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1、Lesson 13Lesson 13Expanding Your Vocabulary (1) Expanding Your Vocabulary (1) Unit Five Unit Five Developing Your Word PowerDeveloping Your Word PowerA strong vocabulary provides both immediate academic benefits as well as long term effects. This portion of the unit offers numerous suggestions on ho

2、w to direct and develop your vocabulary into one of your most valuable assets. Read Widely and Diversely One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is to read widely and diversely, sampling many different subjects and styles of writing. Through reading you encounter new words as well as new usa

3、ge for already familiar words. You may also notice words used in contexts in which you had never thought of them being used. In addition to reading widely, developing motivation for expanding your vocabulary is critical to making a dramatic improvement in your vocabulary. Be Selective Your first tas

4、k is to decide what to learnto be selective. Some words are more useful to you than others, depending on such factors as your major, your career goals, and your social and recreational preferences. Use What You Already Know Most people think they have a vocabulary and that is either weak or strong,

5、good or bad. Actually, you have four different vocabulary levelsfor reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Most likely your listening and reading vocabularies are larger than your speaking and writing vocabularies. In other words, you already know a large number of words that you are not using.

6、A good place to start, then, in strengthening your vocabulary, is to experiment with words you already know but do not use. Make a point of using one of these words each day, in both speaking and writing. Practice of Reading Techniques There are 10 pairs of sentences. In each pair there is one incom

7、plete sentence, choose one word from the following to complete it so that it is similar in meaning to the other sentence, making changes if necessary. Then compare the two sentences. grieve anniversary verdict drudgery infantile perspective emanate permanent burly responsive commit petite She is sho

8、rt and small, but she is a very powerful jiujitsu player.Though a(n) _ figure, she has won many jiujitsu prizes. 2. To understand the situation today, wed better look at the past.It is useful to look at the past to gain a(n) _ on the present. 3. These are very active kids; they are eager to answer t

9、he teachers questions.These kids are very _ in class. petiteperspectiveresponsive4. People all over the world felt very sad for those people killed in the terrorist attack.The international community _ over the victims of the terrorist attack. 5. All people in the world wish to have something that m

10、ay last forever, without any change.There is a universal human yearning for something _, without shadow of change. grievedpermanent6. By the end of next week, they will be married for ten years. So they decided to hold a party.They decided to hold a party to celebrate their tenth wedding _ next week

11、end. 7. The young man thought the job of a postman is very hard and unpleasant.The young man thought the job of a postman is quite a(n) _. 8. That new cop is big and strong. He arrested two robbers at the bank alone.The _ new cop arrested two robbers at the bank alone. anniversarydrudgeryburly9. Bef

12、ore there was enough evidence, Chairman would not speak out his opinion on this problem.Chairman refused to _ himself on the controversial subject before making due investigations. 10.People may regard what the kids said too childish, but I think there is something to it.I think there is something r

13、easonable in those kids _ remarks. commitinfantileLesson 13Lesson 13Laws of Lasting Love Laws of Lasting Love Reading Selection A Reading Selection A CATALOGUEAbout the Author Warm-up Activities More Information about the Text Language Points Keys About the Author Dr. Paul Pearsall is a licensed cli

14、nical and educational psychologist. His teachings challenge the usual inspirational self-help approaches which have become popular. Dr. Pearsall recently received the prestigious Scripps Medical Center Trail Blazer in Medicine Award for his clinical and research work in health and wellness. He has s

15、tudied and done clinical work on the relationship between humor and health. About the Author Dr. Pearsall lives and works in Hawaii. He is familiar with the Hawaiian language, cultural concepts, and hula. Often with a dancer or several dancers and with live or recorded music, he combines the latest

16、findings from psychology and medicine with ancient Hawaiian principles of loving, working and living. About the Author His former positions include Founder and Chief of the Problems of Daily Living Clinic at Sinai Hospital of Detroit, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at the Wayne St

17、ate University School of Medicine, Director of Behavioral Medicine at Beaumont Hospital, and Director of Professional Education at the Kinsey Institute for Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. He is one of the most requested speakers in the world and the author of 15 international bestselling books, inclu

18、ding most recently Toxic Success and The Beethoven Factor. His is also the author of the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio program The Pleasure Principle. About the Author This picture was taken after a lecture concert with one of the most revered hula halau in Hawaii, Kuhai Halau O Kawai-kapuok

19、alani Pa Olapa Kahiko. Pictured above is Dr. Paul Kaikena Pearsall and Kuhai Halau O Kawaikapuokalani Pa Olapa Kahiko. Warm-up Activities Everyone hopes for lifetime love. In your opinion, how can we achieve this goal? More Information about the Text Robert Redford: engaging, blond American leading

20、actor and director who, although working within the studio system, has encouraged independent film- makers. His best roles so far have been as Johnny Hooker in The Sting and Bob Woodward in All the Presidents Men, as a director, he scored with Ordinary People Quiz Show. He set up the Sundance Film I

21、nstitute in Utah for independent film-makers and in 1997 announced the creation of Sundance cinema, a venture with a major distributor to set up a chain of cinemas for the screening of independent. More Information about the Text 2. Solzhenistsyn, Aleksandr Isayevich: author of Russia, was imprisone

22、d under Joseph Stalin for critical comments and later exiled to Soviet Cen. Asia(苏联的亚苏联的亚洲中部地区洲中部地区), in 1953. In 1994, he arrived back in USSR. He received Lenin prize nomination in 1964, Nobel Prize for literature in 1970 and etc. More Information about the Text 3. Jimmy Connors: born on September

23、 2, 1952 in Belleville, Illinois. One of the most enduring personalities in tennis, Connors, a left-hander, played with reckless abandon and gave everything on every point. Early in Connorss career he was a controversial figureboorish, ill-tempered and antiestablishment. But as he got older, he mell

24、owed and became one of the most popular players in tennis history. Connors always put on a good show. After his retirement in 1993, he became the prime mover behind the senor tour for players 35 and over. He was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame in 1998. More Information about the

25、Text 4. Woody Allen: (1935) respected American actor, director and screenwriter, a former night-club comedian and appeared in numerous night clubs, TV shows and motion picture such as Whats new Pussycat (1965) , Take the Money and Run(1969)and Everyone Says I Love You and etc. He created the most in

26、dividual body of work in American cinema and capturing the stressful pleasures of modern urban living, receiving Sylvania Award, award Berlin Film Festival for his screenplay in 1953, and nominated for Emmy Award as TV writer in 1957 as well. Language Points 1. grieve: (line 2, para. 1) a) intransit

27、ive and transitive to feel extremely sad, especially because someone you love has died grieve over/for/at/about (尤指因别人亡故而)感到悲痛,伤心(尤指因别人亡故而)感到悲痛,伤心 我们为这样一位伟人的逝世而哀伤。我们为这样一位伟人的逝世而哀伤。 We all grieve for/over the death of such a great man. 他为女儿之死而极感悲痛。他为女儿之死而极感悲痛。 He is grieving greatly about the death of

28、 her daughter. 那小女孩为她小猫的死而伤心。那小女孩为她小猫的死而伤心。 The little girl grieved over her kittens death. Language Points 你千万不要为这种小事而难过。你千万不要为这种小事而难过。 You must not grieve at such trifles. 他们因一位亲戚亡故而回来奔丧。他们因一位亲戚亡故而回来奔丧。 They returned to grieve a relative. b) transitive if something grieves you, it makes you feel v

29、ery unhappy 使伤心,为使伤心,为而伤心而伤心 synonym upset 她的行为使她父母伤心。她的行为使她父母伤心。 Her behavior grieved her parents. (知道)她受了重伤,我很伤心。(知道)她受了重伤,我很伤心。 It grieved me (to learn) that she had been severely injured. Language Points 2. lament: (line 1, para. 2) a) intransitive and transitive to express feelings of great sad

30、ness about something ( (为为)悲痛悲痛; ;哀悼;痛惜哀悼;痛惜 全国人民为伟大的战争领袖的逝世而悲痛。全国人民为伟大的战争领袖的逝世而悲痛。 The nation lamented the death of its great war leader. 他向我哀叹解雇会引起的长远危险。他向我哀叹解雇会引起的长远危险。 He lamented to me abut long-range dangers of the layoffs. 夜莺不停地悲啼。夜莺不停地悲啼。 Nightingales lament without ceasing. Language Points

31、b) transitive to express annoyance or disappointment about something you think is unsatisfactory or unfair 悲叹;悔恨,为悲叹;悔恨,为感到遗憾感到遗憾 他们坐在那儿为囊中羞涩而不停地抱怨。他们坐在那儿为囊中羞涩而不停地抱怨。 They sat lamenting their lack of money. 他哀叹很少有人弹奏这架钢琴。他哀叹很少有人弹奏这架钢琴。 He lamented that this particular piano should be so seldom playe

32、d on. 斯坦纳为公众对这个问题不感兴趣而遗憾。斯坦纳为公众对这个问题不感兴趣而遗憾。 Steiner lamented the lack of public interest in the issue. Language Points * lament & grieve Lament 通常指强烈地表现悲哀。现代用法中,很少伴以通常指强烈地表现悲哀。现代用法中,很少伴以流泪或叫喊,但通常却是充满感情的。流泪或叫喊,但通常却是充满感情的。GrieveGrieve常指因遇到常指因遇到麻烦、失去亲友或爱物等不测而导致的伤心痛苦,不一定麻烦、失去亲友或爱物等不测而导致的伤心痛苦,不一定非在言

33、行上表现出来。非在言行上表现出来。 Language Points 3. priority: (line 2, para. 5) a) uncountable and countable the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything else 优先考虑的事优先考虑的事 成年人优先考虑事情的次序不同。成年人优先考虑事情的次序不同。 Grown-ups have a different order of priorities. 我们必须搞清楚公众的当务之急。我们必须搞清楚公众的

34、当务之急。 We must find out the priorities of the public. 经济改革似乎是中国最重要的事。经济改革似乎是中国最重要的事。 Economic restructuring seemed to be Chinas highest priority. 当务之急是弄到食物。当务之急是弄到食物。 Getting food was the main priority. Language Points b) uncountable the right to be given attention first and before other people or th

35、ings 优先;优先权优先;优先权 这项计划在所有计划中居优先地位。这项计划在所有计划中居优先地位。 This project has priority over all others. 应优先考虑残疾人。应优先考虑残疾人。 Special priority should be given to the disabled. 他们坚持认为,他们坚持认为, 生存权利应放在其他一切考虑因素生存权利应放在其他一切考虑因素之上。之上。 They insist that the right to live should take priority over all other considerations

36、. 消防车及救护车比其他车辆有优先通行权。消防车及救护车比其他车辆有优先通行权。 Fire engines and ambulances have priority over other traffic. * get your priorities right/straight American English to know what is most important and needs attention first Language Points Language Points 4. rest on/upon: 9line 2, para. 6) a) formal to depend

37、 on something;to be based on a particular idea or set of facts 依靠,仰赖;以依靠,仰赖;以为基础为基础 科学要靠观察。科学要靠观察。 Science rests on observation. 现代文明是以科学和教育为基础的。现代文明是以科学和教育为基础的。 Modern civilization rests on a foundation of science and education. 我相信你的承诺。我相信你的承诺。 I rest upon your promise. 我们把希望寄托在你们身上。我们把希望寄托在你们身上。

38、Our hopes rest on you. 他的论点是有广泛的事实根据的。他的论点是有广泛的事实根据的。 His argument rests on a broad basis of facts. Language Points b) if your eyes rest on something, you notice it and look at it (目光)停留,凝留(目光)停留,凝留 他的双眼他的双眼/ /目光凝视着那张新沙发。目光凝视着那张新沙发。 His eyes/gaze rested on the new sofa. 她的目光慢慢地由下向上打量着,最后停留在他的双她的目光慢慢

39、地由下向上打量着,最后停留在他的双手上。手上。 Her eyes traveled slowly upward and rested on his hands. * rest on your laurels to be satisfied with what you have done, so that you do not make any further effort 满足于既得荣誉,躺在满足于既得荣誉,躺在荣誉上荣誉上 Language Points to be left in the hands of charge of 在于;取决于在于;取决于 这事全怪你。这事全怪你。 The bl

40、ame rests entirely with you. 囚犯的命运由他们发落裁决。囚犯的命运由他们发落裁决。 The prisoners fate rests with them /in their hands. 全由你来决定。全由你来决定。 It rests with you to decide. * rest with Language Points the self especially as contrasted with another self or the world 自我自我 老师的批评伤害了她的自尊心。老师的批评伤害了她的自尊心。 The teachers criticis

41、m injured her ego. 他俩都非常自负并有极大的野心。他俩都非常自负并有极大的野心。 They both have enormous egos and tremendous ambition. 他可能是当代最自负的人了。他可能是当代最自负的人了。 He possibly possessed the most colossal ego of modern times. 5. ego: (line1, para. 6) b) the opinion that you have about yourself 自尊;自负自尊;自负 新来的男生表现得很自负,这使别的同学都讨厌他。新来的男生

42、表现得很自负,这使别的同学都讨厌他。 The new boys display of ego makes the other students dislike him. Language Points an invented person that you use to represent part of your character that is very different from your usual one 第二个我;个性的另一面第二个我;个性的另一面 Gissing used his fictional alter ego to attack Victorian morals.

43、b) someone you trust and who has similar opinions, attitudes etc 知心朋友,知己知心朋友,知己作为他的知己,这是我起码应该做的。作为他的知己,这是我起码应该做的。 As his alter ego, I can hardly do anything less. * an alter ego 吉辛用虚构的第二个我抨击维多利亚时代的道德规范。吉辛用虚构的第二个我抨击维多利亚时代的道德规范。 Language Points n. self-centered or self-seeking act 追名逐利;自私行为;自我表现追名逐利;自

44、私行为;自我表现 Their singers on a real ego trip. * ego-trip v. act in this way 追名逐利;自私地行事;表现自我追名逐利;自私地行事;表现自我 他从不谋求私利,从不想出风头。他从不谋求私利,从不想出风头。 * ego trip 这个歌手真是在追逐名利。这个歌手真是在追逐名利。 He never ego-tripped, never grabbed the spotlight. * ego-tripper n. 追名逐利的人追名逐利的人 有几个图谋私利的人要把这场运动变成自己独占的资产。有几个图谋私利的人要把这场运动变成自己独占的资

45、产。 A few ego-trippers wanted to make the movement their own exclusive property. Language Points a) transitive formal to tell someone about events that have happened to you or to someone else 讲讲, ,讲述讲述, ,叙述叙述 He related to us the story of his escape from the enemy. 她讲述了一个中国姑娘在美国的经历。她讲述了一个中国姑娘在美国的经历。

46、She related the experience of a Chinese girl in the United States. 奥德赛奥德赛叙述特洛伊战争后奥德修斯经历的种种厄运。叙述特洛伊战争后奥德修斯经历的种种厄运。 Odyssey relates the misfortunes of Odysseus after the Trojan War. 6. relate: (line2, para. 7) 他对我们讲了他从敌人手里脱逃的经过。他对我们讲了他从敌人手里脱逃的经过。 Language Points b) intransitive if two things relate, t

47、hey are connected in some way 有关联有关联 我们对与自己有关的事感到关注。我们对与自己有关的事感到关注。 We are interested in what relates to ourselves. c) transitive if you relate two different things, you show how they are connected 使相互关联;证明之间的使相互关联;证明之间的 必然联系必然联系 他力图证明贫穷与犯罪之间的必然联系(把犯罪归咎于他力图证明贫穷与犯罪之间的必然联系(把犯罪归咎于贫穷)贫穷) He sought to re

48、late poverty with crime (relate crime to poverty). synonym: connect Language Points d) intransitive to feel that you understand someones problem, situation etc 发生共鸣,认同;欣赏发生共鸣,认同;欣赏 He tried to project an image the average voter could relate to. 我不能欣赏那种音乐。我不能欣赏那种音乐。 I cant relate to that kind of musi

49、c. 他想要造成一个一般选民可以认同的形象。他想要造成一个一般选民可以认同的形象。 Language Points * related: adj. b) not before noun connected by a family relationship;animals, plants, languages etc that are related belong to the same group 有亲戚或亲缘关系的有亲戚或亲缘关系的 * relating to things that are related are connected in some way 有关的,相关的有关的,相关的 p

50、rep. about or concerning 有关,关于;涉及有关,关于;涉及 Language Points a) always + adverb/preposition to hold someone or something tightly, especially because you do not feel safe 紧紧抓住或抱住紧紧抓住或抱住 The frightened child clung to her mother. 那男孩跑上前去,紧紧抓住他母亲的裙子。那男孩跑上前去,紧紧抓住他母亲的裙子。 The little boy ran and clung to his m

51、others skirt. 7. cling: (line3, para. 8) 受惊的小女孩紧紧抱住她的母亲。受惊的小女孩紧紧抱住她的母亲。 Language Points b) always + adverb/preposition to stick to someone or something, or seem to surround them 粘着;缠着;逗留粘着;缠着;逗留 不去,萦绕不散不去,萦绕不散 泥浆粘在她的鞋上。泥浆粘在她的鞋上。 The mud clung to her shoes. 她穿了一件紧身的丝绸衣服。她穿了一件紧身的丝绸衣服。 She wore a silk

52、dress that clung to her figure. 那气味充斥着房间散不去。那气味充斥着房间散不去。 The odour clung to the room. 这两个伙伴无论到何处,总是形影不离。这两个伙伴无论到何处,总是形影不离。 The two friends cling together wherever they go. Language Points c) to stay close to someone all the time because you are too dependent on them or do not feel safe - used to sho

53、w disapproval 依赖;依附依赖;依附 Shes the clinging sort. 他老是靠母亲抚养。他老是靠母亲抚养。 He clings to his mother for support. 她是那种有依赖性的人。她是那种有依赖性的人。 Language Points d) to continue to believe or do something, even though it may not be true or useful any longer 坚持,墨守坚持,墨守 Many recent immigrants to the city often cling to

54、their small-town values. 那么多年后,他还抱着她会回来的希望。那么多年后,他还抱着她会回来的希望。 After so many years, he was clinging to the hope that she would return. 许多新来这个城市的移民常墨守他们小城市的价值观。许多新来这个城市的移民常墨守他们小城市的价值观。 Language Points a) informal to continue to live after you have been seriously ill or badly injured ( (病痛等病痛等) )好转;得救好

55、转;得救 The doctor knew that the patient was unlikely to make it. 8. make it: (line5, para. 10) 医生知道那个病人没什么希望了。医生知道那个病人没什么希望了。 Language Points b) to be successful at something, for example in your job 办成,做到;成功;发迹办成,做到;成功;发迹 图表显示我们成功了,大大地成功了。图表显示我们成功了,大大地成功了。 The charts showed we had made it, and big. 告

56、诉他今晚我要见他,行的话就在我家。告诉他今晚我要见他,行的话就在我家。 Tell him I want to see him tonight, at my house if he can make it. 他被告知没有天分,作为一名职业歌手永远不会成名。他被告知没有天分,作为一名职业歌手永远不会成名。 He was told he had no talent and would never make it as a professional singer. 他想作为作家而一举成名。他想作为作家而一举成名。 He wants to make it as a writer. Language Po

57、ints c) to succeed in getting somewhere in time for something or when this is difficult 及时抵达;赶上及时抵达;赶上 He wont be able to make it home at Christmastime. 离火车开车还有一些时间,我想如果抓紧,我们能赶离火车开车还有一些时间,我想如果抓紧,我们能赶上。上。 Theres some time before the train leaves, I think we shall make it if we hurry. 圣诞节时他到不了家。圣诞节时他到

58、不了家。 Language Points countable a lazy person; someone who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television 终日懒终日懒 散的人;老泡在电视机前的人散的人;老泡在电视机前的人 A lot of kids today are overweight couch potatoes. 我最不愿意就是和一个终日懒散的人合住。我最不愿意就是和一个终日懒散的人合住。 The last thing I want to do is to share a place with a couch pota

59、to. 参加锻炼的老人要比那些整天看电视的同龄人头脑参加锻炼的老人要比那些整天看电视的同龄人头脑敏锐。敏锐。 Older adults who exercise are mentally sharper than their couch potato peer. 9. couch potato 现在很多孩子都超重,整天泡在电视机前。现在很多孩子都超重,整天泡在电视机前。Language Points transitive to accept or choose something that is offered, suggested, or given to you; receive 接受,接

60、受, 接纳;收入接纳;收入 你接受此人为你合法婚姻的丈夫吗?你接受此人为你合法婚姻的丈夫吗? Do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband? 我不再听你这些无礼的话了。我不再听你这些无礼的话了。 Im not taking any more of your insults. 这家咖啡馆每日营业额为这家咖啡馆每日营业额为200200英镑。英镑。 The caf takes 200 a day. 你愿意以你愿意以15001500镑的价钱出售该车吗?镑的价钱出售该车吗? Will you take 1500 for the car? 10. ta


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