1、ABOUT THE HANDBOOK 关于员工手册of changes, but we cannot some material may become contained in this bookletThis handbook has been prepared as a guide to help you with the basic philosophy of our organization. 本入职培训手册将帮助您了解我们的理念和基本要求。From time to time, we revise this booklet to keep abreast republish this
2、booklet each time a change occurs therefore, obsolete without prior notice to you .If any information本手册的内容变化是将公布于众。请您确有其事保自己已经得to modify, change, disregard, suspend or cancel at any or verbal notice, all or any part of the handbook ' s contentsis in conflict with information published at a late
3、r date within the company, the information contained in those bulletins, policies, etc, will prevail. As the contents of this booklet change they will be posted. You are solely responsible for regularly updating your own handbook. 我们一直在努力争取给您提供最新信息,但由于一些不可估算的因素,本手册将根据您所 工作的具体地点在一些细节上做出未有事先通知的变更,手册信息
4、内容以最新变更的如公 告、政策等中的内容为准。 到了这些重要的变更信息。We reserve the right time ,without written as circumstances may require. 我们保留在没有提前见面或口头通知的情况下对本手册进行全部或者部分更改、变更、删 除和解除的权力。MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER 总经理致辞 Dear Valued associate.Welcome to the Banyan Tree Lijiang!亲爱的同事: On behalf of the Management Team, 我谨代表管理
5、层热忱欢迎您加入丽江国际大酒店 !It gives me great pleasure to officially welcome you to our big family-Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts. Our company consists of 8 Banyan Tree Hotels, 4 Angsana Hotels and 3 Colors of Angsana Hotels, as well as Spas and Galleries, which are integral parts of the company. We are going
6、to open another 5 Banyan Tree Hotels in the next 24months and become with this a real global company with hotels in all countries.在此,我非常荣幸的欢迎您加入我们的大家庭 悦榕度假酒店集团。集团旗下现有 8 间悦榕品牌酒店,4间悦榕品牌酒店,3间悦椿绚丽色彩品牌酒店,若干SPA以及精品屋。在未来的 2 年之内,集团还计划开设另外 5 间悦榕品牌酒店,至此我们将成为在全世界拥有 产为的真正的国际性连锁酒店集团。Wetake great pride in all we
7、do for our properties, our guests and most importantly, our associates. Because you are the ones who really make the difference and ensure that every guest encounters a true Banyan Tree Experience.对于我们来说,员工和客人都是引以为傲的财富,尤其是我们的员工,因为正是你们成就 了我们的独树一帜,并且让客人真正体会到悦榕集团的风格。Our focus is YOU. We are always here
8、 to support and develcp to ensure that your experience and employment with Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts is positive.我们的中心就是您。悦榕集团会给您提供支持、创造发展的机会,并以此为您积累专业的 工作经验。As a member of our group you will experience international work opportunities which are not geographically limited. We are a young group
9、dynamic and fast growing, and with your contribution we will succeed to be one of the real leading hotel groups in the world.作为集团一员,您有机会不受区域限制到世界各地工作在您的努力之下,我们这个年轻、 充满省略并且迅速发展的集团一定能成为世界顶尖的酒店集团之一。Once again, welcome and if there is anything I can do to meet both yours and the guests ' expectation
10、s ,please do let me know. 再一次欢迎您的加入,请告诉我一切可以达到客人和您的期望的建议。Kind regards, 衷心的祝福 Maximilian Lennkh 林柯Area General Manager区域总经理BANYAN TREE LIJIANG MISSION STATEMENT 丽江悦榕酒店集团的宗旨We are going to be the best hotel of Yunnan province and one of the best hotels in China. With our knowledge and dedication we ar
11、e going to achieve this simple goal.我们要成为云南省和全中国最好的酒店之一。我们坚信,凭借我们的专业技能和敬业精神, 要达到这个目标并不困难。PART1 第一节 BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO BANYAN TREE 悦榕集团简介BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO BANYAN TREE 悦榕集团简介History of Banyan Tree 悦榕集团的历史For over a millennium, from medieval-traders to sixteenth-European-adventurers, 盛世千年之后,根据十六
12、世纪欧洲探险者的记载,锡被用在普吉(泰国)的主要工业上。 十九世纪后期,大部分的中国移民使用了锡的工业技术。他们在海边和地面大量开采锡矿 最终导致土壤本侵蚀破坏。这个被侵蚀的地方被称为班陶湾,也就是现在的变吉岛。最初的创意来源 尽管第一次使用悦榕集团的名称是在 1995 年底,但早在下年前即 1985 年,华昌集团董事 长HO KWON PING先生就在泰国变吉岛购买了1000贡亩荒弃的锡矿基地。当时班陶湾被严重侵蚀,情况相当恶劣,甚至联合国都在 1977 年正式宣布放弃了在那里的发展计划。泰国 旅游局对这个地方的调研也得出了同样的结论,但是他们希望尽一切可能保护当地的自然 资源。当地的土质已
13、经完全不适合任何蔬果的种植。班陶湾被认定一片充满坑洼和荒地,不能进行任何开发的土地。HO先生的构想是开发这块被曾被除数联合国于1977年定性为“无可救药”的废土,并将其创建为亚洲第一个综合度假胜地。当所有的专家都认为这里的海湾已经被化学物质污染, 没有鱼类可能生存;这里的土地极度贫瘠、甚至寸草不生的时候,HO KWON P INGfe生以独特的视角发现了这块土地的发展潜力。今天,普吉岛已经成为亚洲第一个联合度假村和泰国最负盛名的旅游胜地。综合高级住所 和动力与休闲设施的选择,客人可以住在度假酒店里集吃、住、行、游于一体。这种独特 的联合理念包括:度假酒店之间陆上和海湾的免费交通、及享受普吉岛上
14、超过25家餐厅和酒吧的特别优惠。Lagu na Phuket in cludes five luxury hotels n amely, Lagu na Club, Dusit Lagu na,Sheraton Grande Laguna Beach ,the Allamanda Laguna Phuket suites hotel ,and Banyan Tree Phuket Hotel Golf Club and Spa .In additi on there is, Quest Lagu na PhuketAdve nture and Canal Village, a shopping
15、 and en terta inment complex .普吉岛上有五家高级酒店,他们的名称是:Lagu na Beach Club ,Dusit Lag una ,Shetat onGrande Lagu na Beach , the Allama nda Lagu na Phuket suites hotel ,以及悦榕普吉岛酒店、高尔夫球员俱乐部和Spa.并且,配备了有 Quest Laguna Phukte Adventure and CanalVillage购物娱乐中心。This transformation of Laguna Phuket won the resort the
16、prestigious InternationalHotel Association Environmental Award in 1992wordwide conten der.这个变化使普吉岛力压来自世界各地的 1662年全球最受欢迎的渡假酒店提名。35个竞争对手,赢得了美国运通American Express from thirty-five国际酒店联合会“The Best Resort inThe Banyan Tree has the honor of winning the PATA Award forAsia ” for the years 1997& 1998。In 1
17、998 we won the Best Spa Resort in the Worldpresented by Conde Nast TravellerMagazine in the United Kingdom ang first runner-uprati ng in the Busin ess Travel Magaz ine awards in Hong Kong.悦榕集团还赢得了 1997和1998年亚洲最优秀的渡假酒店称号的PATA大奖。1998年,在英国Conde Nast旅游杂志和香港商业旅游杂志上,我们又赢得了全球最好的 Spa渡假酒店的称号。Banyan Tree Hote
18、ls & Resorts悦榕渡假酒店集团Banyan Tree Hotel & Resorts is a member of the Wah Chang Group. The companyscorporate mission in to develop and manager up market luxury boutique resorts ,which are stee ped in Asia n traditi ons and are environmen tally sen sitive.悦榕渡假酒店集团是画昌集团的产业之一,公司目标是:开发和管理高级精品型渡假市场,
19、 并使之与亚洲传统的文化理念和环保意识相融合。Banyan Tree Hotels ang Resorts prop erties in clude悦榕渡假酒店集团的产业有:1.Ba nyan Tree P huket ,Thaila ng (Sep 19940悦榕普吉渡假酒店,泰国(1994年9月)Ba nyan Tree Maldives Vabbi nfaru (Apr 1995)悦榕马尔代夫渡假酒店,(1995年4月)Banyan Tree Bintan ,lndon esia (Dec 1995)悦榕民丹渡假酒店,印度尼西亚(1995年12月)Banyan Tree Ban gkok
20、 (Jan 2002)悦榕曼谷渡假酒店(2002年1月)Ba nyan Tree Seychelles (Jun 2002)悦榕塞舌尔渡假酒店(2002年6月)Ban yan Tree Ringha ,Chi na (Sep 2005)悦榕仁按藏村,中国(2005年9月)Ba nyan Tree Ljian g ,Ch ina (Mar 2006)丽江悦榕渡假酒店,中国(2006年3月)Babyan Tree Al Aree n, Bahrai n (Mar 2006)悦榕阿尔阿琳渡假酒店,巴林(2006年3月)Banyan Tree offers an intimateretreat exp
21、erienee feateringits own sig natureof romanee, rejuvenationang exotic sensuality.The philosophy behindthein based on p robidi ng a p lace for rejuve nati on of the body, mind and soulSan ctuary for the Sen ses .Each Banyan Tree villa is desig ned to fit i nto theirsurroundings,usingindigenousmateria
22、ls as far as possible,reflectingarchitecture ,la ndsca pe and vegetati on of the dest in ati on.悦榕集团提供融合了以浪漫为代表的异国感受返朴归真的个人体验。本集团渡假酒店的理 念是:身心合一、回归自然。每一栋悦榕别墅都依照其所处的独特环境和当地文化来设计, 以反映当地特有的建筑风格、地形地貌及自然植被。 ndtesortstheDep artme nts & Divisi ons:酒店部门Rooms and Related:Front Office, Con c
23、ierge, Busin ess Centre and Banyan Tree Club are headed by the Front Office Man ager. Housekee ping and Laundry are the respon sibilities of the Executive Housekee per.前台、礼宾部、商务中心和悦榕俱乐部由前厅部经理负责。客房和洗衣房由客房部行政管 家负责。Food and Beverage:餐饮部Restaurants& Service:餐厅和服务& B Manager.Restaura nt and Bar a
24、re the respon sibility of the Area F 餐厅和酒吧由区域餐饮部经理负责管理。Kitche ns are the respon sibility of the Executive Chef.厨房由行政总厨负责管理。Engin eeri ng工程部The Chief Engineer is responsible for the upkeep of the building contents and grounds.工程总监负责酒店和其他相关区域设施的维修和保养。Finance and Acco un ti ngP rocess ing reporting, an
25、d p ayrollp ayme nts, credit and audit ing,budgeti ng,systems. The Dep artme nt财务部Finance and Accountingisresponsibleforcollecti onof guestacco un ts,finan cialinformationsystems, purchasing,and receivingis headed by the Area Finan cial Con troller.财务部的职责有:应付、会计、出纳、财务报告、预算管理、采购和应收。部门负责人是 区域财务总监。Huma
26、 n Resources人力资源部This Dep artme nt con sists of two main fun cti ons: Personnel and Training. The Area Huma n Resources Director is respon sible for this dep artme nt.这个部门的主要职能是:人力资源管理和培训管理。区域人力资源部总监负责该部门的运 作和管理。Security Dep artme nt保安部Safety and security of the guests and associates and p rotect in
27、g the guest/hotel assets is the respon sibility of the Security Guard.保安负责确保和维护客人、员工、客人/酒店资产和其周边环境的安全。Adm ini strati on& Gen eral行政办公室Gen eralMan ageme nt, Marketi ngDep artme nt and tourismDep artme ntare with inAdm ini strat ing& Gen eral.总经办、市场销售部、旅游部归属行政办公室。PART 2第二节HOTEL P OLICIES酒店制度HO
28、TEL P OLICIES酒店制度Employment P olicies and P rocedures 雇佣员工的程序和制度Necessary Docume nts for Employment雇佣必须的文件The selected app lica nt has to submit the follow ing crede ntials to the Personnel Office:被选择的面试人员必须向人事部提供以下资料:10p hotogta phs of half-le ngth, full face and without hat and black glasses, 2” X
29、 1 1/2 in size, take n not Ion ger tha n six mon ths p reviously 10张近照(拍摄时间不超过六个月) 半身免冠免黑色眼睛的 2寸彩照A copy of Ide ntificati on Card身份证复印件1份A copy of House Registratio n户口本复印件1份A copy of Certificate of Educati on or Certificate of Qualificatio ns as per the hotel requireme nts根据酒店要求提供相关学历证书复印件1份Saving
30、Acco unt Number from the desig nated Band 提供有效指定银行帐户帐号Health Report Form as per the hotel requireme nts根据酒店要求提供身体健康证明form suchAccurate personnel records are important to the Hotel. An associate should keep Human Resources in formed of his/her personal status by compi et ing a cha nge of status in th
31、e Huma nResources Dep artme nt, and by bringing any new or up dated docume nts as marital status, level of educatio n, etc. An associate must no tify the Huma n Resources Dep artme nt, as soon as po ssible, of any cha nges.为酒店提供准确的资料是非常重要的。如果个人资料有所变更请立即向人力资源部汇报,如婚姻和学历状况等,并提供相关证明材料。Employment Procedu
32、res雇佣程序A qualified applicant who will be employed needs to pass the following procedures:一位合格的应聘者需要通过以下程序:123Pass the English Test from the Training Department and pass the first stage interview from the Personnel Manager. 通过培训部的英文测试和人事部经理的第一次面试。Pass the test and interview from the Department Head,
33、Division Director and/or the General Manager.通过部门总监,部门经理和 / 或总经理的第二次面试。 Hold the previous satisfied work experiences record.具有良好的工作记录。456Be certified medically fit by the designated hospital.持有指定医院出具的健康证。The Hotel will not consider any applicant who was dismissed or have unpleasant reference from ot
34、her place of work.对于没有良好工作记录的应聘者,本酒店将不予考虑。In the case of re-hiring previously terminated associates, approval must be obtained from the General Manager.再次申请入职的员工必须得到总经理的特别批准。Employment of Family Members 酒店员工亲属的聘用It is the policy of Banyan Tree Lijiang to hire a spouse or close relative only under ve
35、ry special circumstances.仅在非常特殊的情况下, 丽江悦榕庄才会考虑雇佣员工的配偶或近亲。Probation Period 试用期A new associate is subject to a probationary period of 3-6 months for all levels.所有的新入职员工都有 3 至 6 个月的试用期。A new associate, after completion of 45 days and 90 days, must be appraised by Supervisor or Department Head.部门主管或经理将在
36、新员工入职 45至 90天内对其进行评估。If the performance evaluation is satisfied, Hotel will confirm the employment by written confirmation letter.对于表现良好的员工,酒店将以书面形式做出肯定。 A probationary associate may be discharged at anytime without prior notice and heshe is not entitled to compensation of any kind including advance
37、 notice.酒店保留在不提前通知的情况下结束试用期和不做出任何赔偿的权利。 If an associate is promoted or transferred a probationary prejudice to anyother termination clauses in this handbook or relevant employment contract, the failure to satisfy the performance standard of the promoted position in the probationary period will not r
38、esult in the termination of the promoted of the employment contract, alternatively, such promoted employee shall be degraded to his /her original position. 所有职位晋升或部门换的员工都有试用期。在不影响本手册及相关劳动合同中关于 中指条款的前提下,被升职员工在该等试用期内未达到升值职位之要求的,劳动合 同并不终止, 然而, 该等被升职员工将被除数退回原工作岗位。Promotion and Transfer 职位晋升和部门调换When a p
39、osition is open in the hotel, it will be posted on the associates'bulletin board by the associates ' entrance, and in HumanResources for a minimum of 7 days.7 天。当酒店有任何空缺职位时,人力资源部将在员工入口处的信息预告板上公布最少Generally, interdepartmental and inter-hotel transfers will not occur prior to four months of co
40、ntinuous employment .if theassociate 's wish is to transferto another department, a Request for Traansfer forms must be employed. If they with to transfer to another department, a Request for Transfer forms must be completed and approved by their department head. These forms are available in the
41、 Human Resources Department. All interviews will be arranged by Human Resources. 总体而言,酒店内部或集团内部的调换不能在入职四个月之内。如果员工希望调换到其 他部门需要填写调换部门申请表并得到其所在部门负责人的批准。 人力资源部可以提供 调换部门申请表,并安排相关所需面议。It is the philosophy of the Banyan Tree to promote from within whenever possible based upon job-related qualifications. Ho
42、w well an associate does in their present job ,attendance record, attitude, training as well as the willingness to do more than simply meet expectations, all play a significant role in the eligibility for promotion. Promotion is not based on seniority.悦榕集团的晋升理念是:基于员工在现任岗位上的工作表现及态度、考勤记录、培训表 现,和超越期望的工
43、作意愿给予晋升考虑。晋升将以上述的所有优秀表现为基础,而不 是以资历进行评估。-joband promotions will beIn case of transfer or promotions, an associate will observe an on-the probation. Unless stated otherwise, all transfer officially confirmed in writing after the probation period.。除特殊协议外,全部to work in a new position无论是晋升或是调换部门,我们都将观察试用期
44、间的员工表现 的部门调换或晋升将在试用期满后以书面形式作正式通知。 The company reserves the right to transfer any associatethe action may require location due to distance package of the associatewhenever deemed appropriate or necessary ,although changes of work schedule or conditions, department and from the associate ' residen
45、ce. The salary and benefits shall remain the same or be adjusted.酒店保留在情况需要时将员工调换到其它岗位的权利, 尽管做出的调整可能会影响到工 作时间、工作环境、部门和与其员工居住地的远近距离。薪金和福利会保持不变或做出 调整。Attendance 考勤Associates are a valuable part of the team and it is important for an associate to be on time and ready to work each day that he /she is sch
46、eduled, if an associate is unable to report to work or expects to be late for any reason, an associate is required to notify his /her supervisor or Department Head no later than 2 hours (depending upon the departmental policies) before the scheduled starting time to allow replacement arrangements to
47、 be made. 对于我们而言每位职员都不得是团队中重要的一环, 每位职员必须按照时间表准时上下 班。如果任何原因影响职员无法逆命题以岗, 职员必须提前两个小时 (以部门要求为准) 通知部门主管或负责人以便做出适当的调整与安排。An associate should advise his/her Supervisor or Department Head of the reasons for his/her absence as well as the anticipated arrival time or date of return.If the Supervisor or Depart
48、ment Head is not available, the associate should contact other management personnel. It is an associate's responsibility tocontact his/her direct supervisor as soon as possible. Messages left with fellow associates will not be accepted as notification of an absence.员工有责任尽早通知其所在部由同事转达)将是不被接受员工需要申
49、请假期必须提前请示部门主管或负责人,并提供缺勤由和返岗日期。如果不 能及时联系上部门主管或负责人则必须请示人力资源部。 门的其他主管。未经部门主管或负责人许可的留言(比如: 的并按缺勤处理。illness or injury, an associate 's note upon his /her return toIf absence from work is more than three days due to may be required to submit a appointed doctor work. An associate should call the Superv
50、isor or Department Head on the first day of his absence and provide him/her with an estimated date of return. When an associate is ready to return to work, he /she must notify his /her Supervisor or Department Head the day before. If an associate returns to work and has not called to notify his /her
51、 supervisor, it is possible the associate may be sent home due to his /her shift being covered by another associate.三天以上因生病或受伤的病假必须出示指定医院的病假单。 员工必须第一时间将病假所 需天数通知部门主管或负责人并在返回工作前一天与部门主管或负责人确认如果没有 进行砍认,将有可能由于其他同事代替其岗位而被要求回家。If an advocate wishes to be excused from work for a particular day for any reas
52、on other than sickness or injury,an associate needs to apply for leave from hisher Department Head or Supervisor and obtain hisher prior written approval.如果不是由于生病或受伤, 员工需要提前才书面形式对部门主管或负责人提出假期申请 并且得到其书面许可。An associate is responsible for being in place to start the shift as scheduled. Tardiness and ex
53、cessive absenteeism are sufficient grounds for disciplinary action which may include suspension andor termination. 若员工在规定假期结束后没有按时报到,将会面临包括可能中止和 处分。 Overtime 加班 Due to the workload of the hotel, the supervisor may ask associates to work beyond the normal shift and, whenever possible ,associates will
54、 be given advance notice . overtime work will be distributed as equitably as possible to equalize the opportunity for overtime among all associates in a given work schedule ,while meeting the company' high level of service commitment .overtime mustbeapproved in advance by the supervisor. 在酒店工作需要
55、的情况下,部门主管有权利要求员工加班。如果时间许可的话,员工会 提前收到通知。在保证酒店高水平服务的前提下,所有员工将会公平的承担加班责任。 所有的加班都必须得到由部门主管的事先许可。 Working hours not recorded or reforming/ 或解除合同的纪律overtimeofauthorized in advance, are both serious violations in disciplinary action. 没有记录的工作时间和不被部门主管许可的加班将不予认可, 制度,并会受到酒店纪律处分。Resignation 辞职 It is the policy
56、 ofthe hotel to do exit interview withwork not specificallyhotel policy and may result两种情况均严重违背酒店all associate who would“ Part 8: Terminationlike to resign from the hotel .for more information, see of Employment ” . 根据酒店政策所有申请辞职的员工将被面试以了解离职原因, 员工离职”。It is the Banyan Tree ' s philosophy that asso
57、ciates from frank and objective performance appraisals. Accordingly, it is The Banyan Tree ' s policy to review all associates formally at least once every six months on the basis of the position description and performance objectives that are established by management .in addition, supervisors should engage in frequent and ongoing informal performance discussions with associates they supervise.具体细节可参阅“第八节and the company both benefit根据悦榕集团的理念:所有的员工都要进行工作能力考核。根据悦榕集团政策:按照工 作岗位和管理层的要求,所有员工都将参与六个月一次的能力考核。此外,部门主管有 责任经常与其所属部门员工进行非正式的工作表现讨论。Annual performance reviews consistof a w
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