1、' s hull, in Ion gitudi nal direct ion ,where theC 1.in dicate that the vertical deflect ion of a shiphull midsh ips is bent up wards.A. Sheari ngB. Saggi ngC. Hoggi ngD. Buckli ngC 2.Floati ng, caused by winds and curre nt with a determ in able direct ion defines.A. Floating 流动B. Saili ngC. Dri
2、fting 漂流D. Running into dan gerB 3.What are essential 基本的 to ensure the effective impiementation 履行 of the ship security plan?.A. C on troll ing access to the shipB. Training 培养 and drillsC. C on trolli ng the restricted areaD. Mon itori ng the shi p at timenext to the noticeA 4.The notice which is
3、based on original information is indicated bynu mber.A. A starB. A dot圆点C. A dashD. A circleD 5.lf the electr onic chart is part of an ECDIS,it must dis play the minimum date required by IMO/IHD,to in clude all of the followi ng EXCEPT.A. Hydrogra phyB. Aids to n avigatio nC. Tidal curre ntsD. Regul
4、atory boundaries 监管边界B 6.The only cylindrical chart projection widely 广泛的 used for navigation is the.A. Lambert con formalB. MercatorC. AzimuthalD. G nomonicA7.The AIS transpon der is desig ned to tran smit in formati onA. AutomaticallyB. Semi automaticallyC. Ma nuallyD. AIS is not tran smitt ing at
5、 all8.lnformation from the stations and installations shall be appropriately 适当的 shared 共享 by.BA. all crew membersB. all the watchkee ping personnelC. all p asse ngershan ded screw. With rudder amidsh ips and calm wind.D. all visitorsB 9.A vessel is equipped with a sin gle rightthe vessel will most
6、likely back.A. straight aster nB. to portC. to starboardD. i n no p articular direct ionC 10.A cyclone in its final stage of deve lopmen t is called a nA. tor nadoB. an ticycl oneC. occluded cyclone or occluded frontD. po lar cycloneA 1l|.The table below is to record Section TV NTM amendments 改正 thi
7、s volume.Sub-paragraph (小段)numbers in the margin (空白) of the book are to assist (辅助,帮助) the user whe n making ame ndme nt to this volume.A. affecting影响,感动B. correcting 校正,修正C. influencing 影响,改变D. effecting效果,作用D 12.ln which situation do you think a risk of collision exists? |A. A vessel is broad on
8、your port bow, range in creas ing ,beari ng cha nging slightly to the rightB. A vessel is broad on your starboard beam range decreas ing, beari ng cha nging rapi dly to the rightC. A vessel is broad abaft your port beam, range increasing, bearing is constant (不变的)D. A vessel is on your starboard qua
9、rter (右舷后 部),range decreasing 减少,bearing is constantB 13.The doldrums (赤道无风带)are characterized by.A. steady,light to moderate windsB. frequent频繁的calms平静C. clear skiesD.low humidityBe characherized by 具有的特性are dist ing uished by.shapeD 14.All marks within the IALA system (国际航标协会系统) top mark (顶标) ligh
10、t characteristics 灯光特性 colorA. B. CD.Be distinguished by 以为特征A 15.There shall be into sleeping rooms from cargo and machinery spaces or fromgalleys,storerooms, drying rooms or com munal san itary areas .A. no direct openingsB. direct openingsC. no more tha n one direct openingD. up to one direct ope
11、ning(e) there shall be no direct opening into sleeping rooms from cargo and machinery space or fro m galleys, storerooms ,drying rooms or communal sanitary areas; that part of a bulkhead separ ating such places from sleeping rooms and external bulkhead shall be efficiently constructed o f steel or o
12、ther approved substanee and be watertight and gas-tight;船员在船上起居舱室公约(修正本)Ai6.A weather map is a synoptic (天气的,概要的)date because it.A. summarizes (简要说明,概述) a great deal of informationB. ca n be interp reted accurately 精确的C. app ears dailyD. is prepared by the Weather Bureau 气象局甲类航海英语最新补充500题第010B17.The
13、 port in which crew or p asse ngers go on board the ship is called.A. port of callB. port of embarkation 启航港 embarkation 装载,乘坐C. port of desti nati onD. port of disembarkati on航海英语丙类第七卷htt p:/we nk?url=Ec66R8CditgJWnxskX3A1WWrPuk6 PumFWYQ pca9tLBf3vlbNJTdTlmKji7YmyUZgEKt9q2UOAUM4ITvYaDH HqP wU8odmVA
14、XWGECA_Ey nP3C 18.is not ordin arily applied to(适用于)p asse nger or to comb in ati on p asse nger andfreight ships 货船A. displacement tonnage 排水吨位B. deadweight tonnage 载重吨位C. registered tonnage 登记吨位D. gross tonnage 总吨位C 19.ln the doldrums you will not haveA. high relative humidityB. freque nt showers
15、and thun derstormsC. stee p p ressure gradie ntsD. freque nt calms3300 题库 735; 2580 题库 1037once it is set up correctly.A 20.The VDR syste(航行数据记录仪)is desig ned to op eratethere is no user in teract ion (交互作用).A. automaticallyB. accuratelyC. promptly 迅速的D. consp icuouslyA 21.You discharge garbage 垃圾 o
16、verboard (向船外)at sea. When recording your vesselpo siti on as required. you must includeA. course, sp eed, and estimated dista nee from shore 航向,航速和必要的离岸距离B. latitude,longitude and approximate 近似估计 depth of waterC. l atitude,l on gitude,course,s peed, and a copy of that days noon po siti on sli pD.
17、l atitude and Ion gitude航海英语旧题库第十章(2889-3867)3595prevent the davits 吊艇柱 formhtt p: / p-1ede72002af90242a895e5fb-26.htmlC22jln the lifeboat stowed (填装)position, two accidentally swinging out (向舷外转) .A. harbour pinsB. horsC. lifti ng hooksin the air.D. gri pesB23 .Humidity 湿气 is known as the amount of
18、A. hydrogen 氢B. moisture 水分C. dustD. Temp eratureA 24 .The shoreli ne on charts gen erally rep rese nts the meanA. high water line 一般情况下B. low water lineC. low water spring lineD. tide level -dae6e71cb7360b4c2e3f6413 -3.htmlA 25.ln the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer 转向、改向 when the windA.
19、 cha nges direct ion clockwise, as from north to east,etc.B. cha nges direct ion viole ntly and erraticallyC. rema ins con sta nt in direct ion and sp eedD. cha nges direct ion coun terclockwise, as from south to east,etc.735在北半0955. In the Norther n Hemis phere a wind is said to veer whe n the wind
20、A球,当我们说风向“veer时,说明风向如何变化()A. Changes direction clockwise,as from north to east , etc.风向顺时针变化,比如由北风 变成东风等B. Changes direction violently and erratically 风向变化快速且剧烈C. Rema ins con sta nt in direct ion and sp eed 风力风速保持不变D. Chan ges direct ion coun terclockwise , as from south to east , etc. 风向逆时针变化,比女口
21、由南风变为东风等(航海英语光盘版0955)由东风逆时针变化到南南西(船长光盘题库2197)D 26 .The vertical distanee between crest 波峰 and trough 波谷 is called the.A. wave heightB. wave aweighC. wave highD. wave heightD 27.ln particular 特别地,which not included in the Navigation System 导航系统?A. ECDISB. RADARC. G PSD. GMDSSC 28.A n avigator fixing
22、a vessel's position by radarA. should n ever use radar beari ngsB. should only use radar beari ngs whe n the range exceeds the dista nee to the horiz on.C. ca n use radar in formati on from one object to fix the po siti onD. must use in formati on from targets forward of the beam.2580 219if the
23、followingcriteria 标航海人员用雷达测定船位,可使用某一物标的雷达信息来定位A 29.The manoeuvrability 操纵性 of the ship is considered _准 are comp lied with.A. satisfactory令人满意的B. satisfactorilyC. smooth平滑的D. smoothlyB30.Data relat ing to the direct ion and velocity of rotary tidal curre nts can be found in theA. Mariner ' s Gui
24、deB. Tidal Curre nt TablesC. Nautical Alma nacD. Tide Tables'意SiactiOjnss taxD unen ti ons【参考译文】潮流表可查到到有关旋转潮流方向和速度的资料 2008第45期英语考题 第一题 三副航海英语试题详解第五题B 31.lf the officer on watch is in any doubt as to the p ilotA. no tify the Captain as soon as po ssibleB. seek clarification 澄清,说明from the pilotC.
25、take acti on by his own judgme ntD. cease the duty of pilot' s at once2580 91651期16题32(关联题)Positi on or direct ions relative to the ship 'fore-a nd-aft line 首尾线 are exp ressed as being either;1. Ahead 向前 or astern 向船尾 (or dead ahead or dead astern 正前方或正后方,if p recisely so)2.0n the bow (在船头方向
26、 45° 范围内)on one side or the other of dead ahead3.0n the beamat 90 to dead ahead (on the side or the other)4.on the quarter (在尾舷方向) on one side or the other of dead asternBow beam and quarter can be sub-divided 纟田分 in order to indicate bearings with great precision 精度1.Bow An object may bear eit
27、her fine or broad 宽的 on the bow . Fine on the bow means up to about 30 ° (say two to three points)on either side of dead ahead. Broad on the bow means between about 30 ° on the bow and 30 ° before the bean 尖部2. Beam. An object may be either broad on the beam, that is about 90° to
28、 dead head. orbefore the beam or abaft 在正横后 the beam. Before and abaft the beam are terms that apply up to about 30 ° on either side of a beam bearing3. Quarter. An object may bear on either the port or starboard quarter ,up to about 80 on either side of dead aster n. An object beari ng on the
29、beam is said to abeam34 .An object bears broad on the bow。 It means thatA. Its bearing is up to 30 ° on either side of dead aheadB. Its beari ng is two to three points on either side of dead aheadC. Its bearing is about 30 ° to 60 ° either side of dead aheadD. Its bearing is up to 60
30、° on either side of dead aheadto dead35 .An object may broad on the beam. It means that. Its beari ng is about 90ahead Its bearing is before the bean Its bearing is abaft the beamA.BCDoror1tson either side of36 .Am object may bear on either the port or starboard quarter .It means that_ bearing
31、is about 120 ° to 240 ° of dead ahead 2.Its bearing is up to about 60dead ahead 3. Its bearing is between about 30 ° abaft port beam and starboard beamA. 1B. 1 . 2C. 3D. 1,2,337 .which one of the follow ings is in correct?.A. The directi on of an object should be exp ressed as being e
32、ither ahead or aster nB. sub-dividi ng bow, beam and quarter is to in dicate beari ng with great p recisi onC. Before is a term used to express a bearing about 30 ° on either side of a beamD. The direct ion ahead or aster n of an object is relative to ship-an d-aft line ' s foreA 38 .If the
33、 rotation 旋转,轮流 for this vessel is Felixstowe, Antwerp, Le Havre, Hamburg and Rotterdam. The container for Rotterdam is right at theof the heap 堆阵.A. uppermost 最高B. middle 中间C. bottom 底部D. aftermost 最后的B 39.moving rather quickly east expected 150 miles south of Cape Farewell 972 by160000GMTA. Deve l
34、oped lowB. Develo ping lowC. Be ing devel oped lowD. Low to be deve loped发展中低压正在向东快速移动,预计在 160000GMT在Cape Farewell南150海里达到972。 3300 977A 40 .Chart lege nds (海图标题栏)which in dicate a consp icuous 显著的 Ian dmark are prin tedinA. capi tal letters大写字母B. italicsC. boldface printD. un derl ined letters第一题大连
35、海事大学三副航海英语考前必看整理A 41 .What is the requireme nt of a n avigator who uses an ECDIS?A. Good n avigati onal kno wledge and a pro fessi onal job attitudeB. Good compu ter kno wledgeC. Good system kno wledgeD. Noth ing sp ecial补充154 56B 42 .What is the direction of rotation of tropical cvclone 热带气旋,tropic
36、al storms and hurrica nes in the Norther n Hemis phere?A. Clockwise and outwardB. Counterclockwise and inward 逆时针、向内C. Co un terclockwise and outwardD. Clockwise and in ward2685第八题b| 43 |Depths in the routes 路线 (Malacca and Singapore Straits) vary between 20m and about 23m but there are many areas o
37、f san dwaves and dep ths are liable to cha nge The stateme nt infers thatA. de pths in malacca and Singapore Straits are stableB. .depths in malacca and Singapore Straits 海峡 are changeableC. .de pths in malacca and Singapore Straits are in variableD. .de pths in malacca and Singapore Straits are the
38、 same all the time海事服务中心教材航海图书资料 第4题B 44 .Who is respon sible for the voyage plan?A. The person who has done the planningB. The masterC. The n avigati on officerD. The owner46期第6题A 45 .Malacca Strait is 805 kmandfrom 64km in the S to 257km in the N.A. l ong, wide nsB. long, wideC. len gth, wide nsD.
39、 le ngth, wideA 46 .Traffic separation schemes 分道通航制 shall beby the Organization for the purposeof these Rules.A. adopted 采纳B. adapted 适应C. adored 崇拜D. adorned 修饰D 47 .Which one of the followings is not required on survival crafts 救生筏?A. Anti-seasickness medicine 晕船药B. Immersion suits 保暖救生服C. Axes斧头
40、D. Lifebuoys 救生圈下面哪一个在在救生筏上不需要-救生圈B 48 .Two well-developed 发达的 high pressure areas may be separated by aA. hill of low p ressureB. trough of low pressure 低压槽C. valley of low p ressureD. ridge of low p ressureB 49 .Any action to avoid collision shall, if the circumstances情况 of the case admit, _made i
41、nample 足够的 time and with due regard to 给以适当地考虑 the observanee of goodseama nship.A. be in itiativeB .be positive 积极的C .at n egative倒驶,the pivot point of a vessel is 's length from the sternD .be po sitivelyA 50 .Whe n back ing dow n with ster nwayA .about one quarter of the vesselB .at the bow
42、39;s length from the bowC .about one -third of the vesselD .aft of the prop ellers当船舶在后退时,其旋转点是在从船尾起大约四分之一的船长处。航海英语62期2750 844关联题: The container vessel stowage plan is a diagram of the structure of the container sp aces and the cargo on board. The stowage plan is divided into a series of nu mbered b
43、ay plans (排位箱, 集装箱积载图) that show the container spaces for one bay 间隔,排 at a time. Each bay 排 plan shows the cell 单元 and her numbers for each container space and provides space for container codes 编码 and weight information. The container codes 箱码 help to identify the container in that sp ace. The wei
44、ght in formati on helps the planner distribute the weight of the container. Once familiar with the container codes used in the bay plan, personnel will be able to read the bay plans to locate and ide ntify the containers in them. Container codes con sist of a port code, a container serial number, lo
45、ading sequenee 力口载顺序 code, and the container weight.“ bay是个多义词,它可以指澳,海湾(2009年路易皮斯霍斯导演美国电影),隔间,海湾 (1957年Harold Daniels导演美国电影),湾,月桂,隔舱,碇泊,海湾(地理名词51 .The container vessel stowage plan is_A .a p hoto of the containers cargo on board B .a draw ing of the container vessel structure C .a p icture of the co
46、ntainer vessel layoutD. a document showing the layout 布局 of the container spaces and cargo on board52 excluded 排除 in container codes.A .a port codeB .container typeC .container weightD .container serial nu mberA 53n the bay planscould not be found.A .the cell and tiers numbers 层数B .container codesC
47、.container ownerD .container weightD 54 The bay plan of container vessel shows the containers distributi onA .tra nsverseB .vertical 垂直的C .Ion gitud inalD .horiz on talowner, master or crew thereof, Rules or of the neglect of any of seamen, or by the special关联题:(避碰规则第二条责任responsibility)Noth ing in t
48、hese Rules shall exon erate any vessel, or the from the consequences of any neglect to comply with these precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice circumsta nces of the case.In construing and complying with these Rules due regard shall be had to all dan gers of n avigati on and colli
49、si on and to any sp ecial circumsta nces, in cludi ng the limitati ons of the vessels in volved, which may make a dep arture from these Rules n ecessary to avoid immediate dan ger.(1) A vessel shall have due regard 应有的注意 toin construing 分析 and complying with遵守 these Rules.A. all dan gers of n avigat
50、i on and collisi onB. all dan gers of n avigatio n and collisi on and to any sp ecial circumsta ncesC. all dan gers of n avigati on and collisi on and to any sp ecial circumsta nces,the limitati ons of the vessels in volvedD. all dan gers of n avigati on and collisi on and to any sp ecial circumsta
51、nces,the limitati ons of the vessels in volved, a dep arture from these Rules55 (2)According to the passage, you may depart from 背离 the Roles, when.A .you are in a closer situati onB .you are in immediate dan gerC .no vessels are in sigh visuallyD .no vessels are visible on radar56 (3)The title of t
52、he p assage may be.A .Da ngers of n avigatio n and collisi onB .Da ngers from the RulesC .Neglect of p recauti onD .Res pon sibility57.(4)The Rules shall not exon erate 免除 from the con seque nces of any n eglect.A .any vessel or the ownerB .the master of the crewC. the own er,the master,the crewD. a
53、ny vessel or the owner, the master or crewC 58。SOLAS (海上人命安全公约)is the abbreviation ofA. Intern ati onal Maritime Dan gerous goods carried by seaB. lntern ati onal Code for the Con struct ion and Equipment of Ships Carrying gases in BulkC. lntern ati onal conven ti on for the Safety of Life at SeaD.
54、lntern ati onal regulati ons for Preven ti ng Collisi ons at Seaweight orC 59.lt is customary 习惯的 in shipping practice to quote 报价 freight rates 运费 measureme nt ships op ti onA. on the basis of 根据,基于B. As a result of 由于C. Arise from 起因于D. Come into being 形成,产生DI 60|.lt is important to remember that
55、an inerted 惰性的 atmosphere 大气 in a cargo tank may become flammable 易燃的 again if air is admitted 录取,承认 1,during routine measuring 2,on venting 排放 the mixture to atmosphere3,during gas freeing with airA. 1,2B. 1,3C. 2,3D. 1,2,3B 61.The an gular differe nee betwee n the true meridia n( great circle conn
56、ecting the geogra phicpo les) and the magn etic meridia n (directi on of the lines of magn etic flux) is calledA. Deviati onB. Variati onC. ErrorD. Differe neeA 62.A medical exami ner 体检医生 should be satisfied that 已确知 the can didate 应试者 has ability toas emerge ncy duties on boardA, don (穿上) lifejack
57、et or immersion suit 保暖救生服B, Op erate the win dlassD.Ha ndle cargo63.Right at the top isupp ermost con ti nu ous watertight deck.A.the deck lineC, correct charts.It is 300 mm long and 25 mm wide with its upper edge in line with theAB. P limsoll discC. P limsoll li neD. Summer load line64. A vessel is ten der if cargo weight is.A. c onc
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