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1、自然拼音拼读词汇一a e i o u 的短音Aa:an am at f athas andbag cap cat h at f at s ad h adran pancan man b ack th at thank happyst andbl ackpandaf amily dr agonapple have Maths animalgr andmagr andpa bl ackboardbananaappleparrotanimal carryrang st and m atter c atchEe:leg getbed yes r ed t en help h ello desk s e

2、ven el eventw elve p en pencil elephant t ennis pr esent dr ess westIi:is itin h is six b it c ity thisbig shipth inskipf ish milksing givewindyanimalswimdinner w inter animal b iscuit ch ildrenchopst icks d iff icult dr ink dumpl ing f ifteen f ifty h ill kid listen l ittle l ive picture P ink sixt

3、een s ixty sw im v isit w in w inner sit g ive w ind w ith sk ip m iss ch ick f inish f inger fam ily s ister pol icemenOo: oxon ofnotdog on hotgot box dolldoctorbodysong pop pr oject stop orange clock frog fr om l ostsorry b ox hot l ost dr op cross b ottle coffee shoppingUu:upbusmumbump lunchsumme

4、r sunnyunder r unr unning l uck d umpling h undred h ungry j ump j umping much m um just h urry1 / 8二、a e i o u 的长音Aa: name day c ake lake pl ane l ake m ake left l et l etter m en next birthd ay ate b ake g ame pl ace m et w ell s ell b ell t ell best wh en th em s ecret sm ell sameEe: she he meIi:

5、f ine nine k ite dr iver bike like nice r ide r ice t ime rightalright bedt ime ch ina Chinese life l ike n ight n ineteen n inety r idewr ite n ice w ide i ce(cream) m i ne line t ired bl ind cl imb sm ileOo: home hell o old n o nose go so home th ose kil o h oldUu: pupil三、半元音 y 的长音、短音Yy:my by fl y

6、 Jul y shy why skyYy: many happ y famil y body fifty fort y gentl y hungr y Januar ymerril y ninet y part y scar y sevent y sixt y sorr y thirty twent y carr ycit y naughtymany citythirsty onl y hurr y lovel y read y reall y angr yever y四、元音组 ai ay ee ea ie igh oa ow ui ue的发音规则ai: again r ainbow Str

7、 aight train wait2. ay: birthd ay say pl ay tod ay day tod ay M ay Mond ay Tuesd ayWednesd ay Thursd ay Frid ay Saturd ay Sund ay yesterd ay2 / 8ee: gr een thr ee gr eetingkn ee tr ee weekendsleep thirteenfourt een fift een sixt een sevent een eight een ninet een sweets agr eeneed ch eese wh eel cof

8、f ee f eelea: please t eacher m eat eat sea r ead dr eam str eam east speakt ea t eam cl ean cr eamie:igh: high ligh t r igh toa: coatroad b oatow: yell owwind ow snow row tomorr owui: fruit j uiceue: bl ue五、元音组 ou ow oi oy aw oo oo ea的发音规则ou: mouthab out house count s outhow: how d ow noi:point voi

9、ceoy: boy t oyaw: drawoo: t oo f ood afternoon sch oolclassr oom noodles c ooloo: book l ook g ood g oodbye f oot look f ootball c ook t ookea: headbr eakfastsweaterbread deaf r eady六、ar er ir ur or的发音3 / 8ar: arm f armer c ar ar t far m argue park superm arket p arkfarmarch p artyer: tig er dinn er

10、wint er sweat er teach er motherfath er sist er broth er driv er farm er aft er noonwinner super marketlett er Septemb er Octob er Novemb er Decemb er clev er riv er weath er better yester day fev er matterir: sk irtT-sh irt b irdgirl b irthdayfirst th irstyur: nurseor: shortorangef orspor tf or n o

11、r thmorning七、辅音字母 b c d f g h j k l m n p qu r s t v w x y z的发音b: big bike basketballbanana bag birdbirthdayblack blackboard blue body book boy brotherboat bread bed ball betterbump bitbackb adlybakebeforebellbest blind b oredbottleboxc: cold coatcat cap cake colourclassroomcamel can clothes comecoo

12、k countcall carr y clevercloudy coldcool curl cutepi cnic careful catchclass cleanclimb cloudcoffeecommunitycontrol crossd: doll desk dog door down desk doctordarkday December difficult down dumpling c areful catch classcleanclimbcloud coffeecommunitycontrolcross4 / 8f: f avouriteflyfat f ootballfis

13、hfootfine four five familyfatherfarmerfingerfarfast February fifteenfiftyflute fly forforty fourteenfriendfrogfromfruitface fairfallfarfeverfirstf antasticfarmfeel feelingfinishfiremenflyfoodforget wonderfulcare ful use ful dea f be fore grandfatherg: getgo girlgood greengoodbye grandpa grandma gree

14、ting getgood gently Au gust game give goalkeepergrandfather arguepro gramme playground angryh: hand h appyhat hehead h ellohelphishow he h is how hat her headherehand help hello happy high hill homeworkhooray house hundredhungery hair happen headache help hen him holidayhomework hop hope horriblehou

15、seworkhad hand hear hers hisholdhomehothow hurryj: j ackjecketjoin jump juice justk: kitekisskid kangaroo kid loo k par k la ke drin k makecook pin ksupermar ketl: lion like lake leg littlelook black fami ly po liceman e levenEnglish lakeleftlet letterlife light like listenlittlelivelong looklostlov

16、e low luck lady large last laugh learn littlelong line lostlove ly list5 / 8m: monkey mummilk Maths my me many mothermouthmorning MsMr. m e make man march may men merrilymetre much man many me meetmuch m anners mattermet mine miss moon mountain mumn: no notname nine nosenice no not now name nine nos

17、e nurse number near next nice night nineteen ninety number November nice need north nosep: pass pear pen pencil panda please pupil policeman point prese nt purple pan park parrot party people picture pink plane play poin tpurple put piano picnic pop placequ:quietqueenr: ride r ice red rainbow : read

18、 ride right road roar row run runnin g rather ride right river robot rule everything agreecarryran rang ready really rounds: song small swim skip sleep summer snow say sit six school s even sister stand scary sea see September seventeen seventy sixteen sixty so some sorry soup sport stationstone str

19、aight stream sweets swim same size so south speak startstop sad sausage say sell sent sit skip skysmell smilestand sunshinesurpriset: t igertable tennis today to tento toe too teachertalk todaytogethertomorrow t urn take stopt ea t eamt ell t ook6 / 8v: veryvetvan vug visit very voice clever river f

20、evereverythingw: w atch weekend winterwant wash welcome win winnerwatermelonwait wall wear well wind with won wonderfulwordwork worldweather west wet wide worse homework houseworkx: si x sixty si xteen ne xt bo xy: yes yellow your youz: zoo八、辅音字母组合 Ch tch sh wh ph th th kn wr ck tr dr的发音ch :Chinese chair teach


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