1、机电工程专业英语课程教案授课班级:机电ZB42801-42803、机电数控ZB42801-42804、机械设计ZB42801-42804、工业电气ZB42801课程名称:机电工程专业英语授课时数:64主讲教师:刘静院系名称:重庆科创职业学院机械与电子工程学院电气自动化教研室2011-9-12前言课题Introduction 课型理论教学目的什么是专业英语重点难点学习专业英语的重要性以及专业英语的特点教学媒多媒体其它媒体教学方法讲授式体授课专业机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Lecture 1 Introduction1.1 什么是专业英语普通英语(Common English, Ordinary
2、 English科技英语(English for Science and Technology专业英语(English for Special Science and Technology:隶属于科技英语,是科技英语的一部分,以表达科技概念、理论与事实为主要目的。遵守科技英语的语法体系和翻译方法;特别注重客观事实和真理,表达准确、精练和正式。是结合各自专业的科技英语有很强的专业性,涉及的面更加狭窄,与专业内容配合更为密切。专业英语与科技英语既有区别又有联系。专业英语的学习需要有一个良好的科技英语基础,同时也要注意其自身的词汇特点、语法特点、修辞特点和翻译特点等等。1.2 学习专业英语的重要性(
3、1 科研信息获取:专业英语阅读能力(2 研究成果展示:专业英语写作能力(3 国际交流合作:专业英语表达、听说、应变能力1.3 课程的学习内容主要内容:基础知识(文体特点,语法特点,词汇特点,常用符号公式表达阅读翻译,专业词汇Lecture 2 Features of Specialized English2.1 Grammar Features客观性(Objective、准确性(accuracy和精练性(conciseness。(1 广泛使用被动语态(2 广泛使用非谓语形式(3 省略句使用频繁(4 It句型和祈使句使用频繁(5 复杂长句使用频繁(6 后置形容词短语作定语多2.2 Rhetori
4、c Features(1 广泛使用一般现在时(2较多地使用图、表和公式(3 逻辑语法使用多2.3 V ocabulary Features(1 词汇分类:专业或技术词汇,次技术词汇,非技术词汇(2 词汇构成1 合成法由相互独立的两个或更多的词合成得到新词2派生法通过对词根加上各种前缀或后缀来构成新词3 词汇缩略只由词汇中的部分字母或由词组中每个词汇的首字母。节略词,缩略词,首字词和缩写词2.4 Symbol and Formula1国际单位制中的前缀2小数,分数,百分数3幂(power根(root4数学运算符号小结强调学习专业英语的重要性,总结学习方法第 1、2 课时课题Learning Si
5、tuation 1Task 1 Engineering Materials课型理论教学目的训练专业英语的阅读能力重点难点注重翻译方法和技巧,抓住复杂句型的中心意思教学媒体多媒体实物图画投影/幻灯/电视/电影其它媒体教学方法讲授式授课班级机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Section 1 Text重点句型:1 According to the chemical element,engineering materials can be divided into metals and nometals.根据化学元素不同,工程材料可以分为金属和非金属。2 Most metals are ductile
6、and are,in general,heavier than the other elemental substances.大部分金属材料具有可塑性和延展性,并且通常比其它元素的物质要重。3 If the carbon composition of the ferrous is below 0.25%,it can be defined as Low Carbon Steels.含碳量低于0.25%的黑色金属称为低碳钢。4 There are several kinds of no-ferrous metals such as Aluminum,Brass,Copper and so on.
7、还有很多种有色金属,比如铝、黄铜及铜等。5 According to curing characteristics,plastics can be grouped intothermoplastic and thermosetting plastics.根据固性特点,塑料可分为热塑性塑料和热固性塑料。Section 2 New words and phrases(见教材Section 3 Exercises1.Brief answer to the questions according to the text(1 How much is the carbon compositions of
8、low Carbon Steels?(2 Which products can be manufactured by use of Aluminum?2.Glossary of specialty1.Try to class the following materials into metal and nonmetal by drawing connected lines.Cast ironNylonAluminum metalPERubber nonmetalPVCCopper2.Acronym revertingPE-PVC-PS-ABS-小结努力养成良好的专业英语阅读习惯,多注意机电工程
9、专业英语的翻译方法和技巧。第 3、4 课时课题Task 2 Heat Treatment课型理论教学目的训练并提高阅读速度重点难点阅读过程中遇到生单词要结合上下文体会,尽量不借助词典,节约阅读时间教学媒体多媒体其它媒体教学方法演示式授课班级机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Section 1 Text重点句型:1 The object of heat treatment is to impart certain desired physical properties to the metal or to eliminate undesirable structural conditions whi
10、ch may occur in the processing or fabrication of the material.热处理工艺主要是使金属具有想要的物理特性,或是去除在对材料进行加工和制造过程中形成的不想要的结构形式。2. The commercial heat treatments in common use involve the heating of the material to certain predetermined temperatures, "soaking" or holding at the temperature, and cooling a
11、t a prescribed rate in air, liquids, or retarding media.经常使用的商业热处理是指把材料加热到某一预定的温度,在此温度下进行均热,即进行保温,并按规定速度在空气、液体或在保温介质中冷却。(句中的the heating."soaking". and cooling是involve的宾语;or holding是soaking的同位语,or译为“即”3. Small objects of high carbon steelthe critical temperature range.在临界温度和略低于临界温度的范围内长时间重复
12、加热,小型高碳钢零件可以更迅速地球化。Section 2 New words and phrasestempering 5temperiN v. 回火microstructure 5maikr7strQktF n. 显微组织soaking (=holding sukiN n. 均热,保温prescribe pri5skraib v. 规定,指示prolonged pr5lCNd adj. 长时间的,持续很久的microscopic 5maikr5skCpik adj. 显微镜的spheroidizing 5sfirCidaiziN n. 球化(处理globular 5glCbjul adj.
13、球形(状的normalizing 5nC:mlaiziN n. 正火,(正常化carbide 5ka:baid n. 碳化物,硬质合金plunging 5plQndViN adj. 跳进的,突进的brine brain n. 盐水annealing 5ni:liN n. 退火quenching kwntFiN n. 淬火,骤冷hardening 5ha:dniN n. 淬火removal ri5mU:vl n. 除去,放出martensite 5mB:tnzait n. 马氏体precipitation pri7sipi5teiFn n. 沉淀agglomeration 7glCm5reiFn
14、 n. 结块,凝聚,块cementite si5mentait n. 渗碳体,碳化铁austenite 5C:st7nait n. 奥氏体hypoeutectoid 7haipuju5tektCid adj. 亚共析的pearlite 5p:lait n. 珠光体ferrite 5ferait n. 铁素体in that 由于,因为,既然Section 3 Exercises1.Place a Tafter the sentence which is true and a “F” after the sentence which is false.2. Glossary of specialt
15、y小结阅读过程中要注意词组,把成组单词当成一个单元处理会节约很多阅读时间。第 5、6 课时课题Task 3 Selection of Materials课型理论教学目的形成良好的阅读习惯重点难点坚持不停顿从段首阅读到段尾教学媒体多媒体实物图画投影/幻灯/电视/电影其它媒体教学方法讲授式授课班级机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Section 1 Text重点句型:1. Where the required properties are available in both, total cost becomes the determined factor.在两种材料都能提供所需性能时,总成本就成了决
16、定性因素。(句中where引导状语从句,这一段讨论的是金属和非金属两组材料,所以句中的both是指这两组中的双方2. Alloying is an important method of obtaining whatever special propertiescorrosion resistance.合金是获得各种所需特殊性能(强度、韧性、耐磨性、磁性、高电阻或耐腐蚀性的重要方法。(句中whatever是“不管什么”、“诸如此类”的意思。冒号引起罗列各种相关的性能,相当于such as3. Plastics tend to be, which have the same carbon bas
17、es as the plastics. 塑料能抵抗这些酸但会被同样有酸基的四氯化碳这样的溶剂溶解或致变形。(注意到句中采用的是非限定性定语从句,其中的动词是复数形式。这个定语修饰的是solvents而不是carbon tetrachlorideSection 2 New words and phrasesmetallic mi5tAlik a dj. 金属的iron 5ain n. 铁copper 5kCp n. 铜,紫铜aluminum 5lju:minm n. 铝magnesium mAg5ni:zim n. 镁nickel 5nikl n. 镍titanium tai5teinim n.
18、 钛lead li:d n. 铅tin tin n. 锡zinc ziNk n. 锌brass bra:s n. 黄铜bronze brCnz n. 青铜ferrous metal 黑色金属non-ferrous metal 有色金属brick brik n. 砖头concrete 5kCnkri:t n. 混凝土density 5densiti n. 密度specific heat 比热coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数inorganic 7inC:5gAnik 无机的sulphuric acid 硫酸hydrochloric acid 盐酸solv
19、ent 5sClvnt n. 溶剂carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳Section 3 Exercises小结避免略读的不良习惯。布置阅读练习与作业。第 7、8 课时课题Learning Situation 2Task 1 Metal Cutting Technology课型理论教学目的训练阅读理解能力重点难点抓住句子的中心意思教学媒体多媒体实物图画投影/幻灯/电视/电影其它媒体教学方法授课班级机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Section 1 Text重点句型:1. The lathe bed is cast iron and provides accurately groun
20、d sliding surfaces (way on which the carriage rides.车身是铸铁件,它提供精确磨削过的滑动表面(导轨,上面放有拖板。(ground是grind 的过去分词,作定语用2. For turning operations, the lathe uses a single-point cutting tool which removes metal as it travels past the revolving workpiece.在车削加工中,车床利用单刃切削刀具对旋转的工件进行金属切除。(句中which引导的是一个定语从句,该从句修饰cuttin
21、g tool;as引导的是时间状语从句,表示主句的动作removes metal时从句动作travels past同时完成,it指刀具3. Precision grinding is concerned with grinding to close tolerances and very smooth finish.精磨是为了缩小工件公差范围和降低表面粗糙度。Section 2 New words and phraseschip tFip n. 切屑shaper Feip n. 龙头刨床planer 5plein n. 龙门刨床sturdy 5st:di adj. 坚固的,结实的collar
22、5kCl n. 凸缘盘,法兰盘simultaneously 7siml5teinisli adv. 同时multipoint tool 多刃刀具engine lathe 普通车床turret lathe 六角(转塔车床tracing and duplicating lathe 仿形车床boring machine 镗床cylindrical grinder 外圆磨床centreless grinder 无心磨床electrical discharge machining 电火花加工chemical milling 化学蚀刻(铣削power feed (机动力进给feed box 进给箱one
23、pass (机床的一次走刀chasing dial 乱扣盘,螺纹指示盘T-slot T型槽drill dril n. 钻头vt. 钻(孔lathe leiT n. 车床shaper Feip n. 牛头刨床planer pl5An n. 龙门刨床mill mil n. 铣床grinder g5reind n. 磨床twist twist n. 螺旋,麻花press pres n. 压,按ream ri:m v. 铰孔tap tAp v. 攻丝screw skru: n. 螺钉bolt bC:lt n. 螺栓cylindrical si5lindrikl adj. 圆柱体的,柱面的axis Ak
24、5siz n. 轴gear gZ n. 齿轮blank blAnk n. 毛坯;坯料pulley puli n. 滑轮shaft FB:ft n. 螺杆bore bC: v. 镗削groove gru:v n. 槽口profile pru5fail n. 侧面reciprocate ri5siprkeit vi. 往复abrasive brei5siv adj. 摩擦的,磨损的tolerance 5tC:lrns n. 公差be classified as 归类为back and forth 来回be attached to 与相连接feedinto 把送进Section 3 Exercise
25、s1.Brief answer to the questions according to the text。(1 How many types can processing operation can commonly be classified to?(2 Which processes does general processes include?2.Glossary of specialtyAcronym revertingEDM-LBM-USM-小结布置课堂练习,强化阅读时的理解能力。第 9、10 课时课题Task 2 CAD and CAM课型理论课教学目的训练并提高阅读速度重点难
26、点阅读过程中遇到生单词要结合上下文体会,尽量不借助词典,节约阅读时间教学媒体多媒体实物图画投影/幻灯/电视/电影其它媒体教学方法演示式授课班级机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Section 1 Text重点句型:1. This coincidentally happened at about the same time that NC and APT (Automatically Programmed Tool first appeared.CAD与初次出现的NC和APT(自动编程工具碰巧同时问世。(coincidentally为插入语, at about the same time 为介词短语
27、,可译为“几乎”,“同时”2. An interesting note is that an X-Y plotter has the same basic structure as a NC drilling machine except that a pen is substituted for the tool on NC spindle.一个有趣的现象是X-Y绘图仪与NC钻床具有相同的基本机构,除了绘图笔被NC机床上的主轴刀具替代之外。(the sameas可译为“与相同”,as为介词,引导短语 Section 2 New words and phrasesappropriate 5pr
28、uprit adj. 适当的graphic 5grAfik adj. 绘画似的,图解的interactive intr5Aktiv adj. 交互式的Massachusetts mAsE5tFu:sits n. 马萨诸塞(美国州名coincidental kuinsi5dentl adj. 一致的,符合的,巧合的plotter plCt n. 阴谋者,计划者drilling 5driliN n. 演练spindle 5spindl n. 轴,杆,心轴geometry dVi5Cmitri n. 几何学arc a:k n. 弧,弓形,拱curve k:v n. 曲线,弯曲,曲线图表vt. 弯,使
29、弯曲vi. 成曲形sophisticate s5fistikeit n. 久经世故的人vi. 诡辩dimension di5menFn n. 尺寸,维(数cutter-path 5kQtpB:W n. 刀具路径,切割轨道linkage 5liNkidV n. 连接concept 5kCnsept n. 观念,概念ambiguous Am5bigjus adj. 暧昧的,不明确的representation reprizen5teiFn n. 表示法,表现deficiency di5fiFnsi n. 缺乏,不足extreme iks5tri:m adj. 尽头的,极端的n. 极端,极端的事物A
30、PT(Automatically Programmed Tool 自动编程语言numerically 5nju:5merikli adv. 用数字,在数字上define di5fain n. 定义,详细说明fabricate 5fAbrikeit vt. 制作,构成,捏造,伪造optimum 5Cptimm n. 最适宜adj. 最适宜的minimize 5minimaiz vt. 将减到最少v. 最小化diagnose 5daignuz v. 诊断artwork 5a:tw:k n. 艺术品,美术品etch etF v. 蚀刻sequence 5si:kwns n. 次序,顺序,序列prof
31、ile 5praufail n. 剖面,侧面,外形,轮廓clamp klAmp n. 夹子,夹具,夹钳vt. 夹住,夹紧trigonometry trig5nCmitri n. 三角法parameter p5rAmit n. 参数,参量,起限定作用的因素protocol 5prutkCl n. 草案,协议optimum layout 最优设计flame cutter 线切割pipe-bending machine 折弯机printed circuit board 印刷电路板canned cycle 固定循环canned data 存储数据canned routine 固定程序Section 3
32、 Exercises1.Brief answer to the questions according to the text。(1 What is the definition of CAD?(2 What is the definition of CAM?2.Glossary of specialtyAcronym revertingCAD-CAM-CNC-DNC-CAPP-CAE-小结布置练习,强化提高阅读速度。第 11、12 课时课题Task 3 Computer IntergratedManufacturing System课型理论课教学目的形成良好的阅读习惯重点难点坚持不停顿从段首
33、阅读到段尾教学媒体多媒体其它媒体教学方法讲授式授课班级机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Section 1 Text重点句型:1. Although CIM encompasses many of the other advanced manufacturing technologies such as computer numerical control (CNC, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM, robotics, andjust-in-time delivery (JIT, it is more tha
34、n a new technology or a new concept.虽然CIM包含很多种其他的先进制造技术,如计算机数字控制(CNC技术、计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD/CAM技术、机器人技术以及准时制造技术,但它不仅仅是一项新技术或一个新概念。2. The term computer integrated manufacturing was developed in 1974by Joseph Harrington as the title of a book he wrote about tying islandsof automation together through t
35、he use of computer.计算机集成制造这个术语来自于约瑟夫²哈林顿1974写的一本书的标题,在书中他描写了运用计算机将不同的自动化区域连接在一起的技术。3. This means that as a CIM unit becomes more capable (receives more duties or has more users (more transaction per hour or must containmore data, it must be a larger computer.这意味着当CIM单元变得更强大(能接收更多的任务,或有更多的用户(每小时
36、能处理更多的事务,或必须容纳更多的数据时,它必须是更大的计算机。Section 2 New words and phrasesintegrated 5intigreitid adj. 集成的approach 5prutF n. 途径,方法encompass in5kQmpEs vt. 包括,拥有robotics rEu5bCtiks n. 机器人技术just-in-time (JIT 准时制造evolve i5vClv v. 进展,展开distinct dis5tiNkt adj. 不同的,明显的mechanization 7mekEnai5zeiFEn n. 机械化orchestra 5C:
37、kistrE n. 管弦乐队transaction trAn5zAkFEn n. 交易,处理firm fE:m n. 商行,公司lead time 研制周期inventory 5invEntri n. 详细目录,存货清单Section 3 Exercises1.Brief answer to the questions according to the text。(1 What is CIM?(2 How many perspectives that must be considered are there in deciding to implement a CIM?(3 What is J
38、ob Definition Format?2.Glossary of specialtyAcronym revertingCIM-JDF-小结Study and pratice P32.第 13、14 课时课题Task 1 Gear Type Driver课型理论课教学目的提高阅读能力,掌握关于齿轮驱动机构的知识重点难点熟悉齿轮机构的基本类型、驱动特点教学媒体多媒体实物图画投影/幻灯/电视/电影其它媒体教学方法演示式授课班级机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Section 1 Text重点句型:1 Gear sets can be used to increase rotion speed but
39、 decrease torque,to keep speed and torque constant,or to reduce rotion speed but increase torque.齿轮系可以提高转速降低扭矩,保持速度和扭矩恒定或降低转速提高扭矩。2 The type that is chosen for a product will reflect a balance between expense and the task that the gear is expected to perform.一个产品选用的齿轮类型,反映出成本和齿轮要完成的任务之间的平衡。3 When tw
40、o gears having complentary teeth engage and motion is transmited from shaft to another,the two gear are side to form a gearset.当具有共轭齿的两个齿轮啮合从而使运动从一根轴传递到另一根轴时,这两个齿轮就形成一个齿轮副。4 Copared to other types of gears,significant sliding occurs between teeth during meshing of worm gearsets.与其他齿轮相比,蜗杆机构在啮合过程中齿面间
41、会产生很大的滑动。Section 2 New words and phrases(见教材P39.Section 3 ExercisesBrief answer to the questions according to the text。(1 What is the use of gears in a machine?(2 How do gears work?小结课堂练习第 15、16课时课题Task 2 Blet and Chain Driver课型理论课教学目的提高阅读速度重点难点注意词组的运用教学媒体多媒体其它媒体教学方法讲授授课班级机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Section 1 Te
42、xt重点句型:1 The wheels on which the belt rides are called pulleys.Like gearsets,belt drives also available for transferring rotation,and power between two shafts. 使带传动的轮子被称为带轮。像齿轮副一样,带传动也可在两根轴之间传递转动、扭矩和动力。2 They give designer a lot of flexibility in location of driving and driven machinery,and the tole
43、rances are not critical as is the case with gear drives. 这种装置使设计人员在确定主动机械的位置时有时有相当大的灵活性,而且公差要求也不像齿轮传动装置那样严格。3 In oder to have efficient transfer of power between shafts,the belt must be tensioned and have good friction cantact with its pulleys.为了在轴间有效地传递动力,带必须张紧并和带轮之间有良好的摩擦接触。用V带传递动力是一种常用的方法。Section
44、 2 New words and phrases(见教材P44.Section 3 ExercisesAnswer the following questions according to Reading the passage1.What is the use of belts and chains in a machine?2.What is the advantages of belts and chain drive? 小结布置练习第17、18课时课题Task 3 Hydraulic and Pneumatic课型理论课教学目的形成好的阅读习惯重点难点尽可能的缩短阅读时间教学媒体多媒体
45、实物图画投影/幻灯/电视/电影其它媒体教学方法演示式授课班级机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Section 1 Text重点句型:1 For example,fluid systems can transmit power more economically over greaterdistances than can mechanical types.例如,液压系统在长距离上比机械系统更能经济地传递动力。2 Pneumatic systems normally use a large centralized air compressor which is considered to be an
46、 infinite air source similar to an electrical system where you merely plug into an electrical outlet for electricity.气体系统通常考虑采用大的中央空气压缩机作为一个无限量的气源,这类似于电力系统,只要将插头插入插座便可获得电能。Section 2 New words and phrasesHydraulic 液压的,水力的 Pneumatic 充气的,有气缸的Salient 显著的,突出的 Actuator 油缸,气缸Hinder 妨碍,阻碍 Remote 远程的Retract
47、收回Section 3 ExercisesAnswer the following questions according to Reading the passage1.What components are usually include in hadraulic systems?2.What are pneumatic systems?小结练习P50的阅读第19、20课时课题Learning Situation 4Task 1 Electromechanical ControlDevices课型理论课教学目的结合相关机电控制装置的专业知识提高阅读理解的能力重点难点掌握关于机电控制的专业词
48、汇和术语教学媒体多媒体其它媒体教学方法讲授式授课班级机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Section 1 Text重点句型:1. Because standard components are used to construct the logic, it is easier to build than a mechanical control.由于来用标准件构成控制逻辑,因此,气动控制的加工制造比机械控制更容易。(It is easier to do sth. than.可译为“更容易做事情”2. As does a mechanical control, an electromechanica
49、l control uses switches, relays, timers, counters, and so on, to construct logic.正像机械控制那样,机电控制使用开关、继电器、定时和计数器等其他元器件构成控制逻辑。(as does a mechanical control是由as引导的比较状语从句3. Electric control is similar to electromechanical control, except that the moving mechanical components in an electromechanical contro
50、l device are replaced by electronic switches, which works faster and is more reliable.电气控制类似于机电控制,所不同的是机电控制中的可动零部件被动作速度更快、可靠性更高的电气开关所代替。(except that+从句是介词短语引导的从句,为前面主句的状语Section 2 New words and phrasespneumatic nju(:5mAtik adj.气动的,空气的electromechanical i9lektrEumi kAnikEl adj. 机电的governor 5gQvEnE n.
51、操纵杆,控制器relay 5ri:lei n. 继电器versatile 5vE:sEtail adj. 多用途的,通用category 5kAtEEri n. 分类,种类symbology sim5bClEdVi n. 符号体系instantaneously 7instEn5teinjEsli adv. 瞬时地screw machine 车丝机filter out 过滤single throw 单掷开关thumbwheel switch 指轮(微调开关magnet-opened contact switch 电磁触点开关ladder diagram 梯形图Section 3 Exercise
52、s1.Answer the following questions according to Reading the passage(1 How many control needs does the electromechanical control devices used in industry satisfy?(2 What is the advantages of the electromechanical control?(3 Why does the relay operate at very low power?2.Translate the following terms i
53、nto English:过滤线圈显示面板常开/常闭触点限位开关逻辑控制小结布置作业第 21、22课时课题Task 2 The Three-phaseInduction Motors课型理论课教学目的提高阅读速度重点难点注意词组的运用以及如何结合文章体会出生单词的含义教学媒体多媒体实物图画投影/幻灯/电视/电影其它媒体教学方法讲授式授课班级机电、工业电气授课日期教学过程Section 1 Text重点句型:1Three-phase machinery and control equipment are smaller, lighter in weight, and more efficient
54、than single-phase equipment of the same rated capacity.三相电机或者控制设备与同等容量的单相设备相比,体积小、重量轻且效率高。2 The distribution of three-phase power requires only three-fourths as much line copper as does the single-phase distribution of the same amount of power.用三相传输法所消耗的铜只相当于单相传输法所传输同等电量所用铜的四分之三。3 翻译示例:It should be
55、noted in Fig 1-1B-2 that each phasor is lettered with two subscripts. The two letters indicate the two points between which the voltage exists, and the order of the letters indicates the relative polarity of the voltage during its positive half-cycle. For example, the symbol A NE indicates a voltage between the point A and N with the point A being positive with respect to point N during its positive half-cycle. In the phasor diagram show
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