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1、.第一篇 总体设计说明书1. 概述重庆巫山至湖北宜昌高速公路(以下简称“渝宜高速”)是重庆市高速公路网规划的重庆市连接湖北省的第二条高速公路大通道渝沪高速公路的一段,是长江三峡路上高速交通的重要联络线,也是重庆市高速公路网中一条连接宜昌、武汉等城市的重要通道。本项目的建设对于完善国家高速公路网、加快发展长江三峡高速公路通道,强化重庆经济辐射能力、促进沿线优势资源开发和经济发展,带动革命老区人民脱贫致富具有重要意义。公路技术标准为四车道高速公路,设计时速80公里,整体式路基宽24.5米。 根据项目在高速公路网及区域路网中的功能和作用,结合沿线地形条件以及交通量预测,依据公路工程技术标准,采用全部

2、控制出入、具有较高设计速度和完善的安全设施、服务设施、管理设施的四车道高速公路。本项目设计文件由第一篇(总体设计)、第二篇(路线)、第三篇(路基、路面)、第四篇(桥梁、涵洞、隧道)、第五篇(环境保护与景观设计)共五部分内容组成。2. 任务依据及测设经过本次勘察在广泛收集、分析利用1:20万区域地质报告(重庆地质矿产局)、重庆巫山至湖北宜昌高速公路工程可行性研究工程地质总说明、重庆巫山至湖北宜昌高速公路工程场地地震安全性评价报告、重庆巫山至湖北宜昌高速公路遥感工程地质解译报告,主要采用了地表地质调绘的工作方法,辅以N10轻型动力触探、静力触探、麻花钻等简易勘探手段,了解路线区域内的地形、地貌、地

3、层岩性、地质构造、水文地质条件、不良地质现象及特殊路基等,重点调查各种对路线影响的不良地质和各主要构造物工点的基本地质条件及存在的主要工程地质问题。接受任务后,有关专业技术人员开展现场踏勘,根据踏勘成果及院总工办技术指导书要求制定工作大纲。于2008年4月17日开始野外调查工作,于2008年5月23日结束,外业工作历时37天。本着推荐线与比较线进行同精度比较的原则,共布置钻孔877个,初步查明了公路所定线路沿线及各重要构筑物场地的区域水文地质及工程地质条件等。3. 技术标准及设计依据3.1技术标准根据重庆巫山至湖北宜昌高速公路工程可行性研究报告以及中华人民共和国行业标准公路工程技术标准(JTG

4、 B01-2003),再结合本项目在四川省高速公路路网中的功能、作用及国民经济和社会经济发展的需要,设计采用以下技术指标:公路等级:四车道高速公路计算行车速度: 80公里/小时一般最小平曲线半径: 400米不设超高的最小平曲线半径:2500米路基设计标高位置:整体式为中央分隔带边缘最大纵坡: 5%最短坡长:200米凸形竖曲线一般最小半径: 4500米凹形竖曲线一般最小半径: 3000米视觉所需最小凸形竖曲线半径:12000米视觉所需最小凹形竖曲线半径:8000米路基宽度:整体式24.5米行车道宽度: 43.75米中间带宽度: 2.5米中央分隔带宽度: 1.5米硬路肩宽度:整体式22.75米土路

5、肩宽度: 20.75米路面结构类型:沥青砼路拱横坡:2超高方式:整体式绕中央分隔带边缘旋转设计荷载:汽车-超20级,挂车120桥梁全宽:整体式24.5米涵顶横向宽度:与路基同宽设计洪水频率:路基及桥1/100。3.2设计依据依据的主要技术标准、规范有: (JTG B01-2003) 公路工程技术标准(JTG D20-2006) 公路路线设计规范(JTG D30-2004) 公路路基设计规范(JTJ018-97) 公路排水设计规范工程建设标准强制条文 公路工程部分(JTG D60-2004) 公路桥涵设计通用规范(JTJ004-89)公路工程抗震设计规范(JTG D63-2007) 公路桥涵地基

6、与基础设计规范(及条文说明)(JTG/T D65-04-2007) 公路涵洞设计细则(JTG C10-2007) 公路勘测规范(JTG D50-2006) 公路沥青路面设计规范(JTG C30-2002) 公路工程水泥混凝土路面设计规范4. 路线走向、主要控制点和技术指标运用情况4.1路线起讫点本项目起点在左家湾,终点在向家坝4.2中间控制点结合本项目地位及功能,沿线城市经济发展、规划,以及工可、初步设计批复意见。4.3路线长度本项目经过施工图阶段优化调整,全线总里程为2.5公里。4.4技术指标本路段采用高速公路技术指标,设计车速80公里/小时,路基宽度为24.5米。为了提高营运质量,在不增加


8、况上看,平、纵指标与地形协调。5.沿线地形、地质、地震、气候、水文、不良地质等自然地理特征5.1 地形、地貌本合同段主要位于四川盆地边缘低山-丘陵区,是山地向丘陵的过渡地带,地形条件较复杂,属构造浸蚀剥蚀地貌类型,水网发育,呈树枝状分布,整个地势从东北向西南呈倒叠瓦式渐次降低。5.2 区域地质稳定性评价岩层产状平缓,绝大部分岩层倾角小于5度,构造简单。路线经过区地形起伏不大,相对高差均小于50m。因此区内不良地质发育程度较低,据调查区内无滑坡、泥石流等不良地质,主要不良地质表现为软弱地基、小型崩塌。工程区区域稳定性较好。5.3 水文地质条件静风时间约占2050%。全年有霜期甚短,一般在60天左

9、右。本合同段位于扬子地层区四川盆地分区的北缘,出露地层仅有白垩系下统,此外,区内河流两岸有第四系零星分布。先按地层顺序,由新到老分述如下:(1)第四系全新统冲洪积层(Q4al+pl):沿区内河流及两岸均有不同程度分布,主要为阶地及河床堆积,一般阶面平坦,阶坡陡峻,灰色砂质粘土,厚约24m。(2)白垩系下统苍溪组(K1c):浅灰色、灰紫色块层状中细粒长石砂岩砂岩。5.4 地震5.12汶川地震发生后,国家对四川、甘肃、陕西等部分地区地震动峰值加速度区划图进行了修订,根据“四川省汶川地震灾区各市、县、乡镇一般建设工程抗震设防地震动参数一览表”(四川省地震局 二零零八年六月),工作区路线地震动峰值加速











20、灌木和植草,平台种植乔灌或复耕。11.其它工程本路段无渡口码头,其它工程主要为与高速公路相互干扰的少数公路、地方道路、乡村道路、农耕道路及各种沟、渠改移。以不破坏原有路网结构、水系,不降低其既有功能为设计原则。所有改移的各种道路进行平、纵设计,尽量减少绕行长度,降低爬行坡度,使车辆通行快速、顺畅。所改移的各种沟、渠设计流量确定水流断面,同时进行平、纵设计,满足过水要求。为确保沿途改移地方道路、乡村道路、农耕作业道路及排灌沟渠方案合理,满足使用者的需求,除做好改移道路平、纵面设计外,并与当地人民群众、政府相关部门进行沟通,交换意见。General description of design1.s

21、ummarizeBaNan freeway is the key part of freeway which connects Chengdu with Hanzhong in Shanxi through Nanjiang in Bazhong in the “Program of Sichuan Freeway Network”, the starting section of the freeway which connects Bazhong with Kunming in the “Program of the Freeway Network of the Pearl River D

22、elta Area”, and is the important way to go out to the North. When BaNan freeway is built, it will have important significance. The freeways skeleton network of Sichuan will be further improved, the north export of Sichuan province will be more smooth, the situation of Nanchongs regional sub prime tr

23、ansportation junction will be promoted, the ability of accessing of Bazhong which is a traffic node city will be enhanced,the comprehensive transportation hub in western part will be built, and the speed of supporting the poor in the old revolutionary base areas of North Sichuan will be faster.Accor

24、ding to the function and effect of projects in the freeway network and the regional road network, combining with the terrain conditions and traffic forecast by the road, and according to the engineering standards of freeway, we use four-lane freeway which fully controls access, has a higher design s

25、peed and perfect safety facilities, services facilities and management facilities.2. Technical standards and basis of designs 2.1Technical standard According to the feasibility study report of the freeway project from Bazhong to the south and the engineering standards of freeway of industry standard

26、 of the Peoples Republic (JTG B01-2003), combining with the function and effect of this project in Sichuan provinces freeway network and the needs of the national economic and needs of social and economic development, design following technological indexes.lFreeway grade: four-lane freewayllThe mini

27、mum circular curve radius: 400mlThe minimum circular without superelevation: 2500mlThe shortest length of swing line: 70mlGeneral value of the level of the minimum curve length: 400mlLimit value of the level of the minimum curves length: 140mlThe sight distance of stopping: 110mlThe elevation of roa

28、dbed design position: the edge of median striplMaximum longitudinal grade: 5%lShortest slope length: 200mlLimit value of the minimum convex vertical curve: 3000mlGeneral value of the minimum convex vertical curve: 4500mlLimit value of the minimum spill vertical curve: 2000mlGeneral value of the mini

29、mum spill vertical curve: 3000mlGeneral value of the vertical curves length: 170mlThe minimum value of vertical curves length: 70mlWidth of subgrade: 24.5mlLane width: 43.75mlMiddle belt width: 3.0mlThe central space with width: 1.5mlHard road shoulder width: 22.75mlDirt road shoulder width: 20.75ml

30、Pavement structure type: asphalt concretelLkarch cross-sectional slope: 2%lSuperelevation : rotating around the edge of the central spacelCar load: freeway-lBridge whole width: 24.5mlThe horizontal width of the culvert top: the roadbed widthlThe horizontal width of the culver top :the roadbed widthl

31、Design flood frequency: subgrade and large, in, bridges and 1/100, 1/300 of the BridgelThe frequency of design flood: subgrade and bridge: 1/100, the most important bridge: 1/3002.2The basis of design Main technical standards, specifications:Freeway engineering technical standardJTG B01-2003Freeway

32、route design standardJTG D20-2006Freeway roadbed design standardJTG D30-2004Freeway drainage design specificationJTJ018-97Engineering and construction standards mandatory provisions of freeway projects sectionFreeway bridge design general specificationJTG D60-2004Freeway projects for seismic design

33、standardJTJ004-98Freeway Bridge foundation and the basic design specification (provisions)JTG D63-2007Detailed design of freeway culvertsJTG/T D65-04-2007Freeway Survey and SpecificationJTG D50-2006Freeway asphalt pavement design standardJTG D50-2006Freeway Concrete Pavement design specificationsJTG

34、 C30-20023. Technical indexThis road adopts freeway technical index, the design speed is 80 km / h, and the roadbed width is 24.5 meter. The length of the whole road is 5975.239 meters with six line intersections and five slope points. In order to improve operational quality, under the premise witho

35、ut more investment, this roads Horizontal and Vertical indexes are to meet the general value of specification and radius of vertical curve meet the visual requirements of the vertical curve radius as far as possible in the road which meets the conditions.4. The topography, geology, earthquake, clima

36、te, hydrology, poor geological and other natural geographical features along the road4.1 Topography and GeomorphologyThe road of this project belongs to the low mountains and hilly terrain so that the condition of geography is complex. Besides, the area of the project is tectonic erosion physiognomy

37、, the water channel distributes dendritically.4.2 The evaluation of stability of the regional geology The tectonic belt of the project area fractures and does not develop and mainly folds. The movement of new tectonic movement of the project area mainly is intermittently upward movement to form the

38、river terraces and eroding planation surface. Route is located in weak earthquake area of the northwest Sichuan. The level of seismic activity in this area is relatively weak, which is characterized by medium magnitude, low frequency and sporadic distribution. According to historical records, the di

39、strict did not occur the disastrous earthquake. Regional stability of the project area is good.4.3 Hydrogeological conditionsGroundwater in the project area is mainly bedrock fissure water and pore water in loosing layer, and bedrock confined water exists in some area. Groundwater which is influence

40、d by meteoric and inflows into the nearest valley or ravine has regional misdistribution.4.4 EarthquakeRecently, the crustal movement in project area mainly is slow uplift of the whole part. And we did not find fracture activity and much and violent earthquakes. According to the “Block Plan of Chine

41、se Ground Motion Parameter” and “The Report of Seismic Safety Evaluation” published in 2001, the acceleration speed of earthquake peak in the project area is 0.05g, characteristic period of dynamic response spectrum is 0.45s and the corresponding basic earthquake intensity is degree.4.5 Temperature,

42、 rainfall, sunshine, etc.The project areas climate is subtropical monsoon climate which is warm in winter, hot in summer, cool in autumn and spring is coming to early. The regions annual rainfall is about 1100mm4.6 Adverse geological phenomena and special subgradeThis project area belonged to the hi

43、lly areas, geological structure is relatively simple, geological tectonic is not strong, the attitude of rocks is gently, the integrity of lock is good, the high and steep slopes are very rare, the longitudinal slope of gully is moderate, and the catchment area is relatively small. Therefore, in the

44、 project area the landslides, mudslides, and other typical adverse geological phenomena do not exist. The main adverse geological phenomenon in the project area is small collapse.5. Roadbed, pavement and drainage5.1 standard cross-section of roadbedThe standard cross-section of roadbed is integral.

45、The roadbeds width is 24.5 meters, and the standard cross-section of roadbed composed of carriageway which is 4 3.75 m , the central divider which is 2.0 meters , the left curbs which is 2 0.5 m, hard road shoulder which is 2 2.5 m and dirt road shoulder which is 2 0.75 m. Besides, the designed elev

46、ation of roadbed is the edge of the roads central strip. Do not take the ultra-high radius as 2500 meters, the ultra-high gradient rate as 1/250, and the designed height of roadbed as the rotation axis. The filler of roadbed is the soil gets from excavation of roadbed along the road.5.2 Pavement Des

47、ignThe structure of the pavement design of this project is the following aspects:The top layer of the road is 4cm which is fine-grained asphalt concrete, the middle layer is 6cm which is the grain type of asphalt concrete, the under layer is 8cm which is thick dense graded asphalt concrete, The stone base layer is 28cm


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