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1、语言知识运用练?语言知识运用练(一 )(限时25 分钟 ) .完形填空(2019 ·太原阶段测评 ) My parents managed to clear their debts before we moved to America. Neither of them spoke fluent English and neither had a professional career. Growing up, I was always aware of my family's _1_ financial situation. I also found that I was r

2、esponsible for my parents' hardships. I decided that my goal in life was to become successful, get a well-paid job and _2_ them. So naturally, I took my studies seriously and worked hard to become an _3_ high-achieving student. I dreamt to enroll in a top college to pursue greater knowledge. Lik

3、e many students, I spent a lot of energy and time _4_ my college resume. Despite my _5_ schedule, I managed to complete the lengthy and complex _6_. I believed it, from essays to recommendation letters, was flawless a guaranteed acceptance into this competitive program. But I had one last _7_ to ove

4、rcome: to _8_ mail the application. On the instruction sheet, it said in capitalized and bold letters, “ WE DO NOT ACCEPT CERTIFIED MAIL ( 挂号 邮件)”I should have posted the application myself because it had specialdirections, but my father kindly insisted that he_9_it. I had my _10_because my parents

5、didn't speak great English, but I finally _11_ and wrote the instructions for him.While I was in school, my father sent me a text saying that he had finished the task _12_. He had found a worker at the post office to help him. I was _13_. Yet, later, I found out that he had done one thing very _

6、14_: he sent the application as “ certified mail ”Right then and there, my perfect application became an automatic _15_. In the moment of despair and frustration and anger, I _16_ him. I locked myself in my room and sobbed until my face was covered in tears, my floor in used tissues. Then as I _17_

7、my room, my father also came out of his. My mother, who was watching from a(n) _18_ distance, joined the hug, and we three cried together. I knew my _19_ need for success came from my selfless desire to make my parents happy, and my temporary hatred toward them was a result of my love for them. My i

8、ntentions were pure, but things were _20_ later. I'm just glad finally they were all straightened out. 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了“ 我 ” 在意识到家里困难的经济状况后, 决心通过努力学习改变家庭的命运,虽然 “ 我 ” 和父母之间在此过程中产生了摩擦,但最终我们都谅解了对方的故事。1 A.totalB complexC importantD difficult解析 :根据上文“My parents managed to clear their debts before

9、we moved toAmerica.neither had a professional caree” r可推知,.“ 我 ” 总是意识到家里困难的(difficult) 经济状况。故D 项符合语境。答案: D2 A.leaveB valueC supportD request解析 :根据上文“ I was responsible for my parents' hardships.get a welpl-aid job”可知,此处指得到一份高薪工作来养活(support)他们,故C 项符合语境。答案: C3 A.equallyB immediatelyCartificiallyD

10、academically解析 :根据上文“I took my studies seriously”及下文“I dreamt to.to pursue greaterknowledge.”可推知,此处指 “ 我 ” 努力成为一名在学业上(academically)取得很高成就的学生。故选D。答案: DB copying4 A.buildingC applyingD posting解析 :根据语境可知,像很多学生一样,“ 我 ” 花费了很多精力和时间创建(building) “ 我 ” 的大学简历。答案: A5 A.goodB tightC dailyD proper解析 :根据上文“I took

11、 my studies seriously and worked hard”可推知,此处指“ 我 ” 的日程排得很紧。tight“ (时间)紧的” 符合语境,故选B。答案: B6 A.recordB worksheetC programD application解析 :根据上文“I spent a lot of energy and time _4_ my college resume”及下文 “to _8_ mail the application”可推知,此处指“ 我 ” 成功地完成了这项漫长且复杂的申请(application)。故 D 项符合语境。答案: D7 A.hopeB task

12、C shortcomingD obstacle解析 :根据语境及下文中的“to overcome”可推知,此处指“ 我 ” 有最后一个障碍(obstacle)需要克服,故D 项符合语境。答案: D8 A.freelyB easilyC frequentlyD personally解析 :根据语境并结合选项可知,此处指“ 我 ” 需要亲自(personally)去邮寄这项申请。故选D。答案: D9 A.take care ofB take notice ofC look forD stand for解析 :根据语境可推知,此处指“ 我 ” 的父亲执意要负责(take care of) 这件事。故

13、选A。答案: A10 A.emotionB signC concernD favor解析 : 根据下文“because my parents didn't speak great English”可推知,“ 我 ” 有“ 我 ” 的担心(concern),故C 项符合语境。答案: C11 A.refusedB canceledC regrettedD agreed解析 :根据上文“but I finally ”及下文“wrote the instructions for him ”可知, “ 我 ”最终同意(agreed)了并为他写下了操作步骤。答案: D12 A.perfectlyB

14、 dramaticallyC formallyD partly: 根据下文“He had found a worker at the post office to help him”.可推知,父亲(perfectly)完成了这项任务,所以“ 我 ” 很高兴(delighted)。A13 A.disappointedC worried解析 :参见上题解析。答案: B14 A.wrongC satisfyingly解析 : 根据上文第一段中的“ WEB delightedD shockedB fairlyD confusinglyNOT ACCEPT CERTIFIED MAIL. ” 和43下文

15、的 “ he sent the application as certified mail ” 可知,此处指他错误地 (wrong)做了一件事情。答案: A15 A.forceB frightCrejectD reply解析 :根据语境可知,“ 我 ” 的完美的申请变成了一个自动的拒绝(reject),故C项符合语境。答案: C16 A.abandonedB acceptedC protectedD blamed解析 : 根据上文中的“despair and frustration and ange” r可推知,此处指 “ 我 ” 责怪(blamed)了父亲。答案: D17 A.cleaned

16、B enteredC exitedD passed解析 : 根据下文中的“my father also came out of his”可推知,此处指当 “ 我 ” 走出(exited)“ 我 ” 的房间时。答案: C18 A.ordinaryB carefulC individualD safe解析 :根据语境可推知,“ 我 ” 之前的情绪是绝望、生气的,所以母亲不敢接近“ 我 ” ,而是从一个谨慎的(careful)距离看我们,故B 项符合语境。答案: B19 A.selfishB correctC necessaryD awful解析 :根据语境可知,“ 我 ” 向往成功的自私的(sel

17、fish) 需求源自“ 我 ” 的想让父母过得高兴的无私的渴望,空处与“selfless”形成对比。故A 项符合语境。答案: A20 A.simpleB wonderfulC twistedD delayed解析 :根据上文中的“pure”和 “but”可知,空处与“pure”形成对比,故twisted“ 扭曲的 ” 符合语境。答案: C .语法填空(2019 ·唐山第一次模拟 )As we all know, eye contact is a natural part of most casual conversations, which 1. (be) not always so

18、 exciting but alwaysimportant.We make assumptions about people's personalities based 2. howmuch they meet our eyes or look away when we are talking to them. And when we pass strangers in the street or some other public places, we can be left feeling 3. (reject) if they don't make eye contact

19、 with us.Some research has found eyes that are gazin凝视g ( ) grab and hold 4.(we) attention, making us less aware of what else is going on around us. Research also shows that we 5. (general) consider people who make more eyecontact to be more dependable, sincere and intelligent.6 eye contact is a gre

20、at thing and a vital tool for improving7 quality of all our face- to-face interactions with others, it doesn'tmean 8. (much) eye contact is always better. Psychologists recentlyconducted a study at a science museum 9. (find) out howlong the eye contact should be. They concluded that, on average,

21、 the 10. (long) of eye contact was three seconds. Few people preferredgazes that lasted longer than nine seconds. 语篇解读 眼神交流在人们的日常交往中起着很重要的作用。不同关系之间的交流是不同的,而且眼神交流的时间长短影响着交流的质量。1 解析 : 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。句意:众所周知,眼神交流是大多数非正式谈话中很自然的一部分,它不总是那么令人兴奋,但却始终很重要。分析句子结构可知,此空为which 引导的非限制性定语从句中的系动词,which 指代的是主句中的eye con

22、tact,为第三人称单数;根据主句中的is 可知,从句的时态也应为一般现在时。故填is。答案: is2 解析 :考查介词。句意:我们对于人的个性的推测基于我们在和他们谈话的过程中他们与我们的眼神交汇的次数或转移目光的次数。base.on.为固定搭配,.意为“ 以 为根据;依据” 。故填 on。答案: on3 解析 : 考查非谓语动词。句意: 当我们在大街上或其他公共场所经过陌生人(的身旁)时,如果他们不与我们进行眼神交流,我们则会有一种被拒绝的感觉。分析句子结构可知,空处应与feeling 共同构成主语we的补足语,we 与 reject之间为逻辑上的动宾关系。故填rejected。答案: r

23、ejected4 解析 :考查代词。句意:一些研究已经发现凝视的双眼能吸引并保持我们的注意力,使我们较少注意到周围发生的其他事。空处修饰名词attention,应用形容词性物主代词,故填our。答案: our5 解析 :考查词性转换。句意:研究还表明,我们普遍认为那些与我们进行更多眼神交流的人更可靠、更真诚和更聪明。空处在句中作状语,修饰动词consider,应用副词。故填generally。答案: generally6 解析 :考查连词。句意:虽然眼神交流是一件很美妙的事情,也是提升我们与他人面对面互动交流质量的一个重要工具,但这并不意味着越多的眼神交流总是越好的。根据句意及空后的“does

24、n't mean”可知,前后部分存在让步关系,所以空处应为让步状语从句的引导词。故填While 或 Although 或 Though。答案: While/Although/Though7 解析:考查冠词。句意见上一题解析。根据句意可知,此处特指我们与他人面对面交流的质量,应用定冠词。故填the。答案:the8 解析:考查形容词比较级。句意见第6 题解析。空处为修饰eye contact的定语,根据语境可知,此处应用比较级形式与后面的better保持一致。故填more。答案: more9 解析 :考查非谓语动词。句意:心理学家最近在一个科学博物馆进行了一项研究,以明确眼神交流的最佳时长

25、。空处作目的状语,表示该实验的目的。故填to find。答案: to find10 解析 : 考查词性转换。句意: 他们的结论是,眼神交流的平均时长是三秒钟。分析句子结构可知,空处应为that从句中的主语,且其前有定冠词the限定,其后又有of 修饰,应用名词形式。故填length。答案:length语言知识运用练(二 )(限时25 分钟) .完形填空(2019 ·惠州调研测试 )When 69-year-old Dobrgyal started looking after the wild macaques (猕猴 ) at a scenic spot in China's

26、 Tibet Autonomous Region, their population _1_ only 40 50. Today, 18 years later, that same place is _2_ to over 2,800 Tibetan macaques.Dobrgyal's relationship with the Tibetan macaquesh as been described as a _3_ love story between man and monkeys. A former _4_ keeper, Dobrgyal has been driving

27、 5 km almost every day just to feed the macaques, show them _5_ andmake sure they are healthy. _6_,he has even taken some of the sick animalshome and _7_ them back to health.C reports that Dobrgyal has been the only one working as a _8_ in the Gongbo'gyamda area for the last 18 years, and _9_ hi

28、m as the main reason that the macaque population is rising.Tibetan macaques are a(n) _10_ species in China, and their food is provided by the Gongbo'gyamda forestry bureau (局 ), but it's Dobrgyal who loads the bags into his truck and_11_ it to the monkeys personally. Thanks to his _12_,the m

29、acaques have become very _13_ with tourists, many of whom also help to _14_ the animals.Having dedicated almost two decades of his life to the macaques, Dobrgyal now _15_ himself about what will happen to them if his physical _16_ no longer allows him to take care of them properly.“ Now I'm so o

30、ld, nearly 70 years old ,” Dobrgyal said recently. “ In the1 7of my life I will do my best to take care of the monkeys, but if someday my health _18_ me feeding them anymore, I will have my sons replace me.”_19_, the furry creatures will be able to rely on their _20_ human father for many years to c

31、ome. 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,主要叙述了在Dobrgyal 的努力下,野生猕猴的数量增加,同时他们之间也建立了一份真挚的感情。1 A.numberedB reducedC confirmedD turned解析 :根据下文“ Today, 18 years late,r that same place is _2_ to over 2,800Tibetan macaques”. 的提示可知,此处表示它们的数量总共(numbered)只有40到50 只。答案: A2 A.seenB funC homeD known解析 :根据上文“looking after the wild macaq

32、ues at a scenic spot in China's TibetAutonomous Region”的描述可知,18年后的今天,这里是2 800多只西藏猕猴的家 (home)。答案: C3 A.mouthwateringB heartbreakingC breathtakingD heartwarming解析 :根据下文“ Dobrgyal has been driving 5 km almost every day just to feed themacaques, show them _5_and make sure they are health” y 的描述可知,此处

33、为 Dobrgyal 和西藏猕猴之间的关系被描述为人类和猴子之间的一个暖人的(heartwarming)爱的故事。mouthwatering“ 令人垂涎的” ; heartbreaking“ 使人心碎的 ” ; breathtaking“ 惊人的 ” 。答案: D4 A.forestB houseD soccerC garden解析 : 根据上文中的“looking after the wild macaques at a scenic spo” t可推知, 此处应为 Dobrgyal 以前是一个森林(forest) 看守人。答案: A5 A.honorB respectC affection

34、D mercy解析 :根据上文“ Dobrgyal's relationship with the Tibetan macaques has beendescribed as a _3_love story between man and monkeys.”的描述可知,此处为向它们表达喜爱(affection),并确保它们是健康的。答案: C6 A.In returnB On occasionC In vainD On purpose解析 : 根据上文“ Dobrgyal has been driving 5 km almost every day just to feed thema

35、caques, show them _5_ and make sure they are health” y 的描述可知,此处前后形成语意上的衔接,所以此处为偶尔(On occasion),他也带一些生病的猴子回家照顾。答案: B7 A.expectedB sentC forcedD nursed解析 :根据上文“he has even taken some of the sick animals hom”的描述可知,此e处为照顾(nursed)它们直到它们恢复健康。答案: D8 A.feederB leaderC friendD farmer解析 :根据上文“Dobrgyal has bee

36、n.just to feed the macaque”s的描述可知,此处表示作为唯一的饲养员(feeder)。答案: A9 A.guessesB creditsC assumesD questions解析 : 根据上文“C reports that Dobrgyal has been the only one working asa _8_ in the Gongbo'gyamda area for the last 18 year” s的描述可知,此处前后形成并列关系,表示“ 并认为猕猴数量上升归功于(credits)他 ” 。答案: B10 A.aggressiveB protec

37、tedC dangerousD controlled解析 :根据常识和空后的“and their food is provided by the Gongbo'gyamdaforestry bureau”可知,西藏猕猴在中国是受保护的(protected)动物。答案: B11 A.donatesB declaresC returnsD delivers解析 :根据空前的“loads the bags into his truck and”可知,此处为亲自把食物送给(delivers)猴子。答案: D12 A.wisdomB braveryC effortsD intentions解析

38、:根据上文的内容及语境可知,由于Dobrgyal 所做出的努力(efforts),西藏猕猴在游客中很受欢迎(popular)。答案: C13 A.popularB confidentC shyD cautious解析 : 参见上题解析。confident“ 自信的 ” ; shy“ 害羞的 ” ; cautious“ 谨慎的 ” 答案: A14 A.raiseB feedC buyD observe解析 :根据上文“the macaques have become very _13_ with tourist” s可知,此处前后形成因果关系,表示许多游客也帮忙去喂养(feed)它们。答案: B

39、15 A.concernsB advisesC predictsD comments解析 :根据下文“what will happen to them if his physical _16_ no longer allowshim to take care of them properly”可知,让Dobrgyal 担心(concerns)的是如果他的身体状况(condition)不再允许他充分地照顾猕猴了怎么办。答案: A16 A.ageB bodyC attitudeD condition解析 :参见上题解析。答案: D17 A.processB middleC restD next解析

40、 :根据上文“Now I'm so old, nearly 70 years old”的描述可知,此处表示“ 在我的余生中(In the rest of my life)” 。答案: C18 A.keepsC allows解析 :根据上文“In the _17_ of myB permitsD preventslife I will do my best to take care of theB HopefullyD Actuallymonkeys”可知,此处前后形成转折,即“ 但如果有一天我的健康状况阻止(prevents)我再喂养它们,我会让我的儿子们接替我” 。答案: D19 A

41、.UnfortunatelyC Generally解析 :根据空后的“the furry creatures will be able to rely on their _20_humanfather for many years to come”可知,此处为表达希望,故Hopefully “ 有望 ” 符合语境。答案: B20 A.officialB typicalC adoptiveD spiritual解析 : 这些毛茸茸的动物在未来的许多年里将有望能够依靠收养它们的人类父亲 生存。adoptive“ 收养的 ” 符合语境。答案:C .语法填空(2019 ·湖北模拟调研考试 )

42、Since I arrived in Beijing in mid-1975, I think I could well be considered as a witness to that process. It has been known to almost all that innumerable 1. (achieve) have been made during the pastfour decades in China. According to historians, there hasn't been a country with such a large popul

43、ation in human history 2. has made such profound changesand improvements within such 3. short span of time.During the past four decades, China has developed into the second 4. (large) economy in the world, and forecasts show that it5. (take) the first place in the near future. China is alreadyexcell

44、ing (超过) 6.(global) in foreign trade, poverty alleviation (扶贫 ), infrastructure ( 基 础 设 施 ) construction, industrial capacity, spending on research and development, development of advanced technologies, and global influence. Today's China, in many respects, is “ another country ” 7.(compare) to

45、the one that I saw 44 years ago. It is true that the roadtraveled by China in the past four decades 8. (be) easy, and it hashad to face numerous difficulties both 9. home and abroad. However,China has managed 10.( overcome) them every year and none of thenaysayers (反对者) have proved to be true. Today

46、, many western countries marvel atthe positive influence of China's development. 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了中国40 年来的发展。1 解析 : 考查词性转换。句意:众所周知,中国在过去的40 年里已经取得了无数的成绩。空前有 innumerable修饰, 故此处应填achieve的名词复数形式。故填achievements。答案: achievements2 解析 :考查定语从句。句意:很多历史学家认为,在人类历史上还没有一个有如此多人口的国家能在如此短的时间内作出如此深刻的变化和改善。ha

47、sn'tbeen和 has made是两个谓语动词,故此处需填一个关系词,把这两句话连接起来,设空处为定语从句的关系词,并且在从句中作主语,指代先行词a country。故填 that 或 which。答案: that/which3 解析 :考查冠词。句意见上一题解析。“ such a/an形容词名词” 是固定用法,意为“ 如此 的 ” ,此处 such a short span of time意为“ 如此短的时间 ” 。故填a。答案: a4 解析 :考查形容词最高级。large是形容词,前有序数词修饰,后有范围限定(in the world), 故应用最高级。此处表示中国在过去40年

48、里, 已经发展成为世界第二大经济体。故填largest。答案: largest5 解析 :考查动词的时态。根据in the near future可知,此处应用一般将来时。此处表示有预言表明,在不久的将来,中国会成为(世界)第一大经济体。故填will take。答案: will take6 解析 :考查词性转换。句意:中国在对外贸易、扶贫、基础设施建设、产业能力建设、研发投入、先进技术开发及全球影响力等方面,已经处于全球领先地位。修饰动词应用副词。故填globally。答案: globally7 解析 :考查非谓语动词。句意:与44年前我看到的中国相比,当今的中国在很多方面可算是一个新的国家。

49、本句中谓语动词是is, 与compare之间无连词连接,故compare应用非谓语形式。compare与 Today's China之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故应用其过去分词。故填compared。答案:compared8 解析 :考查动词的时态和语态。句意为:在过去40 年里,中国走的道路是不容易的,需要面对国内外的诸多困难。根据空前的“in the past four decades”及空后的“and it has had to”和句意可知,此处应用现在完成时的否定形式。故填 hasnot been或 hasn't been。答案: has not been/hasn'

50、;t been9 解析 :考查介词。句意见上一题解析。at home and abroad为固定搭配,意为“ 在国内外 ” 。故填at。答案:at10 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意: 但是每一年中国都克服了这些困难 manageto do sth.是固定短语,意为“ 设法做成某事” 。故填to overcome。答案:toovercome语言知识运用练(三 )(限时25 分钟 ) .完形填空(2019 ·洛阳、许昌质量检测 )As a young child, I was painfully shy. I'd watch other children at _1_ in the

51、 park, wishing I could join their ranks for a _2_ of tag, hide-and-seek, or jump rope, but I was too _3_ to approach them. _4_, my mother would come to the rescue. She'd get up from the bench where she was sitting with the other moms, _5_ my hand, and ask the other kids if I could play too. The

52、answer was _6_ yes (I'm sure the other children didn't want to get in trouble with their own moms), and then I'd be all set for the rest of the afternoon. until the pattern _7_ itself the next day.I became _8_ awkward and more outgoing as I grow up, thankfully though I never _9_ what you

53、'd call a social butterfly. Today, I feel _10_ giving public lectures in large halls, and having _11_ in small groups, but I still tend to avoid situations in which I'm expected to “ mingle 使混合”( ) with a roomful of _12_ (I'm working on it).The reasons for my aversion (厌恶 ) could be vari

54、ous. For one, I might be _13_ some residual (残留的 ) childhood fear of rejection. But beyond that possibility, one _14_ element is that I _15_ to underestimate how much people like me after I meet them.As some authors _16_, conversations are a great _17_ of happiness in our lives, but they could bring

55、 us even greater joy if we only _18_ that others like us more than we know, which is a good thing to keep in mind as you _19_ the awe-inspiring room of strangers at your next cocktail party, mix and mingle reception, or company _20_ hour. I know I'll try to. 语篇解读 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,作者通过讲述自己从一个害羞的孩子转变成一个能够和他人自在沟通甚至进行演讲的人的变化,启迪我们:对他人敞开胸


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