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1、Unit 1 Friendship Period Reading Senior English Book One 教教 材材 分分 析析 学学 情情 分分 析析 教教 学学 方方 法法 教教 学学 步步 骤骤 板板 书书 设设 计计 教材分析教材分析 1 教材的地位和作教材的地位和作用用 2 教学目标教学目标 3 教学重难点教学重难点1 教材的地位和作用教材的地位和作用 本单元的主题是本单元的主题是“友谊友谊”,所以,所以大部分内容多围绕着这一主题展开。大部分内容多围绕着这一主题展开。这节课这节课“Reading”承载着整个单元承载着整个单元最重要的语言和文化信息,也是整最重要的语言和文化信息

2、,也是整个教学过程中需要重点处理的部分。个教学过程中需要重点处理的部分。2 教学目标教学目标 知识目标:知识目标:1) 学生们可以在语境中学习和掌握词汇和短语,例如:学生们可以在语境中学习和掌握词汇和短语,例如:go through;set down;on purpose;power等等。等等。2)学生们的阅读能力()学生们的阅读能力( skimming;scanning;summarization )可以得)可以得到培养和提高,同时学生们能够学会欣赏英语文学作品。到培养和提高,同时学生们能够学会欣赏英语文学作品。过程和方法目标:过程和方法目标: 通过互动问答、小组讨论等环节,学生们的小组合作

3、交流意识可以通过互动问答、小组讨论等环节,学生们的小组合作交流意识可以得到提升。得到提升。情感态度和价值观:情感态度和价值观: 通过阅读文章,了解和体会安妮的所思所想,学生们能够学会珍惜通过阅读文章,了解和体会安妮的所思所想,学生们能够学会珍惜生命,珍惜友谊,保持乐观积极向上的生活态度。生命,珍惜友谊,保持乐观积极向上的生活态度。3 教学重难点教学重难点 该阅读材料摘自该阅读材料摘自安妮日记安妮日记,对刚,对刚刚升入高中的中国学生来说,阅读理解刚升入高中的中国学生来说,阅读理解这样一篇英文原著是有一定难度的。让这样一篇英文原著是有一定难度的。让学生们在阅读课文,寻找关键信息和主学生们在阅读课文

4、,寻找关键信息和主题句,是本节课的重点和难点。题句,是本节课的重点和难点。二二 学情分析学情分析 我所授课的对象是高一年级的学生,我所授课的对象是高一年级的学生,她们在认知、理解能力上已经达到了一她们在认知、理解能力上已经达到了一定水平。学生们正处在新学期的开始,定水平。学生们正处在新学期的开始,对对“朋友朋友”这一话题肯定充满了好奇和这一话题肯定充满了好奇和兴趣,并且希望从老师那获得一些指导。兴趣,并且希望从老师那获得一些指导。因此很有必要为学生们提供自由发表自因此很有必要为学生们提供自由发表自己观点的平台机会。己观点的平台机会。三三 教学方法教学方法 我将重点采用任务型教学法(我将重点采用

5、任务型教学法(task-based teaching methods),坚持以学坚持以学生为主体,教师为主导,在教学过程中,生为主体,教师为主导,在教学过程中,大量使用鼓励性的词汇,如:大量使用鼓励性的词汇,如:please have a try; good job; I am proud of you等。同时,利用现代教学手段,采等。同时,利用现代教学手段,采用用ppt展示音频、图片等展示音频、图片等四四 教学步骤教学步骤Step (6mins)Reciting and Revision1 go through 经历经历2 set down 记下记下3 a series of 一系列一系列4

6、 outdoors 在户外在户外6 on purpose 故意地故意地7 in order to 为了为了8 entirely 整个地整个地9 power 力量力量 10 dusty 灰尘灰尘Step (3mins) Leading in Shinning friendsA little faith brightens a rainy day 小小的信念照亮那下雨天小小的信念照亮那下雨天 Life is difficult; you cant go away 生活多困苦,你总不能逃脱生活多困苦,你总不能逃脱 Dont hide yourself in the corner 不要躲在角落不要躲在

7、角落 You have my place to stay 我可以让你依靠我可以让你依靠 Sorrow is gonna say goodbye 忧伤终会跟你说再见忧伤终会跟你说再见 Opens up youll see the happy sunshine 睁开眼睛你会看见快乐的阳光睁开眼睛你会看见快乐的阳光 Keep going on with your dream 继续追寻你的梦想继续追寻你的梦想 Chasing tomorrows sunrise 向着明天的太阳追赶向着明天的太阳追赶 The spirit can never die 不会逝去的是信念不会逝去的是信念Sun will sh

8、ine, my friend 朋友,太阳会一直照耀朋友,太阳会一直照耀 Wont let you cry, my dear 不要让自己流泪,亲爱的不要让自己流泪,亲爱的Seeing you shed a tear 看到你流眼泪看到你流眼泪Makes my world disappear 让我的世界灰暗让我的世界灰暗 Youll never be alone in darkness 在黑暗中你永不会孤独在黑暗中你永不会孤独 See my smile, my friend 朋友,看我的笑颜朋友,看我的笑颜 We are with you, holding hands 手牵手,我们和你一起走手牵手,

9、我们和你一起走 You have got to believe, you are my destiny你要相信你是我的信念与目标你要相信你是我的信念与目标 Were meant to be your friends 我们永远都会和你在一起我们永远都会和你在一起 Thats what a friendship should be 那才是真正的友谊那才是真正的友谊1 Why do we need friends ?2 Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend ?Questions:Step Read

10、ing Pre-reading; While-reading; Post-reading. Pre-reading Reading Annes best friendWhile-reading1 fast reading (快速阅读)2 careful reading(仔细阅读)3 make a summary (写摘要) 能力提升Fast reading 1 Who is Anne?2 Who/What was Annes best friend?3 When and where did the story happen?The time of the storyThe place of t

11、he story The heroine of the story Annes best friend The length of time they hid away The date of the diary Fill in the form below1944AmsterdamAnneKittyTwenty-five month 15th june,1944Careful ReadingChoose the correct answersChoose the correct answers1 Anne Frank and her family hid away for_A over a

12、year B over two yearsC three years C one year and a half2 According to Anne ,a true friend is a person_A that would laugh at you B who makes you happyC whom you can trust D who could save your life3 Anne said that she had grown crazy about nature because_A her interest in nature B she had always bee

13、n so had grownC she had been outdoors D she had been indoors too long too longBCD4 She didnt dare open the window when the moon was bright .Thats because_A they might be discovered B her family might bedisturbedC it was very cold D a thief might get into the room5 Anne and her family were caught by

14、German Nazis_A about June 1945 B about February 1945C about December 1944 D about November 1944ABJoin the correct part of the sentencesJoin the correct part of the sentences1 Anne kept a diary because2 She felt very lonely because3 They had to hide because4 Anne named her diary Kitty because5 They w

15、ere finally caught becauseA she couldnt meet her friends.B Jews were caught by Nazis and put away.C she could tell everything to it.D they were discovered.E she thought it was her best friend.CABEDMake a summary Anne made her diary her best friend when she couldnt understand what she was going _and

16、wanted a friend. Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands _World War . Her family had to hide or they would have been _ by the German Nazis because her family was Jewish. They _away for two years, during which time her only true friend was her diary. She didnt want to _ down a series of facts in a

17、 diary as most people do, but she wanted the diary itself to be her friend. She even named her diary Kitty. In her diary, she wondered if it was because she hadnt been able to go _for so long that she had grown so _about the nature. She even stayed awake on _ until half past eleven in _to have a good look at the moon by herself. Its no_ looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be _.Post ReadingDiscussion in GroupsImagine you have to go in


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