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1、晋城小升初英语阅读理解含答案【解析】一、阅读理解1 .阅读理解阅读理解A manlives in a big house. He likes his house, but he hates( 讨厌)the mice in it. One day, he buys a big cat from the market( 市场)to eat the mice. After a few days, the cat kills( 杀)many mice. This time, the mice become very worried. They decide todo something to save

2、 their lives, so all the mice come together to discuss( 讨论)it. They have many plans, but none of them is good and useful.Atlast, a young mouse stands up and says:"I'll show you what we can do. We ben puaround the cat's neck. Then if the cat comes we can run away,because we can hear the

3、bell ring.All the mice agree and say it's a goodidea. Then an old mouse stands up and asks,重“The po点)is which of us will tie(系)the bell to thecat's neck?” No one says anything because no one dares(敢)to do it.(1) What does the man worry about?A. His house is too big. B. His cat is too big. C.

4、 There are many mice in his house.(2) Why do all the mice have a meeting one day?A. They want to live in another house.B. They don't want, to be killed by the cat.C. They want to kill the cat in the house.(3) What do the mice think of the young mouse's idea?A. It's a bad idea.B. It's

5、 a dangerous 危险的)idea. C. It's a good idea.(4) Do the mice dare to tie the bell to the cat's neck?A. Yes, they do.B. No, they don't.C. Sorry, I don't know. What can we learn from the story?A. To say is one thing, to do is another thing.B. The mice are very clever.C. The cat is clever

6、.【答案】(1) CB(3) C(4) BA买来了一只猫。猫吃了许多老鼠,老鼠们开【解析】【分析】大意:一个男人讨厌老鼠,始讨论如何对付猫。(1)句意:这个男人在担心什么?根据原文He likes his house, but he hates the mice in it.他喜欢他的房子,他讨厌有老鼠在里面。可知,有很多老鼠在他房子里。故答案选:Co(2)句意:为什么有一天所有的老鼠开会?根据原文They decide to do something to savetheir lives, so all the mice come together to discuss it.他们决定做点什

7、么挽救他们的生命,所以他们聚在一起讨论。可知,他们不想被猫吃掉。故答案为: B。(3)句意:老鼠们觉得难请的老鼠注意怎么样?根据原文All the mice agree and say it's agood idea.所有的老鼠都赞同并说是好主意。故答案选: C。(4)句意:老鼠敢在猫的脖子上系铃铛吗?根据原文No one says anything because no onedares(敢)to do it.可知,没人敢去。故答案选:B。(5)句意:我们通过这个故事可以学到什么?通过本篇文章可知,大家都觉得说得想法很棒,但真正要去做的时候却没人愿意。说一件事情,做是另一回事。故答案

8、选:Ao【点评】考查阅读理解。注意了解文章大意,以及题干意思,根据文中关键句子,再进行 选择。(2) .阅读理解阅读理解Jane is only four and doesn't go to school. But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa - an old teacher. One day, Jane's mother, Mrs. John takes her to a party. The guests all praise a rich woman's boy. Mrs John as

9、ks him a few questions, but all his answers are wrong. Jane begins to laugh(嘲笑)at him"One." Answers Jane."You're wrong!" Calls out the rich woman. "All of them will fly away!" "Do you think a dead bird can fly?" Asks the little girl.The guests begin to lau

10、gh and the woman's face turns red.(1) Jane learns a lot from her.A. grandpaB. teacherC. grandma(2) How many teachers are there in the story?A. OneB. TwoC. Three(3) Who is clever?A. Mrs. JohnB. The rich womanC. Jane(4) Jane is a.A. boyB. school boyC. girl Why is the rich woman angry with Jane?A.

11、Jane laughs at her son.B. Jane is a girl.D. motherD. FourD. The boyD. school girlC. Her son can't answer the questions. 【答案】(1) AD. Jane answers all the questions.A(3) C(4) CA【解析】【分析】该短文主要介绍Jane参加聚会做的一些事情。11) 细节阅读,根据 But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa an old teacher.得知从她爷爷那

12、里学到了很多,故选Ao(2) 细节阅读,根据 But she is very clever and learns a lot from her grandpa an old teacher.得知一位老师。故选 A。(3)细节阅读,根据文章内容看出Jane比较聪明,故选 C。(4)细节阅读,根据 Jane is only four and doesn't go to school. But she is very clever 得知Jane是个女孩,故选 C。(5)细节阅读,根据 Jane begins to laugh(嘲笑)at him得知因为她嘲笑她儿子,故选A。【点评】考查对篇章

13、的把握和细节的辨别能力。答题时,紧扣文章中的关键词,做出正确选择。:此题目要求快速阅读文章,把握内容、了解大意,然后细致阅读,抓住主要内容 和细节,标出关键词,然后做出选择,完成题目。3 .阅读理解根据短文选择正确的一项。Do you know about Xiong'an? It's a new city near Baoding. There is a big lake in Xiong'an. Yes, it is Baiyangdian Lake. It is very big. In summer, you will see many beautiful lo

14、tus flowers on the lake. Some are red. Some are pink. Many people like them. There will be many boats on the lake. And there will be many birds singing in the grass. Xiong'an is beautiful and new. You can come here by bus from Baoding. And you can come here by train. You will play in the water w

15、ith your friends. You will eat delicious fish. You will take many wonderful pictures. You will have a nice trip in Xiong'an.11) Where is Xiong'an?A. It's a new city.B. It's near Baoding.C. It has a big lake.(2) Lotus flowers should be.(3) We can see on Baiyangdian Lake.A.B.L和ii C.A.

16、a new cityB. some buses and birdsC. many flowers and boats(4) You can't in Xiong'an.C. get many birdsC. trainA. eat delicious fishB. play in the water You can't go to Xiong'an byA. planeB. bus【答案】(1) B(3) C(4) C【解析】【分析】大意:介绍保定附近一座美丽的新城( 1)根据 It's a new city near Baoding. 可知雄安在保定附

17、近。故选B。( 2 )根据 you will see many beautiful lotus flowers on the lake 可知可以在湖上看到美丽的荷花可知,故选A。( 3 )根据 you will see many beautiful lotus flowers on the lake. 和 There will be many boats on the lake. And there will be many birds singing in the grass. 可知可以在白洋淀看到荷花和船只。故选C。( 4 )根据 You will play in the water wi

18、th your friends. You will eat delicious fish. You will take many wonderful pictures. 可知可以在雄安玩水并且吃到味道鲜美的鱼肉。与birds 鸟类无关。故选C。( 5 )根据 Xiong'an is beautiful and new. You can come here by bus from Baoding. And you can come here by train. 可知可以乘坐公共汽车去保定在做火车到雄安。与飞机plane 无关。故选 A。【点评】考查阅读理解。首先通读全文,理解大意。其次阅

19、读问题,根据题干信息找出关 键句进行正确的选择。4 阅读理解根据短文内容判断下列说法的正误。Hi I'm Jenny Last Saturday I went to Hangzhou to see my uncle and aunt I went there by bus I got to Hangzhou at about 10 : 00 in the morning Then my cousin Tony and I took a taxi to the West Lake(西湖).We went there quickly because my uncle is the taxi

20、 driver. We rowed(戈U )the boat on the lake . It was a hot day . The sun was shining in the sky . We felt hot and hungry We sat under a big tree and had our lunch Tony saw a fish in the lake So we fed (喂养 )the fish with bread More and more fish swam to us and opened their mouths We were very happy th

21、at day (1) 1 ) Jenny's aunt lives in Hangzhou (2) 2 ) Jenny went to the West Lake by train (3) 3) Jenny's uncle is a taxi driver (4) 4 ) They had lunch on the lake (5) 5 ) They fed fish with bread 【答案】 ( 1 ) 1(6) 0(7) 1(8) 0(9) 1【解析】 【分析】( 1)细节理解题,根据Last Saturday I went to Hangzhou to see my

22、 uncleand aunt 可知珍妮的阿姨住在杭州,故正确。( 2 )细节理解题,根据Then my cousin Tony and I took a taxi to the West Lake 可知他们坐出租车去西湖,不是坐火车,故错误。( 3 )细节理解题,根据We went there quickly because my uncle is the taxi driver 可知珍妮的叔叔是个出租车司机,故正确。( 4 )细节理解题,根据We sat under a big tree and had our lunch 可知我们坐在树下吃午饭,不是在湖上,故错误。( 5 )细节理解题,根

23、据So we fed (喂养)the fish with bread 可知我们用面包喂鱼,故正确。【点评】考查学生对文章的理解。5 阅读理解阅读短文,判断下列句子正误It's Sunday today. Amy and Daming are having a picnic in the park. Look! The sun is shining.Amy and Daming are watching the ducks. The ducks are very hungry and noisy. Some ducks are swimming in the water. Some ar

24、e eating Amy's food. It's a beautiful day today.( 1 ) Today is Monday.( 2 ) Amy and Daming are having a picnic in the park.(3) 3) It's rainy today.( 4 ) The ducks are noisy and hungry.( 5 ) Amy and Daming are swimming in the water, too.【答案】 ( 1 ) 0(4) 1(5) 0(6) 1(7) 0【考点】阅读理解【解析】 【分析】大意:

25、短文讲述了星期天艾米和大明正在公园里野餐,看到鸭子们又饿又吵,一些鸭子在水里游泳,有些人在吃艾米的食物。(1)句意:今天是星期一。根据It's Sunday today. 可知今天是星期天,故答案为错误。( 2)句意:艾米和大明正在公园里野餐。根据Amy and Daming are having a picnic in thepark. 可知艾米和大明正在公园里野餐,故答案为正确。( 3)句意:今天下雨。根据The sun is shining. 可知今天阳光明媚,故答案为错误。(4)句意:鸭子们又吵又饿。根据The ducks are very hungry and noisy.

26、可知鸭子们又饿又吵,故答案为正确。( 5)句意:艾米和大明也在水里游泳。根据Some ducks are swimming in the water. 可知一些鸭子在水里游泳,故答案为错误。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。6 阅读理解阅读理解I'm Larry. I was born on August 12, 1994. I go to Park Avenue School. I'm in Grade 6. I have a pet. She is smart and cute. My favourite season is su

27、mmer. In summer, I can wear a T-shirt and shorts. I was very excited to win a prize for playing the violin. My parents were proud of me. When I am older, I want to be a computer programmer or an English teacher.( 1 ) What grade is Larry in?( 2 ) What is Larry's pet like?( 3 ) Why is summer Larry

28、's favourite season?( 4 ) Why was Larry excited?( 5) What's Larry's dream?【答案】 ( 1 ) Larry is in Grade 6.( 2 ) She is smart and cute.( 3 ) Because he can wear a T-shirt and shorts.( 4 ) Because he won a prize for playing the violin.( 5 ) He wants to be a computer programmer or an English

29、 teacher.【考点】阅读理解【解析】 【分析】这是介绍Larry 的一篇短文。( 1)根据短文叙述 I'm in Grade 6. (我在 6 年级。)可知是六年级。故答案为: Larry is in Grade 6.(2)根据短文叙述She is smart and cute. 可知宠物又聪明又可爱。故答案为: She is smartand cute.( 3)根据短文叙述In summer, I can wear a T-shirt and shorts. 可知是因为可以穿短裤和T恤。故答案为: Because he can wear a T-shirt and shorts

30、.( 4)根据短文叙述I was very excited to win a prize for playing the violin. 可知是因为赢得了小提琴大奖。故答案为: Because he won a prize for playing the violin.( 5)根据短文叙述When I am older, I want to be a computer programmer or an English teacher. 可知他的梦想是成为电脑程序员或英语老师。故答案为: He wants to be a computer programmer or an English tea

31、cher.【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,注意短文的细节叙述,然后根据短文叙述来回答问题。7 阅读理解阅读短文判断正误This is our classroom. It's very big. It has very big windows and there are two green doors. On the front door you can see a photo of my class. There are forty-five students in our class. There are twenty-six boys. In the classroo

32、m there are two blackboards. One is for teachers and one is for students. The walls are white and bright. On the wall you can see some nice pictures, and there are two maps too a map of China and a map of the world.( 1 ) Our classroom is big, but the windows are small.( 2 ) There are 26 girls in our

33、 class.( 3 ) There is no blackboard for students in the classroom.( 4 ) There isn't a photo on the door.( 5 ) There are two maps on the wall.【答案】 ( 1 ) 0(2) 0(3) 0(4) 1(5) 1【考点】阅读理解【解析】 【分析】大意:短文讲述了我们的教室样子。( 1)句意:我们的教室很大,但是窗户很小。根据This is our classroom. It's very big. It hasvery big windows a

34、nd there are two green doors. 可知我们的教室很大,窗户也很大,故答案 为错误。( 2)句意:我们班有26 个女生。根据There are forty-five students in our class. There aretwenty-six boys. 可知我们班有19 个女生,故答案为错误。( 3)句意:教室内没有学生黑板。根据In the classroom there are two blackboards. One isfor teachers and one is for students. 可知教室里有两块黑板,一个给老师的,一个给学生 的,故答案

35、为错误。( 4)句意:门上没有照片。根据On the front door you can see a photo of my class. 可知在前门你可以看到我班的一张照片,故答案为正确。( 5)句意:墙上有两张地图。根据On the wall you can see some nice pictures, and there aretwo maps too a map of China and a map of the world. 可知墙上有两张地图,故答案为正 确。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。8 阅读理解读信件,判断下列句子与信件内容

36、是否相符Dear Sarah,Yesterday we got up very early. We went to the Great Wall by bus. It was very far. It was about three hours by bus. The guide told us the food there was very expensive, so we bought some cakes, juice and apples. We put them in one backpack. Daming took the backpack and I took the came

37、ra, because he said he was older and stronger than me.When we got to the Great Wall, we saw many people at the entrance( 入口 ). We had to stand in line and waited. It was our turn at last. We began to climb. At first I counted the steps, but soon I couldn't remember the number. It was too high. W

38、e stopped to have a rest for several times. At last we got to the top of the Great Wall. We were so excited! We've become real men! We were very happy yesterday!Xiaoming( 1 ) Yesterday Xiaoming got up very early.( 2 ) They went to the Great Wall by car.( 3 ) Daming took the backpack and Xiaoming

39、 took the camera yesterday.( 4 ) Xiaoming counted the steps. He could remember the numbers. Daming and Xiaoming had a good day yesterday.【答案】(1)10(3) 1(4) 01【考点】阅读理解【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙小明和大明去游览长城的信件。(1)句意:昨天小明起床起得很早。根据短文句子Yesterday we got up very early. (昨天我起得很早。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。(2)句意:他们开车去长城。根据短文叙述We we

40、nt to the Great Wall by bus. (我们乘公交去长城。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。(3)句意:昨天大明背着书包,小明拿着照相机。根据短文叙述Daming took thebackpack and I took the camera, because he said he was older and stronger than me.(大明背着书包,我拿着相机,因为他说他比我年龄大,比我强壮。)可知题目叙述正 确。故答案为:正确。(4)句意:小明数着台阶。他能够数目。根据短文叙述 At first I counted the steps, but soon I c

41、ouldn't remember the number.(一开始我数着台阶,但是很快我记不住数目了。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。(5)句意:昨天大明和小明玩得高兴。根据短文叙述We were very happy yesterday!(昨天我们玩得很高兴。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,然后根据相关叙述来判断句子正误。9.阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Santa Claus is an old man in red clothes and he wears a red hat. He has long white beard

42、(胡子). He comes from the north on a reindeer(驯鹿)sleigh(雪橇)every Christmas Day. He went into people's houses and put presents into children's socks. So in Western countries, parents put presents into their children's socks on Christmas Eve. The next day, the first thing for children is to

43、find the presents from Santa Claus.(1) Santa Claus is an old man in clothes and he wears a hat.A. red; redB. red yellowC. white red(2) Santa Claus has beard.A. redB. whiteC. black(3) Santa Claus comes from the on a reindeer sleigh every Christmas Day.A. westB. eastC. north(4) Santa Claus put the pre

44、sents into children's.A. socksB.shoesC. bags(5) Children's presents are from.A. Santa ClausB. their parentsC. their teachers【答案】(1) A(2) B(3) C(4) A(5) B【考点】阅读理解【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了每年圣诞节,圣诞老人乘驯鹿雪橇从北方来,把礼物放进孩子们的袜子里的故事。( 1)根据 Santa Claus is an old man in red clothes and he wears a red hat. 可知圣诞老人是

45、一个穿红衣服的老人,他戴着一顶红帽子。故答案为 A.( 2)根据He has long white beard. 可知圣诞老人有长长的白胡子。故答案为 B.( 3)根据He comes from the north on a reindeer sleigh every Christmas Day. 可知圣诞老人每年圣诞节都乘驯鹿雪橇从北方来。故答案为 C.( 4)根据He went into people's houses and put presents into children's socks. 可知圣诞老人把礼物放进孩子们的袜子里。故答案为 A.( 5)根据So in

46、Western countries, parents put presents into their children's socks on ChristmasEve.可知孩子们的礼物来自他们的父母亲。故答案为B.【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,首先通读短文,理解大意;其次阅读题干,根据题干信息 找出相关句进行选择。10 阅读理解根据短文内容,判断对错。China is in the east of Asia. It has a lot of beautiful mountains and rivers. Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain i

47、n the world. The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the two longest rivers in China.China has the largest population in the world. There are more than 1. 3 billion people in China.Most people in China are Han Chinese, but there are 55 other ethnic groups.Beijing is the capital of China. It is in

48、 the north of China. Beijing is famous for its culture and its food. Peking Opera is world -famous. There are many kinds of local food in Beijing. Beijing duck is the most famous one.(1) 1 ) China is in East Asia.(2) 2 ) The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the two longest rivers in China.(3)

49、3 ) China has the smallest population in the world.(4) Sichuan is the capital of China.(5) 5 ) There are many kinds of local food in Beijing.【答案】 ( 1 ) 1(6) 1(7) 0(8) 0(9) 1【考点】 阅读理解【解析】【分析】这是介绍中国的短文。(1)句意:中国在东亚。根据短文叙述China is in the east of Asia.(中国在亚洲的东部。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。(2)句意:长江和黄河是中国的两条最长的河流。根据

50、短文叙述 The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are the two longest rivers in China.(长江和黄河是中国的两条最长的河流。)可 知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。(3)句意:中国有世界上最少的人口。根据短文叙述China has the largest population inthe world.(中国有着世界上最多的人口。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。(4)句意:四川是中国的首都。根据短文叙述 Beijing is the capital of China.(北京是中国 的首都。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误

51、。(5)句意:北京有许多种类的地方美食。根据短文叙述 There are many kinds of local food in Beijing.(北京有许多种类的地方美食。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,根据短文叙述来判断正误。晋城小升初英语阅读理解含答案一、阅读理解1 .阅读理解阅读理解It is a Tuesday morning. Ann and her mother are on a big bus. There are many people on it. Some of them come from the U.S. , and

52、some come from England or Canada. They are all friends. They are going to the Forbidden City!There are two Chinese on the bus. One is a young man. He is driving the bus. The other is a woman. She speaks English well. She is now talking about the Forbidden City. The other people are listening to her.

53、 They like the Forbidden City. They want to see it very much.(1) How do Ann and her mother visit the Forbidden City ?A. By train.B. By plane.(2) What does the Chinese woman do ?A. A driver .B. A tourist .(3) What does the Chinese man do ?A. A driver .B. A tourist .(4) What can the Chinese woman spea

54、k ?A. English .B. Chinese .(5) What day is it ?A. Sunday.B. Tuesday .【答案】(1) AC. By bus.C. A tour guide .C. A tour guide .C. A and B .C. Saturday .(2) C(3) A(4) CB【解析】 【分析】短文描述了星期二的早晨,安和她妈妈坐乘大巴去紫禁城,车上有许多 人,车上有两个中国人,一个是年轻人是司机,另一个是女导游,她正在用英语介绍紫禁 城,他们喜欢紫禁城。他们非常想看。11) 根据所给的短文,Ann and her mother are on a

55、 big bus. They are going to the ForbiddenCity!。安和她妈妈坐在一辆大巴上。他们要去紫禁城!可知安和她妈妈乘公共汽车去紫禁 城,故答案为A.(2)根据所给的短文,She is now talking about the Forbidden City. The other people arelistening to her.她现在正在谈论紫禁城。其他人在听她说。可知那个女人是导游,故答案为C.(3)根据所给的短文,One is a young man. He is driving the bus. 一个是年轻人。他在驾驶公共汽车。可知那个男人是司机,

56、故答案为A.(4)根据所给的短文,There are two Chinese on the bus.公共汽车上有两个中国人。Theother is a woman. She speaks English well.另一个是女人。她英语讲得很好。可知那个女人会 汉语和英语,故答案为C.(5)根据所给的短文,It is a Tuesday morning.这是一个星期二的早晨。可知今天星期二, 故答案为B.【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据内容,选择适当的句子。2 .阅读理解判断句子正误。SERQIZ!Mr Lee was a rich man . One day he bought

57、 a very expensive (昂贵的)bed. He wanted to show of(炫耀)his bed. But nobody could see it because it was in his bedroom . He was unhappy that he could not show off his bed, so he pretended(假装)to be sick and stayed in bed. All his friends and relatives came to his room to see him . They liked the bed very

58、 much. Mr.Lee was very happy so he stayed in bed for a few more days. His relatives were very worried . Then Mr Lee's cousin came to visit him . When he got into the room , he took off his shoes.He sat with his legs crossed so that he could show off his new socks. Mr Lee saw this and asked. "What's the matter with yo


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