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1、Yu-Qing Yu-Qing BaoBao, and Yang Li, and Yang LiSoutheast University, Nanjing, P.R.CSoutheast University, Nanjing, P.R.CBackgroundBackgroundMethodMethodResultsResults Why can DR participate in the frequency control? Power system frequency reflects the balance between the electric power supply and co

2、nsumption. 2ddrrmeHPPt The development of smart meterssmart meters makes demand response (DR) demand response (DR) participating in the frequency control frequency control possible. The appliances which participate in the frequency control(grid friendly appliance)mainly include:RefrigeratorsWater he

3、atersAir conditioning loadsCommon Characteristics:l Thermostatically controlled loadsl Can store thermal energy like batteries Architecture of the control system BackgroundBackgroundMethodMethodResultsResults Model DevelopmentP. Kundur, “Power System Stability and Control,” Palo Alto, CA: EPRI, 1994

4、. State diagram of the DR control strategyTime-domain illustration of the DR control logic Optimization Objective:Maximize the frequency nadir fmin at the time of disturbanceRestore the frequency to the nominal value as soon as possibleAvoid overshoot during regulation1min2300Min ()W fWfdtWGfdt0()00

5、ffGff where Objective function:Genetic Algorithm (GA)Generate a random initial population of chromosomesEvaluate the fitness of each chromosome based on the objective functionSelect the fittest members of the populationExecute crossover operation on the reproduced chromosomesReproduce the next gener

6、ation populationExecute mutation operation on the reproduced chromosomesRepeat until end criterion is satisfied. BackgroundBackgroundMethodMethodResultsResultsOptimal values of the parametersOptimal values of the parametersKifth1fth2kDRkre%Optimization results0.11948.89149.9065.299.45%The result of

7、the running proposed GAThe result of the running proposed GAGA parameter settings are: GA parameter settings are: population size is 20; population size is 20; crossover rate is 0.8; crossover rate is 0.8; mutation rate is 0.1; mutation rate is 0.1; the number of generations is 50.the number of generations is 50.Time domain simulation resultsTime domain simulation results(Consider 0.1 p.u. step disturbance at t=5s)The proposed method The proposed method not only minimizes the not only minimizes the frequency devi


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