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1、英语翻译81句。想考好英语水平测试的就转 资料 2010-03-21 01:22:15 阅读91 评论0   字号:大中小 订阅 1.如果你们停止争斗并努力好好相处,我将个不胜感激。I would be grateful if the two of you stopped fighting and tried to fet along with each other2.这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流。This is the first he has used e-mail to communicate with his pen pal 3.网络使人们身处世界的不

2、同角落也完全可能面对面地交流。Because of the Internet it is now entirely possible for people to communicate face to face,even if they are in different parts of the world4.世界淡水资源十分有限,因此我们必须充份利用。The world's fresh water resources are very limited so we must make good use of them5.我将十分乐意参加任何丰富我对世界认识的讨论。I will glad

3、ly take part in any discussion that enriches my knowledge of the world 6.不管你相不相信,我们已经逐渐地可以用英语琉璃地表达自己了。Believe it or not,we have gradually become able to express ourselves fluently in English7.实际上学好英语有很多简单的方法,例如看英文电视或和国外朋友在线聊天。Actually,there are a number of simplc ways to improve your English, such a

4、s watching English TV shows and chatting with foreign frieng online 8.政府应该尽快想出更好的办法来解决高油价锁带来的问题。The government should come up with a better solution to the problems caused by the high price of petrol9.杰克给了我一个坚定的眼神,这眼神表明他不会改变主意,也不会屈服。Jack gave me a determined look,which showed me that he would neithe

5、r change his mind nor give in 10.花了一周时间才把衣物和药品送达灾区。Tt took one week to transport clothes and medicine to the disaster-hit area11.百分之六十的旅客宁愿住在窗朝南的房间。Sixty percent of the travelers prefer to live in the rooms whose windows face south12.一些人破门设法从失火的房子里逃了出来。Some people managed to escape from the hurning

6、building by breaking down the doors13.上一次考试考砸了之后,那个男孩向父母许诺今后会努力学习。After doing such a poor job in the last exam,the boy promised his parents he would study mush harder in the future 14.有好几个商店,你可以在那里买你想买的东西。Ther are several stores in which you can buy the items you want 15.除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存。Unle

7、ss we clean up our environment,human beings may not survive16.这时目前为止我所看到的最好的电影中的一部。This is one of the best films that i have ever seen17.她给我们的食物和衣服,没有要求任何回报,这一切让我们很感谢。She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return,which made us very grateful18.他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的。Hes been traini

8、ng for a long time,so he deserved to win the race 19.随着社会和经济的发展,不可避免地会有新问题产生。New prolems will inevitably as our society and economy develop 20.开车的时候,你应该注意路标。While driving you should pay attention to the road signs21.香烟含有很多影响健康的化学成分,这是众所周知的事实。It is a well known fact that cigarettes contain many chemi

9、cals that will affect your health22.根据气象报告,今天将会是个晴朗的日子。According to the weather report it will be sunny today23.我梦想将来的某一天能环游全世界。I dreamt of traveling around the world one day in future24.说实话,我要在公共场所演讲还是太紧张了。To be honest I'm too nervous to give a speech in public25.除了自信,她还非常漂亮也非常敏感。In daddition t

10、o being confident she is also attactive and sensitive26.我将与你的友谊视为是最重要的。I value your friendship above all else27.她的相貌令他想起他亲爱的母亲。他的母亲多年前已经去世。Her face reminded him of dear mother who had passed away many years earlier 28.农民们正在地里收割庄稼时,就在那时他们听到了溺水女孩在呼救。The farmers were gathering crops in the field when t

11、hey heard the drowning girl calling for help 29.除非你保持均衡的饮食,否则将会增加体重。Unless you keep a balanced diet you will put on weight 30.他对家乡的巨变十分惊讶。He was amazed at the great changes thaet had taken place in his hometown31.他谋求良好生活的能力受到了他缺乏教育的限制。His ability to earn a good living is limited dy his lack of educa

12、tion32.父母去世后,他由他的姐姐抚养长大。After his parent died he was brought up by his elder sister33.咱们应该怎么处理这些报废纸?What shall wo do with the waste paper?34.如果天气允许的话,我们将在树林里野餐。We will have a picnic in the woods weather permitting35.我决定还是求稳不要冒险。I decided to piay it safe rather than take a chance 36.是什么事使他不能参加我们的会议仍然

13、是个谜。What prevented him from attending our meeting still remains a mystery37.昨天晚会的气氛非常欢快,每一个人都度过了美好的时光。The atmosphere at the party yesterday was very joyful and everyone had a rreat time38.当他意识到他可以及时到达飞机时,他终于振奋起来。He finally cheered up when he realizd he would arrive in time to catch the plane 39.我经常感

14、到疑惑,为什么有些家长允许自己的孩子观看暴力影片。I often wonder why some parents allow their children to watch violent movies.40.外面的噪音不断,我无法安下心来学习。With so much noise outside,I couldn"t settle down to study.41.站在塔顶上,我仍能看到远处的山。Standing at the top of the tower,Icould see the mountains in the distance.42.当我离开超市的时候,我碰巧遇见我的

15、老朋友。I came across my friend by chance when I was leaving the supernarket.43.老师的话促使我以前更努力工作。My teacher's worde inspired me to work harder than ever before.44.听取老师的意见,我在英语学习上取得了快速进步。By following the teacher's advice l was able to qukly improve my English.45.多亏了每一个人的辛勤努力,表演取得了巨大的成功。Thanks to ev

16、eryone'shard work,the performance wan a great success.46.我宁愿为理想奋斗,不愿意放弃而他日后悔。I would rather struggle for my dream than give it up and regret it later in my life.47.在经历了多年的奋斗之后,他们建立起了自己的公司并变得富有。After many years of struggle,they were able to build up their business and become rich.48.过去他们很贫穷,根本谈不上

17、度假。In the past,they were too badly off to afford a holiday.49.在老师的帮助下,我终于困服了困难。I was able to overcome the problem with the help of my teacher.50.我觉得很奇怪他如此少睡眠却能够如此努力工作。I find it strange that he is able to work so hard with so little sleep.51.一般而言,你在学习一门新的语言的时候总避免不了要犯错误。In general,you cannot avoid mak

18、ing mistakrs when you learn a new language.52.去年的暑假我去了乡村度假。与村民们在一起我感到非常地自在,也非常满意那里的生活。I spent my holiday in the countryside last summer. l felt at ease with the village people snd was content with my lift there.53.你应该提前定火车票,这样你就可以节省一些钱。You should book the train tickrt in advance so you can save some

19、 money.54.学校为学生提供了现代的教学设施。The school provides modern teaching facilities for its students.55.维护我们的环境其实要比修复它更的经济也更加容易。It is much cheaper and easier to preserve our environment than to try and repair it.56.不论发生什么事情,我将会永远都不会放弃。No matter what may happen,I will never give up.57.有些学生喜欢和朋友一起学习,其他学生喜欢独自学习。S

20、ome students enjoy studying with their friends while others prefer studying alone.58.他的工作时间表如此繁忙,难怪他怎么疲惫。With such a busy wory schedule,it is no wonder that he slways looks so tied.59.看起来一些自然灾害归于全球变暖。It seems that global warming could be to blame for the natural disasters.60.专家提出的计划得到了政府的认可。The proj

21、ect put forward by experts has been accepted by the government.61.除了作为一种有趣而且有益的运动外,游泳还是一项很有用的技能。Apart from being fun and good exercise,swimming is also a very useful skill.62.为了图方便,我把参考书放在书桌前。I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience.63.我为占用老师那么多实践而向她道歉。I apologized to my teacher for ta

22、king up so much of her time64.她出生于北京的一个工人家庭,5岁开始大乒乓球。Born into a worker's family in Beijing she began to play table tennis at the age of five 65.我们应该乐观向上,永远对生活保持一种积极的态度。We should be optimistic and always keep a positive attitude towards life66.只有当你经历了很多磨难后,你才知道幸福的可贵。Only if you experience much h

23、ardship can you value happiness67.为了阻止火灾蔓延,你应当中断电源。You should cut off the electricity supply to prevent the fire from spreading68.众所周知,失败是成功之母,没有人能比李明更好的理解这点。As is well know to us all Failure is mother of success and nobody understands this better than Li Ming69.刘翔不得不克服生活中的许多困难,他受到每个中国人的尊重和爱戴Liu xia

24、ng who has had to overcome many diffculties in life is loved and respected by everyone in China70.迈克五岁登台表演,音乐和舞蹈天才今世人震惊。Micheal Jackson started to perform on stage at age of 5 shocking the world with his talent of music and dance71.他不仅对科学感兴趣,而且对音乐也颇有研究。Not only is he interested in science but he also has a gift fot music72.位于美洲大陆的北部,加拿大是世界上第二国Located in the north America continent Canada is the second largest country in the world 73.它有着7686850平方米的面积,同时拥有3千万人口。Tt covers a total area of 7686850 square kilometers with a population of about 30 million74.它以它的自然资源


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