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1、小学英语单词表1 .食物(food):egg (蛋)cake (蛋糕)hamburger (汉堡) ice cream (冰激凌)bread (面包)rice (大米)hot dog (热狗)tea (茶) milk (牛奶)cheese(奶酪) noodles (面条) meat (肉) vegetable (蔬菜)2.水果(fUt):chocolate (巧克力) dumpling (饺子) chicken (鸡肉) carrot (胡萝卜)apple (苹果)pear (梨)banana (香蕉) peach (桃子) grape (葡萄)orange (橘子) melon (西瓜)3.

2、动物(animal )cat (猫)dog(狗)rooster (公鸡) hen (母鸡) monkey (猴子)lion (狮子)frog (青蛀)duck (鸭)fish (鱼)wolf (狼)pig (猪)rabbit (兔子)cow (奶牛)horse (马) sheep (羊) zebra (斑马)fox (狐狸)panda (熊猫) bear (熊) penguin(企鹅) bird (鸟) 4.家庭(family ):father(父亲) mother (母亲)elephant (大象)kangaroo (袋鼠)brother (兄弟)sister (姐妹)grandma (奶奶

3、,夕卜婆)grandpa (爷爷,夕卜公)aunt (姑姨)uncle (叔舅) cousin (堂、表兄弟姐妹)son (儿子)5.颜色(color)red (红色)blue (兰色)yellow (黄色) white (白色)black (黑色)green (绿色)orange (橙色) purple (紫色)pink(粉红色)6.身体部位:head (头)face (脸)eye (眼睛)ear (耳朵) mouth(嘴)tooth (牙齿)neck (脖子)hand(手) arm (手臂)foot(feet)(脚)7.衣帽(clothes):knee(膝盖)leg(腿)hat(帽子)sk

4、irt (裙子)jacket(夹克衫) coat (大衣)shirt(男衬衫)sweater (毛衣)T-shirt(T-恤衫)shorts (短裤)shoe (鞋)sock (袜子)8.天气(weather):cloudy(多云的)rainy (下雨的)warm (暖和的)hot (热的)snowy (下雪的)sunny (晴朗的)cold (冷的)cool (凉爽的)9.四季(season):sping (春天)summer (夏天)fall (秋天)winter(冬天)10.科目(subject):maths (数学)Chinese (汉语)science (科学)art (艺术)Eng

5、lish (英语)PE (体育)music(音乐)computer(电脑)11.职业:doctor (医生)nurse (护士)policeman (警察)pilot (飞行员)worker (工人)farmer(农民)dancer (舞蹈演员)singer (歌唱家)212 .交通工具:bybike (自行车) motorcycle (摩托车)boat (船)train (火车)plain (飞机)bus (公共汽车)car (小汽车)on foot (步行)13 .代词:I (我) my (我的)you (你,你们)your (你的,你们的)he (他) his (他的)she (她) h

6、er (她的)we (我们) our (我们的)us (我们)they(他们,她们,它们)him (他) me (我) it (它)14 .疑问词:who (谁) whose (谁的)where (在哪里) what (什么)how (怎么样)when (什么时候) which (哪一个) why(为什么)how many(多少)how old (几岁) how much (价钱多少)15 .常用动词:dance(跳舞)draw (画画) run (跑步)sing (唱) ride (骑)swim (游泳)watch (观看)see (看) listen (听) read (读)clean (

7、把-干净)sweep (打扫) wash (洗)eat (吃) have (有,吃) come (来) go (去) give (给)fly (飞) lay (下蛋)like (喜欢) play (玩) put on (穿)take off (脱)clap (拍手)stamp (跺脚)touch (触摸)wave (挥 手) open (开) close (关)turn on (打开电器)turn off (关电器)look(看)love (爱) need (需要)pick (采摘)4put (放) spend (花费)want (想要)work (工作)pass (传递)catch (接住)

8、shot (投篮)cook (煮饭)know (知道)climb(爬) move (移动)hide (隐藏) win (赢) shout (喊叫) collect (收集) wear (穿) bring (带来)paint (绘画)take (拿去,买)buy (买)16 .常见名词:door (门) window (窗) desk (书桌)table (桌子)chair (椅子)pen (钢笔)pencil (铅笔)pencil-box (文具盒)book (书) story book (故事书)ruler (尺子)bag (包)schoolbag(书包)blackboard(黑板)scho

9、ol(学校) classroom (教室)building(大楼)floor (地板) fan (电风扇)light (电灯)class (班级)grade (年级) teacher (老师) student (学生)children (孩子们)boy (男孩)girl (女孩)friend (朋友) doll (布娃娃) library (图书馆)phone (电话)jeep (吉普车)umbrella (雨伞)vase (花瓶)card (卡片)farm (农场)river (河) lake (湖)zoo (动物园)park (公园)supermarket (超市)bookstore (书

10、店)toy store (玩具店)fruit store (水果店)party (聚会)present (礼物)seesaw (跷跷板) slide (滑梯)wool (羊毛)bell (钟) clock (闹钟)queen (女王)bed (床)computer (电脑)robot (机器人)Santa (圣诞老人)snowman (雪人)song (歌) time (时间) sky (天空)sun (太阳)earth (地球)kite (风筝) star (星星)kettle (水壶)cup (杯子)soap (月巴皂) money (钱)change (零钱) kitchen (厨che

11、ss (象棋) race (赛跑)America (美国) the USA(美国)Japan (日本) Australia (澳大利亚) the Great Wall (长城)Army Day (建军节)New Year's Day (新年)Children's Day (六一节) Chritmas Day (圣诞节) Spring Festival (春节)Teacher's Day (教师节)April (四月)August (八月)October (十月)December (十二月)have lunch (吃午餐)have dinner (吃晚餐)房) bathr

12、oom (浴室)room(房间)dining room (餐厅)sitting room (客厅)study (书房) fridge (冰箱) sofa (沙发)piano (钢琴)wall (墙壁)picture (图画) flower (花) grass (草) tree (树)bamboo (竹子)leaf (叶子)camera (相机)meter (米)stamp (邮票)hobby (爱好)17 .大写:China(中国)England (英国)Chinese (中国的)English (英语) Beijing (北京)Big Ben (大本钟)the South Pole (南极)

13、May Day (五一节)Easter (复活节)Mid-Autumn Day (中秋节) Sports Day (运动会) Women's Day (妇女节) on September1st (在九月一号)Beijing Opera (京剧) Santa (圣诞老人)18 .数字(number):zero(0)one (1)two(2)three (3)four (4)five (5)six (6)seven (7)eight(8)nine (9)ten (10)eleven (11)twelve (12)thirteen (13)fourteen (14) fifteen (15)

14、sixteen (16)seventeen (17) eighteen (18) nineteen (19) twenty (20) twenty-one (21)thirty (30)forty (40)fifty(50)sixty (60)seventy (70)eighty (80) ninety (90) hundred (100) first (第一)second (第二)third (第三)fourth (第四)fifth (第五)sixth (第六)seventh (第七) eighth (第八) ninth (第九)tenth (第十)eleventh (第十一)twelfth

15、(第十二)thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first (第二十)twenty-second twenty-third twenty-nine thirtieth (第三十) thirty-first (第三十一)19 .星期(week):Monday (星期一)Tuesday (星期二)Wednesday (星期三)Thursday (星期四)Friday (星期五 Saturday (星期六)Sunday (星期日)20 .月份(month

16、 ):January (一月) February (二月) March (三月)May (五月)June (六月)July (七月)September (九月)November (十一月)21 .一日三餐:have breakfast(吃早餐)22 .表情词:sad (悲伤的)scared (惊恐的) happy (高兴的)proud (自豪的)tired (疲劳的) angry (生气的)23 .词组:go to school (去上学) go to work (去上班)go to bed (去睡觉)get up (起床) go home (回家)at home(在家)sit down (坐

17、下)just now (刚才)play basketball (打篮球)play football (打足球)turn left(向左)turn right(向右)go straight(直走)swim in the sea (在海里游泳)climb the mountain( 爬山) far from (很4远)take some photos (照相) do my homework (做作业)train station (火车站)Hold on.(不要挂断电话)on duty (值日)have a good time (玩得开心) 然) pocket money (零花钱)bus stop

18、 (汽车停靠站)all the same (仍get on(上车)look for (寻找)long jump (跳远)high jump(跳局)Good luck.(祝你好运。)theteacher's office(老师办公室)I.Good morning.(afternoon,evening).(早安、午安、晚安)2 .Nice to meet you.(见到你很高兴)3 .Your sweater is beautiful.(你的毛衣很漂亮)Thank you.(谢谢)4 .How are you?(你好吗?)I'm fine.Thank you.And you?( 我

19、很好,谢谢!你好吗? )l'm fine,too.(我也好!)5 .How many?(多少?)Two. (2)6 .How old are you?(你几岁了?)I'm nine. (我 9 岁了)7 .How much is it?(这个多少钱?)It's three yuan. (3 元)8 .How is the weather today?9 .How do you go to school?(今天天气怎样?)(你怎么去学校?)It's sunny.By plane.(今天晴天)(我坐飞机去)10 .How do you spend Spring Fe

20、stival?(你们怎么过春节?)We make dumplings.(我们包饺子)11 .What's your name?(你叫什么名字?) My name is Sally.(我叫莎莉)234187.12 .What's your phone number?(你的电话号码是多少?)13.What color is it?(这是什么颜色?)It's pink.(这是粉红色)14 .What class are you in?(你在哪一班?)I'm in Class One,Grade Six.(我在六(1)班)15 .Whats the time? (几点了

21、?) It's nine o clock. (9 点了)16 .What do you have for lunch?(你午餐吃什么?)We have noodles.(我们吃面条)17 .What do you wear in spring?(你春天穿什么?)I wear a jacket in spring. (春天我穿夹克)18 .What present do you want? (你想要什么礼物?)I want a robot.(我想要一个机器人)19 .What day is today?(今天星期几?) It's Wednesday.(今天星期三)20 .Whats you favorite subject?(你最喜欢哪门课?) Maths. (数学)21 .What are you doing?(你在做什么?)I'm Playing basketball.(我正在打篮球)22 .What's your favorite hobby?(你的爱好是什么?)I like play


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