1、主编:主编:黄振华Unit OneBusiness Letter ObjectivesUseful InformationWords, Phrases and Grammatical PointsChinese Version of the TextKey to the ExercisesObjectives To learn basic rules of writing business letters. To learn structure and styles of business letters. To practice writing business letters. Lette
2、rhead Date:_InsideAddress_Salutation:Body_ComplimentaryClose,SignatureForms of Business Letters Indented Form LetterheadDate:_InsideAddress_Salutation:_Body_ComplimentaryClose,SignatureForms of Business Letters Blocked Form Clarity Conciseness CourtesyRules to Be Observed in WritingClarity means One
3、 sentence for one meaning only. There must be logical relationship between relevant sentences. No reversion or repetition is allowed to appear. In a simple and direct way.Conciseness means All the words/sentences and paragraphs in a letter must be clear cut and straight forward. Three aspects should
4、 be paid attention to: Using simple words instead of phrases or sentences. e.g.: “soon” instead of “in the near future” “Please” instead of “Will you be kind enough to.” “now” instead of “at the present moment” etc.Conciseness (1) Conciseness (2) Using simple sentences instead of complex ones.e.g. :
5、“We are please to.” for “It gives us much pleasure to.” Avoiding repetition of words in a same sentence.e.g.: “Please quote your lowest price for your bestquality.” for “Please quote your best price for your best quality.”Conciseness (3) Being very polite, even in asking the addressee to pay back th
6、e debts or refusing his demands. Being prompt in replying to the opposite partys letter.Courtesy means basic (to sth): forming a base or starting-pointe.g. These facts are basic to an understanding of the case. means: action by which a result is brought about e.g. This money wasnt earned by honest m
7、eans. by all means: yes, of course; certainlye.g. Can I see it? By all means. by means of sth: by using sth; with the help of sthe.g. lift the load by means of a crane. by no means: not at alle.g. She is by no means poor; in fact, shes quite rich.Words, Phrases and Grammatical Points address sth (to
8、 sb/sth): write on (a letter, parcel, etc) the name and address of the person, firm, etc that it is to be delivered toe.g. The card was wrongly addressed to us at our old home. address sb as sth: use (a particular name or title) in speaking or writing to sbe.g. Dont address me as Colonel; Im only a
9、major.open (sth) with sth:start with sthe.g. He opened the conference with a speech. call ones attention to sth: point sth out to sbe.g. She drew my attention to an error in the report.Words, Phrases and Grammatical Points make sure: do sth to ensure that sth happense.g. Make sure that the visit goe
10、s well. to the point: (in a way that is) relevant and appropriatee.g. His speech was short and to the point. available: (of things) that can be used or obtainede.g. Tickets are available at the box office.(of people) free to be seen, talked to, etce.g. Im available in the afternoon. reluctant (to do
11、 sth): unwilling and therefore slow to co-operate, agree, etce.g. She was reluctant to admit the truth.Words, Phrases and Grammatical Points Chinese Version of the Text 介介 绍绍 信息交流是商业活动的基础,没有信息交流,商业活动将无从谈信息交流是商业活动的基础,没有信息交流,商业活动将无从谈起。而书信则是交流中最常见的方式,因此也是商业活动中极为重要起。而书信则是交流中最常见的方式,因此也是商业活动中极为重要的部分。通常,商业
12、书信由七部分或八部分组成。的部分。通常,商业书信由七部分或八部分组成。 信头或公司地址信头或公司地址 日期日期 封内地址封内地址 称呼称呼( (称呼是一种礼貌性的问候。如果可能,称呼对方的姓名;如称呼是一种礼貌性的问候。如果可能,称呼对方的姓名;如果不知道对方的姓名,则以果不知道对方的姓名,则以“尊敬的先生尊敬的先生/ /夫人夫人”开头。开头。) ) 正文正文 结尾谦称结尾谦称 签名签名 附件附件( (如果随信附有其他东西,注明如果随信附有其他东西,注明“内附内附”以引起对方的注意。以引起对方的注意。) )写作规则写作规则 在写商业书信时,应注意以下规则:在写商业书信时,应注意以下规则: 清楚
13、清楚( (确保能将自己的思想清晰地表达出来;不应确保能将自己的思想清晰地表达出来;不应存在模糊的、易引起误解的语句。存在模糊的、易引起误解的语句。) ) 简洁简洁( (一封好的商业书信应该是明确的、直截了当一封好的商业书信应该是明确的、直截了当的;内容简洁而不失清楚。的;内容简洁而不失清楚。) ) 婉转客气婉转客气( (在信中表达出你的友情及诚挚之情。说在信中表达出你的友情及诚挚之情。说话的语气同样重要,要表现出你的说服力、自信及坚定话的语气同样重要,要表现出你的说服力、自信及坚定的态度。的态度。) )Chinese Version of the Text Sample 1Chinese Ve
14、rsion of the Text学院书店学院书店学院路学院路75号号印地安那州安德森市印地安那州安德森市 07713 2004年年11月月5日日敬启者:敬启者:我想定购我想定购150本本“Business for You and for Me”,本书作者是约翰,本书作者是约翰史史密斯,每本书的批发价为密斯,每本书的批发价为1.50美元,共计美元,共计225美元。如果可能的话,我希美元。如果可能的话,我希望在十天之内就能收到。望在十天之内就能收到。请同时寄来贵方近期的书刊目录。请同时寄来贵方近期的书刊目录。市场经理市场经理John Newcomb谨启谨启Sample 2Chinese Vers
15、ion of the Text20042004年年1111月月9 9日日尊敬的纽克目先生:尊敬的纽克目先生: 非常感谢您于非常感谢您于11月月5日的来信,要求定购日的来信,要求定购100100本由约翰本由约翰史密斯所史密斯所著的书著的书“Business for You and for Me”。 很遗憾该书现在缺货,但我们正加紧重印,预计在本月低就能有很遗憾该书现在缺货,但我们正加紧重印,预计在本月低就能有货。货。 因贵方急需该书,我们现给您寄出因贵方急需该书,我们现给您寄出75本,余下的本,余下的25本将尽快寄出。本将尽快寄出。 该书的批发价是每本该书的批发价是每本1.50元,共计元,共计1
16、50美元,收到订货后请将货款美元,收到订货后请将货款寄出。寄出。 内附出版社的最新书刊目录。内附出版社的最新书刊目录。 业务经理业务经理Mary Mcmahon谨启谨启Sample 3Chinese Version of the Text2003年年4月月25日日尊敬的温斯特先生:尊敬的温斯特先生:现对您现对您4 4月月1515日要求我方结算三月份的账目的信进行回复。日要求我方结算三月份的账目的信进行回复。很抱歉没能及时结算,因为我们的会计师马德小姐的不幸去世,很抱歉没能及时结算,因为我们的会计师马德小姐的不幸去世,我们当时无法对任何账目进行结算。我们当时无法对任何账目进行结算。附一张附一张3
17、,000,000美元的支票,给贵方造成不便,请再次接受我们美元的支票,给贵方造成不便,请再次接受我们的歉意。的歉意。谨上谨上Sample 4Chinese Version of the Text尊敬的道格拉斯先生:尊敬的道格拉斯先生:我曾于我曾于2月月26日写信要求贵方对日写信要求贵方对500,000美元的账目进行结算,这美元的账目进行结算,这笔账目自一月份以来一直没有结算。因一直没有得到贵方的回音,笔账目自一月份以来一直没有结算。因一直没有得到贵方的回音,我们将不得不将此事交给律师处理。但我们并不愿这样做,因此我们将不得不将此事交给律师处理。但我们并不愿这样做,因此再给贵方七天的时间来处理此
18、事。再给贵方七天的时间来处理此事。谨上谨上1 d 2 h 3 b 4 j 5 f 6 e 7 i 8 g 9 c 10 aKey to Exercises A body, where all the information are to be given, usually has four part opening, middle, future plan and closing. Salutation is a polite greeting. It is usually followed by a colon (sometimes by a comma). If possible, try
19、 to address a person by name. If you dont know the persons name, you can open with Dear Sir/Madam. Complimentary close is a polite way to end a letter. Use Yours sincerely after Dear (name) and Yours faithfully after Dear Sir/Madam . When something is enclosed with a letter, attention should be call
20、ed to it by writing Enclosure or Enc. The most effective letter should be easy to read and easy to understand.Key to Exercises We look forward to a fruitful business relationship with you in the future. We thank you / appreciate your interest in our products. We were glad / It was a pleasure to lear
21、n from your letter of March 2nd that you were interested in this matter. Enclosed is / We enclose / You will find enclosed one price list. Will you let us hear from you in this matter.Key to ExercisesA Would you please inform us what you wish us to do? Would you please reply without delay your wishe
22、s in this matter? Would you please inform us of the results?B I look forward to hearing from you soon. I look forward to (receiving) your favorable reply. I look forward to (receiving) your orders.Key to Exercises 我们已收到贵方我们已收到贵方7 7月月6 6日的来信,感谢你们对我日的来信,感谢你们对我们新产品的关注。们新产品的关注。 如能迅速回信将非常感谢。如能迅速回信将非常感谢。
23、兹附上保书一份,如蒙填写完毕即寄回我们将兹附上保书一份,如蒙填写完毕即寄回我们将非常高兴。非常高兴。 再一次对给贵方带来的麻烦表示歉意。再一次对给贵方带来的麻烦表示歉意。 深信贵方将会调查此事,并将进一步的结果告深信贵方将会调查此事,并将进一步的结果告知我方。知我方。Key to Exercises We regret that we are unable to give you order at present / meet your requirements at present . We are pleased to inform you / regret to inform you t
24、hat . We thank you for your attention to this matter / your cooperation. Our product sample will be sent to you by air parcel post / by express mail. We look forward to your comment / your early reply.Key to ExercisesChina National Light Industrial Products Import & Export CorporationShanghai Branch
25、128 Huchui RoadShanghai, ChinaMarch 8, 2005H. G. Wilkinson Company, Limited245 Lombart StreetLagos, NigeriaDear Sir/Madam,We thank you for your letter of March 1 asking for the price list of our goods. The enclosed booklet includes details of all our products and will enable you to make a selection.
26、We look forward to receiving your order.Yours faithfully,Key to ExercisesUnit Two Establishing Business Relationships ObjectivesUseful InformationWords, Phrases and Grammatical PointsChinese Version of the TextKey to the ExercisesObjectivesTo learn methods of establishing businessrelationships.To le
27、arn useful terms and expressions used inthis unit.To practice writing letters for establishing business relationships.Steps to establish business relationshipsFirst of all, a dealer should try to find partners.Secondly, he can send letters to his partners who interest him. At last, he may express hi
28、s expectation of cooperation and an early reply.Ways a dealer can find his partnersBanksChamber of Commerce in foreign countriesTrade DirectoryChinese Commercial Counselors office in foreign countriesBusiness Houses of the same tradeAdvertisementsOther waysThings you should write in a letter (1) the
29、 sources of information related to the addressee, for example, how you know his name and addresse.g.: We have your name and address from the Commercial Counselors Office of your embassy in Beijing. Your firm has been recommended to us by Bank of China in Beijing. your intention, i.e. why you are wri
30、ting to hime.g.: We would be pleased to establish business relationships with you. We are willing to enter into business relationships with your company on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.Things you should write in a letter (2)Things you should write in a letter (3) a brief introduction of
31、your firm, e.g. yourbusiness scope, your branches, your financial standing and credit rating, etc.e.g.: We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods. We are one of the largest importers of cotton and woolen piece g
32、oods in this city. Sometimes the terms of sales or purchases are mentioned and catalogues, price lists and other details enclosed for reference.e.g.: Enclosed you will find a copy of our export list showing the main items now available for your reference.Things you should write in a letter (4)Words,
33、 Phrases and Grammatical Points obtain.from: 从从获悉;从获悉;从得悉得悉e.g. I obtain your name from an old friend of mine.Commercial Counselors Office:商务参赞处商务参赞处establish: 建立建立e.g. establish business relationships 建立贸易关系建立贸易关系 establish new business 开拓新业务开拓新业务 extend: 延长,扩展,给予延长,扩展,给予e.g. We would like to exten
34、d our business with you in this line. quotation: 报价报价(常与之连用的动词有常与之连用的动词有make, send, give, cable,后常跟着介词后常跟着介词for, 少数情况下买方提及卖少数情况下买方提及卖方的报价时用方的报价时用of。)e.g. Please make (send, give, cable) us your quotation for 300 cups. enter into business relationships:建立贸易关系建立贸易关系 latest: 最新的,最近的最新的,最近的e.g. This is
35、the latest fashion. 0Words, Phrases and Grammatical Points irrevocable confirmed Letter of Credit: 不可撤消不可撤消保兑信用证保兑信用证( (如果一张信用证除了开证行的付款保证如果一张信用证除了开证行的付款保证之外,还有另一家银行作了付款保证,那么这个信之外,还有另一家银行作了付款保证,那么这个信用证就是保兑信用证。经过保兑的信用证被称保兑用证就是保兑信用证。经过保兑的信用证被称保兑信用证,对信用证加以保兑的银行称保兑银行。只信用证,对信用证加以保兑的银行称保兑银行。只有在不可撤消信用证上,才能加
36、以保兑,成为保兑有在不可撤消信用证上,才能加以保兑,成为保兑的不可撤消的信用证。的不可撤消的信用证。) ) leading dealer/largest dealer: 最大最大( (主要主要) )经营者经营者e.g. leading department stores (importers, exporters, etc.) 大百货商店大百货商店( (进口商、出口商进口商、出口商) )Words, Phrases and Grammatical Points our products are of best quality: 句中句中of是表示特征的介词。句子相当于是表示特征的介词。句子相当
37、于our products are best in quality 意为意为“我们的产品质量上乘我们的产品质量上乘” for your reference: 供你参考供你参考类似的表述:类似的表述:for your guidance; for your information; for your consideratione.g. A market survey will be sent to you for your reference.Words, Phrases and Grammatical Points Chinese Version of the Text介绍介绍 在国际贸易中,当
38、一家公司想打开某种商品的销路或向其他在国际贸易中,当一家公司想打开某种商品的销路或向其他公司购买东西时,该公司的主管人员首先要查明他将同谁打交公司购买东西时,该公司的主管人员首先要查明他将同谁打交道,然后和相关公司建立业务关系。要获得此类信息通常可通道,然后和相关公司建立业务关系。要获得此类信息通常可通过以下几种途径:过以下几种途径: 银行银行 外国商会外国商会 贸易行行名录贸易行行名录 中国驻国外商务处中国驻国外商务处 同业商行等同业商行等 广告广告 在写此类信函时,首先你需告知收信人你如何在写此类信函时,首先你需告知收信人你如何得知他的相关信息,并自我介绍,然后阐明你所感得知他的相关信息,
39、并自我介绍,然后阐明你所感兴趣的东西。有时在信中要提到买卖的条款、目录、兴趣的东西。有时在信中要提到买卖的条款、目录、价格单和其他可供参考的详细资料。最后总是希望价格单和其他可供参考的详细资料。最后总是希望彼此合作以及期待对方及早回复等。写信件时应做彼此合作以及期待对方及早回复等。写信件时应做到礼貌、简洁、清晰、明了。到礼貌、简洁、清晰、明了。 收到任何此类信函之后,应有礼貌地及时给予收到任何此类信函之后,应有礼貌地及时给予完整的答复。完整的答复。写作规则写作规则Chinese Version of the TextSample 1敬启者:敬启者:我们从驻贵国使馆商务处得悉贵公司的行名和地址。
40、现致函给您,我们从驻贵国使馆商务处得悉贵公司的行名和地址。现致函给您,期望与贵公司建立业务关系。期望与贵公司建立业务关系。我们从事丝绸产品的进口业务多年。现正欲拓展业务。我方对贵我们从事丝绸产品的进口业务多年。现正欲拓展业务。我方对贵公司产品颇感兴趣。如能收到贵方产品目录和报价,将不胜感激。公司产品颇感兴趣。如能收到贵方产品目录和报价,将不胜感激。如贵方价格适合我方要求,我方期望今后可达成大笔交易。如贵方价格适合我方要求,我方期望今后可达成大笔交易。盼早日回复。盼早日回复。谨上谨上( (从商务处获得信息建立业务关系从商务处获得信息建立业务关系) )Chinese Version of the
41、TextSample 2敬启者:敬启者:贵方本月八日来信收悉,谢谢。兹欣告,我方愿与贵方建立贵方本月八日来信收悉,谢谢。兹欣告,我方愿与贵方建立商务关系。商务关系。应贵方要求,现寄上我方所有丝绸产品的最新目录和价格表。应贵方要求,现寄上我方所有丝绸产品的最新目录和价格表。付款采用不可撤消、保兑信用证。付款采用不可撤消、保兑信用证。如贵方认为有可能成交,请尽快联系我方。如贵方认为有可能成交,请尽快联系我方。敬上敬上 ( (同意建立业务关系同意建立业务关系) )Chinese Version of the TextSample 3敬启者:敬启者:承蒙与我公司有多年业务关系的西门子公司介绍,我方得知
42、承蒙与我公司有多年业务关系的西门子公司介绍,我方得知贵公司从事手机制造业务。贵公司从事手机制造业务。我公司主要从事手机经销业务,我方相信在本地区此种产品我公司主要从事手机经销业务,我方相信在本地区此种产品市场前景广阔。现我方愿与贵方建立直接商务关系,请寄贵市场前景广阔。现我方愿与贵方建立直接商务关系,请寄贵方详细资料包括种类、价格和付款条件。方详细资料包括种类、价格和付款条件。盼早日回复。盼早日回复。敬上敬上( (通过介绍建立业务关系通过介绍建立业务关系) )Chinese Version of the TextSample 4敬启者:敬启者:我方已收到贵方我方已收到贵方6月月19日的来信。日
43、的来信。我方可保证我们的产品质量上乘。随信附上我公司出口产品我方可保证我们的产品质量上乘。随信附上我公司出口产品目录,供参考。目录,供参考。我将于下周早些时候与贵方联系并回答贵方可能提出的问题。我将于下周早些时候与贵方联系并回答贵方可能提出的问题。敬上敬上( (回复回复) )Chinese Version of the Text1 j 2 i 3 a 4 c 5 h 6 b 7 e 8 f 9 d 10 gKey to Exercises With the reference to your letter of May 4, we are delighted to learn that you
44、 want to establish business relations with us. This is our first business transaction, so both of us should be careful in case something unexpected happens. We hope to establish business relations with you on the basis of mutual benefit. If you want to know the prices of our products, we can send yo
45、u a price list. We can assure you that our products are of best quality.Key to Exercises We want to establish business relationships with your company. To give you a general idea about our products, we enclose relevant catalogues. We have your name and address from the Commercial Counselors Office o
46、f the Chinese embassy in Ghana. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Quotations and samples will be sent to you upon receipt of your enquiries.Key to ExercisesA We are pleased to enter into direct business relationships with you. We are pleased to receive your letter dated February 16. W
47、e are pleased to learn from Motorola Company that you want to find a partner in China. B This kind of product is best in quality in its line. Your help is very valuable to our company in the export of batteries. In choosing business partners, I think competence is very important.Key to Exercises 我方确
48、信贵方将对我们的服务及货物的良好品质表示满意。我方确信贵方将对我们的服务及货物的良好品质表示满意。 十分荣幸地邀请贵方参加我们这次举办的新产品展览。十分荣幸地邀请贵方参加我们这次举办的新产品展览。 如果您能向我们提供这家公司的财务状况的资料,我们将如果您能向我们提供这家公司的财务状况的资料,我们将不胜感激。不胜感激。 目前我们对筷子感兴趣,如贵公司能寄来商品目录、样品目前我们对筷子感兴趣,如贵公司能寄来商品目录、样品及价目表,我们将不胜感激。及价目表,我们将不胜感激。 贵方六月四日的来函已收到,得知你们对台布有兴趣,并贵方六月四日的来函已收到,得知你们对台布有兴趣,并考虑试订。考虑试订。Key
49、 to ExercisesWe are delight to answer your request for information on our goods for sale / establish business relationships with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. We are writing this letter to tell you the products you required fall within the scope of our business activities / reply
50、to the questions in your latest letter. Should the quality and price be found competitive, we would like to place large orders with you / will consider doing business with you.Key to Exercises We are pleased to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we can become business partners / that you
51、can provide our company with some technical support. Your company has been kindly recommended to us by Beijing Chamber of Commerce / Commercial Office of Chinese Embassy in America in doing business with you.Key to ExercisesDear Sir/Madam,We thank you for your letter of Dec. 9 and shall be glad to e
52、nter into business relationships with you.Would you please send us catalogues and price lists of your products with full details? If your prices are in line, we trust we can do a big deal.Yours faithfully,Key to ExercisesUnit ThreeEnquiriesObjectivesUseful InformationWords, Phrases and Grammatical P
53、ointsChinese Version of the TextKey to the Exercises To learn ways of making an enquiry. To learn useful terms and expressions for making enquiries. To practice writing letters of enquiry.Objectivesthe name of goodsqualityquantity terms of priceterms of payment time of shipment packing methods, etc.
54、 If possible, tell the reader where you learnt of his company or its products.Generally an enquiry includes many parts:General enquiry In which the buyer hopes to get the general information about the goods he wants to buy from the seller.Kinds of enquiry(1)Sample 1Dear Sir/Madam,Thank you very much
55、 for your letter of December 12th from which we know that you are exporting Electric Products. We have an enquiry here for your products and their packing in detail as soon as possible for our reference. We would also like to have your price list.We will really appreciate it if you quote us your mos
56、t favorable terms. Yours faithfully,A General EnquiryKinds of enquiry(1)Specific inquiry In which the buyer hopes that the seller can quote prices for specific commodities.Kinds of enquiry(2)Sample 2Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for your fax of August 8, 2005 from which we learn that you are an exporter
57、 of medicine. Please quote the lowest prices on CIF Sea EMP C 3 for the following:1. 2 MT Vitamin E 50%2. 4 MT Vitamin B complex Packing: 25KGS/BAGTerms of payment: By Irrevocable L/C at sightTime of Shipment: September 20th, 2005Your prompt reply will be appreciated.Yours faithfully,Specific Enquir
58、yKinds of enquiry(2)Words, Phrases and Grammatical Points willing (to do sth): having no objectione.g. Are you willing to accept responsibility? learn (of/about) sth: become aware of (sth); realizee.g. Im sorry to learn of/about your illness. look forward to sth/doing sth: anticipate sth with pleasu
59、ree.g. Were so much looking forward to seeing you again.Chinese Version of the Text介绍介绍 如果一个商人想购买某种商品,他就会发出如果一个商人想购买某种商品,他就会发出询问,以获得服务或相关该商品的相关信息。这询问,以获得服务或相关该商品的相关信息。这种情况下,他就是一个买者或可能成为买者。有种情况下,他就是一个买者或可能成为买者。有些公司就是通过写询问函来开始他们的业务的。些公司就是通过写询问函来开始他们的业务的。询问可通过书信、传真、电子邮件、电话或面对询问可通过书信、传真、电子邮件、电话或面对面进行。询问
60、意味着买方愿意与卖方做生意。面进行。询问意味着买方愿意与卖方做生意。Chinese Version of the Text写作规则写作规则 在发出询问时,确保将自己的意思表达清晰以在发出询问时,确保将自己的意思表达清晰以避免获得错误的信息。通常情况询问包括以下几个避免获得错误的信息。通常情况询问包括以下几个部分:商品名、质量、数量、价格条款、支付条款、部分:商品名、质量、数量、价格条款、支付条款、装运时间、包装方式,等等。如果可能的话,告诉装运时间、包装方式,等等。如果可能的话,告诉对方你是从哪里获得有关其公司及产品信息的。对方你是从哪里获得有关其公司及产品信息的。 在写询问函时要表示出你的礼
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