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1、American Education General introduction to American education Four levels of education Higher education Grades, exams and qualificationsExercises General Introduction Respect for education State-administrated rather than nation-administrated 12 years of free public education School year School holid

2、ays School gradesback Education is like a big window opening. Americans are proud of the fact that the window of knowledge is never slammed shut for any of the nations citizen. All American children are offered 12 years of free public education & most good students can get financial help to continue

3、 their studies for many more years. Adults who wish to attend school also find many opportunities. Respect for education At the state level, there is the state board of education教育委员会 which is responsible for establishing policies. At the district level, each local school district has a governing bo

4、ard管理委员会 which is responsible for the hiring of professional and support staff, determining curriculum, etc.Administration School year1. two-semester system2. three-semester systemfallspring9121-5 fallspringSummer9121-5 6-8Thanksgiving Day 5-7 daysWinter holiday 3 weeks to one monthSpring holiday in

5、 March 5-7 daysSummer holiday 3 monthsSchool Grades Level/GradeTypical Age (at the end of the school year)PreschoolVarious optional programs, such as Head Start Under 6Pre-kindergarten4-5Elementary SchoolKindergarten5-61st Grade6-72nd Grade7-83rd Grade8-94th Grade9-105th Grade10-116th Grade11-127th

6、Grade12-138th Grade13-149th Grade (Freshman)14-1510th Grade (Sophomore)15-1611th Grade (Junior)16-1712th Grade (Senior)17-18II. Four Levels of Education Preschool Education Elementary Education Secondary Education 3. Post-secondary Education (Higher Education)1. Preschool Education No mandatory (强制的

7、,必须的)pre-kindergarten program Families responsible for preschool or childcare Daycare Center-from infancy to 3/4 year-old preschool education- 3/4 -5 year-old Kindergarten- from 5-year-old (beginning of compulsory education)2. Elementary and Secondary Education . Generally, (from September to June)

8、is required to complete each grade. Academic work-learning to read, write & do arithmetic-begins when the child enters first grade, at about age 6.Elementary School or Grammar SchoolGrades 1-8High SchoolGrades 9-12Elementary SchoolGrades 1-6Junior High SchoolGrades 7-9Senior High SchoolGrades 10-12L

9、OGOLOGO3. Higher EducationvThe US is world leader in education. In 1825, England had only two universities: Oxford and Cambridge, while the US had over fifty universities.vBy now, there are over 2,000 universities and colleges throughout the United States.vThe system of higher education in the US ha

10、s 3 principal functions: teaching, research and public service. LOGOvDoctoral-level institutionsvMasters comprehensive colleges and universitiesvSpecialized institutions/Training technical schoolsvTwo-year institutions/community colleges (两年制的社区大学(两年制的社区大学)3.1 Classifications of higher educationLOGO

11、Collegesv four-year undergraduate institutionsv may be publicly or privately funded, or funded by a religious group文学学士文学学士BA degree(Bachelor of Arts) 理科学士理科学士BS degree (Bachelor of Sciences) 工科学士工科学士BEdegree (Bachelor of Engineering)硕士学位硕士学位 Masters Degree(MA/MS/ME)博士学位博士学位 Doctors Degree(Ph.D=Doct

12、or of Philosophy)LOGOTechnical Training Schoolsv Ranging from 6 months to 4 yearsv offering a wide variety of technical skills, like hair styling, business accounting and computer programming etc. v may be publicly or privately funded, or may be funded by religious group and charity organizationsLOG

13、OCommunity Collegesvranging from 6 months to 2 or more years.vnearly always publicly fundedvoffer training for a variety of jobsv has academic programsvReceive an associate degree(准学士学位准学士学位) after completing a two-year programLOGO3.2 How to Select a College/Universityv Five categories of higher edu

14、cationv Curriculumv Public or Privatethree sources of income: Student tuition, endowments (捐助,资助), and government funding. v Big or smallLOGO3.3 Success of Applications for a College Education v students high school recordsv recommendations from their school teachersv the impression they make during

15、 interviews at the universityv their scores on the Scholastic Assessment Tests (SATs)LOGOSuccessful applicants at colleges and universities are chosen on the basis of:a. their high school records;.b. recommendations from their high school teachers;c. the impression they make during interviews at the

16、 university;d. Their scores on the SATs or ACT.SATs学术能力评估测试学术能力评估测试是美国高中生的所谓“高考高考”,但能否读四年制大学并不取决于一个SAT分数。SAT由美国的College Board举办,在美国领土上每年举办7次,其它地方每年6次。考试用英语。SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国名校学习及奖学金的重要参考。Higher educationGRE: Graduate Record Examination 美国研究生入学考试LOGO4. College Entrance ExaminationsSAT: Scholastic Ass

17、essment Test 学习能力评估考试学习能力评估考试 (Mathematics & English Reading &English Writing)ACT: American College Test 美国大学考试美国大学考试Grades & Degrees College grades, from highest to lowest, run ABCDF. An F is a failing grade. American universities offer 3 main categories of graduate degrees. Bachelors degree 学士学位学士

18、学位Masters degree 硕士学位硕士学位A Ph. D degree 博士学位博士学位LOGOBachelors DegreeMasters DegreeDoctors Degreea gown/robe with a separate hood, and usually a cap (generally either a square academic cap, a tam宽顶无沿圆帽宽顶无沿圆帽, or a bonnet)LOGOThe Ivy LeaguevEight private institutions of higher education in the Northea

19、stern US. vThe term also has connotations of academic excellence, selectivity in admissions, and a reputation for social elitism精英主义精英主义.LOGOThe Ivy League is an athletic conference comprising 8 private institutions of higher education in the Northeastern United States. The conference name is also c

20、ommonly used to refer to those eight schools as a group. The eight institutions are: Brown UniversityColumbia UniversityCornell UniversityDartmouth CollegeHarvard UniversityPrinceton UniversityThe University of PennsylvaniaYale University. LOGOLOGO?HarvardBrownYaleColumbiaPrincetonPennDartmouthCorne

21、llLOGOThe term Ivy League also has connotations of academic excellence, selectivity in admissions, and social elitism. Ivy League schools are often viewed by the public as some of the most prestigious universities worldwide.Seven of the eight schools were founded during the United States colonial pe

22、riod; except Cornell, which was founded in 1865. All eight schools receive millions of dollars in research grants and other subsidies from federal and state government. Ivy League university financial endowments range from Browns $2.2 billion to Harvards $27.4 billion, the largest financial endowmen

23、t of any academic institution in the world.长春藤联盟长春藤联盟 常青藤联合会常青藤联合会 LOGO美国常春藤名校走出过多少美国总统?美国常春藤名校走出过多少美国总统? 哈佛大学:哈佛大学:约翰约翰-亚当斯、约翰亚当斯、约翰-昆西昆西-亚当斯、西奥多亚当斯、西奥多-罗斯福、罗斯福、富兰克林富兰克林-罗斯福罗斯福, 约翰约翰-肯尼迪肯尼迪,奥巴马奥巴马(法学博士学位法学博士学位)哥伦比亚大学:哥伦比亚大学:西奥多西奥多-罗斯福罗斯福, 弗兰克林弗兰克林-D-罗斯福,奥巴马。罗斯福,奥巴马。 耶鲁大学:耶鲁大学:威廉威廉塔夫脱、杰拉尔德塔夫脱、杰拉尔德福特

24、,布什、比尔福特,布什、比尔-克林顿克林顿, 乔治乔治W布什。布什。LOGOAssignmentvWork as groups to make an introduction about one of the Ivy League Universities.Brown UniversityColumbia UniversityCornell UniversityDartmouth CollegeHarvard UniversityPrinceton UniversityThe University of PennsylvaniaYale University. Harvard Universi

25、ty Cambridge, Massachusetts. A member of the Ivy League. Founded in 1636. The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. 7 presidents, 40 Nobel Prize winners No.1, (2010)Harvard Seal/index.phpYale University New Haven, Connecticut. Founded in 1701,Yale is the th

26、ird oldest institution. A member of the Ivy League. 5 presidents No.3 (2010)/Harvard &Yale Like Oxford and Cambridge in England. A remarkable number of the men who hold prominent positions were educated at one of these two. For example: 43rd President George W. Bush and his father

27、41st President George H. Bush both graduated from Yale; President Barack Obama and his wife both graduated from Harvard Law School.Princeton UniversityLocated in Princeton, New Jerseyone of the nine Colonial Colleges founded before the American Revolution IVY League 1.Brown University 布朗大学布朗大学(1754)2.Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学哥伦比亚大学(1754)因为座落在纽约市,意义自然大不因为座落在纽约市,意义自然大不一样,不过似乎学校地方太小。一样,不过似乎学校地方太小。 3.Cornell University 康耐尔大学康耐尔大学(1865)“老牌劲旅”。大家是不是因为李登辉才知道康耐尔大学的? 4.Dartmouth


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