1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1. Acu-,acr-: : sharp.keen. 例词1:acrid 词根拆分:acr+id?(having a particulity quality)? 释义:辛辣的 例词2:acumen 词根拆分:acu+men: 释义:敏锐的 例词3:acuity 词根拆分:acu+ity 释义:(视力,才智等)敏锐 例词4:alacrity 词根拆分:al+acr+ity 释义:敏捷;爽快 例词5:acrimonious 词根拆分:acr+imonious 释义:刻薄的 2. am : to love 例词1:amiable 词根拆分:am+iable 释义:友善的,
2、慈爱的 例词2:amateurish 词根拆分:am+ateur(a person who)+ish? 释义:业余爱好的,不熟练的 例词3:amorous 词根拆分:am+or+ous(很多)? 释义:多情的;表示爱情的 3. anim : life;mind;soul;spirit 例词1:animation 词根拆分:anim+ation 释义:有生气的 例词2:inanimate 词根拆分:in+anim+ate 释义:无生命的 例词3:unanimous 词根拆分:un(one,single)+anim+ous 释义:全体意见一致的 4. annu, enni : year 例词1:b
3、iennial 词根拆分:bi(two)+enni+a 释义:两年一次的 例词2:perennial 词根拆分:per(through)+enni+ial 释义: 永久的 例词3:superannuated 词根拆分:super(excessively)+annu+ated? 释义:年迈的 5. anthrop,anthropo, : man;human 例词1:anthropoid 词根拆分:anthropo+id 释义:像人类的;类人猿的 例词2:misanthrope 词根拆分:mis(hate)+anthrop+e 释义:厌世者 例词3:philanthropic 词根拆分:phil(
4、love)+anthrop+ic? 释义:博爱的,对人友好的 6. arch, : ancient 例词1:archaic 词根拆分:anch+aic 释义:陈旧的 例词2:archaeology 词根拆分:archaeo+logy(the study of )? 释义:考古学 例词3:archaism 词根拆分:arch+aism 释义:古字 7. .-arch,-archy : a particular kind of rule or government,a ruler 例词1:monarch 词根拆分:mon(single)+arch 释义:君主 例词2:oligarchy 词根拆分:
5、olig(few)+archy? 释义:寡头统治 例词3:anarchist 词根拆分:an(against)+arch+ist 释义:无政府主义者 例词4:hierarchy 词根拆分:hier(神圣的)+archy? 释义:阶级 8. aud, audit : to hear 例词1:audible 词根拆分:aud+ible 释义:能听到的 例词2:audit 词根拆分:audit 释义:旁听,审计,核对 例词3:auditory 词根拆分:audit+ory 释义:听觉的 例词4:plaudit 词根拆分:pl(很多的)+audit? 释义:喝彩 9. aut, auto : self
6、 例词1:autonomy 词根拆分:auto+nomy 释义:自治 例词2:autobiography 词根拆分:auto+biography 释义:自传 例词3:autocracy 词根拆分:auto+cracy(govern) 释义:独裁政府 10. bene, benign : well, good 例词1:benignity 词根拆分:benign+ity 释义:仁慈 例词2:beneficial 词根拆分:bene+fic(to do)+ial? 释义:有益的 例词3:beneficiary 词根拆分:bene+ficiary 释义:受益人,受惠者 11. bio : life;
7、例词1:symbioses 词根拆分:sym(together)+bio+ses 释义:共生 例词2:biosphere 词根拆分:bio+sphere?(天体,球)? 释义:生命层,生物圈 例词3:antibiotic 词根拆分:anti(against)+bio+tic? 释义:抗生素,抗菌的 例词4:biography 词根拆分:bio+graphy?(method of writing)? 释义:传体 12. cid, cas : to fall; happen by chance 例词1:casual 词根拆分:cas+ual 释义:偶然的 例词2:casualty 词根拆分:cas
8、+ualty 释义:伤亡事故 例词3:deciduous 词根拆分:de(down)+cid+uous 释义:脱落的;落叶的 例词4:occidental 词根拆分:oc+cid+ental 释义:西方(的) 13. cap,capt,cept,ceiv : to take ; seize 例词1:capture 词根拆分:capt+ure 释义:俘获;赢得 例词2:receptacle 词根拆分:re(back)+cept+acle 释义:容器 例词3:conceive 词根拆分:con+ceiv 释义:怀孕;构想 例词4:captivate 词根拆分:capt+ivate 释义:吹毛求疵的
9、 14. ced,cede,ceed, cess : to go, yield 例词1:cede 词根拆分:ced+e 释义:放弃 例词2:concede 词根拆分:con(thoroughly)+cede 释义:让步 例词3:precede 词根拆分:pre+cede 释义:前进,前行 15. cern,cret : to separate; see as being different; distinguish 例词1:discern 词根拆分:dis(apart)+cern 释义:识别,看出 例词2:discrete 词根拆分:dis+cret+e 释义:分离的 例词3:discreti
10、on 词根拆分:dis+cret+ion 释义:判断力,考虑周到 例词4:discretionary 词根拆分:dis(in different direction)+cret+ionary? 释义:自由决定的 例词5:excrete 词根拆分:ex(out)+cret+e 释义:排泄 16. clam,claim : to cry out ; shout 例词1:clamor 词根拆分:clam+or 释义:吵闹 例词2:exclamation 词根拆分:ex(out)+clam+ation 释义:惊呼 例词3:acclaim 词根拆分:ac+claim 释义:欢呼 例词4:declaim
11、词根拆分:de(completely)+claim? 释义:高谈阔论 例词5:proclaim 词根拆分:pro+claim 释义:宣告 17. clud,clus,clos, : to shut; close 例词1:conclude 词根拆分:con+clud+e 释义:使.结束 例词2:preclude 词根拆分:pre(before,toward)+clude 释义:阻止 例词3:enclosure 词根拆分:en+clos+ure 释义:围绕,幽闭 例词4:foreclose 词根拆分:fore+clos+e 释义:排除,取消抵押品的赎回权 18. cord : heart; 例词1
12、:cordial 词根拆分:cord+ial 释义:热诚的 例词2:accord 词根拆分:ac+cord 释义:同意,达成协议,给予 例词3:concord 词根拆分:con(with, together)+cord? 释义:和睦 19. corpor, corp : body; flash 例词1:corporal 词根拆分:corpor+al 释义:肉体的;身体的 例词2:corpulent 词根拆分:corp+ulent 释义:肥胖的 例词3:corpuscle 词根拆分:corp+uscle 释义:血球;细胞 例词4:incorporate 词根拆分:in+corpor+ate 释义
13、:合并 例词5:incorporeal 词根拆分:in+corpor+eal 释义:无形体的,非物质的 20. cre,cresc,cret : to grow 例词1:accrete 词根拆分:ac(toward)+cret+e 释义:增长 例词2:crescendo 词根拆分:crecs+endo 释义:(音乐)渐强 例词3:increment 词根拆分:in+cre+ment 释义:增加 例词4:concrete 词根拆分:con+cret+e 释义:具体的;有形的 21. cred, : to believe; turst 例词1:credence 词根拆分:cred+ence 释义:
14、信任 例词2:credential 词根拆分:cred+ential 释义:证明 例词3:credit 词根拆分:cred+it 释义:赊购;信任;(电影)片头字幕 例词4:credulous 词根拆分:cred+ulous 释义:轻信的 例词5:incredible 词根拆分:in+cred+ible 释义:不可相信的 22. cumb,cub : to lie down 例词1:recumbent 词根拆分:re+cumb+ent 释义:侧卧的,休息的 例词2:succumb 词根拆分:suc+cumb 释义:屈从;因死亡 例词3:encumber 词根拆分:en+cumb+er 释义:妨
15、害,阻碍 例词4:incumbent 词根拆分:in+cumb+ent 释义:在职者 例词5:disencumber 词根拆分:disen+cumb+er 释义:摆脱烦恼;不受妨碍 23. cur,curs, : to run; go 例词1:concur 词根拆分:con+cur 释义:同意,同时发生 例词2:discursive 词根拆分:dis+curs+ive 释义:散漫的 例词3:excursion 词根拆分:ex+curs+ion 释义:短途旅游 例词4:excursive 词根拆分:ex+curs+ive 释义:离题的 例词5:incur 词根拆分:in+cur 释义:招致 例词
16、6:precursor 词根拆分:pre+curs+or 释义:先驱 24. de, div : a god 例词1:divinity 词根拆分:div+inity 释义:神性 例词2:deify 词根拆分:de+ify 释义:奉为神;崇拜 例词3:deign 词根拆分:de+ign 释义:屈尊 例词4:deity 词根拆分:de+ity 释义:神;神性 25. dict : to say or speak 例词1:dictate 词根拆分:dict+ate 释义:口述;命令 例词2:dictum 词根拆分:dict+um 释义:格言,声明 例词3:indict 词根拆分:in+dict 释义
17、:起诉 例词4:malediction 词根拆分:male+dict+ion 释义:诅咒 例词5:benediction 词根拆分:bene+dict+ion 释义:祝福 26. doc,doct : to teach 例词1:doctrine 词根拆分:doct+rine 释义:教义 例词2:doctrinaire 词根拆分:doct+rinaire 释义:教条主义者;迂腐的 例词3:indoctrinate 词根拆分:in+doct+rinate 释义:灌输 例词4:indocile 词根拆分:in+doc+ile 释义:难顺服的 27. duc,duct : to lead 例词1:in
18、duce 词根拆分:in+duc+e 释义:引诱 例词2:seduce 词根拆分:se+duc+e 释义:引诱 例词3:viaduct 词根拆分:via+duct 释义:高架桥 例词4:abduct 词根拆分:ab+duct 释义:绑架;诱拐 例词5:aqueduct 词根拆分:aqu+duct 释义:沟渠 例词6:conductor 词根拆分:con+duct+or 释义:指挥家 例词7:deduce 词根拆分:de+duc+e 释义:演绎 28. equ : equal, even 例词1:equation 词根拆分:equ+ation 释义:等式 例词2:equilibrium 词根拆分
19、:equ+ilibrium 释义:平衡状态 例词3:equipoise 词根拆分:equ+ipoise 释义:平衡 例词4:equivocal 词根拆分:equ+I+voc(voice)+al? 释义:模棱两可的;支吾的 例词5:adequate 词根拆分:ad(toward)+equ+ate? 释义:足够的,充足的 29. fac, fic, fact, fect : to do; make 例词1:facile 词根拆分:fac+ile?(having to do with)? 释义:容易做的;肤浅的; 例词2:facilitate 词根拆分:fac+ilitate 释义:帮助 例词3:f
20、actitious 词根拆分:fact+itious 释义:人为的;不真实的 例词4:malefactor 词根拆分:mal(bad, wrong)+e+fact+or? 释义:罪犯 例词5:rarefaction 词根拆分:rare+fact+ion 释义:稀薄化 例词6:deface 词根拆分:de(away)+fac+e? 释义:损坏外观 例词7:falsification 词根拆分:fals(wrong)+i+fic+ation? 释义:窜改 例词8:gasification 词根拆分:gas+fic+ation 释义:汽化 例词9:affected 词根拆分:af+fect+ed 释
21、义:做作的 30. fer : to carry; bring 例词1:aquifer 词根拆分:aqui(water)+fer 释义:蓄水层 例词2:differentiate 词根拆分:dif(apart, in different directions)+fer+entiate 释义:辨别 例词3:insufferable 词根拆分:in(not)+suf(under)+fer+able? 释义:无法忍受的 例词4:odoriferous 词根拆分:odor(香气)+i+fer+ous 释义:有香味的,芳香的 例词5:saliferous 词根拆分:sal(salt)+i+fer+ous
22、? 释义:含盐的 例词6:vociferate 词根拆分:voc(voice)+i+fer+ate? 释义:大叫大嚷 31. firm : frim; strong 例词1:infirm 词根拆分:in(not)+firm? 释义:柔弱的 例词2:affirmative 词根拆分:af+firm+ative 释义:赞成的;肯定的 例词3:reaffirm 词根拆分:re(again)+af+firm? 释义:重新肯定 32. flect, flex : to bend. 例词1:deflect 词根拆分:de(off)+flect? 释义:(使)偏斜,偏转 例词2:genuflect 词根拆分
23、:genu(knee)+flect? 释义:曲膝;屈从 例词3:reflect 词根拆分:re(back)+flect 释义:反射 例词4:flexible 词根拆分:flex+ible 释义:柔软的;可变通的 33. flu, flux : a flow 例词1:fluctuate 词根拆分:flu+ctuate 释义:波动;动摇 例词2:flush 词根拆分:flu+sh 释义:冲洗;脸红 例词3:fluvial 词根拆分:flu+vial 释义:河流的 例词4:influx 词根拆分:in+flux 释义:涌入 例词5:mellifluous 词根拆分:mell(good)+i+flu+
24、ous? 释义:悦耳的 例词6:superfluous 词根拆分:super(above)+flu+ous 释义:多余的 例词7:confluence 词根拆分:con(with, together)+flu+ence 释义:汇合 34. frang, fring, fract,frag : to break 例词1:fragile 词根拆分:frag+ile(havng to do with)? 释义:易碎的 例词2:fragmentary 词根拆分:frag+mentary 释义:零碎的 例词3:infringe 词根拆分:in+fring+e 释义:违反,侵害 例词4:infractio
25、n 词根拆分:in+fract+ion 释义:违法 例词5:fractious 词根拆分:fract+i+ous(full of)? 释义:(脾气)易怒的 例词6:fracture 词根拆分:fract+ure 释义:破碎 35. fus, fund, found : to melt ; pour; 例词1:foundry 词根拆分:found+ary 释义:铸造 例词2:confound 词根拆分:con(with, together)+found 释义:使混淆 例词3:dumbfound 词根拆分:dumb+found 释义:使.惊讶发楞 例词4:founder 词根拆分:found+er
26、 释义:失败; 淹没 例词5:infuse 词根拆分:in+fus+e 释义:鼓舞;注入 例词6:effusive 词根拆分:ef(out)+fus+ive? 释义:流出的;感情横溢的; 例词7:obfuscate 词根拆分:ob(toward, across)+fus+cate? 释义:使迷惑 36. gam : marriage. 例词1:monogamy 词根拆分:mon(one, single)+o+gam+y? 释义:一夫一妻制 例词2:polygamy 词根拆分:poly(many)+gamy? 释义:一夫多妻制,多配偶制 例词3:bigamy? 词根拆分:bi(two)+gam+
27、y 释义:重婚,重婚罪 37. gen, genit : to produce; give birth to; beget; 例词1:degenerate 词根拆分:de(down)+gen+erate 释义:退化 例词2:divergence 词根拆分:div(apart, in different direction)+er+gen+ce? 释义:分歧 例词3:emergence 词根拆分:em+gen+ce 释义:出现 例词4:engender 词根拆分:en(to became, to cause to be)+gen+der? 释义:引起 例词5:eugenic 词根拆分:eu+ge
28、n+ic 释义:优生(学)的 例词6:progenitor 词根拆分:pro(before)+genit+or 释义:祖先 例词7:congenital 词根拆分:con(with, together)+genit+al? 释义:(病等)先天的;天生的 38. ger,gest : to carry; carry on; produce; 例词1:hanger 词根拆分:han+ger 释义:衣架 例词2:belligerent 词根拆分:belli(war)+ger(carry on)+ent?(carrying on in a warlike way;) 释义:好战的 例词3:drudge
29、ry 词根拆分:drud+ger+y 释义:苦差事 例词4:gestation 词根拆分:gest(a carry)+ation? 释义:怀孕;酝酿时期 例词5:ingest 词根拆分:in+gest 释义:吞咽 例词6:congest 词根拆分:con(with, together)+gest? 释义:充血;使拥挤 39. grad, gress : a step; to step; to go 例词1:degrade 词根拆分:de(down)+grad+e? 释义:降格;降级 例词2:downgrade 词根拆分:down+grad+e 释义:使降低 例词3:retrograde 词根拆
30、分:re(back)+tro+grad+e? 释义:退化的 例词4:retrogress 词根拆分:retro+gress 释义:倒退,退化 例词5:transgress 词根拆分:trans(across)+gress? 释义:犯罪;违反 例词6:digress 词根拆分:di(apart)+gress? 释义:离题 例词7:egress 词根拆分:e+gress 释义:出去;出口 例词8:ingress 词根拆分:in+gress 释义:进入 40. grat : pleasing 例词1:grateful 词根拆分:grat+eful 释义:感激的 例词2:ingratiate 词根拆分
31、:in+grat+iate 释义:逢迎 例词3:denigrate 词根拆分:deni(to say no, deny)+grat+e 释义:诋毁 41. grav : heavy 例词1:aggravate 词根拆分:ag(toward) +grav+ate 释义:使恶化,加重 例词2:grave 词根拆分:grav+e 释义:严肃的; 重要的 例词3:gravel 词根拆分:grav+el 释义:碎石 42. her, hes : to stick. 例词1:adhere 词根拆分:ad(toward)+her+e 释义:粘附;坚持 例词2:cohesion 词根拆分:co(with, t
32、ogether)+her+ion? 释义:内聚力 例词3:synthesis 词根拆分:syn(with, together)+t+hes+is? 释义:合成 例词4:antithesis 词根拆分:anti(against)t+hes+is? 释义:对立;相对 43. jac, ject? : to throw; lie; or be thrown down. 例词1:eject? 词根拆分:e(out)+ject? 释义:喷出,逐出 例词2:projectile? 词根拆分:pro(before)+ject+ile 释义:抛射物 例词3:projector? 词根拆分:pro+ject+o
33、r? 释义:幻灯机 例词4:trajectory 词根拆分:tra+ject+ory 释义:(抛射物)轨道 例词5:adjacent 词根拆分:ad(表临近)+jac(to lie)+ent 释义:邻近的 例词6:ejaculate 词根拆分:e+jac+ulate 释义:突然叫出或说出;射出 44. junct, joint : to join 例词1:junction 词根拆分:junct+ion 释义:结合处 例词2:adjunct 词根拆分:ad(表临近)+junct? 释义:附件 例词3:conjunction 词根拆分:con(with, together)+junct+ion?
34、释义:连词 例词4:disjunctive? 词根拆分:dis(not)+junct+ive 释义:分离的 例词5:disjointed? 词根拆分:dis+joint+ed? 释义:脱节的;杂乱的 45. leg, lig, lect : to choose; to read; 例词1:illegible 词根拆分:il(not)+leg+ible 释义:难辨认的 例词2:allege 词根拆分:al+leg+e 释义:辩解,(无证据下)宣称 例词3:delegate 词根拆分:de(utterly)+leg+ate 释义:代表 例词4:eligible 词根拆分:e(out)+lig+ib
35、le 释义:适合被选的;合格的 例词5:lectern 词根拆分:lect+ern 释义:诵经台 例词6:dialect 词根拆分:dia(between)+lect 释义:方言 例词7:eclectic 词根拆分:ec(out)+lect+ic 释义:选择的;折衷的 例词8:electorate 词根拆分:e+lect+orate 释义:(全体)选民 46. loqu, locut, : to speak 例词1:soliloquy 词根拆分:soli(alone)+loqu+y? 释义:自言自语;独白 例词2:grandiloquent 词根拆分:grand(great)+i+loqu+e
36、nt? 释义:夸张的 例词3:loquacious 词根拆分:loqu+aci+ous(full of)? 释义:多嘴的 例词4:magniloquent 词根拆分:magn(large)+i+loqu+ent 释义:夸张的 例词5:obloquy 词根拆分:ob(down, against)+loqu+y 释义:谩骂 例词6:colloquium 词根拆分:col(with,together)+loqu+ium? 释义:学术讨论会 例词7:colloquy 词根拆分:col+loqu+y 释义:(非正式的)交谈 例词8:eloquent 词根拆分:e+loqu+ent 释义:雄辩的;演说动人
37、的 例词9:interlocutor 词根拆分:inter(among)+locut+or? 释义:对话者 例词10:locution 词根拆分:locut+ion 释义:说话风格;常用语 47. mit, miss, : to send; let go 例词1:emit 词根拆分:e(out)+mit 释义:放射(光热;味等) 例词2:omit 词根拆分:o+mit 释义:疏忽;省略 例词3:hermit 词根拆分:her+mit 释义:隐士 例词4:manumit 词根拆分:manu(hand)+mit 释义:解放 例词5:remit 词根拆分:re+mit 释义:免除,宽恕;汇款 例词6
38、:submit 词根拆分:sub+mit 释义:提交 例词7:transmit 词根拆分:trans(across)+mit 释义:传播,传送 例词8:vomit 词根拆分:vo+mit 释义:呕吐;呕吐物 例词9:missile 词根拆分:miss+ile 释义:投射物,导弹 48. mon, monit : to warn; advise 例词1:admonitory 词根拆分:ad(toward)+monit+ory? 释义:警告的 例词2:admonish 词根拆分:ad+mon+ish 释义:警告 例词3:remonstrance 词根拆分:re(again)+mon+strance
39、? 释义:抗议 例词4:sermon 词根拆分:ser+mon 释义:布道 49. mov, mot : to move. 例词1:motile 词根拆分:mot+ile(having to do with) 释义:能动的 例词2:movement 词根拆分:mov+ement 释义:乐章;动作 例词3:remove 词根拆分:re(back)+mov+e? 释义:移走;迁徙 例词4:demote 词根拆分:de(down)+mot+e? 释义:降级;降职 例词5:emote 词根拆分:e+mot+e 释义:激动地表达感情 例词6:locomotion 词根拆分:loco(place)+mot
40、+ion? 释义:移位 例词7:promote 词根拆分:pro(before)+mot+e? 释义:促进,提升 50. nasc,nat : to be born 例词1:nascent 词根拆分:nasc+ent 释义:新生的 例词2:renascent 词根拆分:re(again)+nasc+ent 释义:再生的 例词3:nativity 词根拆分:nat+ivity 释义:出生 例词4:neonate 词根拆分:neo(new)+nat+e 释义:初生婴儿 例词5:rejuvenate 词根拆分:re(again)+juve(young)+nat+e 释义:使返老还童,回春 例词6:c
41、ognate 词根拆分:co(with,together)+gnat+e 释义:同词源的;同类的 51. pel, pell, puls, : to drive; push; 例词1:compulsion 词根拆分:com(very)+puls+ion 释义:强迫;无法抑制的冲动 例词2:expulsion 词根拆分:ex(out)+puls+ion 释义:驱逐;开除 例词3:propulsion 词根拆分:pro(before)+puls+ion 释义:推进力 例词4:propel 词根拆分:pro(before)+pel 释义:推进 例词5:repel 词根拆分:re(back)+pel
42、释义:使厌恶;击退 例词6:compel 词根拆分:com(very,completely)+pel 释义:迫使 例词7:expel 词根拆分:ex(out)+pel 释义:排出;开除 例词8:impel 词根拆分:im(in)+pel 释义:推进,驱使 52. pend, pens, : to hang, weigh, ro pay 例词1:pendent 词根拆分:pend+ent 释义:悬挂的;悬而未决的 例词2:pendulum 词根拆分:pend+ulum(instrument) 释义:钟摆 例词3:spendthrift 词根拆分:s+pend+thrift 释义:挥霍者 例词4:
43、suspend 词根拆分:sus(below)+pend 释义:悬浮,中止 例词5:appendage 词根拆分:ap+pend+age 释义:附加物 例词6:expend 词根拆分:ex(out,出自)+pend 释义:花费;用光 例词7:suspense 词根拆分:sus(below)+pens+e 释义:悬疑;挂念 例词8:pension 词根拆分:pens+ion 释义:养老金 例词9:recompense 词根拆分:re(back)+com+pense 释义:报酬;赔偿 53. pet, petit : to go; seek; strive 例词1:petition 词根拆分:pe
44、tit+ion 释义:请求 例词2:appetite 词根拆分:ap+pet+ite 释义:欲望 例词3:appetizing 词根拆分:ap+pet+izing 释义:促进食欲的 例词4:centripetal 词根拆分:centr(centre)+i+pet+al 释义:向心的 54. ple, plet : to fill; 例词1:deplete 词根拆分:de(undoing or reveal of an action)+plete 释义:耗尽 例词2:replete 词根拆分:re(again)+plete 释义:饱满的,塞满的 例词3:implement 词根拆分:im(in)
45、+ple+ment 释义:使生效;提供工具 例词4:replenish 词根拆分:re(again)+ple+nish 释义:补充;再装满 55. plic, plicit, plex : to fold; twist; bend; tangle; connect 例词1:complicity 词根拆分:com(with, together)+plicit+y 释义:串通;共犯 例词2:duplicitous 词根拆分:du(two)+plicit+ous 释义:搞两面派的 例词3:implicit 词根拆分: im(not)+plicit 释义:含蓄的 例词4:explicit 词根拆分:e
46、x(out)+plicit 释义:清楚的;外在的 例词5:complexion 词根拆分:com(with,together)+plex+ion 释义:肤色;局面 56. pon, posit, pound, pose : to put; place 例词1:repository 词根拆分:re(back)+posit+ory 释义:贮藏室,仓库 例词2:apposition 词根拆分:ap(表临近)+posit+ion 释义:同位语 例词3:composite 词根拆分:com(with, together)+posit+e 释义:拼凑成的;混合成的 例词4:decomposition 词根
47、拆分:de(undoing or reveal of an action)+com+posit+ion 释义:腐烂;崩溃 例词5:deposit 词根拆分:de(down)+posit 释义:淤积 例词6:exposition 词根拆分:ex(out)+posit+ion 释义:阐释;博览会 例词7:propound 词根拆分:pro(before)+pound 释义:提出供考虑 例词8:expound 词根拆分:ex(out)+pound 释义:解释;阐述;提出 例词9:compound 词根拆分:com(with, together)+pound 释义:复合物;搀和 例词10:impose
48、 词根拆分:im(在.上面)+pose 释义:征税;强加 57. port : to carry 例词1:portable 词根拆分:port+able 释义:轻便的,手提式的 例词2:transport 词根拆分:trans(across)+port 释义:运输 例词3: 词根拆分: 释义: 58. quir, quisit, quest : to seek or ask 例词1:inquiry 词根拆分:in+quir+y 释义:询问 例词2:inquisitive 词根拆分:in+quisit+ive 释义:好奇的 例词3:questionnaire 词根拆分:quest+ionnair
49、e 释义:调查表 59. rupt : to break; burst 例词1:rupture 词根拆分:rupt+ure 释义:断裂 例词2:corrupt 词根拆分:cor(completely)+rupt 释义:堕落的;文体有错误的 例词3:disrupt 词根拆分:dis(away, apart)+rupt 释义:破坏 例词4:erupt 词根拆分:e+rupt 释义:爆发;喷出火焰 60. scrib, script : to write; 例词1:scripture 词根拆分:script+ure 释义:经文 例词2:conscript 词根拆分:con(with,together
50、)+script 释义:征兵;征召 例词3:inscription 词根拆分:in+script+ion 释义:题字;碑铭 例词4:manuscript 词根拆分:manu(hand)+script 释义:手稿 例词5:nondescript 词根拆分:non(not)+de(down)+script 释义:平凡的 例词6:postscript 词根拆分:post(after)+script 释义:附言 例词7:prescript 词根拆分:pre(before)+script 释义:命令,规定 例词8:rescript 词根拆分:re(again)+script 释义:法令;重抄 例词9:s
51、ubscribe 词根拆分:sub(under)+scrib+e 释义:签署;订阅 例词10:transcribe 词根拆分:trans(across)+crib+e 释义:抄写,转录 61. sed, sid : to sit; settle 例词1:sedate 词根拆分:sed+ate 释义:使镇定 例词2:sedentary 词根拆分:sed+ent+ary 释义:不迁移的 例词3:sediment 词根拆分:sed+iment 释义:沉淀物,渣 例词4:sidereal 词根拆分:sid+ereal 释义:恒星的 例词5:insider 词根拆分:in+sid+er 释义:局内人 例词6:preside 词根拆分:pre(before)+sid+e 释义:负责;指挥 例词7:residence 词根拆分:re(back)+sid+ence 释义:住宅 例词8:residual 词根拆分:re(again)+sid+ual 释义:残余的 62. spec, spic, spect : to look; look at. 例词1:inspection 词根拆分:in+spect+ion 释义:检查 例词2:introspection 词根拆分:intro(in)+spect+ion 释义:内省 例词3:pers
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