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1、公开发行证券的公司信息披露内容与格 式准则第 28 号创业板公司招股说明 书Rules on the Content and Format of Information Disclosure of Companies that Publicly Offer Securities No. 28 - Prospectus of Companies on the Growth Enterprise MarketEnglish Version中文版发文日期:2009 年 07 月 20 日有效范围:全国 发文机关:中国证券监督管理委员会 文号:证监会公告200917 号 时效性:现行有效生效日期:20

2、09 年 07 月 20 日 所属分类:证券(证券期货法->证券)Promulgation Date: 07-20-2009Effective Region: NATIONALPromulgator:ChinaSecuritiesRegulatoryCommissionDocumentNo:AnnouncementoftheChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission 2009 No. 17Effectiveness: EffectiveEffective Date: 07-20-2009Category:Securities ( Securities&am

3、p;FuturesLaw->Securities)全文:Full text:公开发行证券的公司信息披露内容与格式准则第 28 号-创业板公司招股说明书Rules on the Content and Format of Information Disclosure of Companies that Publicly Offer Securities No. 28 - Prospectus of Companies on theGrowth Enterprise Market证监会公告200917 号Announcement of the China Securities Regulat

4、oryCommission 2009 No. 172009 年 7 月 20 日July 20, 2009现公布公开发行证券的公司信息披露内容与格式准则第 28 号-创业板公司 招股说明书,自公布之日起施行。TheRulesontheContent andFormatof Information Disclosure of Companies that Publicly Offer Securities No. 28 - Prospectus of Companies on the Growth Enterprise Market are hereby promulgated and shal

5、l come into effect as of thedate of promulgation.附件:公开发行证券的公司信息披露内容与格式准则第 28 号-创业板公司招 股说明书Attachment: Rules on the Content and Format of Information Disclosure of Companies that Publicly Offer Securities No. 28 - Prospectus of Companieson the Growth Enterprise Market目录第一章总则 第二章招股说明书第一节封面、书脊、扉页、目录、 释

6、义Table of ContentsChapter I General ProvisionsChapter II ProspectusSection 1 Cover, Spine, Title Page, Content, Definition第二节概览第三节本次发行概况 第四节风险因素第五节发行人基本情况 第六节业务和技术第七节同业竞争与关联交易第八节董事、监事、高级管理人员 与其他核心人员第九节 公司治理第十节财务会计信息与管理层分 析第十一节 募集资金运用 第十二节 未来发展与规划 第十三节其他重要事项 第十四节 有关声明 第十五节附件第三章附则Section 2 OverviewSec

7、tion 3 Introduction of the Current Issue ofSharesSection 4 Risk FactorsSection 5 basic information on the IssuerSection 6 Business and TechnologySection 7 Peer Competition and Associated-partyTransactionsSection8Directors,Supervisors,SeniorManagement and Other Core PersonnelSection 9 Company Governa

8、nceSection 10 Financial and Accounting Information and Managerial AnalysisSection 11 Use of Funds RaisedSection 12 Future Development and PlanningSection 13 Other Important Matters Section 14 Relevant Statements Section 15 AnnexesChapter III Supplementary Provisions第一章 总则Chapter I General Provisions

9、第一条 为规范首次公开发行股票的信息披露行为,保护投资者合法权益,根 据公司法、证券法和首次公开发 行股票并在创业板上市管理暂行办法(证监会令第 61 号)的规定,制定本准 则。Article 1 For the purposes of regulating information disclosure in the initial public offering of shares and protecting investors' legitimate rights and interests, these Rules are hereby formulated in accord

10、ance with the Company Law, the Securities Law and the Tentative Administrative Measures for Initial Public Offerings and Listings on the Growth Enterprise Market (Order of the China Securities RegulatoryCommission No. 61).第二条申请在中华人民共和国境内首次公开发行股票并在创业板上市的 公司(以下简称发行人)应按本准则编制 招股说明书,作为向中国证券监督管理委 员会(以下简称中

11、国证监会)申请首次公 开发行股票的必备法律文件,并按本准则 的规定进行披露。Article 2 Companies applying for initial public offering and listing of shares on the Growth Enterprise Market (GEM) within the territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Issuers" and individually as a

12、n Issuer) shall prepare their prospectuses pursuant to theseRules,whichshallbestatutorylegal documents for applying for initial public offerings ofshareswithChinaSecuritiesRegulatory Commission (CSRC), and shall disclose the same inaccordance with the provisions of these Rules.第三条 本准则的规定是对招股说明书信息披露的

13、最低要求。不论本准则是否Article3These Rulesaretheminimum requirementsoninformation disclosurein有明确规定,凡对投资者投资决策有重大 影响的信息,均应披露。prospectus. All information that may have a major impact on investors' investment decisions shall be disclosed regardless of whether such information is explicitly specified herein.第四

14、条 本准则某些具体要求对发行人确实不适用的,发行人可根据实际情 况,在不影响披露内容完整性的前提下作 适当调整,但应在申报时作书面说明。Article 4 Where some specific requirements herein do not apply to an Issuer, such Issuer may make appropriate adjustments in line with the actual situation and on the premises that the integrity of the content disclosed is not affec

15、ted, provided that it shall make written explanation when applying forand reporting such adjustments.第五条 发行人有充分依据证明本准则要求披露的某些信息涉及国家机密、商 业秘密及其他因披露可能导致其违反国 家有关保密法律法规规定或严重损害公 司利益的,发行人可向中国证监会申请豁 免按本准则披露。Article 5 Where an Issuer has sufficient evidences to prove that some information required to be disc

16、losed under these Rules involves State secrets and industry secrets or the disclosure of such information may violate State laws and regulations onconfidentialityormayseriouslydamage company interests, the Issuer may apply to CSRC for exemption of disclosure in accordance withthese Rules.第六条 在不影响信息披

17、露的完整性和不致引起阅读不便的前提下,发行人可 采用相互引征的方法,对各相关部分的内 容进行适当的技术处理,以避免重复和保 持文字简洁。Article 6 An Issuer may make appropriate technical adjustments to the content of relevant parts of the prospectus by mutual reference to avoid repetition and to maintain conciseness, provided that the integrity of information so dis

18、closed is not affectedand no inconvenience in reading will be caused.第七条发行人在招股说明书中披露的所有信息应真实、准确、完整。 发行人报送申请文件后,在中国证监会核准前,发生应予披露事项的,应向中 国证监会书面说明情况,并及时修改招股 说明书。发行人公开发行股票的申请经中国 证监会核准后,发生应予披露事项的,应 向中国证监会书面说明情况,并经中国证 监会同意后相应修改招股说明书。Article 7 All information disclosed in the prospectus shall be authentic,

19、 accurate and complete.Where a matter that shall be disclosed happens to an Issuer after it has submitted the application documentsandbeforeCSRCverifiessuch documents, the Issuer shall explain to CSRC in writing and revise the prospectus in a timely manner.Where a matter that shall be disclosed happ

20、ens after CSRC has verified an Issuer's application for public offering of shares, the Issuer shall explain to CSRC in writing and revise the prospectus upon approvalby CSRC.第八条 发行人在招股说明书中披露的财务会计资料应有充分的依据,所引用Article 8 The financial and accounting data disclosed in the prospectus of an Issuer sha

21、ll be的发行人的财务报表、盈利预测报告(如 有)应由具有证券期货相关业务资格的会 计师事务所审计或审核。sufficiently supported. The financial statements and profit forecast report (if any) cited in the prospectus shall have been audited or verified by an accounting firm duly qualified to engage in securities and futures businesses.第九条发行人应在招股说明书显要位置

22、提示创业板投资风险,作如下声 明:“本次股票发行后拟在创业板市场上 市,该市场具有较高的投资风险。创业板 公司具有业绩不稳定、经营风险高、退市 风险大等特点,投资者面临较大的市场风 险。投资者应充分了解创业板市场的投资 风险及本公司所披露的风险因素,审慎作 出投资决定。”Article 9 The Issuer shall disclose investment risks in GEM at a prominent part of the prospectus, and make a statement as follows:"The shares under IPO are to

23、 be listed in GEM, a market with relatively high investment risks. GEM companiesarecharacterizedbyunstable performance and high operating risks, and are subject to the risk of delisting, the investors, therefore, are faced with greater market risks. The investors are advised to make prudent investme

24、nt decisions based on full understanding of the investment risks in GEM and the risk factorsdisclosed by this Company."第十条发行人应针对实际情况在招股说明书首页作“重大事项提示”,提醒 投资者需特别关注的公司风险及其他重 要事项,并提醒投资者认真阅读招股说明 书“风险因素”一章的全部内容。Article 10 The Issuer shall, as the case may be, make a "Disclosure of Important Matt

25、ers" on the first page in the prospectus to advise the investors on risks requiring special attention and other important matters, and to remind the investors to prudently read the entire text of the chapter titled"Risk Factors" in the prospectus.第十一条发行人编制招股说明书应当准确引用有关中介机构的专业意见 或报告。Ar

26、ticle 11 The Issuer shall make accurate citation of the professional advices or reports made by relevantagents when preparing the prospectus.第十二条发行人下属企业的资产规模、收入或利润对发行人有重大影响 的,应参照本准则的规定披露该下属企业 的相关信息。特定行业的发行人,除执行本准则的 规定外,还应执行中国证监会关于该行业 信息披露的特别规定。Article 12 Where the assets scale or income or profit of

27、 the Issuer's subsidiaries may have a significant impact on the Issuer, the Issuer shall disclose such information accordingly in accordance with these Rules.Issuers in any special industry shall, besides abiding by these Rules, implement special provisions set by CSRC on the information disclos

28、ure in thatindustry.第十三条招股说明书应符合下列一般要求:(一)引用的数据应有充分、客观的Article 13 The prospectus shall meet the following general requirements:1. The data cited shall be adequately and objectively依据,并注明资料来源;(二)引用的数字应采用阿拉伯数字, 货币金额除特别说明外,应指人民币金 额,并以元、千元或万元为单位;(三)招股说明书应使用事实描述性 语言,尽量采用图表或其他较为直观的方 式进行披露,保证其内容简明扼要、通俗 易懂,

29、突出事件实质,不得有祝贺性、广 告性、恭维性或诋毁性的词句。supported, with the sources indicated;2. The figures cited shall be in Arabic numerals; the amounts shall mean amounts in Renminbi unless otherwise indicated; the amounts shall be measured in such units as Yuan, one thousand Yuan, and ten thousand Yuan;3. The language s

30、hall be descriptive; the disclosure shall be made in graphics or other intuitive forms so as to secure the conciseness and user-friendliness of the disclosed data; the essence of the described events shall be highlighted without using any congratulatory or advertising or compliment orderogatory word

31、s.第十四条发行人应在中国证监会指定网站披露招股说明书及其附件,并同 时在中国证监会指定报刊上作首次公开 发行股票并在创业板上市提示性公告: “本公司首次公开发行股票申请已获中国 证监会核准,招股说明书及附件披露于中 国证监会指定网站(www.xxxx.xxx)和公 司网站(www.xxxx.xxx),并置备于本公 司、拟上市的证券交易所、保荐人、主承 销商和其他承销机构的住所,供公众查 阅。”提示性公告还应当载有下列内容:(一)发行股票的类型;(二)发行股数;(三)每股面值;(四)发行方式与发行对象;(五)承销方式;(六)预计发行日期;(七)发行人、保荐人、主承销商的 联系地址及联系电话。A

32、rticle 14 The Issuer shall disclose the prospectus and annexes thereof (if any) on the website designated by CSRC. Furthermore, the Issuer shall make an indicative notice of the initial public offering and listing on GEM of the shares in the following way: "The initial public offering applied f

33、or by this Company has been approved by CSRC. The prospectus and annexes thereto have been disclosed on the website designated by CSRC (www.xxxx.xxx)andtheCompany'swebsite (www.xxxx.xxx). The prospectus and annexes are also available at the place of this Company, the proposed stock exchange, the

34、 place of the sponsor, the place of the underwriter and the place of other underwriting agencies."The indicative notice shall contain the following:1. The type(s) of the shares to be issued;2. The number of the shares to be issued;3. The par value per share;4. The method and object of the IPO;5

35、. The method of underwriting;6. The estimated date of issue; and7. The address and phone number of the Issuer, the sponsor, and the lead underwriter.第十五条 发行人应在招股说明书披露后 10 日内,将正式印刷的招股说明书 全文文本一式五份,分别报送中国证监会 及其在发行人注册地的派出机构。Article 15 The Issuer shall, within 10 days upon disclosure of the prospectus, s

36、ubmit five copies of the full text of the official prospectus to CSRC and its agency at the place where the Issuer is registered respectively.第二章 招股说明书Chapter II Prospectus第一节封面、书脊、扉页、目录、释义Section 1 Cover, Spine, Title Page, Content,Definition第十六条招股说明书文本封面应标有“×××公司首次公开发行股票并在创 业板上市招股说明

37、书”字样,并载明发行 人、保荐人、主承销商的名称和住所。同 时,明确提示创业板投资风险,依照本准 则第九条作出恰当的声明。Article 16 The cover of the prospectus shall be marked with the words "Prospectus for the Initial Public Offering and Listing on the Growth Enterprise Market of xxx Company", and shall indicate the name and domicile of the Issuer

38、, the sponsor, and the lead underwriter. The Issuer shall clearly disclose the investment risks in GEM bymaking a statement under Article 9 of these Rules.第十七条招股说明书文本书脊应标有“×××公司首次公开发行股票并在创 业板上市招股说明书”字样。Article 17 The spine of the prospectus shall be marked with the words "Prospec

39、tus for the Initial Public Offering and Listing on the GrowthEnterprise Market of xxx Company".第十八条招股说明书扉页应载有下列内容:(一)发行股票类型;(二)发行股数;(三)每股面值;(四)每股发行价格;(五)预计发行日期;(六)拟上市的证券交易所;(七)发行后总股本,发行境外上市 外资股的公司还应披露在境内上市流通 的股份数量和在境外上市流通的股份数 量;(八)本次发行前股东所持股份的限 售安排、股东对所持股份自愿锁定的承 诺;(九)保荐人、主承销商;(十)招股说明书签署日期。Artic

40、le 18 The title page of the prospectus shall contain the following contents:1. The type(s) of the shares to be issued;2. The number of the shares to be issued;3. The par value per share;4. The issuing price of the shares;5. The estimated date of issue;6. The proposed stock exchange;7. The total equi

41、ty after the IPO; if the company has issued listed foreign shares, it shall also disclose the number of domestically listed shares in circulation and the number of overseas listed shares in circulation;8. The restricted shares held by shareholders prior to the IPO and the commitment of the sharehold

42、ers on voluntary lock-up of shares;9. The sponsor and the lead underwriter; and10. The execution date of the prospectus.第十九条发行人应在招股说明书扉页作如下声明:“发行人及全体董事、监事、高级管 理人员承诺招股说明书不存在虚假记载、 误导性陈述或重大遗漏,并对其真实性、 准确性、完整性承担个别和连带的法律责 任。”“公司负责人和主管会计工作的负责Article 19 The Issuer shall make a statement as follows on the ti

43、tle page of the prospectus:"The Issuer and its directors, supervisors and senior management undertake that there is no false record, misleading statement or major omission in the prospectus, and that they will be jointly and severally liable for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the p

44、rospectus."人、会计机构负责人保证招股说明书中财 务会计资料真实、完整。”“中国证监会、其他政府部门对本次 发行所作的任何决定或意见,均不表明其 对发行人股票的价值或投资者的收益作 出实质性判断或者保证。任何与之相反的 声明均属虚假不实陈述。”“根据证券法的规定,股票依法 发行后,发行人经营与收益的变化,由发 行人自行负责,由此变化引致的投资风 险,由投资者自行负责。”"The person in charge of the Company, the person in charge of accounting affairs, and the person in

45、 charge of the accounting organ undertake that the financialandaccountingdatastatedinthe prospectus is authentic and integrate.""The decisions or opinions made by CSRC and other government departments on the initial public offering do not constitute their substantive judgment on or guarant

46、ee to the value or investment return of the shares. Any statements to the contrary shall be false statements.""Under the Securities Law, the Issuer shall be liable for changes in its business operation and proceeding thereof, while the investors shall be liable forinvestment risks brought

47、by such changes"第二十条招股说明书的目录应标明各章、节的标题及相应的页码,内容编 排也应符合通行的惯例。Article 20 The table of contents of the prospectus shall indicate the title and page number of each chapter and section, the layout of which shall beconsistent with general practice.第二十一条发行人应对可能造成投资者理解障碍及有特定含义的术语作 出释义。招股说明书的释义应在目录次页 排印

48、。Article 21 The Issuer shall define terms which may cause understanding difficulty to the investors and those which have specific meanings. The definitions shall be printed on the page(s) following the table ofcontents.第二节 概览Section 2 Overview第二十二条发行人应声明:“本概览仅对招股说明书全文作扼要提示。投资 者作出投资决策前,应认真阅读招股说明 书全文。

49、”Article 22 The Issuer shall make a statement as follows: "The overview only represents a brief introduction to the prospectus. Investors are advised to prudently read the entire text of the prospectusbefore making any investment decision."第二十三条 发行人应简要披露发行人及其控股股东、实际控制人的情况,概 述发行人的主营业务、主要财务数

50、据及财 务指标、本次发行情况及募集资金用途。Article 23 The Issuer shall make a concise introduction to itself, the controlling shareholder(s) thereof, and the actual controller. The Issuer shall introduce its core business and key financial data/indicators, and describe the initial public offering as well as how the rais

51、ed funds will beused.第二十四条发行人应扼要披露其核心竞争优势,列示核心竞争优势的具体 表现。Article 24 The Issuer shall make a concise disclosure of its core competitive advantages, and describe the performance of such core competitive advantages.第三节 本次发行概况Section 3 Introduction of the Issue of Shares第二十五条 发行人应披露其基本情况,主要包括:(一)注册中、英文名

52、称;(二)注册资本;(三)法定代表人;(四)成立日期;(五)住所和邮政编码;(六)电话、传真号码;(七)互联网网址;(八)电子信箱;(九)负责信息披露和投资者关系的 部门、负责人和电话号码。Article 25 The Issuer shall disclose certain basic information, including:1. Its registered Chinese and English names;2. Its registered capital;3. Its legal representative;4. The date of incorporation;5. I

53、ts domicile and postal code;6. Its telephone number(s) and fax number(s);7. Its website;8. Its email address; and9. The name and phone number of the department and person in charge of information disclosure and investor relationship.第二十六条 发行人应披露本次发行的基本情况,主要包括:(一)股票种类;(二)每股面值;(三)发行股数、占发行后总股本的 比例;(四)每

54、股发行价格;(五)标明计算基础和口径的市盈率;(六)预测净利润及发行后每股收益(如有);(七)发行前和发行后每股净资产;(八)标明计算基础和口径的市净率;(九)发行方式与发行对象;(十)承销方式;(十一)预计募集资金总额和净额;(十二)发行费用概算(包括承销费 用、保荐费用、审计费用、评估费用、律 师费用、发行手续费用等)。Article 26 The Issuer shall disclose the basic information on the IPO, including:1. The type(s) of the shares to be issued;2. The par val

55、ue per share;3. The number of shares to be issued; and the proportion of such equity in the total equity;4. The issuing price;5. The price-earnings ratio, with the basis and caliber of calculation indicated;6. The estimated net profit and the post-issue earnings per share (if any);7. The pre-issue a

56、nd post-issue and net assets per share;8. The price to book ratio, with the basis and caliber of calculation indicated;9. The method and object of the IPO;10. The method of underwriting;11. The estimated gross amount and net amount of the raised funds; and12. The estimated issue cost (including the underwriting fee, the sponsorship fee, the audit fee, the assessment fee, the attorney's fee, the IPOcharges, etc).第二十七


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