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1、心建知识精讲一、必背词汇where /we?/adv.在哪里;到哪里table /teibl/ n. 桌子bed /bed/ n. 床bookcase /bukkeis/ n. 书架;书柜 sofa /s?uf?/ n.沙发 chair /t ?s?/ n.椅子on /?n/ prep. 在.上under / ?nd?/ prep.在.下come /k?m/ v. 来; 来至 Udesk /desk/ n. 书桌think /0i?k/认为;想;思考room /ru:m/ n. 房间their /ee ?/ pron.他(她、它)们的 hat /h? t/ n.帽子head /hed/ n.

2、头know/n?u/ v.知道;了解radio /reidi ?u/ n.收音机;无线电广播 clock /kl ?k/ n.时钟tape /teip/ n. 磁带;录音带;录像带 player /plei ?/ n.播放机tape player 录音机 model /m ?dl/ n.模型 pla ne /ple in/ n. 飞机 tidy /taidi/ adj.整洁的;井井有条的 but/b ?t/ conj.但是 our /au ?/ pron.我们的 everywhere /evriwe ?/ adv.处处;到处;各地 always / ?:lweiz/adv. 总是二、重点词汇1

3、. think verb & noun /0?k/1) . verb. to believe something or have an opinion or idea 相信;觉得;思考 例句:I dont think Emma will get the job. 我认为埃玛不会获得这份工作。What do you think of the film? 你觉得这部电影怎么样?2) . noun. to consider something for some time 考虑,思索,思考 Let me have a think about it beforeI decide.在我作出决定前先

4、让我考虑考虑。2. everywhere adverb /?ev.riwe?r/1) . adverb. to, at, or in all places or the whole of a place 各个地方,处处,各处 例句:His children go everywhere with him. 他去哪儿他的孩子们就跟到哪儿。I looked everywhere for my keys. 我到处找我的钥匙。2) . everywhere 也可作名词,在句子中作名词成分,如: Everywhere is full of joy. 到处充满了欢乐。3. always adverb /?l

5、we?z/1) . every time or all the time 总是; 老是; 每次都; 一直; 永远 例句:She always spells my name wrong.她总是把我的名字拼错。2) . used with “can” or “could ” to suggest another possibility(和 can 或 could 一起使用,表示另外的可能性)不论怎样总还 例句: If you miss this train you canalways catch the next one. 如果误了这趟火车,总还可以赶下一趟。【拓展】 always 可用在将来时和

6、进行时中,表达一定的感情色彩,如: The boy is always making sillymistakes. 这个男孩总是犯一些愚蠢的错误。4. model noun /?m?d?l/1) . something that a copy can be based on because it is an extremely good example of its type 模范,典型,榜样例句: She is really a model (= perfect) student.她真是个模范学生。2) . a person who wears clothes so that they ca

7、n be photographed or shown to possible buyers, or aperson who is employed to be photographed or painted 模特儿例句: She has the looks of a model. 她很有模范相。3) . a particular type of machine, especially a car, that is slightly different from machines of the sametype (汽车等的)型号;特定型号的汽车例句: This car is the latest

8、 model. 这辆车是最新型号。4) . something that represents another thing, either as a physical object that is usually smaller than thereal object, or as a simple description that can be used in calculations 模型例句: Tom likes the plastic model plane very much. 汤姆非常喜欢这个塑料飞机模型。5. head noun /hed/1). the part of the

9、body above the neck where the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and brain are头部例句:Put this hat on to keep your head warm. 戴上这顶帽子,给头部保暖。2) . some one in charge of or leadi ng an orga ni zati on, group, etc.领导人;负责人例句:He is the head chef.他是主厨。3) . to go in a particular directi on朝特定方向行进例如:I was headi ng out of

10、the room whe n she called me back.她叫我回来的时候我正朝屋外走。三、必背短语1. come on 快点3. tape player 录音机5. model pla ne 飞机模型7. un der the table 在桌子下面9. English books 英语书 四、经典句型1. 询问物品在哪里的日常用语-Where s the schoolbag?书包在哪?-It s under the table 在桌子下面。-Where are my books? 我的书在哪里?-They are on the sofa. 在沙发上。2. 询问物品位置的一般疑问句

11、。-Is it on your desk? 它在你的桌子上吗?-No, it isn t. And it s notun de 不 he 它不在。也不在椅子下面。 Q三点剖析一、考点1. on, in, to, under 等简单介词的基本使用,并能区分相同介词在不同场景的应用。2. 明白一般疑问句的造句原理,并能够正确回答。3. 根据本课重点句型,了解where 引导的特殊疑问句。4. 名词单复数变化规则,名词所有格。、易错点1. desk 和 table 的区别1) . desk 意为 书桌”多指用来读书,写字,办公的桌子,一般带有抽屉,如:There are thirty desks a

12、nd thirty chairs in the classroom.教室里有 40 张桌子和 40 把椅子。There are many books on the desk. 桌子上有好几本书。2) . table 意为桌子”多指用来吃饭,喝茶,打牌或其他类似用途的桌子,通常没有抽屉, 如:Our football is un der the table.我们的足球在桌子下面。2.方位介词的用法本课表示方位和地点的介词有on, in, under,注意用法区别:1) . on 表示 在上面”一般表示表面接触的上面,女口: on the desk 在书桌上;on the wall 在 墙2. o

13、ne the teacher s 在讲桌上4. on the sofa 在沙发上6. in your schoolbag 在你的书包里8. on your head 在你的头上10. in the bookcase 在书柜里上;on the floor 在地板上。2) . in 表示在里面”如:Only three stude nts are in the classroom. 只有三个学生在教室里。3) . under 表示 在.下面”例如:There is a cat un der the table. 桌子下有一只小猫。JG题模精选题模一:情景交际- -询问例 -D

14、ad,_ is my MP4?-It in your desk.A.whereB.what例 首字母填空1) . -Mum, w_ is my ball?-It under your bed.2) . -W_ my books?-It in the b_ .例 句型转换1) . The ruler is on the desk.(变为否定句)The ruler_ the desk.2) . My text book is under the desk.(对画线部分提问)En glish book?题模二:介词的应用例 My do

15、g is always_the table.A.forB.ofC.inD.u nder例 根据中文意思完成句子1) .你的钢笔在哪?在我的问句盒里。-_ pen?-_ pencil box.2) .我想你的帽子在你的头上。I_ your hat_ your_.题模三:连词的应用例 My sister_ I are tidy,_ my brother isn .A.but; butB.and; butC.and; andD.but; and例 Spend more time talki ng with your pare nts,

16、_they may not well un dersta ndC.whoseD.whoC.a ndD.butyou.随练 1.11.1-_your sister?-She is in her room.A.How areC.Where areB.What isD.where .随练 1.31.3 用所给的单词的适当形式填空(1) What are those in En glish?_(its) chairs.(2) Look! My_ (book) are on the sofa .(3) My computer games_ (be) in the bag.(4) His_ (dictio

17、 nary) are in my backpack.(5) I_(not) know she is your sister.随练 1.41.4 句型转换1. Her storybooks are in the bookcase.(改为一般疑问句 ) storybooks in the bookcase?2. There is a little sheep on the hill.(对画线部分提问)little sheep.3. The English books are under the radio.(变为一般疑问句 )_the_ books un der the radio?4. I kn

18、ow your name.(改为否定句 )I_your n ame.5. Is the book on the sofa?(写出肯定回答)_,_is.随练 1.51.5-Mom, where my hat?-It_your head.A.un derB.i nC.o n随练 1.61.6 首字母填空1. -W_my watch?-It in the Lost and Found.2. -What that in English?-Sorry. I don tk_ .3. His baseball is u_the bed.4. Thank you for your b_. I can put

19、(放)my books and pencil box in it.5. My CDs are on the t_ .6. My watch is on the d_.7. My c_ is nice. I can sit (坐)on it.8. My desk is in my r_ .随练 1.71.7 调皮的小猫在跟你捉迷藏,你能找到它吗Where is the cat?(1)_ Itsthe box.Its_ the box.(3)Its_ the box.随练 1.21.2-Is your photo on the desk?A.Yes, I amC.Yes, it isB.No, i

20、tisD.No,D.at(4)lts_ the box.随练 1.81.8 The beginning of the movie was boring ( 枯燥的),_ the end was amazing (令人惊讶的)!A.butB.a ndC.soD.or随练 1.91.9 I_ your bag is in your sister room.A.askB.thi nkC.helpD.say随练 1.101.10 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。and, but, come, found, ask(1) Im tidy,_ my brother is not.(

21、2) My n ame is Eric,_ my sisters n ame is Amy.(3) I_ an eraser in the library.(4) He always_ , Whats that in En glish?(5) You can_to my class in the after noon.随练 1.111.11 补全对话 根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的甸子,使对话完整、通顺。A: Hi, Jack._ ?B: rm fine, tha nks._?A: No, its Emmas. My dictionary is in my schoolbag B:OK. C

22、an I borrow(借)it?A: Yes. Er Its notin my schoolbagB:_ ?A:I dont know.B: Is it on your desk?A:_ .B: Is it in the bookcase?A: Er Yes, it is. Here you ar 给你).B:_ .随练 1.121.12 填空题根据汉语意思完成句子。每空一词。(1) 你的书在哪里?在书桌里。Where_your books?_are in the desk .(2) 墙上有一幅中国地图。There is a_of China_the wall .(3) 电子游戏在床上吗?不

23、,在床下。_the computer game on the bed?No,_is under the bed .(4)请把这本数学书给你弟弟送去。拓展 5 5 Con fucius once said, Everyth ing has beauty,_ not every one sees it. ”A.butB.orC.a ndD.so拓展 6 6 完形填空Hi, good morni ng. My name is Wang Xu and rm _ 1_ stude nt of No.8 Middle School.This is our_2_ ts new and big._ 3_ th

24、e library, you can_ 4_books everywhere,but it is still very_5_ .We Call read books and do our homework(家庭作业)there._ 6_the desks and chairs? They are on the sec ond ( 第二)floor of the library. Look! That_7_ isPlease_ the math book_your brother(5)她的包在她的桌子下面。Her_ is_ her desk.随练 1.131.13 翻译根据中文意思补全句子。(1

25、)_ The tape player_(在桌上).(3)The model plane(4)The pen cils_(在椅子下面).(在书包里). ,在床下面).随练 1.141.14 句型转换(1)The pens are on the sofa .(改为一般疑问句)onthe sofa?(2)The books are under the table.(对画线部分提问)the books?;二能力拓展拓展 1 1-_are my no tebooks, Jim?-They are on the sofa.A.WhereB.WhatC.WhenD.How拓展 2 2-_my books?-

26、_in the bookcase.A.Where ; It sC.Where are; TheyreB.What are; ItD.What is; They are拓展 3 3-Do you know the children over there?-Yes._ n ames are Mike and Jane.A.TheirsB.TheirC.HerD.His拓展 4 4 Lucy lived in Beijing from 2008_2012.A.onB.toC.atD.ofLinda. She is a friend of _ 8_ .She likes reading and she is a good student. I think she is likemy_ 9_because she ofte n_10_ me study En glish.(1)A aB anC theD 不填(2)A eraserB pencilC libraryD classroom(3)A OnB UnderCInD About(4)A sayB loseC meetD see(5)A goodB niceC welcomeD


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