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1、实用标准,般现在时和现在进行时练习一:用所给词的适当形式填空1. Sometimes she (watch)TV. Now she (watch) TV.2. Jim, my good friend, (be) sixteen years old.3. There (be) some books and pens on the desk.4. Mrs White (teach) English. She (teach) English now.5. Are you (make) a model plane? - Yes, I am.6. How you (like) China? -I (li

2、ke) China very much.7. She usually (do) her homework in the evening.8. Mike (have) breakfast at home every day.9. We often (play) games after school.10. When your mother (get) up every day?11. Look! They (talk) over there.12. Listen! Mary (sing) in the next room.13. -Who (swim)in the river? -Tom is.

3、 He likes (swim).14. Tom, it ' s time (get) up. It' s 7:30.15. Let' s (go) home.16. Ann is good at (draw).17. Tom (like) singing. But now he (not sing).18. It takes me half an hour (go) to school.19. If I (have)time tomorrow, I (go). 20. Please (tell) her as soon as you (see) her tomorro

4、w.二:改错1. He don' t like playing football.2. What they eat in the party?3. Daming watchs TV in the evening.4. Does he usually has a party?5. He fishing now.6. Where are you come from?7. I am like English very much.8. Do they often homework after school.三:把一般现在时改成现在进行时。1. He throws a frisby every

5、afternoon. Hea frisby now.2. My parents often make cakes for me. My parents cakes for me now.3. They must clean the bedroom once a week. Look, theythe bedroom.4. The students read English every day. The students English at the moment.5. The monkey jumps up and down. The monkey up and down.2017年中考英语单

6、项选择题练习动词的时态1. -Oh, dears, power cut!-Sorry, I didn ' t know you the washing machine.A. are using B. used C.use D. were using2. -I think our teacher, Mrs Allen, knows everything.-I agree. Because she over 2,000 books.A. read B.has used C.reads D.is reading3. It seems that E1 Nino some disasters i

7、n the world in the past few months.A. has caused B. is causing C. will cause D. caused4. -Have you ever climbed Mount Tai, Carol?-Yes, I in Taian for a week last year and reached the top of it twice.A. had stayed B.stay C. stayed D. have stayed5. -I have ever seen Alice in Wonderland II(爱丽丝梦游仙境 II &

8、#187;)-When?-Two weeks ago ?A. did you see it B.have you seen it C.do you see it D. will you see it6. Look! A dog a blind man across the road.A leads B. lead C. is leading d. led7. This museum here for over 80 years. It one of the oldest buildings in this city.A. Is, was, B. had been, is C. was, has

9、 been d has been, is8. He the city since he graduated from college.A. Has left B. left C. has been away from9. -Can john play soccer with us, Mrs. Black?-One moment, please. He on the phone to his cousin.A. Talks B. talked C. talking d. is talking10. Steve TV in the living room when his mother came

10、in.A. Was watching B. watches C. is watching11. -It ' s the second time i came to Xiamen. It a lot.-Yes, it ' s more and more beautiful.A. Was changing B. has changed C. will change12. Lei feng for many years. But his spirit is still encouraging us.A. Died B.has been dead C. has died13. -May

11、 I speak to Mr. Lee?-Sorry,he Harbin. He the city for two days.A. has been to,has been in B. has gone to, has been to C.has gone to, has been in14. -Are you going to watch“Running Man" tonight?-No! I it with y parents only once. I don' t think it ' s exciting.A. See B. have seen C. will

12、 see D. am seeing15. The engineers a new computer in our classroom the whole yesterday morning, so we had our classes in the school hall.A. Were fixing B.fixed C. have fixed D. are fixing16. -Could you tell me where you found Miss Gao just now?-Certainly. In the principal ' s office. They happil

13、y at that time.A. Are talking B.have talked C.were talking17. -It ' s a great pity that the famous football player has gone to another club.-Don ' t worry. They another top star recently.A. buy B.bought C.have bought18. -Mom,I the great wall in the last two years.-Well, I will take you there

14、 next month.A. don' t visit B. won ' t visit C. haven ' t visited D. didn ' t visit19. Everyone wants to reach the top of the mountain, but all the happiness happens while you it.A. climb B. climbed C. are climbing D. have climbed20. - you ever Han Hong singlive?-of course. A couple

15、of times in different cities.A. Have, seen B. did, see C. do,see D. are, seeing21. -What would you like to have for supper, jack?-Either noodles or rice ok. I don' t mid.A. are B. were C. is D. was22. -Jim. Who that in the white coat?-It ' s my brother, Joe.A. did B. does C.are D.is23. -Does

16、 jimmy still work as a driver?-No. He has for two years.A. left the company B. gone to shanghai C. studied in college D.lost his job24. -Where did you go last weekend?-I to the great wall.A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone25. Please don ' t make so much noise. The baby now.A. Sleeps B. slept

17、C. will sleep D. is sleeping26. It ' s nice to see you again. We each other since 2014.A. Won t see B. don ' t see C. haven ' t seen D. didn ' t see27. -I heard your father had gone to Beijing on business.-Yes,and he in three weeks.A. will return B.has returned C.returned D.returns28

18、. -Have you watched the new movie Kung Fu Panda 3 , Kelly?-Not yet, I it with my classmate tonight.A. will watch B. was watching C. have watched29. My husband always meflowers every week before we got married, but nowhe never .A. sent, does B.sends, does C.was going to send, do D.sent, do30. -Have y

19、ou returned the book to the library yet?-Not yet. Don ' t worry. I it soon.A. return B.returned C. have returned D. will return31. Last week, Vivian a dress for her mother with her first-month salary.A. buy B. bought C. will buy D. would buy32. - you ever to the great wall?-Yes, three times.A. H

20、as, been B. have, been C. have,gone33. -I have to be off right now.-What a pity. I you could stay a little longer with us.A. Thought B. am thinking C. think D. was thinking34. School violence( 暴力) much attention of the whole society and people are callingthe government to make laws against it as ear

21、ly as possible.A. drew B. will draw C. has drawn D. was drawing35. unless the weather , we will have to cancel the picnic.A. Improve B. improves C. improved D.will improve文案大全实用标准2017年初三中考英语现在完成时专项练习一、时态讲解:现在完成时(1)构成:现在完成时由助动词 have+过去分词构成,助动词have有人称和数的变化。第三人称单 数用has,其余用have.现在完成时的否定式直接在助动词后面加上not,疑问

22、式是把助动词提到主语之前。以 study为例,其否定式,疑问式和简单回答形式如下:否定式:疑问式:I have not( haven ' t) studied.Have I studied.?You have not( haven ' t) studied.Have you studied.?He has not( hasn ' t) studied.Has he studied.?否定疑问式:简单回答(肯定/否定)Have I not( Haven ' t I ) studied.?Yes, you have. No, you haven ' t.Ha

23、ve you not( Haven ' t you) studied.?Yes,I have. No, I haven ' t.Has he not(Hasn ' t he) studied.?Yes, he has. No, he hasn ' t.(2)用法:1)现在完成时通常表示在说话之前已经完成的动作或存在的状态。说话人强调的是该动作或状态对现在的结果或影响。My daughter has just gone out.我女儿刚出去。I ' m sure we ' ve met before.我肯定我们以前见过面。She has arriv

24、ed.她到了。2)表示持续到现在的动作或状态,往往和包括现在在内的表示一段时间的状语连用,如 recently, already, just, lately, for., since,yet等, 如:I haven ' t heard from her these days.这些日子我没有收到她的信。We haven t seen you recently.最近我们没有见至九你。They have been away for two years.他们离开已经 两年了。She has been with us since Monday.她自从星期一开始就和我们在一起。注意:a) sinc

25、e和for 的区别since 后接时间点,如 1993, last term, yesterday, the time I got therefor后接一段时间,表示“长达多久”,如ten years, a while, two days 等。Exercise: 用 since 和 for 填空1. Jim has been in Ireland Monday.2. Jill has been in Ireland three days.文案大全实用标准3. His aunt has lived in Australia 15days.4. Mary is in her office. She

26、 has been there 7 o ' clock.5. India has been an independent country 1974.6. The bus is late. They ' ve been waiting 20 minutes.7. Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty many years.8. Mike has been 川 a long time. He has been in hospital October. 3)表示短暂意义的动词如 arrive, leave, borrow

27、, buy, begin, start, die等。在完成时当中不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。因为它们表示的动作不可能持续。因此,不能说: The old man has died for 4 months. XThey have left only for 5 minutes. X以上两句可以改为:The old man has for 4 months.They have only for 5 minutes.4) have(has) been和have(has) gone的区别:表示“曾到过某地"要用 have(has) been,表示“已 经去某地"要用have(h

28、as) gone 。试比较:Where has he been? 他刚才到哪里去了 ?(已经回来)Where has he gone?他上哪儿去了 ?(人不在)They have been to Canada.他们到过加拿大。(现在已经不在加拿大)They have gone to Canada.他们到加拿大去了。(可能在路上和已经到加拿大)5)现在完成时不能和表示过去的时间状语连用。如 yesterday, last year, in1976, two days ago, just now, when I came in,但可以和 already, yet, sometimes, alway

29、s, often,before, lately,recently, once, twice, ever, never等连用。例如:She has already come. 她已经来了。I haven ' t read it yet.我还没读过这个。I have met him before.我从前曾见过他。Ma Hong has always been a good student马红直是个好学生。I have often seen him in the street.我经常在街上看见他。They have never been to Yan ' an. 他们从未去过延安。I

30、 haven ' t seen him lately.我近来没看到他。一.用作及物动词的 wish和hope之比较1 .与不定式短语搭配时的异同比较作及物动词时,wish和hope都与to do sth. 搭配。但分析表明,wish to do sth. 意为“现在”想 做某事。它表达的是眼下的要求或意愿(一般容易实现),其中“do”隐含的时间状语是“noW或“then”, 而hope to do sth. 意为想在“将来”做成某事,它表达的是一个想要实现的目标(不一定能实现) 其中“do”隐含的时间状语是“in some time to come请比较下更从语料库中摘引的例子(注:下

31、面举例均摘自Cobuild语料库)。A lady wished to see me urgently.I wish now to give a more detailed description of the 1974 Remembrance Day march.DRI hopes to Out-Dos Ms-Dos with DR Dos.Their lawyer hopes to take the case to the European Council.有时,wish与to do sth.搭配主要是表示礼貌和郑重。如:The authors wish to thank Ron Hoch

32、sprung at Apple for his patience and support.2 .与that引导的从句搭配时的异同比较作及物动词时,wish和hope都与that-clause搭配,但存在三方面的差异:1)在组合模式上,wish和that-clause 只以sb.+wish+that-clause的形式组合。而 hope和that-clause 可以 sb.+hope+that-clause 以及 it+be+hoped+that-clause两种形式组合。2)在语义上,wish+that-clause 和hope+that-clause 虽都表示愿某种理想的情况(由 that-

33、clause 表示出来)在“过去”、“现在”或“将来”出现。但 wish意味着所希望的是与事实相反的情况。因 此几乎没有出现的可能性,而 hope意味着说话人认为所希望的情况有可能出现。Exercise:I.Fill in the blanks with the proper form.1. I already (see)the file. I (see) it last week.2. he (finish) his work today? Not yet.3. My father just (come)back from work. He is tired now.4. Where s L

34、i Ming? He (go)to the teacher' s office.5. I (work) here since I (move)here in 1999.6. So far I (make)quite a few friends here.7. How long the Wangs (stay)here? For two weeks.8. I just (finish) my homework.9. He (go)to school on foot every day.10. you (find)your science book yet?11. If it (be)fi

35、ne tomorrow. I' ll go with you.12. The students (read)English when the teacher came in.13. Look! The monkey (climb)the tree.14. My mother (come)to see me next Sunday.15. I' ve lost my pen. you (see) it anywhere?II.chose the best answer1. How long have you here?A. Come B. got C.arrived D.been

36、2. My grandpa died .A. At the age of my 2 B.for 2 years C.when I was 2 D.my age was 63. Jane has to Beijing. She will come back tomorrow.A. been B.gone C.went D.never been4. It is ten years I last saw her.A. after B.since C.for D.that5. -Who will go to the station to meet Lorry?-I will. I her severa

37、l times.A. met B.have met C.ha met D.will meet6. -What a nice dress! How long you it? -Just 2 weeks.A. will, buy B. did, buy C.are, having D.have,had7. -Do you know Lydia very well?-Yes, She and I friends since we were very young.A. have made B.have become C. have been D. have turned8. The Smiths in

38、 China for 8 years.A. has lived B.lived C.have been D.live9. -Hello, this is Mr. Green speaking. Can I speak to Mr. Black?-Sorry. He the Bainiao Park.A. has been to B.has gone to C.went to D.will go to10. - you ever to the US?-Yes,twice.A. Have,gone B.Have,been C.Do, go D.were, going III. Rewrite the sentences.1. I have been to Macau before.(改为否定句)I been to Macau before.2. He hasn' t come to school because he was ill.(就划线部分提问)he come to school?3. I bought a new b


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