1、模块模块5短语短语模块5 Unit1 短语 1与与步调一致步调一致 keep pace with 2.暗中监视暗中监视 spy on 3.不久,很快不久,很快 before long 4.依靠,依赖依靠,依赖 rely on/depend on 5与与相处相处 get along with 6.不管不顾不管不顾 regardless of /in spite of 7. 说服某人做某事说服某人做某事 persuade sb to do 8.对某人严格对某人严格 be strict with 9.想要做某事想要做某事 long to do 10期待,盼望期待,盼望 long for 11最后成为
2、最后成为 end up as 12.以以为基础为基础 be based on/ be anchored in 13.说到说到 speak of/talk about 14.属于属于 belong with/to 15.盯着看盯着看 stare at 16.忍不住,情不自禁忍不住,情不自禁 cant help 17接通(电话等)接通(电话等) get through 18.为为感到羞耻感到羞耻 be ashamed of 19遵守诺言遵守诺言 keep ones word/promise 20由于由于的原因的原因 as a result of 21.对对担心担心 be worried about
3、 22.对对感到生气感到生气 be angry with 23.在危险困境中在危险困境中 in danger 24.因某事指责某人因某事指责某人 accuse sb of sth / blame for 25和,也,还和,也,还 as well as 26作为替代,而不是作为替代,而不是 instead of/rather than 27.为为感到自豪感到自豪 be proud of/take pride in 28.公开地,公然公开地,公然 in public 29.应有应有 (承担责任)(承担责任) be to blame for 30阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事 discourage s
4、b from doing sth 31竭尽全力竭尽全力 try hard enough/b committed to 32.熬夜熬夜 stay up 33.回顾,回想回顾,回想 look back on 34.对对忠诚忠诚 be committed to 35.幸亏,由于幸亏,由于 thanks to 36.三个半小时三个半小时 three and a half hours 37.对对好奇好奇 be curious about 38.对对谨慎,小心谨慎,小心 be cautious about39渴望做某事渴望做某事 be eager to do/ cant wait to do40.总之总之
5、 in all41想象做某事想象做某事. imagine doing sth42.介意做某事介意做某事 mind doing sth43.对对进行评论进行评论 remark on44下定决心做某事下定决心做某事 be determined to do45集中注意力集中注意力 focuson 46对对有不同的态度有不同的态度 have different attitudes towards47.吃惊地发现吃惊地发现 be shocked to find 48.第一次第一次 the first time 49提前,预先提前,预先 ahead of time 50.对对有帮助有帮助 have con
6、tributions to/be of help模块5 Unit2 短语 1自由发言自由发言 open the floor 2.用完,用尽用完,用尽 use up/run out(of) 3.减少,削减减少,削减 cut back /down on 4.进行中进行中 under the way 5排放排放 let off 6.打扫,清除打扫,清除 clean up 7.关于,至于关于,至于 in/with regard to 8.特别,尤其特别,尤其 in particular 9.处理,涉及处理,涉及 deal with 10挑选出,找出挑选出,找出 pick out 11尽自己的责任尽自己
7、的责任 do ones part 12.许多大量许多大量large amounts/quantities/numbers of 13.担心,关心担心,关心 be concerned about 14.依靠,依赖依靠,依赖 rely on 15.排队排队 queue up 16.导致导致 result in 17同时同时 at the same time 18.记住,记牢记住,记牢 keep/bearin mind 19赞扬某人赞扬某人 give sb credit 20使用中使用中 in use 21.逃避责任逃避责任 hide from ones responsibility 22.砍倒砍倒
8、 cut down 23.为为付出更高的代价付出更高的代价 pay a higher price for 24.把把置于危险之中置于危险之中 put in danger 25将某事归咎于某人将某事归咎于某人 blame sth on sb 26某人该受责备某人该受责备 sb be to blame 27.扔掉扔掉 throw away 28.把把看作看作 think of as 29.最后但同样重要最后但同样重要 last but not least 30采取措施做某事采取措施做某事 take measure/steps to do 31.为为腾出空间腾出空间 make room for 32
9、.四处打听四处打听 ask around 33.愿意做某事愿意做某事 be willing to do 34.用用B取代取代A replace with. 35.拾起拾起, (用车用车)接人接人, 学会(语言)学会(语言) pick out 36.有很长的路要走有很长的路要走 have a long way to go 37.可能做某事可能做某事 be likely to do 38.尽尽可能可能 as as possible 39随着随着的开放的开放/发展发展 with the development of 40.训练某人做某事训练某人做某事 train sb to do 41.根据根据 a
10、ccording to 42.对对做研究做研究 do research into 43.对对造成伤害造成伤害 do harm to 44因为,由于因为,由于 on account of 45引起关注引起关注 raise concern 46被被覆盖覆盖 be covered with 47.过来过来 come over 48.在我看来在我看来 in my view/opinion 49得出结论得出结论 draw a conclusion 50.满足感满足感 a sense of satisfaction模块5 Unit3 短语 1一方面,另一方面一方面,另一方面 one (the) one h
11、andon the other/ for one thingfor another 2.供出售供出售 for sale 3.指出指出 point out 4.义无反顾地进行义无反顾地进行 push ahead with 5就个人而言就个人而言 on a personal note 6.耗尽体力,累垮耗尽体力,累垮 be/get burned out 7. 一般说来一般说来 in general 8.怀着怀着.的意图的意图 with the intention of 9.渴望做某事渴望做某事 be anxious to do 10成功做某事成功做某事 succeed in doing 11用完用
12、尽用完用尽 use up 12.对对.发表评论发表评论 comment on 13.靠靠.生活生活 live on 14.完全同意完全同意 in complete agreement with 15.把把.放好放好 put in place 16.戏弄,摆弄戏弄,摆弄 toy with 17有意义,讲得通有意义,讲得通 make sense 18.赞同,支持赞同,支持 in favour of 19偶遇偶遇 come/run across, come/run into 20结果是结果是 turn out 21.拿走拿走 take sth from 22.某人自己的某人自己的 of ones o
13、wn 23.高兴的做某事高兴的做某事 be pleased to do 24.处理后果处理后果 deal with the consequences 25总而言之总而言之 in summary 26作为整体,一般说来作为整体,一般说来 as a whole 27.局限于局限于 be limited to 28.在在.的途中,即将做某事的途中,即将做某事 on the way to 29.理解,弄清楚,计算出理解,弄清楚,计算出 figure out/work out 30有关,关于有关,关于 as to 31.意识到意识到 be aware of 32.与与.相比相比 comparewith
14、33.到目前为止到目前为止 so far/up to now 34.保护保护.免受免受 protect from 35.与与.相似相似 be similar to 36.集中注意力集中注意力 focus on 37.满足某人的要求满足某人的要求 meet ones need/demand 38.使使.复活复活 bring back to life 39写下写下 take down/write down 40.做某事是某人的职责做某事是某人的职责 Its ones duty/responsibility to do 41.仿效某人仿效某人 follow in ones footsteps 42.
15、把把.考虑进去考虑进去 take sth into consideration 43.大多数人大多数人 the majority 44进行调查进行调查 conduct a survey 45插入,嵌入插入,嵌入 insert sth into 46观点观点 point of view 47.害怕去做某事害怕去做某事 be frightened to do 48.以快的速度以快的速度 at a much faster speed 49公共关系公共关系 public relations 50.对对.有怀疑有怀疑 have doubt aboutM6U1短语默写 1各种各样 a variety of
16、 2.排队 queue up 3.拿.开玩笑 make jokes about 4.指向 point to 5绊倒 trip over 6.倒在舞台上 fall on the stage 7. 戏弄 make fun of 8.喜爱,钟爱 have affection for 9.现场直播 broadcast live 10想出,提出,拿出 come up with 11仿效他人 do impressions 12.对.做出反应 react to 13.直接与某人交谈 talk straight to 14.编造,虚构 make up 15.哄堂大笑 howle with laghter 16
17、.全世界的人们 people all over the world 17受.的欢迎 be popular with 18.对.产生影响 have an effect on 19充当,担任 work as 20去世,亡故 pass away 21从视线中消失. out of sight 22.参加,参与 participate in 23.幸福感 a sense of happiness 24.把.驱赶走 drive away 25对.有兴趣 have an interest in 26成双成对 in pairs 27.接纳,雇佣,从事 take on 28.好像要做某事 as if to do
18、 sth 29.为.腾出空间 make room for 30闯进 burst in 31.冲出去 dash out 32.递出,拿出,伸出 hold out 33.减肥 lose weight 34.锻炼,制定,理解,计算出 work out 35.把.列出清单 make a list of 36.后来,以后 later on 37.支持,维护 stand up for 38.无声电影 silent film 39对.怒目而视 glare at 40.卫生纸,手纸 toilet paper 41.一堆,一垛 a pile of 42.向某人扔某物 throw sth at sb 43.生气地
19、,愤怒地 in anger 44把.撕成两半 tearin two 45一卷,一卷 a roll of 46尽可能快 as fast as possible 47.遇到,和.相撞 run into 48.给某人上课 give a lesson to sb 49应该 be supposed to 50.接下来做某事 go on to do M6U2短语默写 1搜寻,寻找 search for 2.与.作斗争 struggle with 3.活着 be alive 4.取得成功 achieve success 5实现目标 meet a goal 6.被.包围 be surrounded with
20、7. 受伤 be injured 8.对.满意 be content with 9.以防万一 in case 10参加.竞赛 enter a competition 11把.描述成 describe as 12.远离.除了 apart from 13.心情好 in good spirits 14.追求,谋求 go after 15.独自,单独 on ones own 16.朝.方向前往 head for 17匆忙地,急忙地 in a rush 18.致力于,献身于 devote oneself to 19适应 adapt to 20让某人振奋 cheer up 21.幸福的秘密 the sec
21、ret to happiness 22.集中 focus on 23.而不是 instead of 24.住院 in hospital 25对.自豪 be proud of 26从.毕业 graduate from 27.在那时,在那个阶段 at that point 28.使某人失去某物 cost sb sth 29.被紧急送往. be rushed to 30在公共场合讲话 speak in public 31.充满,填满 be filled with/be full of 32.渴望做某事 be eager to do 33.令某人欣慰的是 to ones relief 34.由某人陪同
22、 be accompanied with 35.在.之间感到左右为难 feel caught between 36.放弃做某事 quit doing sth 37.厌倦 be tired of 38回顾,回想. look back on 39在周末 at the weekend(s) 40.在不同的时期 at different times 41.允许某人做某事 allow sb to do sth 42.在.方面成功 be successful at/in 43.帮助某人某事 assist sb with sth 44做决定 make a decision 45与.有关 be related
23、 to 46在.的前面 ahead of 47.另一方面 on the other hand 48.做某事有困难 have difficulty in doing 49竭尽全力 go all out 50.特别关注 pay close attention toM6U3短语默写 1更不用说 let alone 2.带某人参观 show sb around 3.占据(时间或空间) take up 4.名片 business card 5北极圈 the Arctic Circle 6.乐器 musical instrument 7. 控制,支配 have power over 8.和平烟斗 peac
24、e pipe 9.不同国家的人们 people from different countries 10相互问候 greet each other 11文化差异 cultural differences 12.应该做某事 be supposed to do 13.在期末仪式上 at the end-of-term ceremony 14.婚礼 wedding reception 15. 作为的一部分 as a part of 16.在各自的区域 in separate areas 17允许某人做某事 permit sb to do 18.打鼓 beat a drum 19整个晚上,通宵 thro
25、ughout the night 20引起冒犯 cause offence 21.习惯于做某事 get used/accustomed to doing sth 22.做某事有困难 have trouble doing sth 23.对感到惊讶 be amazed at 24.熟悉 be familiar with 25与.有关 be connected with 26适应 adjust to 27.双手合一 put hands together 28.提供食物(端上) serve food 29.外来词 borrowed words 30梦想做某事 dream about/of doing
26、sth 31.在的开头,在之初 at the beginning of 32.在某人年轻的时候 in ones youth 33.伸出(手)hold out 34.与握手 shake hands with 35.包括做某事 including doing sth 36.分发 give out/ hand out 37.相关的人 the person concerned 38.有机会做某事 have the chance to do /have the chance of doing sth 39四处活动 move around 40.由雕刻而成 be carved from 41.由制作 be
27、 made from 42.制定规则和法律 make rules and laws 43.是的家园 be home to 44在富裕,富有 be rich in 45寻找 hunt for 46和呆在一起 stay with 47.随身携带 bring sth with sb 48.作为而出名 be known as 49在地区 in the area of 50.非常强壮 as strong as a horseM6U4短语默写 1出毛病,弄错 go wrong 2.维持和平 keep peace 3.缺乏 a lack of 4.自来水 running water 5参考,查阅 refer to 6.很荣幸的做某事 feel honoured to do sth 7. 担任这个角色 take on this role 8.给某人一个简单的描述 give sb a short description of 9.促进对人权的尊重 promote respect for human rights 10在的帮助下 with the help of 11此外,另外 in addition 12.从事 work on 13.致力于 devote oneself to 14.引起某人的察觉 draw ones attention
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