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1、TransportationnTransportation is an activity that provides for the movement of goods or individuals from one place to another. Role of TransportationnTransportation creates value by creating place utility moving goods to a place where they can be used.n Transportation plays a key role in economic su

2、ccess by allowing for the safe and efficient distribution of goods and services throughout the supply chain. nTransportation links the various integrated logistics activities. Without transportation, the integrated logistics system breaks down. Major modes of transportation:lRailway transportation,

3、road transportation, waterway transportation, air transportation and pipeline transportation lIntermodal transportation occurs when two modes or more work closely together on a regular basis, utilizing the advantage of each others.l多式联运是指两种或两种以上的运输方式利用各自优势,进行常规的合作Diversity of Transportation Modesl R

4、oad transportationlPlease read the paragraphs about road transportation and discuss: lWhat are the most important characteristics of road transportation? lAnswer:lCapable of providing a door to door service lFlexible enough to perform “just-in-time” delivery lFor higher-value / lower-volume cargo ov

5、er relatively short distance lIntense competition Rail transportationlPlease read the paragraphs about rail transportation and discuss: lWhat are the most important characteristics of rail transportation?lAnswer:lOffers cost-effective transport over long distanceslGood for cargos with high volume an

6、d low value lConsumes less energy Waterway transportationlWaterway transportation includes maritime transportation and river transportation. lAnd maritime transportation can be divided into two parts: coastal transport and ocean shipping.lThe most important characteristics of waterway transportation

7、 include:lBig capacity, goods for large quantity of cargoslConnects ports from different continentslThe cleanest among all transportation modes Air transportation lThe most important characteristics of air transportation include:l It offer rapid, flexible delivery l Expensive compared to the charges

8、 of land and ocean freight l Mainly for valuable or perishable goodsl Air freight services tended to be unreliable Pipelines transportation lThe most important characteristics of pipeline transportation include:lDesigned for a specific purpose only, to carry one commodity from a location to another

9、lEffective in transporting large quantities of products lLink isolated areas of production with major centers of refining and manufacture Competition between Transportation Modesl Each of transportation mode has its key operational and commercial advantages (See Table 2-1). lAs a result, modes can c

10、ompete or complement each other in terms of cost, speed, accessibility, frequency, safety, comfort, etc. 因此,运输方式之间能够在成本、速度、可得性、经常性(服务频率)、安全性和舒适程度等方面相互竞争或补充。Topic for Discussion: 讨论话题l1. Discuss the important role transportation plays in logistics system. l2. The picture below shows us the capacity d

11、ifferences of a variety of transport modes, please discuss: why are these differences important to us? nSeveral thousand domestic and international airlines offering either scheduled or charter services in public-transport-category aircraft. naircraftnflightnplanenairlinenjetnpropellern飞机飞机,航空器航空器,飞

12、行器飞行器n飞行飞行,航班航班,逃跑逃跑n飞机飞机,平面平面,刨子刨子n航空公司航空公司,航线航线,航程航程n喷射喷射,喷出喷出n螺旋桨螺旋桨,推进器推进器Useful Wordsnaislenembarkndisembarkn通道通道n乘船(飞机)乘船(飞机)n登陆登陆Varied airline servicesntrunk linenfeeder linenscheduled flightnnon-scheduled flightVaried airline servicesnfirst Classneconomy Classnbusiness Classncharternschedul

13、ed flightnnon-scheduled flightnincoming flightnoutgoing flightnshuttle flightn包机包机n定期航班定期航班n不定期航班不定期航班n进港航班进港航班n出港航班出港航班n区间航班区间航班nThere are two main kinds of airline employeesnOne kind of employees have little or no direct contact with the public; the other come into daily contact with the traveling

14、 public. nstewardess nsteward ntransit n女空服员女空服员n男空服员男空服员n过境过境ndeparture/embarkation cardn出境卡出境卡nimmigration/entry/arrival cardn入境卡入境卡nchecked luggagencarry-on/ cabin luggagenluggage locker nluggage tag nchecked baggage ncarry-on baggage nluggage cart nluggage claim ;baggage claimn行李领取处行李领取处n行李暂存箱行李

15、暂存箱n行李牌行李牌n托运的行李托运的行李n随身行李随身行李n行李推车行李推车nPreboarding security checksnChange the boarding passnWaitingnBoardingnairport terminalndeparture loungenboarding passnflight numbernseat assignmentndeparture gaten机场候机楼机场候机楼n候机室候机室n登机牌登机牌n航班号航班号n座位号座位号n登机口登机口n来自来自n前往前往nETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)n预计抵达时间预计抵

16、达时间nETD (Estimated Time of Departure)n预计离港时间预计离港时间narriving from ndeparture to nRound-Trip Ticket nOne-way Ticket ntransfersntransfer passengersn中转旅客中转旅客ntransfer correspondencen中转处中转处n往返机票往返机票 n单程机票单程机票n中转中转nWhile rail transportation in tourism has been largely replaced in developed countries by ai

17、r and automobile transport, it is still the primary means of travel in China and other developing countries. nticketed passengernconductornstation managernrailway policemannRed capnportern持票乘客持票乘客n乘务员、票务员乘务员、票务员n火车站站长火车站站长n乘警乘警n行李搬运员行李搬运员n搬运工人搬运工人nexpress trainnfast trainnthrough trainnstopping trai

18、n, slow trainnexcursion trainndouble-decker train nsleeper with couchettesn特快列车特快列车n快车快车n直达快车直达快车n慢车慢车n游览列车游览列车n双层火车双层火车n双层卧铺双层卧铺nbooking office, ticket officenticket-collector, gatemannticket inspectornplatform ticketncar attendant, train attendantnguard, conductorn售票处售票处n收票员收票员n验票员验票员n站台票站台票列车员列车员

19、n列车长列车长nupper (lower) berthnhard berthnsoft berthnhard (soft) seatnpunch a ticketnrefund a ticketn上(下)铺上(下)铺n硬卧硬卧n软卧软卧n硬(软)座硬(软)座n剪票剪票n退票退票nchange, transfer 换乘换乘nto change trains at. n在(某地)换车在(某地)换车nto break the journeyn中途下车中途下车nplatform underground passageway n月台地下通道月台地下通道nwaiting roomnmother-and-c

20、hild roomnVIP roomnterminalnrack, baggage rackntimetablencompartmentn候车室候车室n母子候车室母子候车室n贵宾候车室贵宾候车室n终点站终点站n行李架行李架n时刻表时刻表n包厢包厢nRoad transportation in China is, little publicized to foreign tourists as motor transport for excursions, short trips and occasional longterms are usually provided by local tax

21、i companies or by the fleet of the travel bureau itself. nThis is quite different in the West. In addition to self-driven cars which can take you virtually anywhere in the country and even out of the country, there are regular bus, coach or other road conveyances available to visitors. lEast 东东 lSou

22、th 南南 lWest 西西 lNorth 北北 lLeft 左左 lRight 右右 lStraight on 往前直去往前直去 lFront 前方前方 lBack 后方后方 lSide 侧旁侧旁 lBefore 之前之前 lAfter 之后之后 lFirst left/right 第一个转左右的路第一个转左右的路 A is next to B. B is between A and C. D is on the top of E. E is under D. F is to the left. G is to the right. H is on the left. I is on the right. K is through J.ABABCDEFGIHKJAB请问如何前往请问如何前往 .lExcuse me, How do I get to the . ? lthe airport 机机 场场 lthe bus station 公车站公车站 lthe metro station 地铁站地铁站 (欧洲(欧洲 ) lthe subway station 地铁站地铁站 (北美洲北美洲)lthe underground station地铁站地铁站(英国英国) 请问附近请问附近 . lExcuse me, Is there . near by? lbaker 面包店面包店


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