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1、Module 7Australia Unit 1 Im looking for the photosthat you took in Australia.1.能辨别所描述的细节能辨别所描述的细节;2.能够介绍参观过的某个地点;能够介绍参观过的某个地点;3.按照感叹句的正确语调朗读句子。按照感叹句的正确语调朗读句子。Objectives:1. Where is Australia?southern northern easternwesternIts in thepart of the world.Do you know?Warming up3. What language do the Aus

2、tralians speak? a. English. b. French.2. What is the capital of Australia? A. Sydney. B. Canberra (堪培拉堪培拉). kangaroocamelcrocodilesharkkoala4. What animals can you see in Australia?Great Barrier Reef (大堡礁大堡礁)The Great Barrier Reef is in Australia.The Great Barrier Reef is one of the natural wonders

3、of the world.The Great Barrier Reef that is one of the natural wonders of the world is in Australia.Can you describe these photos?大堡礁大堡礁是世界最大最长的珊瑚礁群,它位是世界最大最长的珊瑚礁群,它位于澳大利亚东北部昆士兰省对岸,是一处于澳大利亚东北部昆士兰省对岸,是一处延绵延绵2000公里的地段,它纵贯蜿蜒于澳大公里的地段,它纵贯蜿蜒于澳大利亚东海岸。在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁露利亚东海岸。在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁露出水面形成珊瑚岛。在礁群与海岸之间是出水面形成珊瑚岛

4、。在礁群与海岸之间是一条极方便的交通海路。风平浪静时,游一条极方便的交通海路。风平浪静时,游船在此间通过,船下连绵不断的多彩、多船在此间通过,船下连绵不断的多彩、多形的珊瑚景色,就成为吸引世界各地游客形的珊瑚景色,就成为吸引世界各地游客猎奇观赏的最佳海底奇观。猎奇观赏的最佳海底奇观。 This is the Sydney Opera House.The Sydney Opera House is like a huge sailing boat with water on three sides. This is the Sydney Opera House that is like a hu

5、ge sailing boat with water on three sides.the Sydney Opera House (悉尼歌剧院悉尼歌剧院)悉尼歌剧院悉尼歌剧院是澳大利亚全国表演艺术中是澳大利亚全国表演艺术中心。又称海中歌剧院。它矗立在新南威心。又称海中歌剧院。它矗立在新南威尔士州首府悉尼市贝尼朗岬角上,紧靠尔士州首府悉尼市贝尼朗岬角上,紧靠着世界著名的海港大桥的一块小半岛上,着世界著名的海港大桥的一块小半岛上,三面环海,南端与市内植物园和政府大三面环海,南端与市内植物园和政府大厦遥遥相望。建筑造型新颖奇特、雄伟厦遥遥相望。建筑造型新颖奇特、雄伟瑰丽,外形犹如一组扬帆出海的船队,

6、瑰丽,外形犹如一组扬帆出海的船队,也像一枚枚屹立在海滩上的洁白大贝壳,也像一枚枚屹立在海滩上的洁白大贝壳,与周围海上的景色浑然一体。与周围海上的景色浑然一体。 Uluru is a huge rock. The rock is in the centre of Australia.Uluru is a huge rock that is in the centre of Australia. Uluru (乌奴奴乌奴奴)乌奴奴乌奴奴屹立在沙漠中心屹立在沙漠中心, 高高348米米, 周界周界9.3 公里,是丛林漫步和攀山人士无法抗拒的公里,是丛林漫步和攀山人士无法抗拒的诱惑。在乌奴奴,单是日出和

7、日落,就足诱惑。在乌奴奴,单是日出和日落,就足以令你目瞪口呆。日出日落时分,大石闪以令你目瞪口呆。日出日落时分,大石闪耀出的幻变光彩比阳光还要夺目耀出的幻变光彩比阳光还要夺目, 从黑变从黑变紫、蓝变棕、橙变红紫、蓝变棕、橙变红,它的颜色甚至会随天它的颜色甚至会随天气而改变气而改变, 跟四周的平坦的沙漠形成强烈对跟四周的平坦的沙漠形成强烈对比。比。ReviewWords and expressionsRead the explanation and speak out the word it explains.by the side of; next to; beside a small ite

8、m; specific aspect; particular the part on the end of the human arm; help with doing something that needs a lot of effort, help, assistance handn. 协助;手协助;手alongsideprep. 在在.的旁边的旁边, 沿着沿着. n. 细节细节detail1.Answer the questions. Use the words in the box and the photos to help you. camel crocodile jump ka

9、ngaroo rock shark southern1 Whats the largest English-speaking country in the southern part of the world?2 What famous things can you see there?3 What animals can you see there?1 Whats the largest English-speaking country in the southern part of the world?Australia.2 What famous things can you see t

10、here?We can see the great Barrier Reef, the Opera House, and Ulurua huge rock in the desert.3 What animals can you see there?Kangaroos, camels, sharks, crocodiles, etc.2.Listen and check your answers.Listen first and then read.Listen and read the conversation.Complete the table. Use words and phrase

11、s from the conversation in Activity 3 and the box in Activity 1. 123NameUluruPlacein the centre of AustraliaDetail special huge rockSydney Opera HouseSydney like a hugesailing boatThe GreatBarrierReefAustralia sharkPhotoListen again and check the answers.1 Why does Tony want his dads photos of Austr

12、alia?2 Does he know where to find them?3 What does Tony think of the photos?Because he needs them to do his project on Australia.No, he doesnt.He thinks theyre great.5. Answer the questions.4 Why does Tony want to borrow the camera?5 Is Tonys dad surprised that Tony wants to win the photo competitio

13、n?6 Does Tonys dad lend him the camera at once?Because he wants to take photographs for the school photo competition.No, he isnt.Not immediately he says he can have it when hes finished his project work.6.Complete the sentences in your own words.1 Tony is looking for the photos that his dad took in

14、Australia because he _.2 Tony is going to write a letter to his mum and dad that describes _.3 He likes the photo that shows _.4 The kangaroos that Tonys dad saw were _.the sharkwants to do his homeworkwhat Australia is likejumping alongside the carSay the sentences aloud.1 Great! Thanks.2 Hey! What

15、s that?3 Its fantastic!4 Wow! Its amazing!Tips: 听的时候注意感叹句的语调。听的时候注意感叹句的语调。Now say the sentences aloud.8.Think of somewhere you have visited and which you liked, make notes aboutthe best things you saw there.Now work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the place you have chosen.Say what its call

16、ed.Mount TaiSay where it is.Shandong ProvinceSay what special details it has.one of the Five Mountains in ChinaWhat are you up to?Would you like a hand?Great! Thanks.Have a look at these.Hey! Whats that?I bet you do!Its amazing!本课时主要句型本课时主要句型Expressions:1.in the southern part of =in the south of 在在的

17、南部的南部2. look for 寻找寻找3. do a project about 4. have a look at 看一下看一下5. a huge rock 一块巨石一块巨石6.with water on three sides 三面环水三面环水7.on ones way 在在的路上的路上8. by the way 顺便问一下顺便问一下9. a photo competition 摄影比赛摄影比赛10. in the centre of 在在中心中心11.like a huge sailing boat 像一艘巨大的扬帆出海的船像一艘巨大的扬帆出海的船 We should give a h_ to the people who are in trouble.2. Can y


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