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1、毕业设计附件题目:智能充电器的设计姓 名: 王 研 学 号: 2007080303316 学 院: 信 息 学 院 专 业: 电子信息工程 指 导 教 师: 杨 萍 协助指导教师: 2011年5月23日目 录开题报告1翻译外文资料及译文2程序清单和图纸3北京联合大学毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目: 智能充电器的设计 专业: 电子信息工程 指导教师: 杨 萍 学院: 信息学院 学号: 2007080303316 班级: 0708030303 姓名: 王 研 一、课题任务与目的任务:针对电动车常用的动力电池的特点,以单片机作为控制芯片,结合国内外现行的各种充电技术和充电器设计方案,设计一款基于单片机


3、动车动力电池的复杂充电要求,为提高蓄电池的性能和可靠性提供有效的途径,对环保、节能型电动车和充电器的设计和开发具有重要的意义,同时,研制性能良好的智能充电器,会带来显著的经济效益和良好的社会效益。 二、调研资料情况 1 电动车用电池的现状和发展趋势 电池作为电动车动力来源,目前应用于电动车的可充式二次电池主要有:铅酸(Lead Acid)电池、镍福(Nickel Cadmium)电池、镍氢(Nickel Metal Hydride)电池和锂(Lithium)电池1。 (1)镍一氢电池(Ni-MH )此类蓄电池的比能量高,寿命长,有较高的比功率,污染轻等优点,被认为是较好的电动车用蓄电池。但是由

4、于Ni-MH蓄电池的技术未臻成熟,价格贵,单体电池电压低,使用时串联电池个数多,而且均匀一致性较差,限制了蓄电池组实际可使用的寿命。尤其是镍氢电池在高温时自放电率会增高,造成电容量下降的缺点。因此认为Ni-MH蓄电池在电动车上应用的地位是暂短的、过渡性的,将来的市场份额是有限的。 (2)锂离子蓄电池和聚合物铿离子蓄电池 锂离子蓄电池和聚合物锂离子蓄电的比能量更高,有较高的比功率,寿命长,污染轻等优点,被认为是有希望的电动车用电池。但因内含锂活性物质,易产生化学作用,遇火、氮、酸或氧化剂时,可能会有爆炸或着火危险等安全性问题成为影响锂离子蓄电池和聚合物锂离子蓄电池在电动自行车上应用的主要制约因素

5、。它们将成为用于高端电动车的电池,将是继铅酸蓄电池之后所占比例较大的电池。但受价格限制,暂时所占比例不会很大。 (3)锌空电池 锌空电池是金属一空气电池的一种,属于半燃料电池范畴。它有比能量高,原材料丰富,价格不高,污染轻等优点,被认为是电动车用电池的有竞争力的候选者。但目前还没能真正投入使用。 (4)其他电池(如Ni-Zn蓄电池、锌镍蓄电池和燃料电池)虽然它们各有特点,但都几乎没有在商业化的轻型电动车上使用。这主要是由于价格贵、综合性能不理想、或技术不成熟、或受资源、服务配套系统制约因素影响。氢氧燃料电池虽然在大力发展中,可望成为最理想的电动车电池之一,但在电动车上的应用可能还要等待很长时间

6、(至少15年) (5)铅酸蓄电池 铅酸蓄电池2在100多年的历史中一直不断地在改进提高,有的是革命性的提高,生产技术最为成熟。特别是密封免维护铅酸蓄电池因其有着成本低、价格便宜、材料来源丰富、适用性宽、可逆性好、单体电池电压高、技术和制造工艺较成熟、安全可靠、具有瞬间放电力强、大电流放电性能良好、使用温度范围广等综合因素,已成为商业化轻型电动车主要采用的电池,目前所占市场份额在95%以上。 2 充电器的发展 充电器的发展经历了三个阶段: (1)限流限压式充电器3最原始的就是限压式充电,然后过渡到限流限压式充电,它使用的方式就是浅充浅放,其寿命表述就是时间,没有次数,比如10年。这种充电模式的效

7、果较差。 (2)恒流/限压式充电器 这是充电器发展的第二阶段,这种模式的充电器占据了充电器市场近半个世纪。首先,以恒电流充电至预定的电压值,然后,改为恒电压完成剩余的充电。一般两阶段之间的转换电压就是第二阶段的恒电压。这种充电器充电电流总是低于电池的可接受能力,造成充电效率低,大大降低了电池的寿命。 (3)自适应智能充电器 随着大规模集成IC的出现,充电设备进入了一个全新的自适应、智能阶段,即称为第三代充电器。自适应充电器遵循各类电池的充、放电规律进行充、放电。并且具有温度补偿功能。充电系统由具有特殊功能的单片机控制,不断检测系统参数,按模糊推理算法不断调整充电参数,同一充电器可适应不同种类电

8、池的充电,充电器自适应调整自己的输出电流,无需人工选择,避免操作失误。 3 充电方法的研究 (1)常规充电常规充电制度是依据1940年前国际公认的经验法则设计的。实际上,常规充电的速度被蓄电池在充电过程中的温升和气体的产生所限制。这个现象对蓄电池充电所必须的最短时间具有重要意义。一般来说,常规充电有恒流充电法、阶段充电法(包括二阶段法和三阶段充电法)、恒压充电法。 (2)快速充电技术为了能够最大限度地加快蓄电池的化学反应速度,缩短蓄电池达到满充状态的时间,同时,保证蓄电池正负极板的极化现象尽量地减少或轻,提高蓄电池使用效率,国内外一直都在不断地研究和开发快速充电方法和技术,快速充电技术近年来得

9、到了迅速发展,主要有:脉冲式充电法、ReflexTM快速充电法、变电流间歇充电法、变电压变电流波浪式间歇正负零脉冲快速充电法。 (3)新型多模式充电技术随着各种蓄电池技术的发展,国内外电池充电技术也不断更新,目前多模式智能充电技术被认为是最佳充电技术。它综合了常规充电法和快速充电技术的优点,使蓄电池保持较高的容量和较长的使用寿命。多模式智能电池充电器的四种充电状态分别为:涓流充电、大电流充电、过充电和浮充电。这种多模式充电法综合了恒流充电快速而安全、及时补偿蓄电池电量的优点,和恒压充电能够控制过充电以及在浮充状态保持电池100%电量的优点。多模式智能电池充电器在满足这些要求的同时可提供尽可能多

10、的功能和设计的灵活性,使之具有更多优点:适时检测充电情况并按预定的充电方案对电池充电;使用四种状态的充电规则使电池获得最好的特性;充满电进行光报警并自动转入浮充电状态,最大限度地保证电池的容量。更能适应电压范围宽、适于恶劣环境的应用。 三、初步设计方法与实施方案通过对蓄电池的内部结构、工作原理和充电特性的了解和学习,分析各种常规充电法、快速充电法的优缺点之后,探讨一种新充电技术新型多模式充电技术,即根据电池容量的多少及电池端电压的大小,使充电过程按照涓流充电、大电流充电、过充电和浮充电四个模式进行。为保证电池充足电又不受到损坏,采用具有温度控制和电池电压控制功能的综合控制法来终止充电过程。当电

11、池电量基本用完时,若直接采用大电流恒流充电,电流过大会损坏电池,电流过小使充电时间过长,因此这一段时间要根据电池电压的具体情况控制充电电流,使充电过程按理想的充电模式变化,以达到最佳充电效果。当检测到充电电流下降到足够小时,说明电池充电已满,此时若立即停止充电过程,电池会自放电。为了防止自放电现象,必须对电池进行浮充维护,即用1/20C(C为电池的额定容量)左右的电流进行浮充充电。电池充满电后,如果不能及时停止充电,电池的温度会迅速上升,采用具有温度控制和电池电压控制功能的综合控制法来终止充电过程。 系统在充电过程中即时检测有无电压负增量(V)出现,作为判断电池是否已经充满的标准,当电池电压超

12、过检测门限时,系统会检测到有负增量(V)出现,则认为电池正常充满,控制充电器进入浮充维护状态,同时判断电池温度及电池端电压,是否已超过预定的阈值或保护值作为电池充满的辅助检测手段,若发现温度和端电压已达到或超过了充电保护条件,系统会立即终止所进行的充电过程,同时进行声光报警。若系统未检测到任何满足终止充电的条件,则会随着充电的继续,重新开始充电终止控制法的判断。 以下为智能充电器结构框图: 显 示电 池 电压采样 电流调节 CPU 声光报警交流220V输入电流采样AC/DC转换器温度检测电动车智能充电器电路主要包括电源部分、采集部分、主控电路部分、人机交互部分。电源部分:由电源变压器、桥式整流

13、电路、滤波电路和稳压电路组成。电源部分为单片机提供电压以及电池充电工作时需要的各种电压;采集部分:由电压采样、电流采样、温度检测模块组成。主控电路部分:由电压检测取样电路将电池端电压的大小反馈回单片机系统内部,由单片机判断后确定应采用何种充电状态,PWM脉宽调制作为占空比调节输出电流,来控制和完成四个充电过程。人机交互部分:由显示模块、声光报警和按键部分组成。主要功能是接收来自系统的电压、温度、电流大小、电池充满百分比以及故障信息,并按要求给予实时显示。当故障出现和充满电时要发出声光报警,该部分信息交换以中断方式进行。 软件设计部分:基于MPLAB集成开发环境(IDE),适用于使用Microc

14、hip的PICmicro系列单片机进行嵌入式设计的应用开发。是综合的编辑器、项目管理器和设计平台。该程序分为主程序和显示部分程序,它们之间用串口通信。 四、预期结果主要内容:以铅酸蓄电池作为研究对象,进行电动车动力电池智能充电器的设计和实现。设计基于Microchip(微芯)公司的PIC16F73单片机控制的智能充电器的硬件电路,对所设计电路的工作原理进行必要的分析,详细地讨论各部分元器件参数的计算方法和选择原则,介绍充电器电源部分、采集部分、主控电路部分、人机交互部分的设计原理和设计方法。电路中包括充电声光报警和超温声光报警装置。 用protel设计电路原理图。基于MPLAB集成开发环境(I

15、DE),进行软件设计。软件编程调试。预期结果: (1)完成智能充电器硬件电路的设计(包括:硬件原理图、硬件电路图)和软件设计。 (2)完成软件编程调试。 五、进度计划2011.1月下2011.2月上:研究毕设所要解决的问题,查阅资料,完成3000 字的翻译。2011.2月上2011.2月中:进行整体方案的设计,完成开题答辩准备。 2011.2月中2011.3月上:完成各模块的选型,完成总体方案的设计。2011.3月上2011.3月中:完成硬件原理图、硬件电路图的设计。2011.3月中2011.4月上:完成系统软件的设计编程,准备中期答辩。2011.4月上2011.4月下:软件编程调试。2011

16、.4月下2011.5月中:论文撰写,答辩准备。 六、调研资料参考文献1 孙逢春,张承宁等.电动汽车.北京:北京理工大学出版社,1999.2 朱松然.铅酸蓄电池技术.第二版.北京.机械工业出版社,2004.4 AjmalGodil.能够选择快充或慢充的充电器J.电子设计技术,2001.5 胡燕燕,杨代华. 基于单片机的智能充电器设计J. 电子元器件应用, 2007,(05) . 北京联合大学毕业设计(论文)外文原文及译文题目: 智能充电器的设计 专业: 电子信息工程 指导教师: 杨 萍 学院: 信息学院 学号: 2007080303316 班级: 0708030303 姓名: 王 研 一、外文原

17、文The meaning of computer switching power supply Switching Power Supply is the use of modern power electronics, control transistors switch on and off the opening time rate, to maintain a stable output voltage power supplies, switching power supply from the general pulse width modulation (PWM) control

18、 IC and MOSFET pose. Linear power supply and switching power supply compared with the two costs are increasing output growth, but with different growth rate. Power costs in a linear output power point, but higher than the switching power supply, known as the cost of this reversal point. With the dev

19、elopment of power electronics technology and innovation, making switching power supply technology has constantly innovative, cost reverse this point to the increasing output of low-power mobile, switching power supply to provide a broad space for development. High-frequency switching power supply is

20、 the direction of their development, so that high-frequency switching power supply of small, and switching power supply into a wider range of applications, particularly in the application of high-tech fields, and promote the high-tech products of small, lightweight Of. Also switching power supply in

21、 the development and application of energy conservation, resource conservation and environmental protection are of great significance. Switching Power Supply CategoryPeople in switching power supply side is the development of technology-related power electronic devices, while the development of freq

22、uency switching technology, the two promote each other to promote the switch power annually to more than two-digit growth in a light, small, lightweight, low noise, high reliability, Anti-jamming direction. Switching Power Supply can be divided into AC / DC and DC / DC two categories, DC / DC conver

23、ter which is now modular, design and technology and production technology at home and abroad have been mature and standardized, and have been authorized users, but AC / DC modular, makes its own characteristics in the process of modular, encountered a more complex technology and manufacturing proces

24、s problems. Following were the two types of switching power supply for the structure and characteristics to set out. 1 DC/DC transform DC / DC is to transform the fixed DC voltage transformation into a variable DC voltage, also known as DC chopper. Chopper's work in two ways, first PWM Ts the sa

25、me way, change ton (GM) and the second is the frequency modulation, ton unchanged, change Ts (easily interference). Their specific circuit from the following categories: (1) Buck circuit - buck chopper, the average output voltage U0 less than the input voltage Ui, the same polarity. (2) Boost circui

26、t - Boost chopper, the average output voltage U0 greater than the input voltage Ui, the same polarity. (3) Buck-Boost circuit - buck or boost chopper, U0 average output voltage greater than or less than the input voltage Ui, polar opposite, inductance transmission. (4) Cuk circuit - buck or boost ch

27、opper, its average output power U0 pressure greater than or less than the input voltage Ui, polar opposite, capacitance transmission. Today's technology allows soft switching DC / DC has undergone a qualitative leap forward, the United States VICOR companies design and manufacture of a variety o

28、f ECI soft-switching DC / DC converters, the largest of its power output is 300 W, 600W, 800W, the power density of the corresponding (6.2 , 10,17) W/cm3, efficiency (80 to 90)%. Japan's latest NemicLambda launched a soft-switch technology using high-frequency switching power supply module RM Se

29、ries, the switches at (200 300) kHz, the power density has reached 27 W/cm3, using synchronous rectifier (MOS FET replace SCHOTT - Diode), the efficiency of the entire circuit to 90 percent. 2 AC/DC transform AC / DC transformation is to transform exchange for DC, its power can be a two-way flow, th

30、e flow of power flow from the power load known as the "rectification", the power flow from the load to return to power as "active inverter." AC / DC converter for the importation of AC 50/60 Hz, due to the rectification, filtering, the relatively large size of the filter capacito

31、r is essential, because encountered safety standards (such as UL, CCEE) and EMC Directive Restrictions (such as IEC, FCC, CSA), AC input side and EMC filter must meet safety standards and the use of the components, such restrictions on the AC / DC power of the small size of the addition, since the i

32、nternal high-frequency, high-pressure, big Current switching action, made the resolution of EMC difficult to electromagnetic compatibility problems, will install the internal high-density circuit design to the high demand for the same reason, high-voltage, high current power switches make greater lo

33、ss of work, limiting the AC / DC converter modular process, it must be in power system design methods to optimize the efficiency of its work reaches a certain level of satisfaction. AC / DC transform the circuit can be divided into the connection mode, half-wave circuit, full-wave circuit. By the po

34、wer of a few can be divided into, single-phase, three-phase, multi-phase. Circuit work on a quadrant can be divided into quadrants, the quadrant, the three-quadrant, the four quadrants. Selection of switching power supply. 3 Switching power supply In the importation of anti-jamming performance, as i

35、ts own circuit of the characteristics of (multi-level series), the general importation of interference such as a surge through the difficult, in the output voltage stability of the technology indicators compared with the linear power Have greater advantages, its output voltage stability up (0.5 to 1

36、)%. Switching power modules as a power electronic device integration, the choice should note the following: Because of the high efficiency switching power supply, can usually more than 80 percent, it was their choice of output current, accurate measurement of electrical equipment or calculating the

37、maximum absorption current, so that was the choice of switching power supply has a high cost performance, Output is usually calculated as follows: Is = KIf Type in: Is-switching power supply is rated output current; If-the largest electrical equipment absorb current; K-margin coefficient, from 1.5 t

38、o 1.8 in general; 4 grounding Linear power than the power switch will generate more interference, the common mode interference sensitive electrical equipment, grounding and shielding should take measures, according to ICE1000, EN61000, FCC restrictions, such as EMC, switching power supply are taking

39、 measures EMC EMC, Switching power supply should normally with EMC EMC filter. If lied Huafu technology HA series switching power supply, its FG terminal users access to the land or the case in order to meet the electromagnetic compatibility requirements. protection circuit In switching power supply

40、 design must have a flow of overheating, such as short-circuit protection, it should be preferred in the design of the protection of the full-featured switch power modules, and its protection circuit with the technical parameters of the work of electrical equipment matched to Avoid damage to electri

41、cal equipment or switching power supply. Switching power supply technology development trends Switching Power Supply is the direction of development of high-frequency, high reliability, low consumption, low noise, interference and modular. Since switching power supply light, small, thin is the key t

42、echnology of high-frequency, switching power supply major foreign manufacturers are committed to synchronize the development of new high-intelligent devices, particularly in the second rectifier of the loss and iron in power Oxygen-(Mn Zn) materials to increase the scientific and technological innov

43、ation, to enhance the high-frequency and larger magnetic flux density (Bs) under high magnetic properties, and the small capacitor is also a key technology. SMT technology applications makes switching power supply has made considerable progress, both sides of the circuit board layout components, to

44、ensure that the light switch power, small, thin. The high-frequency switching power supply is bound to the tradition of the PWM switching technology innovation and achieve ZVS, ZCS the soft-switch technology has become the mainstream of switching power supply technology and a substantial increase in

45、 the switching power supply efficiency. For high-reliability indicators, the U.S. switching power supply manufacturers by reducing operating current, lower junction temperature devices, and other measures to reduce the stress, increased reliability greatly improved. Modular Switching Power Supply is

46、 the general trend of development, can be used modular power components distributed power systems, designed to N +1 redundant power systems, and parallel way to achieve the capacity expansion. Power switching operation for this big noise shortcomings, if the individual pursuit of its high-frequency

47、noise will also increase with, and the use of the resonance conversion circuit technology, in theory, can achieve the high-frequency noise can be reduced, but some Resonant conversion of the practical application of technology there are still technical problems in this area is still a great deal of

48、work to make the technology to practical use.Power electronics technology innovation, switching power supply industry has broad development prospects. China's switch to accelerate the pace of development of power industry, we must walk the road of technological innovation, out of production, stu

49、dy and research with Chinese characteristics, the joint development, for the rapid development of China's national economy to contribute.二、译文微机开关电源的含义开关电源是利用现代电力电子技术,控制开关晶体管开通和关断的时间比率,维持稳定输出电压的一种电源,开关电源一般由脉冲宽度调制(PWM)控制IC和MOSFET构成。开关电源和线性电源相比,二者的成本都随着输出功率的增加而增长,但二者增长速率各异。线性电源成本在某一输出功率点上,反而高于开关电源,

50、这一点称为成本反转点。随着电力电子技术的发展和创新,使得开关电源技术也在不断地创新,这一成本反转点日益向低输出电力端移动,这为开关电源提供了广阔的发展空间。 开关电源高频化是其发展的方向,高频化使开关电源小型化,并使开关电源进入更广泛的应用领域,特别是在高新技术领域的应用,推动了高新技术产品的小型化、轻便化。另外开关电源的发展与应用在节约能源、节约资源及保护环境方面都具有重要的意义。开关电源的分类人们在开关电源技术领域是边开发相关电力电子器件,边开发开关变频技术,两者相互促进推动着开关电源每年以超过两位数字的增长率向着轻、小、薄、低噪声、高可靠、抗干扰的方向发展。开关电源可分为AC/DC和DC

51、/DC两大类,DC/DC变换器现已实现模块化,且设计技术及生产工艺在国内外均已成熟和标准化,并已得到用户的认可,但AC/DC的模块化,因其自身的特性使得在模块化的进程中,遇到较为复杂的技术和工艺制造问题。以下分别对两类开关电源的结构和特性作以阐述。 1.DC/DC变换 变换 DC/DC变换是将固定的直流电压变换成可变的直流电压,也称为直流斩波。斩波器的工作方式有两种,一是脉宽调制方式Ts不变,改变ton(通用),二是频率调制方式,ton不变,改变Ts(易产生干扰)。其具体的电路由以下几类: (1)Buck电路降压斩波器,其输出平均电压U0小于输入电压Ui,极性相同。(2)Boost电路升压斩波

52、器,其输出平均电压 U0大于输入电压Ui,极性相同。 (3)BuckBoost电路降压或升压斩波器,其 输出平均电压U0大于或小于输入电压Ui,极性相反,电感传输。 (4)Cuk电路降压或升压斩波器,其输出平均电压U0大于或小于输入电压Ui,极性相反,电容传输。当今软开关技术使得DC/DC发生了质的飞跃,美国VICOR公司设计制造的多种ECI软开关DC/DC变换器,其最大输出功率有300W、600W、800W等,相应的功率密度为(6.2、10、17)W/cm3,效率为(8090)。日本NemicLambda公司最新推出的一种采用软开关技术的高频开关电源模块RM系列,其开关频率为(200300)

53、kHz,功率密度已达到27W/cm3,采用同步整流器(MOSFET代替肖特基二极管),使整个电路效率提高到90。 2.AC/DC变换 AC/DC变换是将交流变换为直流,其功率流向可以是双向的,功率流由电源流向负载的称为“整流”,功率流由负载返回电源的称为“有源逆变”。AC/DC变换器输入为50/60Hz的交流电,因必须经整流、滤波,因此体积相对较大的滤波电容器是必不可少的,同时因遇到安全标准(如UL、CCEE等)及EMC指令的限制(如IEC、FCC、CSA),交流输入侧必须加EMC滤波及使用符合安全标准的元件,这样就限制AC/DC电源体积的小型化,另外,由于内部的高频、高压、大电流开关动作,使

54、得解决EMC电磁兼容问题难度加大,也就对内部高密度安装电路设计提出了很高的要求,由于同样的原因,高电压、大电流开关使得电源工作损耗增大,限制了AC/DC变换器模块化的进程,因此必须采用电源系统优化设计方法才能使其工作效率达到一定的满意程度。AC/DC变换按电路的接线方式可分为,半波电路、全波电路。按电源相数可分为,单相、三相、多相。按电路工作象限又可分为一象限、二象限、三象限、四象限。开关电源的选用开关电源在输入抗干扰性能上,由于其自身电路结构的特点(多级串联),一般的输入干扰如浪涌电压很难通过,在输出电压稳定度这一技术指标上与线性电源相比具有较大的优势,其输出电压稳定度可达(0.51)。开关电源模块作为一种电力电子集成器件,在选用中应注意以下几点: 3.输出电流的选择 因开关电源工作效


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