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1、大学英语六级听力-38(总分:252.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Section A(总题数:4,分数:105.00)(分数:35.00)A.B.VC.D.解析:解析M: I think youd better find another person to be your badminton partner. I love the game, butI just dont think I am improving.W: Look, Jack, its still too early to give up. I dont expect you to be a superstar. Just

2、keep practicing and you surely cansee the result.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?解析男士说女士应该另找一个羽毛球搭档,因为自己并没有什么进步,女士说他不应该轻言放弃,继续 练习就一定能够看到结果,故选 BoA 为强干扰项,女士建议男士继续练习,却并没有说是否应该更努力地 练习,答题时要排除主观臆测的干扰。A.B.C.VD.解析:解析M: I need to use more than just my math skills for these questions, but I dont hav

3、e a calculator at hand. Shall I go andbuy one?W: Actually, Ive got two. And Ill let you have one for the cost of a coffee._Q: What do we learn about the woman from this conversation?解析男士说自己需要计算器来解数学题,问女士他是否应该买一个新的计算器,女士说自己有两个汁算 器,只要男士请自己喝杯咖啡就可以让他使用,故选CoA.B.VC.D.解析:解析M: There will be lots of group pr

4、ojects for this semester. Have you chosen the group that youllbe working with? rm in Group C. How about you?W: Lucky you. Well, Im in Group B, and I can see already that trouble is on its way._Q: What can be inferred about the woman?解析男士说这个学期的项目小组分组,自己在 C 组;女士说她在 B 组,而且已经可以看到麻烦来了,故 选 BoB、D 都对 B 组持否定

5、态度,但是 D 说“B组的组员懒惰”属于主观臆测, 从对话中找不到任何根据。A.B.C.D.V解析:解析W: You went to the big second-hand book sale in town yesterday, didnt you? Was there much ofa selection to get excited overtM: Was there? I wish I had brought enough cash with me.Q: What does the man imply?解析女士问男士那问大型二手书书店是否有不错的选择,男士说真希望自己带了足够的现金,言

6、下之意 就是很多书都很吸引人,故选D。虚拟语气常是考点。A 为强干扰项,男士说自己没有带够钱,但没有说书价昂贵。A.B.C.VD.解析:解析W: Can I talk to you for a minute about the history assignment, Professor Smith? I am so confused about therequirements you said in class, and I dont want to get it wrong anyway.M: Look, I am in the middle of something right now.

7、Can you give me 15 minutes? Q: What does the man imply?解析女士想问男士关于历史作业的事情,男士说他现在正忙着,请她等候15 分钟,故选 Co(分数:21.00 )A.B.C.D.V解析:解析M: Im hoping that I can get my finances in better shape. I cant spend money like this anymore, or I will get bankrupt.W: Well, follow a month-by-month plan and stop buying those

8、 unnecessary items in your room.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?解析 l 男士说要好好理财,否则就要破产了,女士说应该按照月计划行事,不要再买不必要的东西,故选Do A 为强干扰项,制定月份预算计划与“省钱”并非完全是同一回事。A.B.C.D.V解析:解析M: Con gratulati on s! I heard that your debating team has reached the final. What an achieveme nt!You must have spent a lot of ef

9、forts on it. I am so proud of you guys! W: Thank you! And now we are all working stillharder to prepare for the final.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?解析 I 男士听说女士的辩论队获得了决赛权,女士说辩论队正在努力准备决赛,故选DoA.B.C.VD.解析:解析W: My goodness! Look at the wind today. I wish rd taken an extra coat with me.M: Wel

10、l, dont worry. Ill get you an extra one. I just realized that I forgot to shut off thestove at home and the soup is still cooking.Q: What is the man probably going to do first?解析女士说今天的风很大,真希望自己多带了一件外套,男士说他可以给她带一件外套,因为他意识到 家里的炉子没有关,汤还在炉子上煮着,即男士认为要先吲家(关炉子),故选 CoConversation OneConversation One(分数:28.0

11、0 )(1).A. Get a registration form.B. Know about the aerobics schedule.C. Get a student ID card.D. Know about the fees for aerobic classes.(分数: 7.00 )A.B.VC.D.解析:解析19-22W: Hi, I understand that there are aerobic classes for students and 19lm wondering if you have the schedule for theupcoming sessions

12、?M: Sorry, I dont have a paper copy of it on hand right now, but I can tell you the schedule if youre interested.W: Sure, I would really appreciate that.M: Well, the school provides free aerobic classes weekdays from twelve to one. Theres anotherfrom five to six in the evenings.W: Do I have to regis

13、ter before I join?M: No, you dont have to. Its open to all students but youll need to bring your student ID card. In fact, 20its organizedby the Student Union, free of charge, as they like to say, promote_and encourage a healthy lifestyle for students.W: 21ls it going to be very crowded like last ye

14、ar? Do you think there will be eno ugh room for students to move aroundfreely?M: Sure, its held at the Elizabeth Hall and we can accommodate up to 100 students. But the average turnout is around40 so theres plenty of room.W: Sounds great. I have always wanted to do aerobics 21but I wouldnt want to b

15、e doing it if_its going to be jam-packed like disco or something. And, it being free is ano ther n ice part.M: Well, in that case youll have to make full use of this opportunity then. Oh, I forgot to mention that 22you could alsoattend the aerobic classes at the downtown recreation center for nothin

16、g if you produce the student ID.W: Sounds great. 22lt is very close to where I live. Thank you so much!19. What does the woman want to do first?解析对话一开始就进入正题,女士问男士是否有课程计划表,敞选Bo(2) .A. Because it is a student affair.B. Because of the schedule.C. Because it advocates a healthy lifestyle.D. Because it i

17、s too dear for most students.(分数: 7.00 )A.B.C.VD.解析:解析Why does the Student Union hold this activity?解析男士说活动由学生会组织,免费让学生参加,旨在推动和倡导健康的生活方式,故选扰项,这次活动由学生会主办,向学生开放,这是活动的性质,并不是举办的原因。(3) .A. It will be too expensive. B. It may not be on convenient time.C. It may be too crowded. D. Whether she can still reg

18、ister.(分数: 7.00 )A.B.C.VD.解析:解析What is the womans concern about joining aerobics, based on her experience?解析女士问男士活动是否很拥挤,又说自己很想参加,但是如果太拥挤的话就会作罢,故选 折句常考。(4) .A. Its another way to lose weight.B. Its very cheap.C. Its not so crowded. D. Its nearby.(分数:7.00 )A.B.C.D.V解析:解析Why is the woman so happy that

19、 she can go to the recreation center?解析女士说娱乐中心离她的住处很近,故选DoConversation TwoConversation Two(分数:21.00 )(1).A. To put an ad in the newspaper.B. To renovate the apartment.C. To rent the apartment. C. To sell the apartment.(分数: 7.00 )A.B.C.VD.CoA 为强干Cobut 转解析:解析23-25M: Hello?W: Hello, Im calling about th

20、e apartment that was advertised in the paper this morning. Is itstill available?M: There were two, a three bedroom and a two bedroom. But the larger one has been rented.W: Oh, thats OK. 24l was only interested in the two bedroom. Can you tell me what its like?M: Well, 24it is quite spacious and has

21、sun most of the day. Its really cheerful. It also hasan eating kitchen and theres plenty of closet space.W: Sounds good. 23The ads said the rent was 525 dollars a month. Does that include heat and electricity?M: No, tenants have to pay their own utilities.W: I see, what about parking?M: Thats no pro

22、blem at all. Each tenant is assigned a particular space, and that space is thereas long as they stay in the apartment.W: 25Great! Given how rents are these days, this seems almost too good to be true.M: Listen, why dont you come over tomorrow and see for yourself?. Ring the buzzer number 8. ril be i

23、n all morning.W: 25Fine, see you then.23. Whats the womans purpose of calling the man?解析女士说广告上说租金是每月525 美元,说明她是要租房,故选Co(2) .A. Its too small. B. It has plenty of light.C. Its rather expensive. D. It doesnt have many closets.(分数: 7.00 )A.B.VC.D.解析:解析What does the man say about the two bedroom apartme

24、nt?解析女士说她只对 2 房的那套感兴趣,然后让男士介绍情况,男士说它非常宽敞,而且每天的大多数时 候能晒到太阳,故选 Bo(3) .A. Shes unimpressed by what the man told her.B. She doubts she can afford it.C. She doesnt think its suitable for her.D. Shes very interested in it.(分数:7.00 )A.B.C.D.V解析:解析Whats the womans reaction to the apartment?解析女士说太棒了,给岀如此低廉的租

25、金,这简直让人难以置信;最后女士还跟男士约定,到时见,这 些都说明女士对这套公寓很感兴趣,故选Do二、Section B(总题数:3,分数:70.00)Passage OnePassage One(分数:28.00 )(1) .A. To talk about Daniel Hale Williams life.B. To show how racial discrimination was.C. To show how an African American paid off.D. To demonstrate the first open heart surgery.(分数: 7.00 )

26、A.VB.C.D.解析:解析26-2926Daniel Hale Williams was an example of a brilliant African-American doctor who managed to find success despitethe obstacles white Americans placed in front of him. He was born in 1856 in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. Almostimmediately after graduating, 27he needed to open his own

27、 office because at that time no Chicago hospitals wouldallow black doctors to use modern facilities and equipment to complete their medical training and care for patients.After two years of successfully running his own hospital, Daniel Hale Williams was confronted with an operation thathad never bee

28、n accomplished. While working in the emergency room, a black express man, James Cornish, rushed inwith a knife trauma into his chest. 28None of the other doctors seemed to know what to do since the external bleedinghad stopped, plus there was no way for them to see what was happening inside his ches

29、t. This was because there wereno x-ray machines available to the doctors, because they were not yet discovered. As the night progressed, Cornishsstate began to diminish. After careful evaluation and assessment, Daniel decided that performing open heart surgeryon Cornish was the most promising proced

30、ure for them to take. Daniel took on the challenge of performing an operationwithout much technology or advancement While in the operating room, Daniel decided to operate on the left side of thechest cavity. 29The surgery was a success and James Cornish lived for twenty years after the operation was

31、completed. With all of this agony and strength, Daniel Hale Williams became the first person to perform a successfulheart surgery. 26. What is the purpose of the passage?解析短文谈到 Williams 医生作为一名黑人医生是怎样获得成功的,开头便介绍了文章主旨,故答案为Ao(2) .A. Black doctors werent allowed to use medical equipment.B. Black doctors

32、 were hated by patients.C. Blacks werent allowed to do operations.D. No black doctors could operate on white patients.(分数: 7.00 )A.VB.C.D.解析:解析Why didnt Williams work at a hospital?解析短文谈到,Williams 毕业后自己开诊所,因为当时芝加哥的医院不允许黑人医生使用现代化的医 疗器械,故选AoC 项是强干扰项,无法使用医疗器械当然就不能做手术,但是“不能做手术”是无法使用 医疗器械的后果,属于二级推导原因,并不是

33、直接原因。(3) .A. The doctors didnt know hearts could take surgery.B. The doctors didnt have the right cutting tools for the surgery.C. The doctors didnt know what was happening in the patients chest.D. The doctors were so afraid that they dare not take the chance.A.B.C.VD.解析:解析Why hadnt open heart surge

34、ry been performed before?解析短文谈到其他医生不知道患者胸腔内部的情况,因为当时还没有发明(4).A. The man didnt die on the operating table.B. The man went on to live for 20 years later.C. Everyone copied his method.D. Many surgeries were performed after that.(分数: 7.00 )A.B.VC.D.解析:解析How do we know the operation was really successful

35、?解析短文谈到手术成功,术后患者还有20 年的寿命,故选 BPassage TwoPassage Two(分数:21.00 )(1).A. Fruit, water and insects. B. Plants and water.C. High plants and food. D. Plants and food.(分数:7.00 )A.B.C.D.V解析:解析30-32One of the great joys of gardening is to share a garden with wildlife, especially birds. Attracting birds to a

36、garden ismade easier by following a few basic guidelines. 30All birds depend on_plants for shelter, nest and roosting sites, and food. To the extent that your yard offers some or all of these features, itcan become a heaven for birds life. As a general rule, the more native plants are planted in the

37、 yard, the more birds willcome. Some birds are so particularthat you must have the special plant that they demand while. others only demand that you provide their basic needs.Most birds require some shelter for roosting, preening and sleeping. 31By_varying the height as well as the density of plants

38、, a greater number of species are encouragedto seek out shelter in your yard. Nesting requirements in birds are quite varied. 31To encourage as many differenttypes of birds as possible, vary the types of plants, use a number of nativeplants, and vary the height of plants. Birds eat seed, fruits, or

39、nectar, as well as insects found on plants. Again, diversityencourages more birds, particularly plants that bloom in differentseasons. 32 One of the surest ways to encourage birds in a yard, especially a new yard, is to_(分数:7.00 )X 光机,故选 Coprovide water. If you have pets or wandering cats, move the

40、water higher, beyond their reach.Leave the water in the open, with no overhanging branches. Change the water often, especiallyin the warm weather, and remove algae buildup with a scrub brush rather than chemical treatments.30. According to the speaker, what are the general requirements to attract bi

41、rds?解析短文谈到,所有的鸟都需要植物来做巢,也需要食物,人们的院子可以提供这些东西,从而成为鸟 类的安息所,故选 D。(2) .A. Tall enough for them to build nests.B. Short so that birds can find.C. It doesnt matter since all birds like both.D. It depends on the kind of bird.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.V解析:解析How toll should plants be in order to attract birds?解析短文谈到,为

42、了吸引尽可能多的小鸟,可以种多种植物,植物的高度不需要一致,也就是说不同的 鸟喜欢在不同高度的植物上栖息,故选DoC 项是强干扰项,但是all birds like both 这种说法太绝对,不正确。(3) .A. To give them fruits. B. To provide water.C. To plant flowers. D. To keep pets.(分数:7.00 )A.B.VC.D.解析:解析What /s one of the surest ways to encourage birds in a yard?解析短文谈到,最确定的其中一个方法是提供水,故选BoPass

43、age ThreePassage Three(分数:21.00 )(1).A. It is lessening. B. It is growing.C. It hasnt changed. D. It is slowly changing.(分数:7.00 )A.B.VC.D.解析:解析33-3533Almost 20,000 whales have been slaughtered since a ban on commercial whaling was introduced_in 1986 and the death toll is rising each year. Norway an

44、d Japan killed over 1,000 whales in 1999 and they plan to killeven more. The International Whaling Commission (TWC) has failed to stopthe killing and a compromise deal may relax the ban allowing coastal whalingcondemning manythousands more whales to a cruel death. In 1994, the IWC created a whale sa

45、nctuary in Antarctic waters and manybelieved the battle to save the whales had been won. But Japan has ignored the sanctuary and along with Norwaycontinues to defy the whaling ban. As the environmental concerns increase, whaling is no longer the issue as it was ordeserves to be. With little public a

46、wareness of the increasing whale slaughter, there has been no pressure to stop it.Consequently, the political will to confront the whalers and enforce the whaling ban has slipped away. Commercialwhaling has devastated whale populations worldwide, pushing the entire species to the brink ofextinction.

47、 34There is still great scientific uncertainty about the size and status of remaining whale populations.Whales are facing increasing threats to their survival Including increasing toxic pollution, massive over-fishing,entanglement in fishing nets, boat collisions, habitatloss, ozone depletion and cl

48、imate change. They need to be protected, not hunted. 35Commercialwhaling is appallingly cruel and unnecessary. It is morally indefensible. It should be condemned to history, to a timewhen sadly we knew no better!33. What does the speaker say about the death toll of whales after 1986?解析短文开头介绍,在 1986

49、年岀台了禁止商业捕鲸的政策之后,鲸鱼的死亡数字每年都呈上升趋势, 故选 Bo(2) .A. The scientists know it is definitely getting smaller.B. The scientists know it is near extinct.C. The scientists still do not know.D. The scientists think it is rebounding slightly.(分数: 7.00 )A.B.C.VD.解析:解析How does the speaker describe scientific knowled

50、ge of whale populations?解析短文谈到,对于现在鲸鱼的数量和情况如何,在科学上还有很多未知之数,也就是说科学家也不知 道情况到底如何,故选Co(3) .A. All whaling is bad.B. Commercial whaling is immoral.C. Whaling should be limited only for food.D. The IWC should be replaced.(分数:7.00 )A.B.VC.D.解析:解析What is the speakers attitude towards whaling?解析原文说,商业捕鲸是残忍而且

51、不必要的,在道德上也是站不住脚的,故选BoA 项为强干扰项,其实只要看到该选项中表示绝对的单词All 就可以排除干扰。三、Section C(总题数:1,分数:77.00)Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors (流星)but also because of rays from thesun and other stars The (36) again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through,and this is (37) for plant

52、s to make the food which we eat. Heat, too, makes our environment (38)_Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are (39)off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this (40) and_their spacesuits or the walls of th

53、eir spacecraft, if they are inside, do (41) a lot of radiation damage.Radiation is the greatest known danger to (42) in space. The unit of radiation is called rem.Scientists have reason to think that a mancan put up with far more radiation than 0.1 rem withoutbeing damaged; the figure of 60 rems has

54、 been agreed on. The trouble is that it is (43)difficultto be sure about radiation damage (44) , and this will not be discovered until the birth of deformed children or evengrandchildren. Missions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high amounts of reins. (45) , we simply do notknow yet

55、 how men are going to get on, when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere,working in a space laboratory.Drags might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, (46).Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors (流星)but also because of rays from thesun and o

56、ther stars The (36) again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, and this is (37) for plantsto make the food which we eat. Heat, too, makes our environment (38)Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are (39

57、)off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this (40) and their spacesuits or the walls of theirspacecraft, if they are inside, do (41) a lot of radiation damage.Radiation is the greatest known danger to (42) in space. The unit of radiation is called rem.Scientists have reason to t

58、hink that a mancan put up with far more radiationthan 0.1 rem withoutbeing damaged; the figure of 60 rems has been agreed on. The trouble is that it is (43) difficult to be sure aboutradiation damage (44) , and this will not be discovered until the birth of deformed children or even grandchildren.Mi

59、ssions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high amounts of reins. (45) , we simply do not know yet howmen are going to get on, when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere, working in aspace laboratory.Drags might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, (46).(分数:77.00 )填空项 1:_ (正确答案:atmosphere )解析:解析36-46Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors (流星)but also b


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