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1、9A Unit 7 根据中文完成下列句子。1. 让我们去远足而不是呆在家里好吗?Lets go hiking _ staying at home, _?2. 哈维的父母找到了一些适合他读的书籍。Harveys parents found some books_.3. 我们确信中国梦一定会在不远的将来实现。We are sure_.4. 这个演讲非常精彩,我们都听得很认真。The speech _we all listened carefully.5. 她有如此好的表演天赋,她适合进入影视业。She has such a good gift for acting that she_.答案:1.

2、instead of; shall we 2. suitable/fit for him to read3. China Dream will come true in the near future.4. was so wonderful that5. is suitable for entering the film industry.根据中文完成下列句子。1. 它是好莱坞空前最伟大的女演员之一。Gong Li is one of the most beautiful _ (act)in China.2. 张亮作为模特之前是作为一个厨师而工作。Zhang Liang_ before he

3、became a model.3. 奥黛丽.赫本的成功生涯持续了大约40年。Audrey Hepburns_.4. 杨幂被选中担任小时代的主角。Yang Mi_ in Tiny Times.5. 杨澜的成就不仅限于主持业。Yang Lans _.答案:1. all-time greatest films2. worked as a cook3. Successful career lasted for about 40 years4. Was chosen to play the lead role5. Achievements went beyond the host industry根据中

4、文完成下列句子。1. 赫本喜爱跳舞,梦想成为一名成功的芭蕾舞者。Hepburn loved dancing and _.2. 导游坚持她是演这部电影主角的最完美女孩。The director insisted that she _ in the film.3. 1994年林青霞在结婚后息影。In 1994 after Lin Qingxia got married she_.4. 昨天我在商场购物时碰见了一位老朋友。Yesterday_, I met an old friend.答案1. dreamt of becoming a successful ballet dancer2. Was t

5、he perfect girl for the lead role.3. made her final appearance4. while shopping in the shipping mall根据中文完成下列句子。1. 赫本一生中帮助过世界各地的许多贫困孩子。Hepburn _ during her lifetime.2. 她在这部电影里扮演了一个公主的角色。She_ in this film.3. 那个小男孩坚持要买玩具火车。The little boy_.4. 许多小说已经被成功地改编成了剧本。Many novels_.5. 现在中国在世界的政治、经济舞台上正扮演着一个越来越重要的

6、角色。Now China_on the worlds political and economic stage.6. 他把他所有的精力都放在练习弹钢琴上。He_.7. 我爸爸今天很早起床以便能够赶上早班车。Today my father got up very early_.8. “听着,孩子!作为一名学生,你应该远离网吧,而不是熬夜在里面打电脑游戏。” “对不起,史密斯夫人。我会记住的。” -Listen, boy! As a student, you should stay away from the Internet bar_. -Sorry, Mrs Smith. Ill keep i

7、t in mind.答案:1.helped many poor children all over the world2.played the role of a princess3.insisted on buying a toy train4.have been made into plays successfully5.is playing a more and more important role6.puts all his effort into practising playing the piano7.so that he could catch the early bus8.

8、instead of staying up to play computer games in it根据中文完成下列句子。1. 虽然我奶奶年纪大了,但她还是继续学习。My grandma keeps on staying_.2. 赫本表演得如此精彩以至于一些人把她误认为是一个真正的公主了。Hepburn acted so well that some people_.3. 我买了许多的数码影碟以备我可以更多地了解中国功夫。I have bought a lot of DVDs_.答案:1. although/though she is old2. Mistook her for a real

9、princess3. So that I can learn more about Chinese kungfu根据中文完成下列句子。1. 春天格林夫人家的花园里长满了玫瑰花。Mrs Greens garden_.2. 据说我们今年的运动会已经被取消了。It is said that_.3. 爱之船是一个关于一个妇女爱上了一个男人的故事。Love Ship is a story about a woman_.4. 那家电影院昨天上映了什么影片?What_yesterday?答案:1. is full of roses in spring2. our sports meeting has bee

10、n cancelled this year.3. who falls in love with a man4. was shown/on at that cinema根据中文完成下列句子。1. 你知道这个火车站是什么时候建成的吗?Do you know_.2. 扬州园林不仅在中国出名,而且在全世界也很有名。Yangzhou Gardens are famous_.3. 到目前为止,他将近在100部电影中表演并获得许多奖。So far he has acted in nearly 100 films and_.4. 他的影片特别是因为他们成功地将文化与激动人心的剧情相结合。His film ar

11、e special because_.答案:1. when the railway station was set up2. Not only in China but also in the whole world.3. Won many awards4. They successfully join culture and exciting story together根据中文完成下列句子。1. 这本书适合各个年龄段的人看。This book_.2. 我成为一名演员的梦想将会实现。My dream of becoming an actor will_.3. 他和我都不喜欢唱歌跳舞。_int

12、erested in singing or dancing.4. 恐怖片太可怕,而且实际上他们是相当愚蠢的。Horror films are terrible, and _, _.5. 三年前我哥哥大学毕业。My brother_.6. 汤姆喜欢讲笑话,他颇有幽默感。Tom likes telling jokes. He_.7. 那个工人工作如此努力以至于她去年一天假都没休。The worker worked so hard that_.8. 他不但已经帮助了中国人,而且也帮助了全世界30多个国家的人。He has helped people_.答案:1. is suitable for2.

13、come true3. Neither he nor I am4. in fact; theyre quite stupid5. graduated from university three years ago6. has a good sense of humour7. she didnt have a day off last year8. not only in China but in over 30 countries all over the world根据中文完成下列句子。1. 凯蒂不仅歌唱的好,钢琴也弹得很美。Kitty not only_.2. 梁朝伟在这部电影中扮演了主角

14、。Liang Chaowei_.3. 电脑是如此有用的一个工具,以致人人都应该学会使用它。A computer is_ that everyone should learn to use it.4. 我参加了一个英语课程以便我能提高我的英语水平。I attend an English course_.5. 虽然她忙于功课,但她还是坚持每天练习跳舞一小时。Although she is busy with her lessons, she_.答案:1. sings well but also plays the piano beautifully2. played the lead role i

15、n the film3. such a useful tool4. so that I can imporve my English5. insists on practising dancing for an hour every dayUnit 8 Detective stories根据中文完成下列句子。1. 凶手可能是一个中等身高的男人。The murderer might be _.2. 看!埃迪装扮成了一个侦探。Look ! Eddie _.3. 谋杀案发生在一个寒冷的冬天的早晨。The murder _4. 今天早晨我发现我的新词电脑不见了。This morning I found

16、_.5. 那个男人坚持说他没有罪。那个男人坚持说他没有罪。The man insisted that_.答案:1. a man of medium height2. is dressed like3. happened/took place on a cold4. my new dictionary missing5. he was not guilty根据中文完成下列句子。1. 他被控告闯入他的邻居的屋子。He _house.2. 我们猜测他是有罪的。We _guilty.3. 太多的工作导致了他的疾病。Too much_.4. 杀人者的刀是在犯罪现场找到的。The murderers kn

17、ife_.5. 那个嫌疑犯说他能证明案发时他在别的地方。The suspect said he_.答案:1. was charged with breaking into his neighbours 2. suppose that he is3. work led to/caused his illness4. was found at the scene of the crime5. could prove that he was somewhere else at the time of the crime根据中文完成下列句子。1. 警方已证实受害者是一位出租车司机。The police

18、 have confirmed that_.2. 受害者被玻璃刺伤,流血过多而死亡。The victim was wounded with glass and_.3. 他朋友多,有一份高收入的工作,过着快乐的生活。He has_and lives a happy life.4. 根据记载,受害者过去有犯罪历史。According to the record, the victim_.5. 任何可提供有用信息的知情者都应该和警方取得联系。Anyone who can provide_.答案:1.the victim was a taxi driver2. bled to death3. many

19、 friends and a well-paid job4. was guilty of crimes in the past5. useful information should contact the police根据中文完成下列句子。1. 我们确定他因此而树敌。Were sure_.2. 我们不能推断受害人是否认识谋杀他的凶手。We cant suppose_.3. 食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。Eating too much sugar_.4. 那个嫌疑犯因偷自行车被控告。The suspect_.5. 昨夜大约七点在新城有人最后一次看见他离开办公室。He was _ in New T

20、own at about 7 p.m. last night.6. 人们发现他是在被杀后被扔进一条河里。People found that_.7. 警察现在正在查看案发现场以获取更多的线索。The police_.8. 至于说到我的愿望,我想在某个安静美丽的地方休息两个月。As for my wish, I want to_.答案:1. this made him some enemies2. whether the victim knew his murder3. will lead to/cause health problem4. was charged with stealing5.

21、last seen leaving his office6. he was thrown into a river after he was killed7. are now checking the scene of the crime for more clues8. rest somewhere quiet and beautiful for two months根据中文完成下列句子。1. 一个单身的年轻人昨天被谋杀了。A young man_.2. 沾满血的一把刀在一个垃圾箱里被发现。A knife_was found in a rubbish bin.3. 我们需要能帮助破案的信息。

22、We need information _.4. 在西城发生的谋杀案最近有一些进展了吗?_ in the West Town murder case recently.5. 衬衫上沾着血的那年轻人正在匆忙赶公交车。The young man_was in a hurry to catch a bus.答案:1. who was single was murdered yesterday2. that was covered with blood3. that can help solve the case 4. has there been any progress5. who had/wit

23、h blood on his shirt根据中文完成下列句子。1. 她说我们夜里最好不要一个人出去。She says_at night.2. 王先生曾经做过六个月的牢。Mr Wang was_.3. 我们应该记住每天离家时锁门。We should_.4. 我们需要随时提防我们周围的任何危险。We need to_.5. 你能想出一些预防犯罪保护自己的安全措施吗?Can you think of_?答案:1. we had better not go out alone2. once in prison for six months3. remember to lock the door whe

24、n we leave home4. guard against any danger around us any time5. any safety tips to protect yourself against crime 根据中文完成下列句子。1. 我发现他很难想处。I found him_.2. 我们最好报警。We_.3. 我得检查这些以得到指纹。I_.4. 那对夫妇靠买菜为生。The couple_.5. 那位警察说一些珍贵的手表和项链已被偷了。The police said that_.6. 大多数学生反对一年四季穿校服。Most students_.7. 人们希望警方会很快抓到凶

25、手。People hope that_.8. 当他到达学校时,他意识到他把背包忘在家里了。When he arrived at his school, _.9. 这就是救了你儿子的那个医生。This is the doctor_.10. 英雄是一部由张艺谋执导的电影。Hero is the film_.答案:1. difficult to get along with2. had better call the police3. have to check these for fingerprints4. make a living by selling vegetables5. some v

26、aluable watches and necklaces had been stolen6. are against wearing the school uniforms all year round7. the police will catch the murder soon8. he realized (that) he had left his backpack at home9. who saved your son10. that/which was directed by Zhang Yimou根据中文完成下列句子。1. 我们应该和我们的老师友好相处。We should_.2

27、. 我想知道她是以什么谋生的。I wondered_.3. 你因绑架罪而被捕了。You are_.4. 我认为这个嫌疑犯不是小偷。I dont think_.5. 他想知道如何证明自己是无罪的。He wonders_.答案:1. get on/along well with our teachers2. what she did for a living3. under arrest for kidnapping4. this suspect is a thief5. how to prove that he is not guilty句子翻译9A Unit 81.那个22岁的年轻人因枪而受伤

28、的,最后失血过多而死亡。 _2. 昨天晚上那个小偷被看到从窗户闯入海伦的家。 _3. 令我们吃惊的是,史密斯先生被指控偷盗。 _4. 根据报告,约翰逊先生过去有计算机犯罪的前科。 _5. 这就是我们去年参观的那家工厂。_答案1. The 22- year-old young man was wounded with a gun and bled to death as result. 2. The thief was seen to break into Helens home through the window.3. To our surprise, Mr. Smith was charg

29、ed with stealing. 4. According to the report, Mr. Johnson was guilty of computer crimes in the past.5. This is the factory which/that we visited last year.句子翻译9A Unit 81.有人最后看见他晚上7:00时离开办公室。_2.原来他和那个犯罪活动无关._3.他是唯一能和这个老人和睦相处的人。_4.这就是那个被刀刺杀的受害人。_5.这儿是一些被用来提防交通事故的安全提示。_答案:1. He was last seen leaving his office at 7:00 p.m.2. It turned out that he had nothing to do with the crime.3. He is the only person that can get along well with the old


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