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1、Unit 3May I Help You ? Learning aims:p Know customers needs.p Understand the important role of a server.p Use up selling techniques Talk about the meaning of the following words and phrases: 1.server_ 2.up-selling techniques _ 3 .on the phone _ 4.take ones order _ 5.get an eye on _ 6.big sign _ 7.co

2、upon_ 8.save a lot _服务员服务员捆绑销售捆绑销售在电话上在电话上翻白眼翻白眼长叹长叹优惠券;礼劵优惠券;礼劵省很多钱省很多钱为某人点菜为某人点菜 Please tell good and bad service.Write G for good or B for bad in the blanks . The waiter was talking on the phone while taking my order . _I asked a clerk for help and got an eye roll and big sigh as response _The st

3、ore clerk told me about a coupon that helped me save a lot .BBG Underline the questions asked by the hotel clerk . Clock:Welcome to our the Sheration .May I help you ? Guest:Id like to check in .I have a reservation . Clerk;Whats your name ,please ? Guest:Phillip Parker . Clerk:Yes, Mr. Parker .You

4、requested a single room for three nights ,is that correct ?_ Guest:Yes .Could I have a room on the upper floor ,away from the street? Clerk:No problem .Could you fill out the registration form , please . Thank you .And will you be paying by cash or credit card ? Guest :Cash , if you accept American

5、dollars . Clerk :Of course ,sir . Your room number is 1109 .Here is your key .Enjoy your stay at the Sheration . If you require anything further ,feel free to call the front desk ._ Would you like assistance with your bags? Guest: No ,thank , I only have one. I can manage ._Language points :1.would

6、like to do sth. _ eg. I would kike to go shopping .2.check in _ eg .He would like to check in .3.a single room _4.on the upper floor_5.away from _想干某事想干某事登记入住登记入住单人间单人间在较高的楼层在较高的楼层远离远离 fill out the registration form_ by cash _ by credit card _ of course /certainly /sure /surely/by all means _ be/fre

7、e to do sth._ I can manage ._填写申请表填写申请表用现金支付用现金支付用信用卡支付用信用卡支付当然可以当然可以我自己能行我自己能行 。随意做某事随意做某事 Homework : Copy and remember new words and expressions . Preview the contents on P36-38 .Match the following words and with their meaning:( )1.attend( )2.clerk( )3.correct( )4.reservation( ) 5.upper( ) 6.fill

8、( ) 7.further( ) 8.assistanceA :更多的:更多的B :填写:填写C :.照顾照顾D : 职员职员E : 较高的较高的F : 远离远离G : 帮助帮助H :正确的:正确的I :预定:预定 CDHIEBAGUseful Expressions : 1.Do you have a reservation? 2 .How long will you be staying? 3.Do you prefer a smoking or not-smoking room? 4.Will you be paying by cash or credit card ? 5.Could

9、you fill out this registration form , please ?1 .Yes ,the name is Joe Smith,.2 .Ill be checking out on Friday.3.Non-smoking if you please .4.Credit card ,if you accept Visa . 5.Do you need to see my passport ?Suppose you work at the front desk of a hotel .ask proper questions to get the following in

10、formation .1. name of the guestQuestions :Whats your name please? May I have your name ,please?2.Kind of room needed Question :Do you prefer a smoking of non smoking room ? What kind of room would you like a single or a double?3.number of guests _Question :How many of you ?4.lengthof stay Question :

11、How long will you be staying ?Complete the conversation and then role- play it with your partner.Front Desk :Welcome to the Home Inn .How may I help you ?Guest : Id like a room ,please .Front Desk :Single or double ?Guest :A double, please .How much is that ?Front Desk :Its $145 a night .How long wi

12、ll you stay ?Guest :Just tonight .Front Desk : Ok .One night comes to $145 plus tax .May I have your name ?Guest :Its Davies .Robert Davies .Front Desk :How to spell ?Guest :Its D-A-V-E-S .Arrange the sentences below to make a conversation between a customer and waiter in a coffee shop ._ Anything e

13、lse ,sir ?_Just blacks fine ._And a piece of toast ._Are you ready to order ,sir ?_Cream and sugar ?_Certainly sir .Coming right up ._Thank you ._Yes , please .Id like a cup of coffee .54613782Homework :Review what you have learned today . Finish exercise book Part A ( 1、2) .Preview Reading and Writ

14、ing .role n. 角色角色vital adj. 极重要的极重要的tend v. 倾向倾向receive v. 得到得到efficient adj. 效率高的效率高的efficiently adv.效率高地效率高地avoid v. 避免避免serve v. 接待接待politely adv.有礼貌的有礼貌的Addition n. 增加增加accordingly adv.相应地相应地 in addition 另外另外boss n. 老板老板rely v. 依赖,依靠依赖,依靠promote v. 促进,推进促进,推进realize v. 认识到认识到treat v. 对待对待attenti

15、on n. 注意注意contact n. 接触接触in short 简而言之简而言之react v. 做出反应做出反应give away 泄露泄露obvious adj.显然的显然的squint v.乜斜着眼睛乜斜着眼睛Read the passage and what “ your ” job is .“You” are a worker whose main job is to deal with customers .Read the passage again and circle the correct answer .a.“You ” play an important role

16、in the success of a bussiness .b.“You” should work hard to run a successful business.c.Dealing with customers is only part of “your” job .The author give two examples on how to make customers feel important what are they? Give the customer your full attention. Look at the customer in the eye .Langua

17、ge points :1 )tend to to do sth .倾向于做某事倾向于做某事g . He tends to get angry for no reason .他容易无缘无故地发火他容易无缘无故地发火 。2) go back to 回到回到3) talk to /with 和某人交谈和某人交谈 eg .I want to talk to/with the boss about the quality of the product 我想和你们老板这个产品的质量问题。4)in addition另外,此外/additionlly5)rely on /depend on /count on

18、 依靠,依赖In addition ,your boss is relying you promote his/her bussiness and sales high .你的老板指望你推进他/她的业务,保持较高的销售量 。6)deal with/do with /handle/cope with /address 对待,处理7)expect to 预期,期待Eg .This is the last place where I expect to meet you .我绝没想到会在这里遇到你 。8)make sure /ensure 确保9) eye contact 目光接触10)in sho

19、rt 简而言之11)try to do sth.尽力做某事12)try doing sth .试图做某事eg .Try knocking at the back door if nobody answers the door .要是前门没人答应,敲敲后面试试 。 13 ) react to对作出反应14) give away泄露15)squint at 乜着眼睛看16)get into the habit of 养成.习惯17 )look out for these signs 留心留心 这些迹象这些迹象 eg :Try to get into the habit of looking out

20、 for these signs and reacting accordingly .尽量养成尽量养成 注意注意 这些迹象这些迹象 ,并且有针对性的回应,并且有针对性的回应习惯习惯 。Complete the sentence with the correct words and expressions from the box . Change the form if necessary .1.He said yes , but his voice_ his real opinion on the matter .2.I put the book away ,and _ ,I cleaned up my desk . 3.As far as they can ,the family avoid _ with the neighbours .contact give away in addition receivetreat deal with in short obviousgave awayin additioncontact4 .There is too much ahead ._,we need some help . 5 .I d


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