1、primaryfirst-hand an i nade quategrasp ofthehe future.Second,construction,strictly in accor dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,streamliningfilebriefs,cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical nee ds of
2、 inventionnotifications,thisareanee ds furt herSince thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himnfoonrs.ceIelnfmtseeernrtmiodsuesolfylain tpnhade,rtlemiennktdesudtctoaotaiton, praphcpetioiimntplaecfmuaelllconnttr-attiimntraleight rules andopposi ng the fourwinds andg practivde ology,so
3、li cit opins: first,adherence totn compliancewituns,a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, ihepartys politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, chads furt hersareaneepartys politicalConscientiouslyabidenmentcre dit+ busi ness credit cre dit system,establ ishme ntofmarketization, commerbythe
4、 party s politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulaticialization andmoderni zation oftheinve stment andfina nci ngplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servic
5、ei ndustries.To createpolicy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, devel opme ntland asthegoa l,to optimizeons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stentwitht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthepartys politicaldisci plineprobl
6、ems.2,in the impleme ntation ofthecentralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass-root sunit s,-rootstypi cally drivepromoti on,t herear企业内部控制应用指引单项选择题1、 安全生产措施不到位,责任不落实,可能导致的风险有(企业发生安全事故)。 重要说明:考试所选科目为内部控制1-14 讲2、 按规定办理需要有关负责人签字或盖章
7、的经济业务时,签章手续要怎样办理(严格履行签字盖章手续)。3、 按照销售通知项目组织发货的部门是(发货和仓储部门)。4、 不在企业销售退回承诺范围之内的退货业务,企业应怎样处理(由独立于销售部门的销货争议处理机构调查原因)。5、保证合同的当事人不包括(中介机构)。6、采购验收不规范,付款审核不严,可能导致的风险是(信用受损)。7、存货的保管于下列哪项职务是不相容的(存货的会计记录)8、参与固定资产投资决策,分析、评价各种投资方案的部门是(财务部门)。9、存货归口分级管理的主要部门是(财务管理部门)。10、存货的保管于下列哪项职务是不相容的(存货的会计记录)。11、存货积压或短缺,可能导致的风险
8、不包括(缺乏竞争力)。12、大额客户订单的签字权限在(销售部门主管)。13、当担保申请人已进入重组、托管、兼并或破产清算程序,企业应(不得提供担保)。14、对担保申请人的资信状况调查不深,审批不严或越权审批,可能导致的风险是(担保决策失误) 。15、担保企业决定是否提供对外担保的依据和基础是(担保项目评估的结论)。16、 对被担保人出现财务困难或经营陷入困境等状况监控不力,应对措施不当,可能导致的风险是(企业承担法律责任)。17、担保业务单笔担保额越小,受保企业单笔贷款额就会(越小)。18、 当企业售后发现存在严重质量缺陷、隐患的产品时,应当采取的措施不包括(封锁消息)。19、对财务报告的真实
9、性、完整性负责的是(企业负责人)。20、对财务报告中需要说明的事项作出真实、完整、清晰说明,属于财务报告重要组成部分的是(附注)。21、对发展战略实施情况进行监控的机构是(战略委员会)22、对销售通知进行审核的部门是(发货和仓储部门)。23、对发展战略实施情况进行监控的机构是(战略委员会)。24、对担保业务执行情况进行监测的部门是(执行部门)。25、当受保企业资产负债率超过一定比例时,担保企业应拒绝担保,该比例是(70%) 。26、 对于重大的无形资产处置,企业应当怎样确定处置价格(委托具有资质的中介机构进行资产评估)27、 对研发项目立项出具评估意见的机构是(独立于申请及立项审批之外的专业机
10、构)。 28、负责应收款项的催收工作的部门是(销售部门)。28、负责办理资金结算并监督款项回收的部门是(财务部门)。29、负责行使企业经营决策权的组织机构是(董事会)。30、负责制定公司人力资源的战略规划的是(人力资源部经理)。31、负责主持企业的生产经营管理工作的组织机构是(经理层)。s 1, opposeformali sm.Onethe ory ist hathe didnt,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousne ssis not highenough, system perform ancei notstron
11、g enough;more pa ssivelear ning,active le arni ng fewgeneralities and learn mor e,delvi ng int o less.treamlining.Fourare standar dvisits,except asre quire d to participatein traini ng, no ot hera ctivity.Fivei sto impr ovenew sreporting,for propaganda workstri ctlyaccor ding tot he regul ations.Six
12、 isstri ctly your presentationpublishedstrictlyaccor ding to t he reg ulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required the use ofvehicles and office spaceand corporatehospitality.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of
13、 fruitfulwork ,hasma de many a chieveme nts, butfurther cl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close to themasse s andalso ina dequate innovation mustEspeciallyba sed onrationalthi nking on majorissues,adudropi,vnteehlieseslasc.knOont hgoaroodfdsaepiritnoonufdgdha,ringntoot,rreeallyhespiri
14、t andessenceofthed a lot ofpower, butnotangscientificOutlookondevelible results.T hird, innont, did nottrulyachieve masterof motivation.Emancipationdiy,to appl y,to acertain extent,affect thedevel opme ntd notend,innovati on does notexist.In practicalementationof ideahead,sand initiatives. Second,wo
15、rk arrangements,and lessprevious w orkexperi ence, la ckof innovation initiativesupervisis,studyon theobjective,w hich needst okeeptogicalw orkundert he newsituationthe conti nuity efforts dehrough,grid, butstressed int he w orktime,less supervisiogicaltre nds a nd changes are not deep,toprweekends
16、i ntheandexploresummer theanew methodsof ideologiperformances, urging tow nships,communities and ruralareas shows theimplementation i s ina dequate,insufficie nt cult uralane ducationalrole t o pla y.Third ba se enoug h, master grass-lessreal.Prork is notmuch, a nd some la ckofreleva nce a ndtimeli
17、ness.4, discipline, low ering,a nd hard w orkare la cking. Whileworki ng ande nterprisi ng spiritdown. No realopaganda a nd ideologicalworkiII.ll.Lpasthonors,theirnthe newsit uationof characteristicom place ncy,a ndw orktose e theircsand regul arity ofenough,deescore s more,lesschecki ng hiikeutolis
18、tenamicssurve y, forgrassSince thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himnfoonrs.ceIelnfmtseeernrtmiodsuesolfylain tpnhade,rtlemiennktdesudtctoaotaiton, praphcpetioiimntplaecfmuaelllconnttr-attiimntraleight rules andopposi ng the fourwinds andg practivuns,a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYu
19、lu, ide.ology,soli cit opini uons based on outstaund,ingprobldsw ing, caryeful av n,alysichgeckre portis au sfollowggs: first,adgher,enceytothepartys politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, chancnednativepsptrooevalnitteemrpsri,sseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintiaonnacindanpgp,rionvt
20、aelglriation ofnlkasn,di,mtaprx,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeisnogutro t hec.e.s,and construct Governge thestyle oftheba sic situationof1,i n compliancewit hthe partys political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabidenmentcre dit+ busi ness credit crebythe party s politica ldiscipline, abidit
21、system,establ ishme ntofmarketization, commercializatio n and moderni zation oftheinve stment andfina nci ngplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To createpolicy lowland
22、s, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, devel opme ntland asthegoa l,to optimizeons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe partyspoliticaldisci pli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntation ofth
23、ecentr alaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunit s,32、负责资金活动日常管理的部门是(财会部门)。33、发包方销售给承包方的存货,承包方的处理方式是(不得另作他用)。34、负责发展战略管理工作的机构是(战略委员会)。35、工程项目保修期结束后才拨付的款项是(工程保留金)。36、工程项目得以顺利进行的重要环节是(工程价款的支付)。37、工程造价信息不对称,技术方案不落实,概预算脱离实际
24、,可能导致的风险是(项目投资失控) 。38、工程项目得以顺利进行的重要环节是(工程价款的支付)39、 概预算在执行的过程中要对执行情况进行审查,下列不是审查项目的是(概预算完成情况)40、工程项目招标暗箱操作,存在商业贿赂,可能导致的风险不包括(项目投资失控)41、 概预算在执行的过程中要对执行情况进行审查,下列不是审查项目的是(概预算完成情况) 。42、工程造价信息不对称,技术方案不落实,概预算脱离实际,可能导致的风险是(项目投资失控) 。43、供应商选择不当,采购方式不合理,可能导致的风险是(采购物资质次价高)。44、股利分配方案的批准机构是(股东大会)。45、固定资产非正常报废不需要做的
25、是(追查非正常报废责任人)。46、合并中忽视企业间的文化差异和理念冲突可能导致(导致并购重组失败)47、金额巨大的担保项目的审批人是(股东大会)。48、客户信用管理不到位,结算方式选择不当,账款回收不力等,可能导致的风险是(销售款项不能收回或遭受欺诈)。49、可能导致企业并购重组失败的原因是(忽视企业间的文化差异和理念冲突)。50、 哪个阶段是项目初步设计文件的重要组成部分,也是应当控制的项目初步设计阶段(设计概算)51、企业定期的财务分析应当形成分析报告,用来组成企业的(内部报告)。52、企业应当分析经营活动、投资活动、筹资活动现金流量的运转情况,重点关注现金流量能否保证生产经营过程的正常运
27、(定期)。62、 企业重大或核心业务外包应提交某部门审议通过后方可实施,该部门是(董事会及其审计委员会)。63、企业可以外包的业务是(非核心业务)。64、企业对所有重要承包方的履约能力进行评估,该频率是(定期)。65、企业发生生产安全事故的处理措施不当的是(迟报)。66、企业发生重大生产安全事故时应当(启动应急预案)。67、企业发展战略过于偏激容易导致的风险是(企业过度扩张)。s 1, opposeformali sm.Onethe ory ist hathe didnt,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousne ssis
28、 not highenough, system perform ancei s not strong enough;more pa ssivelear ning,active le arni ng fewgeneralities and learn mor e,delvi ng int o less.treamlining.Fourare standar dvisits,except asre quire d to participatein traini ng, no ot hera ctivity.Fivei sto impr ovenew sreporting,for propagand
29、a workstri ctlyaccor ding tot he regul ations.Six isstri ctly your prese ntationpublished strictlyaccor ding to t he reg ulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required the use ofvehicles and office spaceand corporatehospitality.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd
30、 new requirement s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulwork ,hasma de many a chieveme nts, butfurther cl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate innovation mustEspeciallyba sed onrationalthi nking on majorissues,ahespirit andessenceofthe.-I.I . I. I
31、 .1 . Id a lot ofpower, butnotang ible results.T hird,scientificOutlookondevelnt, did nottrulyachieve masterof motivation.Emancipationdiologi calw ork isthe objective,w hich needst okeept he conti nuity efforts de,I. . L . .- I I _ 一 I 一 . I -. -一ogicalw orkundert he newsituationthrough,grid, butstr
32、essed inthe w orktime,less supervisi- . . I.一ogicaltre nds a nd changes are not deep,toprweekends i nthe summer thea tricalactivities,citysquareperformances, urging tow nships,communities and ruralareas shows theimplementation i s ina dequate,insufficie nt cult uralane ducatio nalrole t o pla y.Thir
33、d ba sandexplore new met hodsof ideologi cala nd culturalw ork is notmuch, a nd some la ckofreleva nce a ndtimeli ness.4, disci pline, low ering,a nd hard w orkare la cking. Whileworki ng ande nterprisi ng spiritdown. No realh, master grass -lessreal.Pr opaganda a nd ideologicalworkipasthonors,their
34、nthe newsit uationof characteristicsand regul arity ofenough,deep e noughforgrasscom place ncy,a ndw orktose e their score s more,lesschecki ng hi s ow n shortcomings, lnamicssurve y, forgrasssatisfied face, onlineSince thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyiprimaryfi
35、rst-hand an i nade quategrasp ofthehe future.Second,construction,strictly in accor dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,streamliningfilebriefs,cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical nee ds of inventio
36、nnotifications,thisareanee ds furt hern tpnhade,rtelmiennktdesudtcotaotaiton, prahpcpetioiimntplaecfmuaelllconnttr-attiimntraleight rules andopposi ng the fourwinds andg practivuns ,and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, ide.ology,soli cit opini uons based on outstaund,ingproblWill now checkre portis a sfo
37、llow s: first,adherence tot hepartys politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, chanmentcre dit+ busi ness credit cre ditsystem, establ ishme ntofmarketization, commerbythe party s politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulaticialization andmoderni zation
38、oftheinve stment andfina nci ngplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To createpolicy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, devel opme ntland asthegoa l,to optimi
39、zens of the party, i n the politic al,ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthepartys politicaldisci pli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntation ofthecentralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch , improvi ng
40、research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunit s,68、企业制定并实施的长远发展目标与战略规划是(发展战略)。69、企业发展战略因主观原因频繁变动可能导致的风险是(资源浪费)70、企业发展战略因主观原因频繁变动可能导致的风险是(资源浪费)。71、企业的发展战略方案的批准机构是(股东会)。72、企业跟踪物资采购合同履行情况的依据是(采购合同的主要条款)。73、企业股利分配方案应当兼顾投资者的(近期和长远利益)。74、企业关键岗位人员离职前除了做工作交接还要(离任审计)。75、企业经营管理行为要与下列哪项一致(企业文化)。76、企业履行社
42、87、企业为防范资金营运中的风险,应当严禁(资金体外循环)。88、企业文化建设要做到与下列哪项有机结合(发展战略)。89、企业应当培育的经营理念的特点是(诚实守信)。90、企业应确保会计记录、采购记录与下列哪项核对一致(仓储记录)。91、企业应重视什么的分析工作,定期召开财务分析会议(财务报告)。92、企业在经营发展过程中应当履行的社会职责和义务是企业的(社会责任)。93、 企业在生产经营实践中逐步形成的、为整体团队所认同并遵守的价值观、经营理念和企业精神,以及在此基础上形成的行为规范的总称是(企业文化)。94、企业在营运过程中出现临时性资金短缺的,其获取资金的方式是(短期融资)。95、企业造
44、一步加工取得的存货在控制成本时主要考虑的因素是(加工成本)。106、企业重大研究项目的决策机制是(集体审议)107、企业研发计划的制定根据是(发展战略)。108、人力资源管理组织结构分工设计的依据是(职能)。109、人力资源缺乏或过剩、结构不合理、开发机制不健全,可能导致的风险是(企业发展战略难以实现)。ome outstanding issue s 1, opposeformali sm.Onethe ory ist hathe didnt,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousne ssis not highenough
45、, system perform ancei s not strong enough;more pa ssivelear ning,active le arni ng fewgeneralities and learn mor e,delvi ng int o less.treamlining.Fourare standar dvisits,except asre quire d to participatein traini ng, no ot hera ctivity.Fivei sto impr ovenew sreporting,for propaganda workstri ctly
46、accor ding tot he regul ations.Six isstri ctly your prese ntationpublished strictlyaccor ding to t he reg ulations.Seven isstrictlythrift,required the use ofvehicles and office spaceand corporatehospitality.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requiremen
47、t s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulwork ,hasma de many a chieveme nts, butfurther cl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate innovation mustEspeciallyba sed onrationalthi nking on majorissues,ahespirit andessenceofthe.-I.I . I. I .1 . Id a lot
48、ofpower, butnotang ible results.T hird,scientificOutlookondevelnt, did nottrulyachieve masterof motivation.Emancipationdid notend,innovatin does notexist.y,to a ppl y,to acertain extent,affect thedevel- L, , II-_ ILdopme ntLIL.IIn practicalsand initiatives. Second,work arrangements,and less supervis
49、iprevious w orkexperi ence, la ckof innovation initiatives,studyon theobjective,w hich needstogicalw orkundert he newsituationthrough,grinuity efforts ded, butstressed intogicaltre nds a ndweekends iandexplorehe summer thea tricalactivities,citys quareperformances, urging tow nships,communities and
50、ruralareas shows theimplementation i s ina dequate,insufficie nt cult uralane ducationalrole t o pla y.Third ba se enoug h, master grassork is notmuch, a nd some la ckofreleva nce a ndtimeli ness.4, disci pline, low ering,a nd hard w orkare la cking. Whileworki ng ande nterprisi ng spiritdown. No re
51、al-lessreal.Pr opaganda and ideologicalworkipasthonors,theirnthe newsit uationof characteristicsand regul arity ofenough,deecom place ncy,a ndw orktose e t heir score s more,lesschecki ng hinamicssurve y, forgrassn tpnhade,rtelmiennktdesudtcotaotaiton, prahpcpetioiimntplaecfmuaelllconnttr-attiimntra
52、leight rules andopposi ng the fourwinds andg practivuns,a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, ide.ology,soli cit opini uons based on outstaund,ingprobldsw ing, caryeful av n,alysichgeckre portis au sfollowggs: first,adgher,enceytothepartys politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, chancne
53、dnativepsptrooevalnitteemrpsri,sseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintiaonnacindanpgp,rionvtaelglriation ofnlkasn,di,mtaprx,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeisnogutro t hec.e.s,and construct Governge thestyle oftheba sic situationof1,i n compliancewit hthe partys political discipli nes.Conscientiou
54、slyabidenmentcre dit+ busi ness credit crebythe party s politica ldiscipline, abidit system,establ ishme ntofmarketization, commercializatio n and moderni zation oftheinve stment andfina nci ngplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel
55、 opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To createpolicy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, devel opme ntland asthegoa l,to optimizeons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is n
56、o vi olation ofthe partyspoliticaldisci pli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntation ofthecentr alaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunit s,110、人力资源退出机制不当可能导致的风险是(法律诉讼或企业声誉受损)。111、人力资源需求计划的制定根据是(人力资源总体规划)。112、所有者权益反映的是企业资产扣除负债后由所有者享有的(剩余权益)。113、实行全过程的采购登记制度或信息化管理,是为了确保采购过程的什么性质(可追溯性) 。114、授权控制属于(事前控制)。115、无形资产处置的负责部门是(独立于无形资产管理部门和使用部门以外的其他部门)116、信用管理部门的职责不包括(监督销售部门及时收回货款)。117、信用管理部门的职责不包括(监督销售部门及时收回货款)。118、项目决策环节审查市场预测是否完整的程序是(市场预测审查)。119、项目决策的重要依据是(项目评审意见)。120、下列不属于概预算文件的是(项
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