复示器指示值),本船转向时, 船首线移动,其他物标不动。屏上其他运动物标按它们各自的航向、航 速移动,固定物标则在屏上不动。48
43、. In order to insure that the Racon signal is visible可见的 on your 3 cm radar, the_ A. 10 cm radar should be placed on standby or turned off B. gain增益 control should be turned to maximum C. radar should be stabilized, head up船首向上 D. rain clutter control海浪抑制器should be off but, if necessary, may be on l
44、ow 雷达应答信标( Racon)发射的信号很强,为了避免发射的编码信号遮蔽其他雷达回波,通常以预定的周期开启和关闭。在近距离,经常会观测到Racon的间接假回波。 Racon设计有旁瓣抑制,但也有时候能够观测到Racon的旁瓣干扰。海浪抑制器是通过降低雷达接收器的灵敏度从而减少或消除因海浪的作用产生的回波。49. A navigator fixing a vessels position by radar _ A. should never use radar bearings B. should only use radar bearings when the range exceeds
45、the distance to the horizon海平线 C. can use radar information from one object物标 to fix the position D. must use information from targets forward of the beam 雷达定位主要测量目标的距离和角度。通过测量发射信号和目标反射的回波信号之间的时间差,将时间差除以2,再乘以光速,就可以得到目标到雷达的距离。目标相对雷达来说,来自哪个方向,主要测仰角和方位角,主要是通过雷达天线的方向性实现的,雷达发射的波束像探照灯的光柱一样,窄窄的,方向性很强,照到哪个方
46、向上看有没有目标的回波,没有就换个方向,有的话就记下角度,所以雷达天线在不停的换方向、扫描,以实现大空域的探测覆盖。有了距离和角度,就可以知道目标相对雷达位置,从而实现定位。50. _is designed to raise the alarm报警 ashore in reaction to回应 security threats威胁 or security incidents事件 by notifying the flag State船旗国 of the ship without alerting ships or coastal States in the vicinity附近 or giv
47、ing any indication on board. A. Manual手动 alarming system B. Ship Security Alert System C. Automatic alarming system D. Integrated综合 alarming system 51. Which general statement concerning radar is FALSE?_ A. Raising the antenna height天线高度 increases the radar range. B. The ability of radar to detect o
48、bjects is unaffected by weather conditions. C. Radar bearings are less accurate than radar ranges. D. Radar should be checked regularly during clear weather to ensure that it is operating properly. 52. Which statement is true concerning a vessel equipped with operational radar?_ A. The Master of the
49、 vessel must be on the bridge when the radar is in use. B. The radar equipment is only required to be used in restricted visibility能见度受限. C The use of a radar excuses免除 a vessel from the need of a look-out瞭望者. D. This equipment must be used to obtain获得 early warning of risk of collision. 53. You hav
50、e been observing观察 your radar screen and notice that a contact物标点on the screen has remained in the same position, relative to you, for several minutes. Your vessel is making 10 knots through the water. Which statement is TRUE?_ A. The contact is dead in the water. B. The contact is on the same cours
51、e and speed as your vessel. C. The contact is on a reciprocal相反的 course at the same speed as your vessel. D. The radar is showing false echoes回波 and is probably可能 defective故障. 物标点与你船相对位置不变,说明物标点与你船航行方向、速度相同。54. _20 targets can be tracked跟踪 at one time. When maximum tracking capacity is reached, no f
52、urther acquisitions捕获 are possible. A. As many as B. So many as C. As much as D. As more as 55. The VDR system is designed to operate _ once it is set up correctly. There is no user interaction相互影响.A. automaticallyB. accurately准确地C. promptly迅速地D. conspicuously明显地56. _ is not an alarm报警点 required by
53、IMO standards to be available on the ECDIS.A. Deviation from偏离 a planned route航线B. Approach to waypoints航路点 and other critical重要的 pointsC. Light house detectingD. Larger scale大比例 chart available57. ECDIS must be able to perform进行 all of the following EXCEPT _.A. determining true bearing and distance
54、 between two geographical地理的 pointsB. determining magnetic compass deviationC. transforming转换 a local datum地方基准点 to the WGS-84 datumD. converting转换 “graphical coordinates地理坐 标” to “display coordinates”WGS-84 :World Geodetic System 1984,是为GPS全球定位系统使用而建立的坐标系统。58. Electronic Chart Display and Informati
55、on System can assist the mariner in _.A. voyage planB. stability稳性 calculate计算C. calculate ETAD. monitor监测 strength强度59. Electronic Chart Display and Information System can assist the mariner in route planning and route monitoring, and if required display additional _ related有关 information.A. speedB
56、. ship buildingC. ship repairD. navigation60. Global navigation satellite system is _.A. Autonomous自动 geo-spatial地理空间 positioning定位B. passive无源的 geo-spatial positioningC. electronic navigational chartD. electronic chart display61. Should如果 two vessels collide, which one will play the top important r
57、ole in assign确定 liability责任? _.A. AISB. VDRC. ECDISD. GPS如果 should 开头句子结尾没有问号?, 则是一个虚拟句条件句,中文意义等同于if。62. For seeking the cause for one aground accident while coast sailing, which one doesnt need to be referred to参考? _.A. SSASB. VDRC. ECDISD. Route planSSAS:Ship Security Alert System63. Under threat威
58、胁, ship master should activate启动 SSAS system and send a message to _.A. nearby coast stationB. preset预设定 flag administration船旗国 主管机构C. crew manning company劳务公司D. charterer租船人 and sub-charterer转租 人保安报警系统由于是在紧急情况下启动,所以报警信息都是预输入,包括船舶识别号、报警对象等。64. Ship master activates SSAS in emergency, this will produ
59、ce _ automatically.A. visual灯光 alarmB. audio声音 alarmC. audio/visual alarmD. none of the above65. ECDIS will _ the paper-based chart in the near future.A. supersede取代B. replaceC. substitute代替D. coexist共存由于ECDIS必须使用电源、网络,所以必须保留纸面海图以防不测,就如船舶使用电罗经,但保留磁罗经一样。66. SSAS can generate发出 security alert to _.A.
60、any flag administrationB. preset flag administrationC. nearby coast stationD. nearby contract parties参见第63题。67. ECDIS should be capable of能够 _ all chart information necessary for safe and efficient navigation originated.A. exhibiting展示B. existing存在C. showingD. displaying显示屏显示通常用display表示。68. Compare
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