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1、Unit 2 Working the land 耕作土地考纲知识预考纲知识预览览重点单词重点单词1 adj.晒黑的 vt.& vi.日晒;日灼;晒黑2 vt.& vi.斗争;拼搏;努力3 n十年;十年期4 n产量;输出5 adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的 vt.打扰6 vt.& vi.使变大;伸展 n扩展sunburntsunburnstruggle decadeoutputdisturbingdisturb expand expansion 考纲知识预考纲知识预览览7 vt.& vi.循环;流传 n循环;流通8 n自由;自主9 adv.因此;所以;因而10 vt

2、.& vi.配备;装备 n装备11 vt.& vi.输出;出口 vt.& vi.输入;进口12 n国籍 n国家;民族circulatecirculatiofreedomtherefore equipequipment export importnationalitynation考纲知识预考纲知识预览览13 n工作;职业;占领 vt.占领14 vt.使迷惑;使为难 n迷惑15 vt.遗憾;惋惜n遗憾;懊悔 adj.遗憾的 adv.遗憾地16 n生产;制造 vt.& vi.生产;制造 n产品;产物17 n发现;发觉 vt.发现occupationoccupyconf

3、useconfusion regretregretfulregretfullyproduction produceproductdiscoverydiscover 考纲知识预考纲知识预览览18 n焦点;中心点vt.集中;聚焦19 vt.减少;减缩 n减小,降低20 n评论;议论vi.& vt.表达意见;作出评论focus reduce reductioncomment考纲知识预考纲知识预览览重点短语重点短语1 幸亏;由于;因为2 摆脱;除去3 对感到满意4 宁愿;宁可5 逐渐增强;建立;开发6 导致;造成(后果)7 集中(注意力、精力等)于8keep.free from/of 使免受(

4、影响;伤害等);使不含(有害物)thanks tobe satisfied withwould rather build up lead to focus onrid.of 考纲知识预考纲知识预览览1This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce onethird more of the crop in the same fields.【精提取】make it.to do使做(某事)成为,it是形式宾语,possible是宾语补足语,to do是真正的宾语。考纲知识预考纲知识预览览【巧应用】他无论在哪里,都把每天跑步一小时当做规

5、定去执行。Wherever he is,he_ _ _ _ _do running for an hour every day.答案答案:makes it a rule to考纲知识预考纲知识预览览2Although he is one of Chinas most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer,for he works the land to do his research.【精提取】for引导的分句通常对前一个分句所说的话加以解释,提供判断的理由。考纲知识预考纲知识预览览【巧应用】天亮了,因为鸟在歌唱。

6、The day breaks,_ _ _ _ _.答案答案:for the birds are singing考纲知识预考纲知识预览览3He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.【精提取】would rather (not) do sth.宁愿(不)做;更喜欢(不)做。【巧应用】今晚你最好呆在家里看点书。You_ _ _ _ _ and do some reading this evening.答案答案:would rather stay at home考纲知识预考纲知识预览览4In addition,fruit,vegetables and

7、 other food grown with chemical fertilizers usually grow too fast to be full of much nutrition.【精提取】in addition意思是“而且,还有”,相当于besides,用作状语。【巧应用】我不想去了,再说我也很累。I dont want to go,_ _,_ _ _ _.答案:in addition;I am too tired名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛1. struggle vt.& vi.& n斗争,拼搏,斗争,拼搏,努力,挣扎努力,挣扎(1)struggle to do st

8、h.艰难地做某事,挣扎着做某事struggle for为而斗争struggle with (against)与作斗争,同搏斗struggle on挣扎着,坚持下去词语细解点对点点对点名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛(2)struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来We have to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties.我们得和各种各样的困难作斗争。He has been struggling to succeed in his business.He has been struggling for success in his b

9、usiness.为使事业成功,他一直努力奋斗着。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Weve lost two of our best players,but were struggling on.我们失去了两名最好的队员,但我们仍在努力坚持着。It was a real struggle to be ready on time.要按时做好准备确非易事。The lion made a sudden angry noise and struggled to its feet.狮子突然发出一阵怒吼,挣扎着站了起来。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛1The children talked so loudly at di

10、nner table that I had to struggle _.Ato be heard Bto have heardChearing Dbeing heard解析解析:选选A。本题考查非谓语动词。本题考查非谓语动词。struggle to do sth.努力做某事。又因努力做某事。又因“I”与与“hear”之间存在被动关系,故应用不定式之间存在被动关系,故应用不定式的被动语态。的被动语态。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛2. equip v装备;配备装备;配备(1)(2)名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Well have to equip our office with a new computer

11、,wont we?我们办公室应该备有一台新电脑,不是吗?That was a modern,bright,well equipped hospital.那是一家现代化的、明亮且设备精良的医院。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛We want our son to have an education that will equip him for later life.我们想让儿子接受能为其日后生活打下基础的教育。Our school has been given some new pieces of equipment.我们学校有了一些赠送的新设备。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛2Your education

12、 will_you to earn a good living.Work hard from now on.Aassociate BequipCrelate Dfeed解析解析:选选B。前一句句意:你所受的教前一句句意:你所受的教育会使你过上富裕的生活。育会使你过上富裕的生活。associate使联合使联合(系系);relate适应,使相互关联;适应,使相互关联;feed喂养,喂养,向向提供。提供。equip使有能力,符合语境。使有能力,符合语境。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛3. confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难;使混使迷惑;使为难;使混乱;混淆乱;混淆They asked so many q

13、uestions that they confused me.他们问了许多问题,把我弄糊涂了。Her unexpected arrival confused all our plans.她的突然到来把我们所有的计划全打乱了。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛People were confused by a lot of information.人们被大量的信息搞糊涂了。I confused her with her sister because they were so alike.我把她和她妹妹弄混了,因为她们长得太像了。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛温馨提示温馨提示(1)confused adj.困惑的

14、,烦恼的困惑的,烦恼的Im still a bit confused about what happened.我对发生的事仍然有点不解。我对发生的事仍然有点不解。(2)confusing adj.令人费解的;使人困惑的令人费解的;使人困惑的The instructions on the box are very confusing.盒子上的使用说明令人费解。I was getting confused by such a confusing problem.我被这么困惑的问题搞得不知所措。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛3(2009年浙江绍兴调研)What do you think of her sp

15、eech last night?Just so so.She gave us too much information,so that everyone got _.AconfusedBto confuseCconfusing Dto be confused解析解析:选选A。考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。get confused为被动语态结构,为被动语态结构,get相当于助动词相当于助动词be。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛4. regret v可惜,后悔,遗憾可惜,后悔,遗憾n.遗憾,抱歉遗憾,抱歉(2)名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛(3)If you dont do it now,youll onl

16、y regret it.你如果现在不做,以后一定会后悔的。I regretted missing/having missed the good film.我后悔没能看那部好电影。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛I regret to say that I cannot help you.很抱歉,我不能帮你的忙。It is to be regretted that the president cant attend the conference.很遗憾,总统不能参加这次会议。He told me with regret that he could not come to the party.他很抱歉地对

17、我说他不能来参加这个聚会了。Much to my regret,I must leave now.非常抱歉,我现在必须走了。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛4Robert is indeed a wise man.Oh,yes.How often I have regretted _ his advice!Ato take BtakingCnot to take Dnot taking解析解析:选选D。regret (not) doing/having done sth.表示表示“后悔后悔(没没)做做(了了)某事某事”。结合。结合句意:我时常后悔没有听取他的建议。故选句意:我时常后悔没有听取他的建议。

18、故选D。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛5I regret_you that we are unable to offer you employment.Ainforming Bhaving informedCto inform Dto informed解析解析:选选C。句意:很遗憾地通知你,句意:很遗憾地通知你,我们不能雇用你。我们不能雇用你。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛6Lydia really regrets _ out of high school.She has really had to struggle to make a living because of that decision.Ad

19、rop Bto dropCdropping Ddropped解析解析:选选C。句意:句意:Lydia非常后悔中非常后悔中学时就辍学了。因为那个学时就辍学了。因为那个(错误的错误的)决定,她决定,她为了谋生不得不非常努力地奋斗。为了谋生不得不非常努力地奋斗。“后悔做后悔做过某事过某事”用用regretv.ing。故选。故选C。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛7Mr.Black,what about my application?Oh,I regret_you that it hasnt been successful.Atelling Bto tellChaving told Dsaid解析解析:选选B

20、。句意:句意:布莱克先生,布莱克先生,我的申请如何?我的申请如何?噢,我很遗憾地告诉你,噢,我很遗憾地告诉你,它未通过。由句意可知为它未通过。由句意可知为“遗憾地要去干某遗憾地要去干某事事”,故选择,故选择regret to do的形式。的形式。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛5. therefore adv.因此;所以;结果因此;所以;结果He worked day and night,and therefore he was able to buy an expensive car.他日夜工作,所以有能力买一辆昂贵的汽车。She went to a party and therefore didn

21、t study her lessons.她去参加了一个聚会,因此没有学习功课。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛8Progress so far has been very good._,we are sure that the project will be completed on time.AHoweverBOtherwiseCTherefore DBesides解析解析:选选C。本题考查副词的用法。本题考查副词的用法。however“不管怎样不管怎样”;otherwise“否则否则”;therefore“所以所以”;besides“除此以外除此以外”。根据。根据句意判断,前后句为因果关系,故句意

22、判断,前后句为因果关系,故C项正确。项正确。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛6. thanks to多亏了,由多亏了,由于于名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Thanks to your timely help,I managed to finish the work on time.多亏了你及时的帮助,我按时完成了工作。It was thanks to his advice that I succeeded.多亏了他的忠告我才得以成功。The accident was due to his careless driving.事故是由于他的粗心驾驶造成的。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Owing to your ti

23、mely help,we finished the work ahead of time.由于你及时的帮助,我们提前完成了工作。As a result of the bad weather,the football match was put off.由于天气不好,足球赛被推迟了。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛9It was_your timely help that we could solve the problem.Afor BbecauseCthanks to Ddue to答案:C名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛7. be satisfied with对对表示满表示满足或满意足或满意(2)be s

24、atisfied to do对做感到满意(3)(much)to ones satisfactionto the satisfaction of sb.使某人满意的是(4)satisfy ones needs满足某人需求名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛I was not satisfied with the result.我对那个结果感到不满意。Youve done well at school.Im very satisfied with you.你在学校干得不错,我对你很满意。He was satisfied to win the match.他对赢得比赛感到满意。There was a satis

25、fied look on his face.他脸上露出了满意的微笑。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Much to my satisfaction,my boss agreed to my suggestion.很使我满意的是老板同意了我的建议。My parents try to satisfy my needs.我父母尽量满足我的需求。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛10Be happy!It seemed that Miss Guo was _ with your work today.AdishonestBconfusedCsatisfied Dangry解析解析:选选C。be satisfied wi

26、th“对对满满意意”。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛11Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does_his boss.Aserves BsatisfiesCpromises Dsupports解析解析:选选B。四个词的意思为:四个词的意思为:serve“为为服务;服侍服务;服侍”;satisfy“使某人使某人满意满意”;promise“允诺;保证允诺;保证”;support“支支持持”。根据句子意思。根据句子意思“Nick在另找工作,因在另找工作,因为他觉得他做的事情无法使老板满意。为他觉得他做的事情无法

27、使老板满意。”可可得出答案。得出答案。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛8. focus on/upon集中注意力集中注意力于于(1)focus attention/efforts/energy/thoughts/mind on (doing) sth.集中注意力/努力/精力/思想/心思于(2)focus n中心,焦点All eyes were focused on the speaker.大家的目光都集中在发言人身上。Attention has been focused recently on the danger of nuclear reactors.最近人们的注意力集中于核反应堆的危险上。名师一

28、线讲名师一线讲坛坛Focus your attention on your work.把注意力集中在你的工作上。She was the focus of everyones attention at the party.她是那次聚会时人人注意的焦点。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛12Public attention at the moment is focused _ the problem of environment balance.AInto BtowardsCabout Don解析解析:选选D。focus . on为固定搭配,为固定搭配,意为意为“把把集中于集中于”。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛

29、1.【教材原句】【教材原句】Dr Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.袁隆平博士种植的是被称为“超级杂交水稻”的稻种。句型考点面对面面对面名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛【句法分析】what is/was called或what people call/called是习惯用法,意为“所谓的;人们常说的”,相当于socalled。其中引导词what在此句中相当于“then.that”结构。本句可改为Dr Yuan Longping grows the rice that is called super hybrid rice.At l

30、ast,they reached what is called the New America.最后,他们到达被称为美洲大陆的新地方。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛He graduated from what was called a key high school.他毕业于一所所谓的重点高中。We now live in what is called the Information Age.我们现在生活在所谓的信息时代。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛13(2008年高考浙江卷)Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a languag

31、e different from_their parents speak at home.Awhat BthatCwhich Done解析解析:选选A。句意:一些孩子想学习一门不句意:一些孩子想学习一门不同于家中父母所讲的语言来挑战自我。同于家中父母所讲的语言来挑战自我。what引引导名词性从句,在句中作导名词性从句,在句中作from的宾语。的宾语。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛14A modern city has been set up in_was a wasteland ten years ago.Awhat BwhichCthat Dwhere解析解析:选选A。该句意:一座现代化的城该句意

32、:一座现代化的城市在十年前是一片废墟的地方建立起来了。市在十年前是一片废墟的地方建立起来了。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛2.【教材原句】【教材原句】He would much rather keep time for his hobbies.他更愿把时间花在自己的业余爱好上。【句法分析】would rather宁愿、宁可,没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用would rather。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛(2)would rather+从句从句过去时,表示现在或将来(虚拟)过去时,表示现在或将来(虚拟)过去完成时,表示过去(虚拟)过去完成时,表示过去(虚拟)宁愿宁愿(而)不愿(而)不愿与其与其倒

33、不如倒不如名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛would rather have done本来想而未实现I would rather you didnt.常用来表示委婉拒绝别人的请求。(3)prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿也不He would rather walk than take a bus.他宁愿走,也不愿乘公交车。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛Rather than refuse to help you,I would borrow money from my friends.我宁可向朋友借钱,也不愿拒绝帮助你。I would rather you went

34、 right now.我宁愿你马上就去。Id rather you hadnt told him the news that day.我真希望你那天没有把那消息告诉他。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛15I would rather_the football match last night with my friends.Otherwise,I would have finished my paperwork by now.Anot have watched Bnot watchChadnt watched Dhavent watched名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛解析解析:选选A。句意:昨晚我要是不和

35、朋句意:昨晚我要是不和朋友看足球赛就好了,那样我现在已做完作业友看足球赛就好了,那样我现在已做完作业了。了。would rather have done表示表示“本想做而本想做而未实现的一种愿望或打算未实现的一种愿望或打算”。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛16Would you rather _ there tomorrow?No.Id rather he _ there instead of me.Ato go;will go Bgo;wentCgo;will go Dgoing;shall go解析解析:选选B。Would you rather do sth.?“你愿意做你愿意做吗?吗?”因此第一个空要用动词原因此第一个空要用动词原形;第二个空要用虚拟语气,即形;第二个空要用虚拟语气,即would rather sb.did sth.“宁愿别人做宁愿别人做”。名师一线讲名师一线讲坛坛17.Will you join us in playing cards?Thank you,but_at the moment.AId like to not BIm afraid soCId rather not DId better not to解析解析:选选C。A项中的项中的not要放在要放在to前才前才对;对;B项中的项中


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