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1、 12021/8/6Unit 7 Pollution1Around the Topic2Section A3Section B4Section CLeading in Exploring the TopicPlus ActivitiesWarming-upText AExercisesBackground InformationReading ThroughExercisesRelated KnowledgeSample ReadingExercisesUseful Terms22021/8/6Section BSection CSection AExploring the TopicPlus

2、 Activities Pollution is a major problem in the world today. It damages the environment and is harmful to humans, animals and plants. Although pollution can be a result of natural disasters such as earthquakes and forest fires, it is mostly caused by human activity. With the increase of population a

3、nd the development of technology, pollution in our modern-day world has reached dangerous levels. Clean and fresh air is now a luxury in many big cities and the water in many of our rivers and lakes are too polluted to drink and swim in. The environment is our life support systemthe only one that we

4、 have. We should do our best to save it before its too late. 32021/8/6Section BSection CSection ALeading inPlus ActivitiesDirections: Land, air and water pollution are the three main types of pollution. Look at the pictures below and write down what particular form of pollution each picture describe

5、s. Then choose from the answers (A-H) provided in the boxes at the bottom of the page to complete the rest of the information for each picture. Answers may be used more than once. Form of pollution: _Its sources: _ Its effects: _ AirF A DC A D HWays to prevent or reduce it: _ 42021/8/6Section BSecti

6、on CSection ALeading inPlus ActivitiesForm of pollution: _ Its sources: _ Its effects: _ Ways to prevent or reduce it: _ Form of pollution: _ Its sources: _ Its effects: _ Ways to prevent or reduce it: _ Water Land H E IC B I B C G C E G 52021/8/6Section BSection CSection ALeading inPlus ActivitiesS

7、ources of Pollution A. Waste gases from automobiles B. Littering C. Use of chemicals in farming D. Burning coal to heat homes E. Sewage and waste water from homes and factories F. Emissions of harmful gases from factories G. Waste materials from homes and industries dumped in landfills H. Garbage du

8、mped into the sea Effects of Pollution A. Cause people to get sick B. Kill animals and plants C. Give off bad smells D. Produce acid rain E. Pollute soil and groundwater F. Cause animals to lose their homes G. Reduce farming land H. Contribute to the greenhouse effect/global warming 62021/8/6Section

9、 BSection CSection ALeading inPlus ActivitiesWays to Prevent or Reduce Pollution A. Invest in green energy such as wind or solar energy B. Reduce the amount of coal and gas we burn C. Exercise tougher control on factories and companies D. Use energy-efficient cars E. Reduce and recycle the waste we

10、create F. Cut down on chemicals in farming G. Treat sewage before it enters rivers H. Educate people to avoid littering 72021/8/6Section BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the TopicDirections: You will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and answer the following questions.1. What is the first

11、 solution to reduce air pollution ?2. What is the second solution to reduce air pollution ?keykey82021/8/6Section BSection CSection ALeading inExploring the TopicSuggested answer: Too many cars have caused a lot of serious problems in our world. Besides congestion, accidents and fast fuel consumptio

12、n, cars are responsible for a good part of air pollution in big cities. One possible solution is to design and develop clean cars and clean fuels. In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as petrol.Return92021/8/6Section BSecti

13、on CSection ALeading inExploring the TopicSuggested answer: Another solution is to develop modern public transportation systems and restrict the use of private cars. If the price of petrol rises constantly and the public vehicles are efficient and convenient enough, most people will not buy private

14、cars. Thus, the total number of cars in big cities will reduce greatly. On the whole, the elimination of air pollution needs the collective efforts from the government, the public and the environmentalists.Return102021/8/6Section BSection CAround the TopicSection A:112021/8/6Text AExercisesSection B

15、Section CAround the Topic Smog is a type of air pollution that occurs when smoke or other pollutants in the air mixes with fog. The word “smog,” a blend of “smoke” and “fog,” was first coined in the early 20th century to describe the smoky fog that hung over London and some other large cities at tha

16、t time. Unfortunately though, more than one hundred years later, smog remains a familiar sight in many places around the world, especially in big cities with a lot of industry and traffic. 122021/8/6Text AExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicText A portrays a city plagued by smog. The writer d

17、escribes how serious the smog condition is in the city where he lives and explores the underlying causes of the problem. Although the name of the city is not revealed, it stands as a perfect example of a city that has yet to find a balance between economic growth and environmental protection.132021/

18、8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicWhen I wake up in the morning, I pause briefly before opening my curtains, and what I see out of my window is likely to set the tone for the rest of the day. Para. 1雾都早上醒来,在打开窗帘前,我停顿了一下,我在窗外看到的情景将会为整个一天定下基调。142021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection

19、BSection CAround the TopicI am not checking up on the weather. Instead, I want to know exactly how bad the pollution is going to be. On some mornings, it is truly horrible. It is as if the whole city has been turned into a smokers room with a yellowish color staining the sky. Para. 2我并不是想看看天气如何,我只是想

20、知道这一天的空气污染将会有多严重。有些早上,污染确实非常可怕,整个城市仿佛变成了一个吸烟室,天空被染成了淡淡的黄色。152021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicPara. 3And this month, pollution in my city went from bad to. well, dangerous. The hospitals were filled with patients, old and young, suffering from breath-related problems. Peop

21、le were warned to stay indoors and the streets were unusually quiet. 这个月,整座城市的污染程度由严重变成了危险。医院里到处都是病人,老的少的,患的都是和呼吸道相关的疾病。人们被警告要呆在室内,街道也变得异常安静。162021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicSales of air purifiers for homes, as well as face masks, rocketed and some stores simply ran out

22、. Even for a city that is used to pollution, this was an emergency. 家用空气净化器和口罩的销售量猛增,有些商店干脆脱销。即使对于一个已经习惯了污染的城市,这种情形也是一个紧急状况。Para. 4172021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicFor years, the local authorities often played down the pollution in the city, insisting it was fog in most

23、 cases, despite evidence to the contrary that was plain for all to see. Para. 5多年来,地方政府对这座城市的污染状况常常轻描淡写,坚持声称大多数的情况只是雾而已,尽管与此相反的证据显而易见。 182021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicFaced with public pressure, the local authorities started publishing the hourly air-quality readings t

24、his year. And when the recent unusually heavy smog hit, the state media, for the first time on this issue, made its voice heard. 面对公众压力,地方政府今年开始每小时发布一次空气质量指数。 当最近一次特别严重的雾霾来袭时,官方媒体首次对这一污染问题发出了声音。Para. 6192021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicThe pollution story led the countrys

25、 main evening TV news program. Even the major national daily newspaper ran a headline asking “Whats wrong with our air?”. Well, the answer is not far to seek. The problem is caused by the country developing at a speed and scale unheard-of in history. It has been growth at all costs, resulting in wid

26、espread environmental worsening. Para. 7污染的报道出现在国家主要的晚间电视新闻节目的头条位置,连最大的全国性的日报也刊登了这样的标题:“我们的空气到底怎么了?”答案并不难找,污染问题是由这个国家空前的发展速度和规模造成的。这种不惜一切代价的增长,导致了环境的广泛恶化。 202021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicCoal-burning energy plants power the countrys factories; they provide the heat for

27、 hundreds of millions of homes, but they also emit poisonous gases into the air. In my city alone, several million cars choke the streets, an illustration of the countrys growing prosperity. But all these vehicles, normally bumper to bumper, are also a sign of a country that is not coming to terms w

28、ith pollution. Para. 8燃煤发电厂为这个国家的工厂提供电力,也为数亿家庭提供暖气,但是它们也把有毒有害气体排放到空气中。单单就我们这座城市,几百万辆的车把街道挤得水泄不通,这是国家日益繁荣的例证,但是,车辆一辆紧接着一辆的状况也表明了这个国家还没有真正地来面对和处理污染。212021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicAnd it is not just the air quality. Lakes, rivers and underground water supplies have all b

29、een badly polluted by lightly regulated industry. Almost no one in the city trusts the water that comes out of their taps. 这不仅仅只是空气质量,由于工业监管不力,湖泊、河流和地下水供应都受到了严重的污染。在这座城市,几乎没有人相信他们水龙头里流出来的水是安全无害的。 Para. 8222021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicSo maybe the great smog of this ci

30、ty in recent days will mark a turning point. A time when the people say: “We need to put quality of life before economic growth.” In recent months, there have been several large-scale protests against factories being built in various cities. Para. 9也许这个城市这几天的严重雾霾将成为一个转折点。在这个时刻,人们要说:“我们需要把生活质量放在经济增长之

31、上。”在最近几个月,已经有几次大规模的抗议活动,反对一些城市正在兴建的工厂。232021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicPara. 10But a huge sea change looks unlikelyfor now, anyway. Economic growth remains the citys top priority. Without it, large numbers of people could be left unemployed. There are still millions of

32、people who want the keys to their first car, their first air-conditioner, even a fridge. 但是彻底的改变看起来不太可能,至少目前不可能。经济增长仍然是这座城市的重中之重,没有它,大量的人员会失业。还有数以百万计的人想拿到他们第一辆车的钥匙,他们的第一台空调,甚至一台冰箱。242021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic谁又能剥夺他们实现梦想的权利?出于这个原因,在这个城市,洁净的空气在未来的几年里仍可能非常稀罕。一些富人把他们的孩

33、子带到加拿大或澳洲定居,但对于大多数人,他们没有这样的选择。 Who is going to be the one to deny them their dream? For that reason, clean air is likely to remain a rarity in my city for years to come. Some wealthy people are taking their kids to live in Canada or Australia. But for most, that is not an option. Para. 10252021/8/6W

34、arming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicPara. 11As for me, after about five years of living here, I have ordered my first air purifier. And I now wear a face mask for my bike ride to work. And every morning, before opening my curtains, I pause and hope that the wind has blown the polluti

35、on away. 至于我,生活在这里大约五年后,我已经订购了我的第一个空气净化器,我现在骑自行车上班会戴上口罩。每天早晨,在打开窗帘前,我会停顿一下,希望风已经把污染吹散。262021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicText A is a descriptive piece of writing describing the smog problem of an unnamed city. First, Setting the scene for the passage and introducing the r

36、eader to a city plagued by constant air pollution. Then ,detailing different aspects of the smog problem in the city. Last, echoing the beginning of the passage and concluding the passage on a note of pessimism: The writer describes what he is doing to live with the smog, implying that people are le

37、ft to their own devices to cope.Main Idea272021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMain idea:The writer describes what he is doing to live with the smog, implying that people are left to their own devices to cope.)StructureMain idea:Pollution became worse this month, adversely a

38、ffecting life in the city; Official response to the smog problem: A change of attitude; Causes of the problem; Sea change unlikely to happen anytime soon. Main idea:Setting the scene for the passage and introducing the reader to a city plagued by constant air pollution. Part II: Para. 3-10Part III:

39、Para. 11Part I: Para. 1-2282021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: and what I see out of my window will probably decide what the rest of the day would be like.1Meaning: Im not trying to find out what the weather is like. Rather, I want to know exactly how bad the pollut

40、ion is going to be. 2 and what I see out of my window is likely to set the tone for the rest of the day. I am not checking up on the weather. Instead, I want to know exactly how bad the pollution is going to be. 292021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: On some mornings

41、, it is really very bad. 3Meaning: with the sky turning into a yellowish color.4On some mornings, it is truly horrible. with a yellowish color staining the sky. 302021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: The hospitals are full of patients. Some are old, some are young, a

42、nd they are suffering from diseases related to breathing.5Meaning: People were told to stay inside and the streets were quieter than usual.6The hospitals were filled with patients, old and young, suffering from breath-related problems. People were warned to stay indoors and the streets were unusuall

43、y quiet. 312021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: Sales of home air purifiers and face masks shot up and in some stores they were just all sold out. 7Meaning: Even for a city thats familiar with pollution, this was a serious situation that must be dealt with immediatel

44、y.8Sales of air purifiers for homes, as well as face masks, rocketed and some stores simply ran out. Even for a city that is used to pollution, this was an emergency. 322021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: For years, the local government often tried to make people be

45、lieve that the pollution in the city was not so bad, saying that it was just fog in most situations, although it was obvious that the evidence pointed to the opposite direction.9For years, the local authorities often played down the pollution in the city, insisting it was fog in most cases, despite

46、evidence to the contrary that was plain for all to see. 332021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the Topic10Meaning: And when the recent unusually heavy smog happened, the government media reported the problem for the first time.11And when the recent unusually heavy smog hit, the state

47、media, for the first time on this issue, made its voice heard. Meaning: Because of public pressure, the local government started to make the air-quality figures available to people every hour this year.Faced with public pressure, the local authorities started publishing the hourly air-quality readin

48、gs this year. 342021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: Even the major national daily newspaper published an article with the title: “Whats the matter with our air?”12Meaning: The problem is caused by the fact that the country is developing at a speed and size never hea

49、rd of in history.13Even the major national daily newspaper ran a headline asking “Whats wrong with our air?” The problem is caused by the country developing at a speed and scale unheard-of in history. 352021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: The country is willing to p

50、ay any price to achieve economic growth and the result of this is large-scale damage to the environment. 14Meaning: Energy plants that use coal to produce electricity to supply the countrys factories with power; they provide the heat for hundreds of millions of homes, but they also send out harmful

51、gases into the air. 15It has been growth at all costs, resulting in widespread environmental worsening. Coal-burning energy plants power the countrys factories; they provide the heat for hundreds of millions of homes, but they also emit poisonous gases into the air. 362021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSect

52、ion BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: Just in my city, several million cars fill the streets, which is a sign of the countrys growing wealth.16Meaning: But all these vehicles, which usually are so close to each other that their bumpers are almost touching, also show that the country is not yet tryi

53、ng to face and deal with the pollution problem.17In my city alone, several million cars choke the streets, an illustration of the countrys growing prosperity. But all these vehicles, normally bumper to bumper, are also a sign of a country that is not coming to terms with pollution. 372021/8/6Warming

54、-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: Industries are not properly managed and controlled, which results in the serious pollution of lakes, rivers and underground water supplies. 18Meaning: Almost no one in the city believes that the water that comes out their taps is safe. 19Lakes,

55、rivers and underground water supplies have all been badly polluted by lightly regulated industry. Almost no one in the city trusts the water that comes out of their taps. 382021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: Almost no one in the city believes that the water that co

56、mes out their taps is safe. 20Meaning: “Quality of life should be treated as more important than economic development.”21So maybe the great smog of this city in recent days will mark a turning point. “We need to put quality of life before economic growth.” 392021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSecti

57、on CAround the TopicMeaning: In recent months, there had been several big public demonstrations against the building of certain factories in different cities.22Meaning: But a big complete change doesnt seem very possible, at least for the present.23In recent months, there had been several large-scal

58、e protests against factories being built in various cities. But a huge sea of change looks unlikely, for now, anyway. 402021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: Without it, a lot of people would become jobless.24Meaning: For that reason, it is likely that clean air will

59、continue to be something very uncommon in my city for years in the future. 25Without it, large numbers of people could be left unemployed. For that reason, clean air is likely to remain a rarity in my city for years to come. 412021/8/6Warming-upExercisesSection BSection CAround the TopicMeaning: But

60、 most people dont have enough money to take their children to live in another country.26Meaning: I stop for a moment and hope that the wind has carried the pollution away.27But for most, that is not an option. I pause and hope that the wind has blown the pollution away. 422021/8/6Warming-upExercises


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