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1、基本功能口语基本功能口语3. Agreement and Disagreement3. Agreement and Disagreement同意与不同意同意与不同意基本表达基本表达1. I(dis)agree(totally, absolutely,entirely) 我(完全) (不)同意2.I (dis)agree with you(about that).3.I am for(against)it.4.in fovor of赞成object to反对5.sure(of course, you bet) 当然6.I think(believe, suppose) so.7.Never(no

2、 way, surely not,Not on your life,over my dead body)8.(dis)approve (不)赞成,许可经典句式经典句式1.Dont you agree?2. Can I ask if you agree with his argument?3. I wonder if you would agree money doesnt mean happiness.4. You dont disagree, do you?5. I absolutely agree. 6. I suppose so.7. Oh, I agree entirely.8. I

3、agree in principle, but our emotions exist anyway.9. I dont think so.10. I think youre absolutely wrong.对话练习对话练习 DIALOGUE 1W: What do you think of the new television channel? Arent the programs aweful?M: I quite agree with you. They are terrible. They are complete waste of time, but my wife disagree

4、s with me.W: Actually, what bothers me is the violence. There are far too many detective and police shows.M: I couldnt agree with you more. There arent enough educational programs, and even the news shows are not well done.W: You are absolutely right. They are too brief. They dont tell you anything.

5、DIALOGUE 2M: What a great weekend that was!W: My feelings exactly.M: I really enjoy the beach in the summer.W: I couldnt agree with you more.M: We should come here more often.W: You are absolutely right.M: Id like to come back next weekend.W: Thats exactly the way I feel.DIALOGUE 3M: China will fina

6、lly become a superpower in my opinion. What do you think?W: Im afraid I cant agree with you. Chinese leaders have already said China will never be a superpower.M: But things will change, you know.W: Other countries may, but I dont believe China will.DIALOGUE 4W: I thought that a quite good film, did

7、nt you?M: Yes, I did.W: Its one of the best that have come out this year, I think.M: I quiet agree with you.DIALOGUE 5M: Did you go to the movie yesterday?W: Yes, I did.M: What did you think of it?W: I dont think much of the film.M: I think it is the worst one I have ever seen.W: Oh, Im not sure I a

8、gree with you. It was not a good one, but it was not the worst one. Actually, it wasnt too bad.M: I cant think the same.W: Whats more, some scenes were good, much fit for the children.M: I couldnt agree with you.DIALOGUE 6W: Why do you want to spend your summer days in a mountain village?M: I think

9、a mountain village is splendid!W: I dont agree with you. Its too small to live.M: It has fresh air, and it is nicer than a big town.W: I disagree, a big town is more lively.M: But I like the small mountain village. The big town is noisy. How charming it is when walking along the hill!W: Well, alrigh

10、t, I agree with you about that, but I still prefer a big town.短文短文 津贴还是无息贷款?津贴还是无息贷款? My colleague thinks the government should give all the students a weekly wage. Im not sure I agree with him. Some students would want to be students for the whole of their life; however, my colleague doesnt think s

11、o. He said that he doesnt need a high wage, just an allowance. I dont think it would be a good idea. I think it would be better for the government to give students an interest free loan. Thats what they do in Sweden. Then my colleague agrees with me. He thinks that sounds like quite a good idea. The

12、 students can pay it back in ten years.表达同意和不同意常见的句子1. 同意I am on your side.I am in favor of you.I quite agree with you.I cantt agree more.I go along with you (on that point).You can say that again.I see no reason why not.You have my approval.I share your oppion.Thats just I want to say.Thats just ho

13、w I think.Thats exactly what I had in mind.No problem here.I have no objection.Thats how I see it, too.Thats a good idea.Youve got something here.2.不同意I am afraid I cant agree.I dont think It is a good idea.Do you really think so?Im sorry I cannot agree with you there.I have a different oppion.We do

14、nt see eye to eye on this.You have a point here, but there are other things we have to consider.No, I wont agree!dont waste your breath.I beg to differ on this topic.Stop dreaming, come down to the earth.I wont buy your story.Thats not true(the case).I wont accept what you said.I must say Im opposed

15、 to (disapprove of)your plan(attitude,oppinion,decision)Nonsense!(rubbish, come off it, not a chance,shut up,shit)Are you kidding?(you must be joking, you cant be serious!)Thats unreasonable(ridiculous).句子翻译句子翻译1. 我和你有同感。2. 我们都赞同他的计划。3.听起来不错,我觉得完全可以接受。4.我反对这个决定。5.你一定是疯了。6.我认为这本小说不怎么样。7.我认为这不现实 。8. 那样做有点蠢。9.课上玩手机是不对的。10.恐怕我不接受你的建议。1.Im of the same oppinon as you.2.We all agree to his plan.3.Sounds nice, I find it quite acceptable.4.


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