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1、牛津译林英语7B Unit7 知识点一、重要语言点1. Look out, Eddie ! 当心,埃迪!( 1) look out 意为“小心”,相当于be careful. 单独使用时,后面不接宾语。如: Look out! A car is coming. 小心!汽车来了。( 2) look out 后接其他介词时,要带宾语。比如: look out at.向外看 .We look out at the beach. 我们朝沙滩看。look out of 朝 .外看Eg. Don t look out of the door. 不要朝门外看。2. Believe it or not! 信不

2、信由你!( 1) believe 动词,意为“相信;认为”。Eg. I believe her (to be) right. 我认为她是对的。( 2) believe in 意为“相信;信任;信奉”。Eg. Those people believe in God. 那些人信奉上帝。( 3) can send some books to them. 我们可以给他们送些书。(1) send用作及物动词,意为“寄(信等);发(电报),派(人送)”。Eg. I will send you a postcard while I m away on holiday.我去度假期间将寄给你一张明信片。(2)

3、send 的其他词组send up 发射send for (派人去)请来send out 散发(气味,光)等send sb off 送别= see sb off4. Some children are not even able to pay for school.一些孩子甚至不能付上学的钱。(1) even 副词,意为“甚至;更;还”。Eg. The next morning Jenny got up even earlier. 第二天早上詹妮起得更早(2) even 其他用法even if/ even though 即使Eg. We ll go to the Great Wall even

4、 if it rains. 即使下雨,我们也要去长城。(3) able 形容词,意为“有能力的;能干的”。Eg.Your father is an able man. 你父亲是个能干的人。be able to do sth 能做某事Eg. When I was young, I was able to run very fast. 我小时候能跑得很快。拓展: be unable to do sth 不能做某事5. He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire.他足够勇敢将他的邻居从火中救了出来。save动词,意为“救;救助"

5、;,savefrom意为“从中救出”Eg. The doctor saved her life. 那个医生救了她的命。Mr Zhang saved the boy from the river last Sunday.上星期天张先生将那个男孩从河中救了出来。6. Suddenly he heard someone shouting“ Fire! Fire! ”忽然他听到有人喊:“着火了!着火了! ”hear sb doing sth表示“听见某人正在做某事”,强调动作发生的过程。类似的 还有seefind等动词。Eg. I heard Lily singing in her room when

6、 I went to bed.当我睡觉时,听见莉莉正在房间唱歌。7. He went in and saw his neighbour, the 7-9year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen.他走进去,看见79 岁的邻居孙奶奶在厨房里。79-year-old是一个合成的形容词。year必须是单数,做定语,放在名词前面。意思是“.岁的”。Eg.Do you know where the five-star hotel is ?你知道那家五星级宾馆在哪里吗?8. He put out the fire with a wet blanket and helped Mrs S

7、un out. 他用湿毯子把火扑灭,并把孙奶奶就了出去。put out 是“熄灭,扑灭”的意思。Eg. Make sure to put out the gas.务必把煤气关掉。9. He was in hospital for two weeks. 他在医院住了两个星期。in hospital 意思是“生病住院”,而 in the hospital 是“在医院里”。Eg. He goes to school from Monday to Saturday.他周一至周六去学校上学。 Simon went to bed at 8:00 last night. 西蒙昨晚8 点上床睡觉。类似结构还有

8、:go to school 去上学go to the school 去学校at table 坐下吃饭at the table坐在桌子旁10. “ Fire is very dangerous. We should be careful with it”,he also said.“火是危险的,我们应小心火, ”他还说。be careful with 小心,含“小心处理某物”的意思。11. Keep your hair away from fire. 头发要远离火。keep.away 表示使.远离。Eg. Keep the children away from the water. It s d

9、angerous.不要让儿童靠近水。危险!12. I m afraid you can t, but you may stay there till 5pm if you want to. 恐怕你不能,但如果你想,你可以呆在那儿直到下午5 点。( 1) till 做介词,直到;直到.之时Eg. I ll wait here till you come back. 我将在这里等你回来。( 2) till 做连词,直到;直到.为止Eg. People don t know the value of health till they lose it.人们不到失去健康的时候不知道健康的可贵。( 3)

10、not.till/until直到.才 .Eg. She didn t hear from her son till last Friday.直到上星期五她才接到儿子的信。13. She does not do her best this term这一学期她没有尽全力。do one s best 相当于 try one s best 尽全力Eg. We will do/try our best to learn English well. 我们会尽全力学好英语。14. When he is free, he often helps at the Helping Hands Club and do

11、es most of the computer work for the club.当他有空时,他常常在帮手俱乐部帮忙解决大多数电脑问题。most of 大部分,大多数,后接名词时,名词前要加the; 后接人称代词时,人称代词用宾格。Eg. most of the books大部分书most of the children大多数学生15. We look forward to hearing from you soon. 我们期待很快收到你的来信。 1) look forward to盼望,期盼,to为介词,接动词时应使用 v-ing形式。Eg. We are looking forward

12、to seeing each other soon. 我们期望早点见到对方。 2) 2) hear from 收到.来信,后接某人。Eg. I heard from my daughter in New York yesterday.我昨天收到了在纽约的女儿的来信。16. People have different abilities. 人们有不同的能力。 ability 不可数名词,表示抽象意义的“能力”可数名词,表示不同种类的能力,复数:形容词形式是able , 有能力的,否定形式:17. We can raise some money for them to buy these thin

13、gs.我们能为他们募集一些钱去买些东西。raise募集为.筹钱 raise money forraise sth for sb =collect sth for sb 为某人筹集raise还可做“举起、提高、饲养”eg. 他们正在为慈善事业筹款。They are raising money for the charity.【解析】raise 和 rise这两个词都有举起,升起的意思,但raise是及物动词,后接宾语,rise是不及物动词,后不可接宾语。比如:Eg. 太阳从东边升起。The sun rises in the east.Eg. 他举手挥动起来。He raised his hand

14、to wave.18. Her left leg was badly hurt and she could not get out. 她的左腿严重受伤,并且她不能够出去。(1)hurt adj 受伤的Eg. 如果你受伤了,就应该去医院。If you are hurt, you should go to the hospital.vt 使受伤,伤害eg. 我不会伤害你。I don t hurt you.vi (身体某部位)感到疼痛(2)badly 'b?dli adv. 严重地 , 非常二、重要短语1. look out 留神;当心2. plant trees 植树3. help an

15、old man 帮助老人4. clean up 收拾干净5. give a seat to someone 将座位让给某人6. collect things for 为 .收集东西7. Project Hope 希望工程8. an old people s home 养老院9. in poor areas 在贫困地区10.send some books to sb®书给.11. pay for 为 .付款12. different abilities 不同的能力13. raise some money for 为 .捐款14. give awards to 给 .颁奖15. reco

16、mmend someone for an award 推荐某人获奖16. recommendation letter 推荐信17. the Helping Hands Club 帮手俱乐部18. brave enough 足够勇敢19. save.from从 .中救出20. hear someone doing听至U某人正在做 .21. run outside跑出去22. next door在隔壁23. the 79-year-old Mrs Sun 79 岁的孙奶奶24. be badly hurt 伤得很重25. pour water over 把水倒在.上面26. rush into 冲

17、进去27. heavy smoke 浓烟28. put out the fire 灭火29. a wet blanket 一条湿毯子30. be in hospital 住院31. give sb flowers and presents给某人花和礼物32. at that moment 在那时33. think about 考虑,思考34. be careful with 小心 .35. call for help 呼喊求教36. sound dangerous 听起来危险37. play with 玩38. ride a horse骑马39. a good place to have fu

18、n 娱乐的好地方40. make a call打电话41. leave.at home 将 .忘在家中42. no problem 没问题43. by the way 顺便问一下,顺便说说44. need to read more and speak more需要多读多说45. work hard on 在 .努力46. be careless47. do/try one48. do well in49. at the age of粗心'sbest人最大努力在 .做得好在 .岁时50. show sb how to do sth 指点某人如何做某事51. recommend sb for 推荐某人做.52. Young Star Award 青年明星奖53. think carefully 仔细考虑54. plan everything well 一切计划得好55. take part in 参加56. in need 需要57. lose one '


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